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We examined the kinetics of airborne levels of mite allergen particles in a house by combined use of an indoor Burkard air sampler and immunoblotting. Airborne mite allergens collected on the Burkard sampling tape were transferred onto a nitrocellulose membrane, reacted with mouse monoclonal anti-mite allergen (Der pI) antibody, then treated with alkaline phosphatase conjugated anti-mouse IgG. Finally, the blotted allergen on the membrane was reacted with BCIP/NBT phosphatase, and purple spots visible by the naked eye were produced. The shape of the spots was observed under a microscope, and the spot area was measured by an image processor. This technique might be useful for analyzing the behavior of airborne allergen particles in indoor environments.  相似文献   
The states of tyrosyl and tryptophyl residues of a dimeric protein proteinase inhibitor, Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor (Sato, S & Murao, S. (1973), Agric. Biol. Chem. 37, 1067) were studies by solvent perturbation difference spectroscopy with methanol, ethylene glycol, polyethylene glycol, and deuterium oxide as perturbants, and by spectrophotometric titration at alkaline pH. It appeared that all three tyrosyl residues per monomer of the inhibitor were exposed on the surface of the molecule, and their apparent pK values were estimated separately to be 9.58, 11.10, and 12.42. The single tryptophyl residue per monomer of the inhibitor appeared to be partially buried in the protein molecule.  相似文献   
Summary The transepithelial resistance, the cell membrane resistance and the ratio of resistances of the serosal (baso-lateral) to the mucosal (brush border) cell membrane were measured in rat duodenum, jejunum and ileum by means of microelectrode techniques. These measured values were not affected in the presence of actively transported solutes in the mucosal bathing fluid.Contribution of an electrical conductance through the extracellular shunt pathway to the total transepithelial conductance was quantitatively estimated using an electrically equivalent circuit analysis. These values estimated in respective tissues of small intestine were approx. 95% of the total transepithelial conductance, remaining unaffected by an active solute transport.From these data, the changes in emf's of the mucosal and serosal membrane induced byd-glucose or glycine were separately evaluated.  相似文献   
Isolated tea chloroplasts utilized linoleic acid, linolenicacid and their 13-hydroperoxides as substrates for volatileC6-aldehyde formation. Optimal pH values for oxygen uptake,hydroperoxide lyase and the overall reaction from C18-fattyacids to C6-aldehydes were 6.3, 7.0 and 6.3, respectively. Methyllinoleate, linoleyl alcohol and -linolenic acid were poor substratesfor the overall reaction, but linoleic and linolenic acids weregood substrates. The 13-hydroperoxides of the above fatty acidsand alcohol also showed substrate specificity similar to thatof fatty acids. Oxygen uptakes (relative Vmax) with methyl linoleate,linoleyl alcohol, linolenic acid, -linolenic acid and arachidonicacid were comparable to or higher than that with linoleic acid.In winter leaves, the activity for C6-aldehyde formation fromC18-fatty acids was raduced to almost zero. This was due tothe reduction in oxygenation. The findings presented here provideevidence for the involvement of lipoxygenase and hydroperoxidelyase in C6-aldehyde formation in isolated chloroplasts. (Received July 11, 1981; Accepted November 5, 1981)  相似文献   
Summary Effects of divalent cations on oscillations of membrane potentials (i.e., spontaneous repetitive hyperpolarizing responses) and on hyperpolarizing responses induced by electrical stimuli as well as on resting potentials were studied in large nondividing L cells. Deprivation of Ca2+ from the external medium inhibited these hyperpolarizing responses accompanying slight depolarization of the resting potential. Sr2+ or Mn2+ applied to the external medium in place of Ca2+ was able to substitute for Ca2+ in the generation of hyperpolarizing responses, while Mg2+, Ba2+ or La3+ suppressed hyperpolarizing responses. The addition of A23187 to the bathing medium or intracellular injection of Ca2+, Sr2+, Mn2+ or La3+ induced membrane hyperpolarization. When the external Ca2+, Sr2+ or Mn2+ concentration was increased, the resting potential also hyperpolarized, in a saturating manner. The amplitude of maximum hyperpolarization produced by high external Ca2+ was of the same order of magnitude as those of hyperpolarizing responses and was dependent on the external K+ concentration. In the light of these experimental observations, it was deduced that the K+ conductance increase associated with the hyperpolarizing excitation is the result of an increase in the intracellular concentration of free Ca2+ mainly derived from the external solution.  相似文献   
Selective and step-wise inhibition of bioysnthesis and assembly of three major outer membrane proteins of Escherichia coli (matrix protein, tolG protein (DiRienzo et al., 1978), and lipoprotein) was achieved in the presence of phenethyl alcohol. At a lower concentration (0·3% or higher) PEA4 specifically inhibited the processing and assembly of matrix protein, resulting in the accumulation of promatrix protein. The promatrix protein thus synthesized in the presence of PEA was chased into matrix protein and properly assembled into the outer membrane upon the removal of PEA, demonstrating a direct precursor-product relationship between the two proteins. Promatrix protein was sensitive to trypsin and was also solubilized from the membrane fraction by sodium sarcosinate. However, promatrix protein was also found to be loosely associated with the outer membrane fraction. These data indicate that promatrix protein was translocated across the cytoplasmic membrane and localized external to the cytoplasmic membrane, although it was not yet properly inserted into the outer membrane structure.The inhibition of processing of protolG (DiRienzo et al., 1978) protein was observed at higher levels of PEA (0·4% or higher). However, at all concentrations of PEA tested, the accumulation of prolipoprotein was not detected. On the other hand, when PEA was added at concentrations lower than the above critical concentrations for each protein, the precursor was properly processed but the processed proteins (tolG protein, and lipoprotein) were accumulated in the periplasmic space, since they were released by osmotic shock. tolG protein of the soluble cell fraction was chased into the outer membrane after removal of PEA and regrowth of the cells in culture. The processed lipoprotein of the soluble fraction was trypsin-sensitive in contrast to mature lipoprotein. These results indicate that the precursor protein with the peptide extension is transformed into a new assembly intermediate after the extended peptide is cleaved off. This intermediate may be released into the periplasmic space in the presence of PEA before it can be assembled into the outer membrane. These data indicate that the peptide extension is not essential for the insertion of the outer membrane protein into the outer membrane.When PEA (0·3%) was added to a growing culture, the production of not only matrix protein but also promatrix protein was completely inhibited. However, synthesis of promatrix protein was restored when rifampicin was added before the PEA treatment. These results are discussed in terms of control of gene expression for matrix protein. PEA was found to increase the membrane fluidity.  相似文献   
An in vitro system for the synthesis of ornithine transcarbamylase (OTCase) was established using iS-30 extract from E. coli MDS6-2(lambda) and DNA of a lambda transducing phage carrying argI and argF genes. This in vitro synthesis was completely dependent on the additon of DNA, and was sensitive to chloramphenicol and rifampicin. Radioisotopic analysis confirmed that the synthesized enzyme catalyzes the carbamylation of ornithine to citrulline. In the in vitro system the repression and derepression of OTCase synthesis could be observed by mixing iS-30 extracts prepared from argR+ and argR- cells. A remarkable maturation effect could be observed for the FFF enzyme, but not for the III enzyme. This system is considered to reflect the in vivo situation, and should therefore be useful for investigations on the regulation of OTCase synthesis in vivo.  相似文献   
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