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The effects of (6R)- and (6S)-tetrahydrobiopterin (BPH4), tetrahydroneopterin, and 6-methyltetrahydropterin on the activity of tryptophan hydroxylase were investigated in rat raphe slices. The activity of tryptophan hydroxylase was estimated by measurement of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) formation under inhibition of aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase with use of HPLC-fluorometric detection. (6R)-BPH4 (the naturally occurring form) at 42 microM, tetrahydroneopterin at 50 microM, and 6-methyltetrahydropterin at 100 microM increased tryptophan hydroxylase activity to 350, 145, and 146% of control values, respectively. (6S)-BPH4, however, had no significant effects on tryptophan hydroxylase activity. These results suggest that tryptophan hydroxylase is subsaturating in vivo for the naturally occurring cofactor, (6R)-BPH4, and that the concentration of (6R)-BPH4 may play an important role for the regulation of tryptophan hydroxylase activity in vivo.  相似文献   
In Euglena gracilis a malonyl-CoA-independent fatty acid-synthetic system, in which fatty acids are synthesized directly from acetyl-CoA as both primer and C2 donor, occurs in mitochondria, and the system contributes to the wax ester fermentation. The activity of fatty acid synthesis in the mitochondrial system was enhanced about six times when an artificial acetyl-CoA-regenerating system was present, indicating that the fatty acid-synthetic activity is controlled by the ratio of acetyl-CoA against CoA. When fatty acids were synthesized using pyruvate instead of acetyl-CoA as substrate, a high activity, about 30 times higher than that from acetyl-CoA, was found under anaerobic conditions (below 10(-5) M oxygen), while in aerobiosis fatty acids were not synthesized at all. CoA, NADH, and NADP+ were required as cofactors for fatty acid synthesis from pyruvate. It was indicated that high activity of fatty acid synthesis from pyruvate due to the high ratio of acetyl-CoA against CoA was maintained by the action of the oxygen-sensitive pyruvate dehydrogenase found in Euglena mitochondria. When [2-14C]pyruvate was fed into intact mitochondria under anaerobic conditions, radioactive fatty acids were formed in the presence of malate, which provided reducing power for the matrix.  相似文献   
The pathogenicity of the Dermatophilus-like microorganisms from porcine tonsil and the light and electron microscopic findings were studied with adult ewes. The early lesions were abscessess and advanced ones were granulomas after the subcutaneous inoculation. The granulomas were composed of the central bacterial colonies and the layers of the neutrophils, epithelioid cells and giant cells, and peripheral connective tissues. Epithelioid cells and giant cells were identified by the large euchromatic nuclei, abundant organelles and interdigitation of the blunt pseudopods in the ultrastructure. The lesions were very similar to subcutaneous granulomas in sheep and cattle due to Dermatophilus congolensis (atypical dermatophilosis), actinomycosis and nocardiosis.  相似文献   
The expression of aldolase A and B mRNAs during azo-dye-induced carcinogenesis in rat liver was examined. After feeding the dye for 18 weeks, the level of aldolase A mRNA increased to about 11 times that in a normal liver, with the concomitant decrease of aldolase B mRNA level to about 25% of that in a normal liver. These changes did not occur progressively during the carcinogenesis, but occurred as an additional phase after 4 week-feeding of the azo-dye. At this stage, the levels of aldolase A and B mRNAs were about 7 times and 45% of that in a normal liver, respectively. This biphasic pattern in the aldolase isozyme expression in the azo-dye-fed rat liver is discussed together with the kinetic data of the enzyme activity.  相似文献   
A technique involving culture in soft agar was used for the assay of forward mutation of V79 cells to 6-thioguanine (6TG) resistance. The main reason for the use of soft agar was to prevent reduction in recovery of mutants depending on the cell density plated for mutation selection, which is the chief problem in the liquid method, and which results mainly from metabolic co-operation due to cell-to-cell contact.V79 cells grew well in fortified soft agar medium (DMEM + 20% FBS) showing cloning efficiencies (>80%) as high as in liquid culture. Therefore, V79/HGPRT mutagenesis could be assayed quantitatively in soft agar culture.The frequency of 6TG-resistant colonies in agar selective medium increased linearly with increase in concentration of EMS. Toxicity and mutagenic responses were greater in soft agar than in liquid culture.In cultures of untreated and EMS-treated cells, more than 95% of the 6TG-resistant colonies isolated were aminopterin-sensitive.Use of soft agar for selection prevented the reduction in the number of mutants with increase in the size of incula on plating up to 1?2 × 106 cells per 9-cm dish: in liquid culture, even with a lower plating number (2 × 105 cells per 9-cm dish), a notable reduction in numbers of mutants was observed. This character was re-examined in a reconstruction experiment. The results show that, when up to 2 × 106 cells were plated per 9-cm dish, 6TG-resistant cells were almost completely recovered from the soft agar medium, whereas only 10% were recovered from liquid culture.  相似文献   
Cycling of soil carbon in the first year after a clear-felling was compared with that before the felling in a Japanese red pine forest in Hiroshima Prefecture, west Japan. The daily mean temperature at the soil surface in summer was increased after the felling in comparison to that before felling, and the water content of both the A0 layer and the surface mineral soil was decreased due to the loss of the forest canopy. The rate of weight loss of the A0 layer was reduced after felling. However, accumulation of the A0 layer rapidly decreased because of the lack of litter supply to the forest floor. Low soil respiration after felling was mainly caused by the cessation of root respiration. Analysis of annual soil carbon cycling was then conducted using a compartment model. The relative decomposition rate of the A0 layer decreased whereas that of humus and dead roots in mineral soil increased to some extent after felling. The accumulation of carbon in mineral soil, however, increased slightly due to the supply of humus from roots killed by the felling.  相似文献   
Five species including two new species,Araucarioxylon kiiense Ogura,Taxodioxylon albertense (Penhal.) Shimakura,Cupressinoxylon cryptomerioides Stopes,Xenoxylon watarianum sp. nov. andCedroxylon shimakurae sp. nov., were described from the Upper Cretaceous (Late Turonian-Santonian) of southern Saghalien. Consecutive number from the previous paper (Nishida and Nishida, 1985). Contributions from the Laboratory of Phylogenetic Botany, Chiba University No. 100. Supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture No. 59540441.  相似文献   
After trypsin digestion of buffered formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded brain section, immunofluorescent indication of Aujeszky's disease virus antigen was successful in experimentally infected cow and goat. This result was comparable to those obtained with light and electron microscopic examinations. This method will be diagnostically useful where fresh-frozen tissue is not available.  相似文献   
Krafft points of diacylglycerophosphocholines (PC) were measured in alkanes-cyclohexane solutions by differential scanning calorimetry, and it was found that they were regularly increased following the increase in alkane content in the solutions and the chain length of the alkanes. From these results it was deduced that the mixing of PC with alkanes occurred in the gel state of the PC, but not in micelles at higher temperatures above the Krafft points. where micellar solutions are provided. The penetration of alkanes into gel state PC was found to be dominated by Langmuir type interaction, and the affinity of alkanes increases with increasing in chain lengths. Above the Krafft points, the micelle formation was confirmed by using the fluorescence probe technique.  相似文献   
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