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Hydrogen peroxide at concentrations from 0.1 to 20 μM enhances phagocytosis and oxidative burst of murine peritoneal macrophages. The activation of these macrophage functions is paralled by prolonged hyperpolarization and a transient increase in cytoplasmic free calcium concentration. All the effects are dose- and time-dependent. The results obtained for H2O2 are compared with those for a natural activator, peptide N-formyl-methionyl-leucly-phenylalanine. The data demonstrate the ability of small doses of hydrogen peroxide to stimulate macrophages through the intracellular mechanisms of ion transduction.  相似文献   
Driven by climate change, marine biodiversity is undergoing a phase of rapid change that has proven to be even faster than changes observed in terrestrial ecosystems. Understanding how these changes in species composition will affect future marine life is crucial for conservation management, especially due to increasing demands for marine natural resources. Here, we analyse predictions of a multiparameter habitat suitability model covering the global projected ranges of >33,500 marine species from climate model projections under three CO2 emission scenarios (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP8.5) up to the year 2100. Our results show that the core habitat area will decline for many species, resulting in a net loss of 50% of the core habitat area for almost half of all marine species in 2100 under the high-emission scenario RCP8.5. As an additional consequence of the continuing distributional reorganization of marine life, gaps around the equator will appear for 8% (RCP2.6), 24% (RCP4.5), and 88% (RCP8.5) of marine species with cross-equatorial ranges. For many more species, continuous distributional ranges will be disrupted, thus reducing effective population size. In addition, high invasion rates in higher latitudes and polar regions will lead to substantial changes in the ecosystem and food web structure, particularly regarding the introduction of new predators. Overall, our study highlights that the degree of spatial and structural reorganization of marine life with ensued consequences for ecosystem functionality and conservation efforts will critically depend on the realized greenhouse gas emission pathway.  相似文献   
This ethnography contributes to the field of Holocaust heritage studies by exploring the paradoxical tendencies of memorial proliferation and oblivion. The topic of investigation is the genesis and multiplications of the so-called ‘Anne Frank Tree’, the horse chestnut tree behind the Secret Annex that Anne Frank wrote about in her diary. Fungus-infected, the tree fell in 2010. The Anne Frank Tree testifies to both the terrible fate of the European Jews and the shelter offered to some. Therefore, its eventual safeguarding, whether by conservation or multiplication, became a topic of concern worldwide. Following the roots and routes of the Anne Frank Tree legacy (stump, seedlings, grafts, wood, and chestnuts), this article examines the processes of sacralization that have stirred the material's vivid proliferation and, importantly, the burden which the accumulating material subsequently imposes on the people in charge of it. The case sheds light on the tendency of the sacred to proliferate, often to the extent of excess. Paradoxically, this tendency threatens to undo the sacrality.  相似文献   
Fine root productivity was estimated in a lowland tropical rain forest at Los Tuxtlas (SE Mexico) and examined in relation to climatic factors. Two root diameter classes were defined (class I,<1 mm; class II, 1–3 mm). Total root productivity was estimated to 1.95 t ha–1 year–1, a value which is lower than those reported from other rain forest sites. Significant differences in root dry weight were found among months and between diameter classes throughout the year. Class I monthly means formed two groups: one corresponding to the months of highest precipitation, and the other to the relatively dry season. Class II monthly means also formed two groups, although these were unrelated to the regional precipitation pattern. A multiplicative regression model of productivity on precipitation was significant for both root classes when rainfall data of the previous month were used, while a linear regression model was significant only for class I roots when temperature data of two months before were used; these results suggest a delay in the effect of climatic conditions on root productivity. While the seasonal pattern of root productivity is clearly related to the annual rainfall distribution, the low total annual productivity may be related to the very high soil fertility at Los Tuxtlas.  相似文献   
A method for the quantification of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF, CellCept) in plasma using solid-phase extraction and HPLC is described here. A solution of internal standard is added to a 0.5-ml plasma aliquot. The resulting sample is treated with water and dilute HCl and applied to a C18 solid-phase extraction column. After a water wash, the MMF and internal standard are eluted with methanol-0.1 M citrate-phosphate buffer, pH 2.6 (80:20, v/v). A 20-μl aliquot of the eluate is injected onto a C18 column (5 μm particle size, 150 × 4.6 mm I.D.) and eluted at ambient temperature with acetonitrile-0.05 M citrate-phosphate buffer, pH 3.6, containing 0.02 M heptanesulfonic acid (41:59, v/v). Quantification is achieved by UV detection at 254 nm. The method is reproducible, accurate and specific for MMF. Using 0.5 ml of plasma for analysis, the quantification limit is 0.400 μg/ml and the range is 0.400–20 μg/ml. Based on the stability profile of MMF in plasma, it is recommended that blood samples collected following intravenous infusion be immediately stored on ice and that plasma be prepared rapidly, immediately stored frozen at −80°C and analyzed within four months of collection.  相似文献   
A clone isolated from a Drosophila auraria heat-shock cDNA library presents two long, antiparallel, coupled (LAC) open reading frames (ORFs). One strand ORF is 1,929 nucleotides long and exhibits great identity (87.5% at the nucleotide level and 94% at the amino acid level) with the hsp70 gene copies of D. melanogaster, while the second strand ORF, in antiparallel in-frame register arrangement, is 1,839 nucleotides long and exhibits 32% identity with a putative, recently identified, NAD+-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD+-GDH). The overlap of the two ORFs is 1,824 nucleotides long. Computational analysis shows that this LAC ORF arrangement is conserved in other hsp70 loci in a wide range of organisms, raising questions about possible evolutionary benefits of such a peculiar genomic organization.Correspondence to: Z.G. Scouras  相似文献   
The autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias (ADCA) are clinically and genetically heterogeneous. To date, several loci (SCAI-V) have been identified for ADCA type I. We have studied two large families from the northern part of The Netherlands with ADCA type I with a broad intra-familial variation of symptoms. In both families significant linkage is shown of the disease to the markers of the SCA3 locus on chromosome 14. Through recombinations, the candidate region for SCA3 could be refined to a 13-cM range between D14S256 and D14S81. No recombinations were detected with the markers D14S291 and D14S280, which suggests that the SCA3 gene lies close to these loci. This finding will benefit the individuals at risk in these two families who are seeking predictive testing or prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   
The effect of ethylene on petiole growth of the Fringed Waterlily (Nymphoides peltata (S.G. Gmelin) O. Kuntze) changes during leaf ontogeny. During early development (before expansion of laminae), ethylene causes an increase in both cell number and cell size; later in development, promotion of rapid cell expansion is the dominant effect. The early effects may contribute to the accommodation of new leaves to water columns of different depth. The later effects on cell expansion only are shown to contribute to the rapid accommodation of floating leaves when changes in water level submerge the laminae. This kind of accommodation results from an interaction between accumulated ethylene, which increases wall extensibility, and the tension in petioles due to natural buoyancy which, it is suggested, supplements the driving force for cell expansion. Cell age (position) within a petiole and age of the whole petiole influence the growth response to ethylene alone and the amount of extra growth produced by applying tension when ethylene is present. In young petioles, apical cells are highly sensitive to ethylene and tension causes little further growth; older cells in both immature and mature petioles show little response to ethylene unless the petiole is under tension. Young (but not mature) petioles respond slowly to applied tension even in the absence of ethylene. It is concluded that as cells age the driving force for expansion limits increasingly their capacity to respond to the wall-loosening effects of ethylene. Dual sensitivity to ethylene and buoyant tension facilitates rapid accommodation responses but sensitivity of young petioles to tension alone may exclude Nymphoides from habitats where current velocity is appreciable.  相似文献   
The isolated rabbit pancreas secretes a fluid containing chloride and bicarbonate in about equal concentrations. Replacement of bicarbonate by acetate, phosphate or isethionate, replacement of Na+ by Li+ and addition of ouabain to the bathing medium of the pancreas inhibit the secretion of fluid, chloride and bicarbonate in a similar fashion and by maximally 100%. Replacement of chloride by isethionate inhibits fluid secretion by maximally 50%, chloride secretion by 90% and bicarbonate secretion by 20%. It is concluded that fluid secretion is based on a Na+-gradient-dependent bicarbonate influx or proton efflux in the ductular cell, and that the secretion of chloride is secondary to that of bicarbonate.  相似文献   
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