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TRF2 is a component of shelterin, the protein complex that protects the ends of mammalian chromosomes. TRF2 is essential for telomere capping owing to its roles in suppressing an ATM-dependent DNA damage response (DDR) at chromosome ends and inhibiting end-to-end chromosome fusions. Mice deficient for TRF2 are early embryonic lethal. However, the role of TRF2 in later stages of development and in the adult organism remains largely unaddressed, with the exception of liver, where TRF2 was found to be dispensable for maintaining tissue function. Here, we study the impact of TRF2 conditional deletion in stratified epithelia by generating the TRF2∆/∆-K5-Cre mouse model, which targets TRF2 deletion to the skin from embryonic day E11.5. In marked contrast to TRF2 deletion in the liver, TRF2∆/∆-K5-Cre mice show lethality in utero reaching 100% lethality perinataly. At the molecular and cellular level, TRF2 deletion provokes induction of an acute DDR at telomeres, leading to activation of p53 signaling pathways and to programed cell death since the time of Cre expression at E11.5. Unexpectedly, neither inhibition of the NHEJ pathway by abrogation of 53BP1 nor inhibition of DDR by p53 deficiency rescued these severe phenotypes. Instead, TRF2 deletion provokes an extensive epidermal cell death accompanied by severe inflammation already at E16.5 embryos, which are independent of p53. These results are in contrast with conditional deletion of TRF1 and TPP1 in the skin, where p53 deficiency rescued the associated skin phenotypes, highlighting the comparatively more essential role of TRF2 in skin homeostasis.  相似文献   

Isolation and structural determinations of iridoid glucosides from Tecoma arequipensis (Sprague) Sandw. and Skytanthus acutus Meyen are reported. The two species are characterized by the co-occurrence of iridoid glucosides and monoterpene alkaloids.  相似文献   
Indirect reciprocity, one of the many mechanisms proposed to explain the evolution of cooperation, is the idea that altruistic actions can be rewarded by third parties. Upstream or generalized reciprocity is one type of indirect reciprocity in which individuals help someone if they have been helped by somebody else in the past. Although empirically found to be at work in humans, the evolution of upstream reciprocity is difficult to explain from a theoretical point of view. A recent model of upstream reciprocity, first proposed by Nowak and Roch (2007) and further analyzed by Iwagami and Masuda (2010), shows that while upstream reciprocity alone does not lead to the evolution of cooperation, it can act in tandem with mechanisms such as network reciprocity and increase the total level of cooperativity in the population. We argue, however, that Nowak and Roch's model systematically leads to non-uniform interaction rates, where more cooperative individuals take part in more games than less cooperative ones. As a result, the critical benefit-to-cost ratios derived under this model in previous studies are not invariant with respect to the addition of participation costs. We show that accounting for these costs can hinder and even suppress the evolution of upstream reciprocity, both for populations with non-random encounters and graph-structured populations.  相似文献   
Yawning, besides being a spontaneous behavior, can also be evoked by observing others yawn. However, contagious yawning does not always occur, depending possibly on several factors, such as one’s propensity to spontaneously yawn and a heightened level of sleepiness. The aim of this study is to investigate in young adults whether contagious yawning frequency varies throughout the day, and if it is related to the daily time course of spontaneous yawning frequency and level of sleepiness. For the study, 22 subjects were instructed to log hourly, throughout wakefulness, the number of spontaneous yawns and sleepiness level. Subjects were required to continue this procedure for 3 consecutive days, after which they underwent five experimental sessions occurring at regular intervals throughout the same day. During each experimental session, subjects observed others yawn (stimulus condition) and smile (control condition). Our findings show that the contagious effect of yawning is always present throughout the daytime. Both contagious and spontaneous yawning peaked in the early morning and in the late evening, according to the sleepiness time course. However, the frequency of spontaneous yawns was remarkably lower than the frequency of contagious yawns around 19:00. This difference suggests that different mechanisms control spontaneous and contagious yawning.  相似文献   
We report analyses of a Brazilian study of early onset schizophrenia (BEOS) families. We genotyped 22 members of 4 families on a linkage SNP array and report here non-parametric linkage analyses using MERLIN® software. We found suggestive evidence for linkage on two chromosomal regions, 13q32 and 11p15.4. A LOD score of 2.71 was observed at 13q32 with a one LOD interval extending from 60.63–92.35 cM. From simulations, this LOD score gave a genome-wide empirical corrected p = 0.33, after accounting for all markers tested. Similarly 11p15.4 showed the same maximum LOD of 2.71 and a narrower one LOD interval of 4–14 cM. Of these, 13q32 has been reported to be linked to schizophrenia by multiple different studies. Thus, our study provides additional supporting evidence for an aetiological role of variants at 13q32 in schizophrenia.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to investigate whether subjective well-being in patients under treatment with typical (ATPs) and atypical antipsychotic (ATPsA) compounds can be compared with the improvement of psychopathological state and to verify if both variables correlate to adherence to treatment. We assessed 106 consecutive patients receiving ATPs or ATPsA in the University Psychiatric Ward of L?Aquila, according to DSM-IV diagnosis of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder. Psychopathological state was assessed by Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale-4.0 version (BPRS), adherence to treatment and subjective well-being was assessed by Drug Attitude Inventory (DAI-10) and Subjective Well-being under Neuroleptics (SWN), respectively. BPRS and DAI-10 were administered on admission (T0) and at the end of recovery (T1). The subjects enrolled in this study were divided into 2 groups according to ATP prescribed. We observed an improvement of BPRS and SWN total scores in each group, and increasing scores in DAI-10, from admission to discharge, both in total samples and in each group. There were statistical differences between the patients receiving ATPs and those receving ATPsA regardindg the SWN total score and its different dimensions. This study emphasizes that patients receiving ATPsA show better subjective response compared with patients undergoing ATP treatment, although the adherence to pharmacotherapy and clinical improvement do not differ between the groups.  相似文献   
We recorded olfactory-induced cardiac responses to evaluate olfactory response thresholds to behaviourally relevant odours in a moth. Specific antennal receptor neurons enable insects to detect biologically meaningful odours such as sex pheromones and host-plant volatiles. The response threshold values demonstrated here are well below anything earlier reported in any organism. A heart response was triggered by less than six molecules of the most efficient odours hitting the antennae of the insect. The behavioural significance of this extreme sensitivity most likely lies in the creation of awareness and readiness to respond behaviourally at higher concentration levels.  相似文献   
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