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Microvertebrates are a major component of many assemblages recovered from the Quaternary of the Argentine Pampas. The main goal of this paper is to analyse the taphonomic history of a Holocene microfossil bonebed, recovered from the infilling of a burrow. Evidences suggest the plains vizcacha Lagostomus maximus as the putative producer of the burrow. The assemblage includes individuals belonging to different taxa of mammals (marsupials and rodents) and reptiles (snakes). Taphonomic features suggest that the accumulation inside the burrow was related to flooding processes in the plain. The burrow was a natural trap that favoured the accumulation and preservation of remains corresponding to individuals from different sources. According to the taphonomic evidence, some individuals (Lagostomus maximus, Lestodelphys halli and Serpentes indet.) died inside the burrow, whereas others (Microcavia australis, Reithrodon auritus and Ctenomys sp.) died outside the burrow, and after a time of being exposed on the surface their remains were transported by surface run-offs into the burrow. The record of Lestodelphys halli and Serpentes indet. in the burrow produced by Lagostomus maximus could be related to a circumstantial use. Mammal burrows are a significant taphonomic mode for the late Cenozoic of the Argentine Pampas.  相似文献   
Thiourea tasting can be predictive of individual differences in bitter taste responses, general food preferences and eating behavior, and could be correlated with saliva chemical composition. We investigated the possible relationship between PROP bitter taste responsiveness and the salivary proteome in subjects genotyped for TAS2R38 and gustin gene polymorphisms. Taste perception intensity evoked by PROP and NaCl solutions was measured in sixty-three volunteers (21 males, 42 females, age 25±3 y) to establish their PROP taster status, and 24 PROP super-tasters and 21 nontasters were selected to participate in the study. TAS2R38 and gustin gene molecular analysis were performed using PCR techniques. Qualitative and quantitative determination of salivary proteins was performed by HPLC-ESI-MS before and after PROP taste stimulation. PROP super-tastings was strongly associated with the 'taster' variant (PAV haplotype) of TAS2R38 and the A allele of rs2274333 polymorphism in the gustin gene and nontasting was associated with the minor alleles at both loci. ANOVA revealed that basal levels of II-2 and Ps-1 proteins, belonging to the basic proline-rich protein (bPRPs) family, were significantly higher in PROP super-taster than in nontaster un-stimulated saliva, and that PROP stimulation elicited a rapid increase in the levels of these same proteins only in PROP super-taster saliva. These data show for the first time that responsiveness to PROP is associated with salivary levels of II-2 peptide and Ps-1 protein, which are products of the PRB1 gene. These findings suggest that PRB1, in addition to TAS2R38 and gustin, could contribute to individual differences in thiourea sensitivity, and the expression of the PROP phenotype as a complex genetic trait.  相似文献   
For years, we have been building models of gene regulatory networks, where recent advances in molecular biology shed some light on new structural and dynamical properties of such highly complex systems. In this work, we propose a novel timing of updates in random and scale-free Boolean networks, inspired by recent findings in molecular biology. This update sequence is neither fully synchronous nor asynchronous, but rather takes into account the sequence in which genes affect each other. We have used both Kauffman's original model and Aldana's extension, which takes into account the structural properties about known parts of actual GRNs, where the degree distribution is right-skewed and long-tailed. The computer simulations of the dynamics of the new model compare favorably to the original ones and show biologically plausible results both in terms of attractors number and length. We have complemented this study with a complete analysis of our systems’ stability under transient perturbations, which is one of biological networks defining attribute. Results are encouraging, as our model shows comparable and usually even better behavior than preceding ones without loosing Boolean networks attractive simplicity.  相似文献   
Human rhinoviruses can be classified into major and minor groups on the basis of receptor specificity. Recently, a mouse monoclonal antibody was isolated which selectively blocked the attachment of the major group of human rhinoviruses to cells. Using this monoclonal antibody, the cellular receptor for the major group of human rhinoviruses was isolated. A radioimmunoassay was developed by using the receptor antibody to specifically detect rhinovirus receptor during isolation. Solubilized receptor from detergent-treated HeLa cell membrane extracts eluted from gel filtration columns with an apparent molecular weight of 440,000. A cellular receptor protein, which had a molecular weight of 90,000 when analyzed on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, was purified from solubilized extracts on an immunoaffinity column containing receptor antibody. Polyclonal rabbit antiserum, resulting from immunization with the isolated receptor protein, specifically blocked the attachment of the major group of human rhinoviruses and indicated that the 90-kilodalton protein plays a functional role in attachment. Prolonged exposure of HeLa cell monolayers with the receptor antibody showed no inhibition of cell growth and division.  相似文献   
Scanning electron micrograph observations of the olfactory mucosa from both unpigmented glass eel(GE)andpigmentedelvers(EL)of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), revealed the presence of various cell types; amongst these, the ciliated and microvillous ones are likely to possess a chcmosensory function. Recording of underwater electro-olfactograms (EOGs) showed that various amino acids (glycine, L-alanine, L-valine, L-leucine, L-asparagine, L-glutamine and L-methionine) are effective stimulants for the olfactory mucosa. Dose response curves of stimulus concentrations v. EOG amplitudesfit regression linesat both GE and EL stages. Leucine was more stimulatory at the GE than at the EL stage. The stimulatory effect of the other six amino acids tested was similar at both developmental stages. The possible role of olfactory sensitivity in animal behaviour at different developmental stages is discussed.  相似文献   
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