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A porcine glucosephosphate isomeraseprocessed pseudogene has been isolated and sequenced. The pseudogene has several base substitutions as well as an insertion and deletions, and is 83% homologous to the corresponding cDNA. It contains an intervening sequence of 565 bp, is truncated at the 3 end, and is flanked by direct repeats of seven nucleotides. Fluorescent in situ hybridization to porcine metaphase chromosomes localized the processed pseudogene to Chromosome (Chr) 1q1.6-1.7. A (GT)14(AT)15 microsatellite was detected close to the processed pseudogene.  相似文献   
Reflection contrast microscopy (RCM) of ultrathin sections was recently introduced as a sensitive technique for visualization with enhanced definition in immunogold histochemistry. Experience of using RCM as a major tool in immunocytochemical research in different fields is summarized, e.g. oncology, nephrology and embryology. The sensitive visualization of immunocytochemical labels, gold particles or peroxidase-diaminobenzidine deposits in or on ultrathin sections, by RCM instead of electron microscopy is demonstrated. RCM of ultrathin sections is an adequate light microscopical alternative for immunoelectron microscopy, since an overview of both label and tissue is obtained with a high image definition and high contrast of label. In the studies presented, RCM is shown to provide a better gradation in staining intensity and staining pattern than other light microscopical methods. Moreover, a precise localization of multiple labels is obtained with this method. Besides the applications shown, ultrathin section visualization by RCM is very useful for correlative light- and electron microscopical studies of fine structures. Commercially available fluorescence microscopes can be adapted for proper RCM functioning; an adaptation scheme and list of microscopes tested is provided.  相似文献   
The relative uptake rates of N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Al were estimated in beech seedlings pot cultured in the field in six acid soils (treatments). The relative uptake rates were compared with the relative growth rates. The relative uptake rates of N, K and Ca agreed well with the growth rates of the seedlings irrespective of widely differing soil conditions (acid sand-clayey till, pH 4–6). The relative uptake rates of P, Fe, and Al differed from that predicted by the growth rate. The uptake rates of Fe and Al were highest at the lowest growth rates, and the P uptake rate was lower than the growth rate in these treatments. Thus the P availability probably limited growth in an eluvial (E) horizon of a podzol, and possibly in the illuvial (B) horizon of a podzol and in an acid clayey till (Dystric Cambisol). Low P uptake was associated with a tendency towards higher relative root growth rates. In terms of the concept of steady state nutrition the high relative root growth rate in some treatments may be interpreted as an acclimation to low P supply. The P limitation seemed to be related to interactions among Fe, Al and organic compounds of the soil solution.FAX no: +4646104423  相似文献   
We conducted a set of in situ incubations to evaluate patterns of N availability among dominant land uses in the shortgrass steppe region of Colorado, USA, and to assess recovery of soil fertility in abandoned fields. Replicated 30 d incubations were performed in 3 sets of native (never cultivated), abandoned (cultivated until 1937), and currently cultivated, fallow fields. Net N mineralization and the percentage of total N that was mineralized increased in the order: native, abandoned, cultivated. Higher soil water content in fallow fields is the most likely reason for greater mineralization in cultivated fields, while higher total organic C and C/N ratios in native and abandoned fields may explain differences in mineralization between these land uses. Recovery of soil organic matter in abandoned fields appears to involve accumulation of soil C and N under perennial plants, but probable methodological artifacts complicate evaluation of the role of individual plants in recovery of N availability. Higher N mineralization and turnover in cultivated fields may make them more susceptible to N losses; recovery of N cycling in abandoned fields appears to involve a return to slower N turnover and tighter N cycling similar to native shortgrass steppe.  相似文献   
The vacuolar membrane, the tonoplast, is a proteinrich membranehitherto only few proteins in it have been identified. As anapproach for the identification of tonoplast proteins by monoclonalantibodies (MABs), purified tonoplast from cress roots (Lepidiumsativum L.) were used for immunization and plasma membranesas a control membrane to test the absence of antigen. The MABTOP 35 identified a glycoprotein of about 35 kDa in purifiedtonoplast of cress roots. Triton X-114 phase separation showedthat it was a hydrophobic integral membrane protein. In immunocytochemistrythe MAB TOP 35 strongly labelled the vacuolar membrane. Theabsence of cell wall or plasma membrane labelling by TOP 35indicates a distinct biosynthetic pathway of this protein tothe vacuolar membrane in plants. Key words: Immnocytochemistry, Lepidium sativum, monoclonal antibody, secretion, vacuole  相似文献   
Summary Male Wistar rats were injected intravenously with 5-(3H)uridine-labeled lymphocytes isolated from lymph nodes of syngeneic donors and enriched in T cells. After short periods of time (3 to 120 min after injection), labeled lymphocytes were localized in spleen compartments using autoradiography to identify routes of lymphocyte movement from blood into splenic parenchyma and to follow migration pathways of recirculating lymphocytes within the periarterial lymphoid sheath (PALS). Topographical analysis of labeled lymphocytes was performed in specific planes of PALS characterized by the diameter of the arterial vessel and termed PALS large, PALS medium, and PALS small (PALS L, PALS M, PALS S, respectively). Attention was also paid to accumulations of labeled lymphocytes close to the arterial vessel wall. Initially, labeled lymphocytes were localized in PALS S and PALS M near the terminal branching of arterial vessels and in the marginal zone (MZ). We conclude that lymphocytes emigrate from blood into splenic parenchyma within two white pulp compartments: in MZ, and directly within PALS through the wall of capillary vessels. The sequential accumulation of labeled cells near arterial vessels of increasing diameter suggests that the recirculating pool of lymphocytes migrates into the central part of PALS L by two routes: from MZ, and along arterial vessels from PALS S and PALS M.R.B. was a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, on leave from the Department of Histology and Embryology, Institut of Biostructure, Academy of Medicine, ul. Swiecickiego 6, PL-60-781 Pozna, Poland.  相似文献   
The species- and genus-specific DNA content, average base composition of nuclear DNA, presence or absence of satellite DNA, the percentage of heterochromatin and other characteristics of nuclear DNA and nuclear structure allow to deduce the molecular changes which accompanied, or more probably caused, cladogenesis in the orchids studied. It is suggested that saltatory replication (generative amplification) of certain DNA sequenes, diversification of reiterated DNA sequences, and loss of DNA play an important role in the evolution of orchids.—The relationship between changes of genome composition and of nuclear structure and ultrastructure is discussed on the basis of cot curves, heterochromatin staining with Giemsa (C banding), electron microscopy of nuclei, and molecular hybridization in situ.Some aspects of this paper have been presented at the Helsinki Chromosome Conference, August 1977 (Nagl & Capesius 1977).  相似文献   
The rubidium content of whole blood was estimated by instrumental neutron activation analysis. In 46 healthy children it amounts to {ie193-1} g/g dry weight. There was no difference between the values found for infants, toddlers, and school children. In 29 dietetically treated patients with phenylketonuria and maple-syrup-urine disease the values were significantly lower than in healthy children. During the first three months of diet therapy the rubidium levels remained in the lower range of the normal values, decreasing to about 60% of the mean of normal values later on. With increasing length of diet therapy these values tended to decrease. It remains questionable whether these decreased levels reflect only an induced biochemical phenomenon without biological importance, or whether they are the first signs of a deficiency syndrome.  相似文献   
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