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Floral biology, reproduction, pollinator specificity, and fruit set of Cirrhaea dependens were recorded in forest areas of Southeastern Brazil. Cirrhaea dependens is a lithophytic or epiphytic herb occurring very sparsely below dense canopies. Nearly all the flowers of a single plant open simultaneously before dawn. They are short-lasting and offer floral fragrances as rewards, which are collected by male euglossine bees. Observations carried out in mesophytic forests at Serra do Japi revealed that Euglossa VIRIDIS is their principal pollinator, with Eufriesea violacea a sporadic co-pollinator. Visitation started soon after flower opening, and attractiveness remained high for about 2 h, decreasing abruptly at sunrise. Flower anthesis with subsequent fragrance release seems to be correlated with bee attraction. Observations using chemical baits were carried out at Serra do Japi, and in the Atlantic Rain Forest of Picinguaba. Three euglossine species were captured with pollinaria of C. dependens in Picinguaba, whereas only E. violacea was attracted in Serra do Japi. In Picinguaba, C. dependens occurs sympatrically with C. saccata and C. loddigesii. Each species attracted different pollinators. The specificity and resulting reproductive isolation are due to the production of different odours by each orchid species. Cirrhaea dependens is self-compatible but pollinator-dependent. The reproductive success was low and appears to result from a combination of factors discussed here, such as the production of short-lived flowers, presence of floral mechanisms avoiding self-pollination, non-synchronization of flower phases among plants, and populations with few and sparsely distributed individuals.  相似文献   
Computational methods and experimental data are used to provide structural models for NaChBac, the homo-tetrameric voltage-gated sodium channel from the bacterium Bacillus halodurans, with a closed and partially open pore domain. Molecular dynamic (MD) simulations on membrane-bound homo-tetrameric NaChBac structures, each comprising six helical transmembrane segments (labeled S1 through S6), reveal that the shape of the lumen, which is defined by the bundle of four alpha-helical S6 segments, is modulated by hinge bending motions around the S6 glycine residues. Mutation of these glycine residues into proline and alanine affects, respectively, the structure and conformational flexibility of the S6 bundle. In the closed channel conformation, a cluster of stacked phenylalanine residues from the four S6 helices hinders diffusion of water molecules and Na(+) ions. Activation of the voltage sensor domains causes destabilization of the aforementioned cluster of phenylalanines, leading to a more open structure. The conformational change involving the phenylalanine cluster promotes a kink in S6, suggesting that channel gating likely results from the combined action of hinge-bending motions of the S6 bundle and concerted reorientation of the aromatic phenylalanine side-chains.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate whether treatment with tributyrin (Tb; a butyrate prodrug) results in protection against diet-induced obesity and associated insulin resistance. C57BL/6 male mice fed a standard chow or high-fat diet were treated with Tb (2 g/kg body wt, 10 wk) and evaluated for glucose homeostasis, plasma lipid profile, and inflammatory status. Tb protected mice against obesity and obesity-associated insulin resistance and dyslipidemia without food consumption being affected. Tb attenuated the production of TNFα and IL-1β by peritoneal macrophages and their expression in adipose tissue. Furthermore, in the adipose tissue, Tb reduced the expression of MCP-1 and infiltration by leukocytes and restored the production of adiponectin. These effects were associated with a partial reversion of hepatic steatosis, reduction in liver and skeletal muscle content of phosphorylated JNK, and an improvement in muscle insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and Akt signaling. Although part of the beneficial effects of Tb are likely to be secondary to the reduction in body weight, we also found direct protective actions of butyrate reducing TNFα production after LPS injection and in vitro by LPS- or palmitic acid-stimulated macrophages and attenuating lipolysis in vitro and in vivo. The results, reported herein, suggest that Tb may be useful for the treatment and prevention of obesity-related metabolic disorders.  相似文献   
We report on the genome sequences of Lactobacillus vini type strain LMG 23202(T) (DSM 20605) (isolated from fermenting grape musts in Spain) and the industrial strain L. vini JP7.8.9 (isolated from a bioethanol plant in northeast Brazil). All contigs were assembled using gsAssembler, and genes were predicted and annotated using Rapid Annotation using Subsystem Technology (RAST). The identified genome sequence of LMG 23202(T) had 2.201.333 bp, 37.6% G+C, and 1,833 genes, whereas the identified genome sequence of JP7.8.9 had 2.301.037 bp, 37.8% G+C, and 1,739 genes. The gene repertoire of the species L. vini offers promising opportunities for biotechnological applications.  相似文献   
Zebrafish are currently used at various stages of the drug discovery process and can be a useful and cost-effective alternative to some mammalian models. Nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in physiology of zebrafish. The availability of appropriate analytical techniques to quantify the NO is crucial for studying its role in physiological and pathological conditions. This work aimed at establishing a high-performance liquid chromatography method for determination of NO levels in zebrafish larvae. Attempts were also made to assess the normal levels of NO at the first days postfertilization and the possible changes under pathological conditions. The method validation was quantitatively evaluated in terms of sensitivity, specificity, precision, accuracy, linearity, and recovery. NO levels from zebrafish larvae at the first days postfertilization and larvae challenged to N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, sodium nitroprusside, Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide, and copper sulfate were analyzed. The samples were derivatized with 2,3-diaminonaphthalene, and fluorescence detection was used for the indirect determination of NO. The method showed a good performance for all validation parameters evaluated and was efficient to monitor changes in NO concentration under physiological and pathophysiological conditions. This method might represent a powerful tool to be applied in NO studies with zebrafish larvae.  相似文献   
Ochnaceae s.l. (Ochnaceae, Quiinaceae and Medusagynaceae), one of the well‐supported subclades of the large order Malpighiales retrieved so far in molecular phylogenetic studies, were comparatively studied with regard to floral structure using microtome section series and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Floral morphology, anatomy and histology also strongly reflect this close relationship. Potential synapomorphies of the subclade include: flowers nectarless, sepals of different sizes within a flower, petals not retarded in development and forming the protective organs of advanced floral buds, petal aestivation contort, petals with three vascular traces, petals reflexed over the sepals and directed toward the pedicel, polystemony, anthers almost or completely basifixed, gynoecium often with more than five carpels, short gynophore present, styles separate for at least their uppermost part and radiating outwards, suction‐cup‐shaped stigmas, vasculature forming a dorsal band of bundles in the upper stylar region, gynoecium epidermis with large, radially elongate cells, ovules either weakly crassinucellar or incompletely tenuinucellar with an endothelium, abundance of tanniferous tissues and sclerenchyma in floral organs. The most strongly supported subclade of two of the three families in molecular analyses, Quiinaceae and Medusagynaceae, is also particularly well supported by floral structural features, including the presence of functionally and morphologically unisexual flowers, a massive thecal septum that persists after anther dehiscence, styles radiating outward from the ovary, two lateral ovules per carpel, positioned one above the other, conspicuous longitudinal ribs on the ovary wall at anthesis, and a ‘false endothelium’ on the nucellus at anthesis. Additionally, the group fits well in Malpighiales and further emphasizes the relationship of Malpighiales with Celastrales and Oxalidales, and thus the unity of the COM clade. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 170 , 299–392.  相似文献   
Information technology has revolutionized the traditional structure of markets. The removal of geographical and time constraints has fostered the growth of online auction markets, which now include millions of economic agents worldwide and annual transaction volumes in the billions of dollars. Here, we analyze bid histories of a little studied type of online auctions--lowest unique bid auctions. Similarly to what has been reported for foraging animals searching for scarce food, we find that agents adopt Lévy flight search strategies in their exploration of "bid space". The Lévy regime, which is characterized by a power-law decaying probability distribution of step lengths, holds over nearly three orders of magnitude. We develop a quantitative model for lowest unique bid online auctions that reveals that agents use nearly optimal bidding strategies. However, agents participating in these auctions do not optimize their financial gain. Indeed, as long as there are many auction participants, a rational profit optimizing agent would choose not to participate in these auction markets.  相似文献   
Sterculic acid is a cyclopropene fatty acid with numerous biological activities. In this study we demonstrate that sterculic acid is a potent inhibitor of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and related inflammation caused by 7-ketocholesterol (7KCh). 7KCh is a highly toxic oxysterol suspected in the pathogenesis of various age-related diseases such as atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and age-related macular degeneration. Sterculic acid demonstrated to be 5-10 times more effective than other anti-inflammatory fatty acids at inhibiting 7KCh-mediated inflammatory responses in cultured cells. In vivo, sterculic acid was effective at inhibiting the formation of choroidal neovascularization (CNV) in the laser-injury rat model. Our data suggests that sterculic acid may be useful in treating CNV in certain forms of age-related macular degeneration.  相似文献   
Lineages undergoing rapid radiations provide exceptional opportunities for studying speciation and adaptation, but also represent a challenge for molecular systematics because retention of ancestral polymorphisms and the occurrence of hybridization can obscure relationships among lineages. Dolphins in the subfamily Delphininae are one such case. Non-monophyly, rapid speciation events, and discordance between morphological and molecular characters have made the inference of phylogenetic relationships within this subfamily very difficult. Here we approach this problem by applying multiple methods intended to estimate species trees using a multi-gene dataset for the Delphininae (Sousa, Sotalia, Stenella, Tursiops, Delphinus and Lagenodelphis). Incongruent gene trees obtained indicate that incomplete lineage sorting and possibly hybridization are confounding the inference of species history in this group. Nonetheless, using coalescent-based methods, we have been able to extract an underlying species-tree signal from divergent histories of independent genes. This is the first time a molecular study provides support for such relationships. This study further illustrates how methods of species-tree inference can be very sensitive both to the characteristics of the dataset and the evolutionary processes affecting the evolution of the group under study.  相似文献   
Xanthomonas citri ssp. citri (Xcc) is the causal agent of citrus canker. This bacterium develops a characteristic biofilm on both biotic and abiotic surfaces. A biofilm‐deficient mutant was identified in a screening of a transposon mutagenesis library of the Xcc 306 strain constructed using the commercial Tn5 transposon EZ‐Tn5 <KAN‐2> Tnp Transposome (Epicentre). Sequence analysis of a mutant obtained in the screening revealed that a single copy of the EZ‐Tn5 was inserted at position 446 of hrpM, a gene encoding a putative enzyme involved in glucan synthesis. We demonstrate for the first time that the product encoded by the hrpM gene is involved in β‐1,2‐glucan synthesis in Xcc. A mutation in hrpM resulted in no disease symptoms after 4 weeks of inoculation in lemon and grapefruit plants. The mutant also showed reduced ability to swim in soft agar and decreased resistance to H 2 O 2 in comparison with the wild‐type strain. All defective phenotypes were restored to wild‐type levels by complementation with the plasmid pBBR1‐MCS containing an intact copy of the hrpM gene and its promoter. These results indicate that the hrpM gene contributes to Xcc growth and adaptation in its host plant.  相似文献   
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