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Two DNA sequences that appear to be homologous to large-subunit mitochondrial ribosomal RNA genes have been identified in the stone crabs Menippe mercenaria and M. adina. Amplification from whole genomic DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with oligonucleotide primers based on conserved portions of large-subunit mitochondrial rRNA genes consistently amplified two products of similar length (565 and 567 bp). These products differed at 3% of their nucleotide bases, and could be distinguished by a HindIII site. Only one of these sequences (designated the A sequence) was detected by PCR in purified mitochondrial DNA. The other (designated the B sequence) hybridized to total genomic DNA at a level consistent with a nuclear genome location. It is unlikely that the type B product would have been recognized as a nuclear copy by examination of its sequence alone. This is the first report of a mitochondrial gene sequence translocated into the nuclear genome of a crustacean.   相似文献   
Stoats are significant predators of native fauna in New Zealand. They occur in many habitat types and consume a wide range of prey. The diet of stoats in the Tasman River, South Canterbury, was studied by analysis of scats and den contents. Analysis of 206 scats showed that stoats ate mainly lagomorphs, birds and invertebrates. Minor components included mice, lizards, fish and hedgehogs. Stoats ate more birds in spring than in autumn, and female stoats ate more invertebrates than did males. The contents of 219 dens collected in the same area at the same time provided further information. Birds and lagomorphs occurred at high frequency in dens, and other components were minor. Remains in dens were larger than in scats and allowed identification of many more prey items to species level. Den contents revealed a potentially substantial impact of stoats on threatened shorebirds locally; this impact was not detected by analysis of scats.  相似文献   
Mechanochemical coupling in spin-labeled, active, isometric muscle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Observed effects of inorganic phosphate (P(i)) on active isometric muscle may provide the answer to one of the fundamental questions in muscle biophysics: how are the free energies of the chemical species in the myosin-catalyzed ATP hydrolysis (ATPase) reaction coupled to muscle force?. Pflugers Arch. 414:73-81) showed that active, isometric muscle force varies logarithmically with [P(i)]. Here, by simultaneously measuring electron paramagnetic resonance and the force of spin-labeled muscle fibers, we show that, in active, isometric muscle, the fraction of myosin heads in any given biochemical state is independent of both [P(i)] and force. These direct observations of mechanochemical coupling in muscle are immediately described by a muscle equation of state containing muscle force as a state variable. These results challenge the conventional assumption mechanochemical coupling is localized to individual myosin heads in muscle.  相似文献   
We investigated the effect of development mode on the spatial and temporal population genetic structure of four littorinid gastropod species. Snails were collected from the same three sites on the west coast of Vancouver Island, Canada in 1997 and again in 2007. DNA sequences were obtained for one mitochondrial gene, cytochrome b ( Cyt b ), and for up to two nuclear genes, heat shock cognate 70 ( HSC70 ) and aminopeptidase N intron ( APN54 ). We found that the mean level of genetic diversity and long-term effective population sizes ( N e) were significantly greater for two species, Littorina scutulata and L. plena , that had a planktotrophic larval stage than for two species, Littorina sitkana and L. subrotundata , that laid benthic egg masses which hatched directly into crawl-away juveniles. Predictably, two poorly dispersing species, L. sitkana and L. subrotundata , showed significant spatial genetic structure at an 11- to 65-km geographical scale that was not observed in the two planktotrophic species. Conversely, the two planktotrophic species had more temporal genetic structure over a 10-year interval than did the two direct-developing species and showed highly significant temporal structure for spatially pooled samples. The greater temporal genetic variation of the two planktotrophic species may have been caused by their high fecundity, high larval dispersal, and low but spatially correlated early survivorship. The sweepstakes-like reproductive success of the planktotrophic species could allow a few related females to populate hundreds of kilometres of coastline and may explain their substantially larger temporal genetic variance but lower spatial genetic variance relative to the direct-developing species.  相似文献   
Multivesicular bodies (MVBs) are spherical endosomal organelles containing small vesicles formed by inward budding of the limiting membrane into the endosomal lumen. In mammalian red cells and cells of immune system, MVBs fuse with the plasma membrane in an exocytic manner, leading to release their contents including internal vesicles into the extracellular space. These released vesicles are termed exosomes. Transmission electron microscopy studies have shown that paramural vesicles situated between the plasma membrane and the cell wall occur in various cell wall-associated processes and are similar to exosomes both in location and in morphology. Our recent studies have revealed that MVBs and paramural vesicles proliferate when cell wall appositions are rapidly deposited beneath fungal penetration attempts or during plugging of plasmodesmata between hypersensitive cells and their intact neighboring cells. This indicates a potential secretion of exosome-like vesicles into the extracellular space by fusion of MVBs with the plasma membrane. This MVB-mediated secretion pathway was proposed on the basis of pioneer studies of MVBs and paramural vesicles in plants some forty years ago. Here, we recall the attention to the occurrence of MVB-mediated secretion of exosomes in plants.Key Words: cell wall, endocytosis, endosome, exocytosis, exosome, multivesicular body, paramural bodyMultivesicular bodies (MVBs) are spherical endosomal organelles containing a number of small vesicles formed by inward budding of the limiting membrane into the endosomal lumen.1 MVBs contain endocytosed cargoes and deliver them into lysosomal/vacuolar compartments for degradation. They also incorporate newly synthesized proteins destined for lysosomal/vacuolar compartments.2 In mammalian cells of hematopoietic origin, endosomal MVBs function in removal of endocytosed surface proteins in an exocytic manner. They are redirected to the plasma membrane, where they release their contents including internal vesicles into the extracellular space by membrane fusion. The released vesicles are termed exosomes.3 During reticulocyte maturation to erythrocyte, a group of surface proteins, such as the transferrin receptor, become obsolete and are discarded via MVB-mediated secretion.3 Time-course transmission electron microscopy (TEM) first revealed that colloidal gold-transferrin was internalized into MVBs via receptor-mediated endocytosis and then transferrin together with its receptor were delivered into the extracellular space via the fusion of MVBs with the plasma membrane of reticulocytes.4 Some other cell types of hematopoietic origin, such as activated platelets, cytotoxic T cells and antigen-presenting cells, also secrete exosomes. Exosomes thus may play a role in various physiological processes other than discarding obsolete proteins.3Our recent TEM studies provided ultrastructural evidence on the enhanced vesicle trafficking in barley leaf cells attacked by the biotrophic powdery mildew fungus. Multivesicular compartments including MVBs, intravacuolar MVBs, and paramural bodies turned out to proliferate in intact host cells during formation of cell wall appositions (papilla response), in the hypersensitive response, and during accommodation of haustoria.5,6 MVBs proliferated in the cytoplasm of haustorium-containing epidermal cells during compatible interactions and near sites of cell wall-associated oxidative microburst either during the papilla response or during the hypersensitive response. Because MVBs in plant cells have been demonstrated to be endosomal compartments,79 they may participate in internalization of nutrients from the apoplast of intact haustorium-containing epidermal cells and sequestration of damaged membranes and deleterious materials originating from the oxidative microburst.5,6 The presence of intravacuolar MVBs with double limiting membranes (Fig. 1A) indicates an engulfment of MVBs by the tonoplast and a vacuole-mediated autophagy of MVBs.5,6 MVBs, as prevacuolar compartments in plant cells,9 thus probably deliver their contents into the central vacuole via both the fusion with the tonoplast and the engulfment by the tonoplast (Fig. 2A and B). On the other hand, paramural bodies, in which small vesicles are situated between the cell wall and the plasma membrane, were associated with cell wall appositions deposited beneath fungal penetration attempts (Fig. 1B) or around hypersensitive cells including sites of plugged plasmodesmata (Fig. 1C and D).5,6 Because paramural vesicles are similar to exosomes both in location and in morphology, we speculated that MVBs fuse with the plasma membrane in an exocytic manner to form paramural bodies.5,6 Endocytosed cell surface materials in endosomal MVBs may be reused and delivered together with newly synthesized materials in Golgi apparatus-derived vesicles to cell wall appositions, which are deposited rapidly to prevent fungal penetration (Fig. 2A) or to contain hypersensitive cell death (Fig. 2B). MVBs thus may be driven along two distinct pathways to deliver their contents into either central vacuole or extracellular space.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Multivesicular compartments in intact cells in barley leaves attacked by the barley powdery mildew fungus. (A) An intravacuolar multivesicular body (MVB) with double limiting membranes in an intact epidermal cell (EC) adjacent to a hypersensitive epidermal cell (EC*). The arrows point to the outer limiting membrane, which is seemingly derived from the tonoplast. Note that neighboring intravacuolar vesicles (in between two arrowheads) may result from degradation of double limiting membranes of intravacuolar MVBs or may be delivered into the vacuole by MVB-fusion with the tonoplast. (B) Paramural vesicles (arrowheads) in a paramural body associated with cell wall appositions (asterisk) deposited by an intact epidermal cell. (C) A multivesicular body (MVB) in contact with a paramural body (PMB) (a nonmedian section) associated with cell wall appositions (asterisk) deposited by an intact mesophyll cell adjacent to a hypersensitive mesophyll cell. Note that cell wall appositions deposit beside an intercellular space (IS). The arrows point to the tonoplast. (D) A paramural body (PMB) associated with cell wall appositions (asterisks) blocking plasmodesmata (in between two arrowheads) at the side of an intact mesophyll cell (MC) underlying a hypersensitive epidermal cell (EC*). The arrows point to the tonoplast. CV, central vacuole; CW, cell wall; MB, microbody. Bars, 1µm.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Hypothetical diagram of delivery of endocytosed cell surface materials via MVBs into the central vacuole or the extracellular space where intact barley cells deposit cell wall appositions. (A) Deposition of cell wall appositions (asterisk) beneath powdery mildew penetration attempts. AGT, appressorial germ tube; PP, penetration peg. (B) Deposition of cell wall appositions (asterisks) against constricted plasmodesmata (PD) between a hypersensitive epidermal cell (EC) penetrated by the powdery mildew fungus and an underlying mesophyll cell (MC). H, haustorium. Arrows and numbers show pathways of vesicle trafficking. 1, Secretion of Golgi-derived vesicles containing newly synthesized materials; G, Golgi body; TGN, trans-Golgi network; 2, Endocytosis of cell surface materials from coated pits (coated open circles) via coated vesicles (coated circles) to multivesicular bodies (MVB); 3, Delivery of endocytosed materials for degradation inside the central vacuole (CV) via membrane fusion between MVBs and the tonoplast (T); small broken circles, vesicles in degradation; 4, Delivery of endocytosed materials for degradation inside the central vacuole via engulfment of MVBs by the tonoplast; large broken circles; MVB limiting membranes in degradation; 5, delivery of endocytosed materials into the extracellular space for deposition of cell wall appositions (asterisks) via membrane fusion between MVBs and the plasma membrane (PM). CW, cell wall; PMB, paramural body. PD0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 represent stages of plugging plasmodesmata. PD0, open plasmodesmata between two intact mesophyll cells (MC) subjacent to the hypersensitive epidermal cell (EC); PD1, constriction of plasmodesmata by callose (grey dots) deposition at plasmodesmal neck region; PD2, constricted plasmodesmata associated with plasmodesma-targeted secretion; PD3, further blocking of plasmodesmata by deposition of cell wall appositions; PD4, completely blocked plasmodesmata.Earlier than the discovery in animal cell systems,4 it was proposed in two independent papers in 1967 that the fusion of MVBs with the plasma membrane might result in the release of small vesicles into the extracellular space in fungi and in higher plants.10,11 Several lines of evidence support the occurrence of MVB-mediated secretion of exosome-like vesicles in plants. First, vesicles of the same morphology as MVB internal vesicles have been observed in extracellular spaces or paramural spaces in various types of plant cells in various plant species by TEM.12 An early study on endocytosis by soybean protoplasts also showed small extracellular vesicles attaching on the plasma membrane.8 Second, cooccurrence of MVBs and paramural vesicles has been observed in processes of cell proliferation, cell differentiation, and cell response to abiotic and biotic stress. Examples are cell plate formation,13,14 secondary wall thickening,15,16 cold hardness,17,18 and deposition of cell wall appositions upon pathogen attack.5,6,1921 Third, identical molecular components, such as arabinogalactan proteins22,23 and peroxidases,6 have been immunolocalized in both MVBs and paramural bodies. Despite these pieces of evidence, a conclusive demonstration of MVB-mediated secretion of exosomes in plants requires further exploration.The presently available experimental systems, approaches, and membrane markers may allow future demonstration of MVB-mediated secretion of exosomes in plants. Recent in vivo real-time observation and colocalization of cell surface and endosomal markers have already revealed that endosomes filled with endocytosed preexisting cell wall and plasma membrane materials are rapidly delivered to cytokinetic spaces to form cell plates in dividing tobacco, Arabidopsis, and maize cells.24 Because TEM observed paramural bodies attaching to cell plates13 and MVBs in the vicinity of cell plates during all stages of cell plate formation,14,25,26 MVBs and paramural bodies may participate in delivery of endocytosed building blocks to cell plates. Jiang''s and Robinson''s labs together developed a transgenic tobacco BY-2 cell line stably expressing a YFP-labeled vacuolar sorting receptor protein and antibodies against the vacuolar sorting receptor protein localized to the limiting membrane of MVBs.9 These tools together with live cell imaging and immunoelectron microscopy may allow visualization of MVB-fusion to the new plasma membrane, of vacuolar sorting receptors in both the limiting membrane of MVBs and the new plasma membrane, and of identical cell plate components in both internal vesicles of MVBs and paramural vesicles.In spite of obvious differences in plant and animal cytokinesis, the generation of cell plates by cell-plate-directed fusion of endosomes resembles the plugging of midbody canals by midbody-directed endosomes to separate daughter cells at the terminal phase of animal cytokinesis.27 Likely, functional similarities of the fusion between endosomal MVBs and the plasma membrane to eliminate unwanted cell contents may also exist in maturation of mammalian red blood cells and plant sieve elements in the sense that the fusion of MVBs with the plasma membrane may occur during maturation of the latter.28 On the other hand, although plant cells may secrete MVB-derived exosomes in defense response upon pathogen attack,5,6 plant cell walls rule out the direct intercellular communication during the immune response mediated by exosomes in the circulation of mammals.3 In contrast, plasmodesma-directed secretion of exosomes would block the cell-to-cell communication between hypersensitive cells and their neighboring cells during hypersensitive response.5 Further exploration will lead us to a better understanding of similarities and differences of exosome secretion between plants and animals.  相似文献   
Stochastic phenotype switching - or bet hedging - is a pervasive feature of living systems and common in bacteria that experience fluctuating (unpredictable) environmental conditions. Under such conditions, the capacity to generate variable offspring spreads the risk of being maladapted in the present environment, against offspring likely to have some chance of survival in the future. While a rich subject for theoretical studies, little is known about the selective causes responsible for the evolutionary emergence of stochastic phenotype switching. Here we review recent work - both theoretical and experimental - that sheds light on ecological factors that favour switching types over non-switching types. Of particular relevance is an experiment that provided evidence for an adaptive origin of stochastic phenotype switching by subjecting bacterial populations to a selective regime that mimicked essential features of the host immune response. Central to the emergence of switching types was frequent imposition of 'exclusion rules' and 'population bottlenecks' - two complementary faces of frequency dependent selection. While features of the immune response, exclusion rules and bottlenecks are likely to operate in many natural environments. Together these factors define a set of selective conditions relevant to the evolution of stochastic switching, including antigenic variation and bacterial persistence.  相似文献   
Protein domains are generally thought to correspond to units of evolution. New research raises questions about how such domains are defined with bioinformatics tools and sheds light on how evolution has enabled partial domains to be viable.With the rapid expansion in the number of determined protein sequences - over 92 million in UniProt in March 2015 - an ever-increasing number of biologists are using bioinformatics tools for annotation of these sequences. One widely used strategy is to identify occurrences of Pfam families within the sequence of interest [1]. A Pfam family is a multiple sequence alignment of the occurrences of a particular domain both in different species and in different regions of the same protein. The concept underpinning Pfam is that proteins typically comprise one or more domains (regions), each of which is an evolutionary unit that generally has a well-defined biological function. A significant sequence similarity between a query protein and a Pfam family provides the basis for annotations. Two recent articles [2,3] in Genome Biology evaluate the implications of having the query sequence only matching part of a Pfam family, which is an intriguing finding, given that a Pfam family is considered to be an evolutionary unit.  相似文献   
Predation by the phytoseiid mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis, is considered a major threat to the effectiveness of biological control of gorse, Ulex europaeus, using Tetranychus lintearius. To assess this threat and to determine if the impact of P. persimilis on T. lintearius populations is comparable to its impact on T. urticae populations, its development and predator : prey generation time ratios were assessed. The pre-adult mortality and development time of two populations of P. persimilis fed on two diets, T. urticae and T. lintearius, were determined at two temperatures, 14 and 24°C. There were no significant differences in either mortality or development time between the two populations of P. persimilis at these temperatures. There is therefore no evidence that the two tested populations of P. persimilis are behaving as different strains. Similarly, diet had no significant effect on either mortality or development time at these temperatures. At 14°C the mortality of P. persimilis was significantly higher and development was significantly longer than at 24°C. Using pre-adult development as a surrogate for generation times, predator : prey generation time ratios were calculated between P. persimilis and both T. urticae and T. lintearius using data from this and other studies. The predator : prey generation time ratios between P. persimilis and T. lintearius were lower than those between P. persimilis and T. urticae. These results indicate that the impact of P. persimilis on T. lintearius populations is likely to be comparable to its impact on T. urticae populations. This provides further evidence that predation by P. persimilis is having a deleterious effect on T. lintearius populations and therefore reducing its effectiveness as a biological control agent for gorse.  相似文献   
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