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Hybrid zones provide an opportunity to study the effects of selection and gene flow in natural settings. We employed nuclear microsatellites (single sequence repeat (SSR)) and candidate gene single-nucleotide polymorphism markers (SNPs) to characterize the genetic architecture and patterns of interspecific gene flow in the Picea glauca × P. engelmannii hybrid zone across a broad latitudinal (40–60 degrees) and elevational (350–3500 m) range in western North America. Our results revealed a wide and complex hybrid zone with broad ancestry levels and low interspecific heterozygosity, shaped by asymmetric advanced-generation introgression, and low reproductive barriers between parental species. The clinal variation based on geographic variables, lack of concordance in clines among loci and the width of the hybrid zone points towards the maintenance of species integrity through environmental selection. Congruency between geographic and genomic clines suggests that loci with narrow clines are under strong selection, favoring either one parental species (directional selection) or their hybrids (overdominance) as a result of strong associations with climatic variables such as precipitation as snow and mean annual temperature. Cline movement due to past demographic events (evidenced by allelic richness and heterozygosity shifts from the average cline center) may explain the asymmetry in introgression and predominance of P. engelmannii found in this study. These results provide insights into the genetic architecture and fine-scale patterns of admixture, and identify loci that may be involved in reproductive barriers between the species.  相似文献   
Owing to their long life span and ecological dominance in many communities, forest trees are subject to attack from a diverse array of herbivores throughout their range, and have therefore developed a large number of both constitutive and inducible defenses. We used molecular population genetics methods to examine the evolution of eight genes in European aspen, Populus tremula, that are all associated with defensive responses against pests and/or pathogens, and have earlier been shown to become strongly up-regulated in poplars as a response to wounding and insect herbivory. Our results show that the majority of these defense genes show patterns of intraspecific polymorphism and site-frequency spectra that are consistent with a neutral model of evolution. However, two of the genes, both belonging to a small gene family of polyphenol oxidases, show multiple deviations from the neutral model. The gene PPO1 has a 600 bp region with a highly elevated K(A)/K(S) ratio and reduced synonymous diversity. PPO1 also shows a skew toward intermediate frequency variants in the SFS, and a pronounced fixation of non-synonymous mutations, all pointing to the fact that PPO1 has been subjected to recurrent selective sweeps. The gene PPO2 shows a marked excess of high frequency, derived variants and shows many of the same trends as PPO1 does, even though the pattern is less pronounced, suggesting that PPO2 might have been the target of a recent selective sweep. Our results supports data from both Populus and other species which have found that the the majority of defense-associated genes show few signs of selection but that a number of genes involved in mediating defense against herbivores show signs of adaptive evolution.  相似文献   
When a phenotypic trait is subjected to spatially variable selection and local adaptation, the underlying genes controlling the trait are also expected to show strong patterns of genetic differentiation because alternative alleles are favoured in different geographical locations. Here, we study 71 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from seven genes associated with inducible defence responses in a sample of Populus tremula collected from across Sweden. Four of these genes (PPO2, TI2, TI4 and TI5) show substantial population differentiation, and a principal component analyses conducted on the defence SNPs divides the Swedish population into three distinct clusters. Several defence SNPs show latitudinal clines, although these were not robust to multiple testing. However, five SNPs (located within TI4 and TI5) show strong longitudinal clines that remain significant after multiple test correction. Genetic geographical variation, supporting local adaptation, has earlier been confirmed in genes involved in the photoperiod pathway in P. tremula, but this is, to our knowledge, one of the first times that geographical variation has been found in genes involved in plant defence against antagonists.  相似文献   
Nucleotide polymorphisms in two North American balsam poplars (Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray and P. balsamifera L.; section Tacamahaca), and one Eurasian aspen (P. tremula L.; section Populus) were compared using nine loci involved in defense, stress response, photoperiodism, freezing tolerance, and housekeeping. Nucleotide diversity varied among species and was highest for P. tremula (θ(w) = 0.005, π(T) = 0.007) as compared to P. balsamifera (θ(w) = 0.004, π(T) = 0.005) or P. trichocarpa (θ(w) = 0.002, π(T) = 0.003). Across species, the defense and the stress response loci accounted for the majority of the observed level of nucleotide diversity. In general, the studied loci did not deviate from neutral expectation either at the individual locus (non-significant normalized Fay and Wu's H) or at the multi-locus level (non-significant HKA test). Using molecular clock analysis, section Tacamahaca probably shared a common ancestor with section Populus approximately 4.5 million year ago. Divergence between the two closely related balsam poplars was about 0.8 million years ago, a pattern consistent with an isolation-with-migration (IM) model. As expected, P. tremula showed a five-fold higher substitution rate (2 × 10(-8) substitution/site/year) compared to the North American species (0.4 × 10(-8) substitution/site/year), probably reflecting its complex demographic history. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) varied among species with a more rapid decay in the North American species (<400 bp) in comparison to P. tremula (?400 bp). The similarities in nucleotide diversity pattern and LD decay of the two balsam poplar species likely reflects the recent time of their divergence.  相似文献   
Ingvarsson PK  Garcia MV  Luquez V  Hall D  Jansson S 《Genetics》2008,178(4):2217-2226
We investigated the utility of association mapping to dissect the genetic basis of naturally occurring variation in bud phenology in European aspen (Populus tremula). With this aim, we surveyed nucleotide polymorphism in 13 fragments spanning an 80-kb region surrounding the phytochrome B2 (phyB2) locus. Although polymorphism varies substantially across the phyB2 region, we detected no signs for deviations from neutral expectations. We also identified a total of 41 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that were subsequently scored in a mapping population consisting of 120 trees. We identified two nonsynonymous SNPs in the phytochrome B2 gene that were independently associated with variation in the timing of bud set and that explained between 1.5 and 5% of the observed phenotypic variation in bud set. Earlier studies have shown that the frequencies of both these SNPs vary clinally with latitude. Linkage disequilibrium across the region was low, suggesting that the SNPs we identified are strong candidates for being causally linked to variation in bud set in our mapping populations. One of the SNPs (T608N) is located in the "hinge region," close to the chromophore binding site of the phyB2 protein. The other SNP (L1078P) is located in a region supposed to mediate downstream signaling from the phyB2 locus. The lack of population structure, combined with low levels of linkage disequilibrium, suggests that association mapping is a fruitful method for dissecting naturally occurring variation in Populus tremula.  相似文献   
It has been long known that immigrants from surrounding populations might prevent the extinction of small populations, a process known as the 'rescue effect'. This focuses on the demographic effects of migration through the direct positive influence that immigrants have on abundance of the recipient population. Now, two recent papers have indicated another potentially important way that migration might rescue populations from extinction - replenishing genetic variation and reducing inbreeding depression, or what has been termed 'genetic rescue'.  相似文献   
García MV  Ingvarsson PK 《Heredity》2007,99(4):381-388
Here, we describe an unusually pronounced haplotype structure at the PtABI1B locus in the obligately outcrossing tree Populus tremula. Both nucleotide diversity and divergence at PtABI1B was low compared to other P. tremula genes suggesting that the gene is located in a region with a low mutation rate. Despite this, PtABI1B shows a very marked excess of nonsynonymous polymorphisms across the entire coding region and linkage disequilibrium (LD) extending across the entire PtABI1B region of approximately 2.6 kb. Such extensive LD is normally not seen in P. tremula. The extensive LD at PtABI1B is caused by the presence of two distinct haplotypes. The haplotype structure is not caused by a lack of recombination in the region, because evidence of recombination can be detected. In addition, several statistical tests strongly reject neutrality for the PtABI1B region, suggesting that the unusual haplotype structure could be actively maintained by balancing selection.  相似文献   
The effect of the glucose analogue 5-thio-D-glucose (5TG) on the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied. Derepression of mitochondrial respiratory chain cytochromes, alcohol dehydrogenase (isoenzyme II), NADH dehydrogenase and maltase was inhibited by 0.5-2 mM-5TG. Growth rate was only slightly affected. Ethanol was efficiently produced with 2 mM-5TG in medium initially containing 0.25% glucose. Mutants resistant to the growth inhibitory effects of 5TG on glycerol medium showed resistance to the catabolite repressing effects of glucose. Other mutants, known to be catabolite repression resistant, showed resistance to 5TG. The analogue seems to inhibit derepression of glucose repressible enzymes with greater potency than glucose itself.  相似文献   
We conducted a study of natural variation in functional leaf traits and herbivory in 116 clones of European aspen, Populus tremula L., the Swedish Aspen (SwAsp) collection, originating from ten degrees of latitude across Sweden and grown in a common garden. In surveys of phytophagous arthropods over two years, we found the aspen canopy supports nearly 100 morphospecies. We identified significant broad-sense heritability of plant functional traits, basic plant defence chemistry, and arthropod community traits. The majority of arthropods were specialists, those coevolved with P. tremula to tolerate and even utilize leaf defence compounds. Arthropod abundance and richness were more closely related to plant growth rates than general chemical defences and relationships were identified between the arthropod community and stem growth, leaf and petiole morphology, anthocyanins, and condensed tannins. Heritable genetic variation in plant traits in young aspen was found to structure arthropod community; however no single trait drives the preferences of arthropod folivores among young aspen genotypes. The influence of natural variation in plant traits on the arthropod community indicates the importance of maintaining genetic variation in wild trees as keystone species for biodiversity. It further suggests that aspen can be a resource for the study of mechanisms of natural resistance to herbivores.  相似文献   
A central aim of evolutionary genomics is to identify the relative roles that various evolutionary forces have played in generating and shaping genetic variation within and among species. Here we use whole-genome resequencing data to characterize and compare genome-wide patterns of nucleotide polymorphism, site frequency spectrum, and population-scaled recombination rates in three species of Populus: Populus tremula, P. tremuloides, and P. trichocarpa. We find that P. tremuloides has the highest level of genome-wide variation, skewed allele frequencies, and population-scaled recombination rates, whereas P. trichocarpa harbors the lowest. Our findings highlight multiple lines of evidence suggesting that natural selection, due to both purifying and positive selection, has widely shaped patterns of nucleotide polymorphism at linked neutral sites in all three species. Differences in effective population sizes and rates of recombination largely explain the disparate magnitudes and signatures of linked selection that we observe among species. The present work provides the first phylogenetic comparative study on a genome-wide scale in forest trees. This information will also improve our ability to understand how various evolutionary forces have interacted to influence genome evolution among related species.  相似文献   
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