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Using ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) treatment of the seeds ofline SGE, a new mutant of pea (Pisum sativum L.) with alterationsin root development was obtained. The mutant phenotype dependson the density of the growth substrate: on sand (a high densitysubstrate) the mutant forms a small compact curly root systemwhereas on vermiculite (a low density substrate) differencesbetween the root systems of the mutant and wild type plantsare less pronounced. Genetic analysis revealed that the mutantcarries a mutation in a new pea gene designedcrt (curly roots).Gene crt has been localized in pea linkage group V. The mutantline named SGEcrt showed increased sensitivity to exogenousauxin and an increased concentration of endogenous indole-3-aceticacid (IAA) in comparison with the wild type line SGE. Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Pisum sativum L., root development, garden pea mutant, curly roots, auxin, environmental stimulus response  相似文献   
Mutant herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) viruses were constructed to characterize the roles of the conserved histidine residues (H61 and H148) of HSV-1 protease in the regulation of catalytic activity and virus maturation. Viruses containing mutations at H61 (H61V-V711, H61Y-V715, and H61A-V730) were unable to grow on Vero cells. These mutant viruses could process neither Pra to N0 nor ICP-35cd to ICP-35ef. Transmission electron microscopy studies of H61A-V730-infected Vero cells indicated that capsid maturation is arrested at a state characterized by the predominance of large symmetrical arrays of B capsids within the nucleus. Two mutations at H148 (in viruses H148A-V712 and H148E-V728) gave rise to mutant viruses that grew with a small-plaque phenotype; one of the viruses, H148E-V728, was particularly attenuated when grown at a low multiplicity of infection. The rate of processing of Pra to N0 in infected Vero cells increased in the order H148A-V712 < H148E-V728 < parental strain HSV-1-V731. The observation that H148A-V712 processes Pra to N0 and ICP-35cd to ICP-35ef, whereas H61A does not, establishes H61 as the catalytically essential conserved His assuming that HSV-1 protease, like other serine proteases, utilizes an active-site histidine residue in catalysis. Two of the mutations at H148 (viruses H148K-V729 and H148Y-V716) produced nonviable viruses. H148K-V729 processed neither Pra to N0 nor ICP-35cd to ICP-35ef, whereas H148Y-V716 processed Pra to N0 but did not process ICP-35cd to ICP-35ef. The range of phenotypes observed with the H148 mutant viruses suggests that residue 148 of the HSV-1 protease is a determinant of virus growth rate and viability because of its effects on the activity of the protease and/or the role of the protease domain in capsid assembly and DNA packaging.  相似文献   
Amphiphilic cationic peptides mediate cell adhesion to plastic surfaces   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four amphiphilic peptides, each with net charges of +2 or more at neutrality and molecular weights under 4 kilodaltons, were found to mediate the adhesion of normal rat kidney fibroblasts to polystyrene surfaces. Two of these peptides, a model for calcitonin (peptide 1, MCT) and melittin (peptide 2, MEL), form amphiphilic alpha-helical structures at aqueous/nonpolar interfaces. The other two, a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone model (peptide 3, LHM) and a platelet factor model (peptide 4, MPF) form beta-strand structures in amphiphilic environments. Although it contains only 10 residues, LHM mediated adhesion to surfaces coated with solutions containing as little as 10 pmoles/ml of peptide. All four of these peptides were capable of forming monolayers at air-buffer interfaces with collapse pressures greater than 20 dynes/cm. None of these four peptides contains the tetrapeptide sequence Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser, which has been associated with fibronectin-mediated cell adhesion. Ten polypeptides that also lacked the sequence Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser but were nonamphiphilic and/or had net charges less than +2 at neutrality were all incapable of mediating cell adhesion (Pierschbacher and Ruoslahti, 1984). The morphologies of NRK cells spread on polystyrene coated with peptide LHM resemble the morphologies on fibronectin-coated surfaces, whereas cells spread on surfaces coated with MCT or MEL exhibit strikingly different morphologies. The adhesiveness of MCT, MEL, LHM, and MPF implies that many amphiphilic cationic peptides could prove useful as well defined adhesive substrata for cell culture and for studies of the mechanism of cell adhesion.  相似文献   
A total of 381 patients with established (156) or potential (225) sinoatrial dysfunction were included in a 10-year prospective survey to determine the course of the disease and the benefits of pacing. With the exclusion of nine patients who were lost to follow-up, 61 were fitted with pacemakers. The overall survival of patients with established and potential dysfunction was similar and apparently indistinguishable from that of the normal population. Pacemaker implantation had little discernible effect on mortality though it reduced some incapacitating symptoms. These findings suggest that sinoatrial dysfunction is a relatively benign condition. Hence pacing should probably not be adopted as a routing measure but be reserved for patients with troublesome symptoms.  相似文献   
Summary An improved method for separating analogues of coenzyme F420 by isocratic reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography is described. The method offers improved resolution, shorter chromatography runs and requires less complex apparatus.  相似文献   
The phosphorylation of glycogen synthase has been studied in freshly isolated adult rat cardiomyocytes. Six peaks of 32P-labeled tryptic peptides are recovered via C-18 high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) when synthase is immunoprecipitated from 32P-labeled cardiomyocytes and digested with trypsin. When epinephrine treated cells are used as a source of enzyme, the same HPLC profile is obtained with a dramatic enhancement of 32P recovered in two of the HPLC peaks. In vitro phosphorylation of rat heart synthase by cAMP-dependent protein kinase stimulates the conversion of synthase from the I to the D form and results in the recovery of the same tryptic peptides from the C-18 as is the case for synthase derived from cardiomyocytes. Treatment of cAMP-dependent kinase phosphorylated synthase with protein phosphatase-1 leads to a reactivation of the enzyme and a dephosphorylation of the same tryptic peptides that are selectively phosphorylated in epinephrine treated cardiomyocytes. These results are discussed in relation to hormonal control of glycogen metabolism in cardiac tissue.  相似文献   
The present study has shown that on the level of the parasitic system the epidemic process is a biological system, wherein the host population serves as the internal regulator, the mechanism of transmission serves as the external regulator and the parasite population, as the regulated object. The biological regulating mechanisms of the epidemic process have fundamental differences in the groups of infectious with various mechanisms of transmission, and the specific nature of the mechanism of transmission determines the peculiar features of the biological mechanism which governs the self-regulation of the epidemic process. In contrast, on a higher level of the organization of the epidemic process, i. e. on the level of the socio-ecological system, the epidemic process is a biosocial system, wherein the human society serves as the regulator, the parasitic system serves as the regulated object and the mechanism of transmission plays the role of the filter which determines the scope of social factors, most important in the regulation of the epidemic process in a given infection. The spontaneous regulation of the epidemic process is the freed forward channel from the regulator to the regulated object, and the controlled regulation is the feedback channel.  相似文献   
The vitamin D-binding protein in human serum (the group-specific component) is an alpha 2-globulin which is genetically polymorphic in all populations studied. Previous work (J. Svasti and B. H. Bowman (1978) J. Biol. Chem. 253, 5188-5194, and J. Svasti, A. Kurosky, A. Bennett, and B. H. Bowman (1979) Biochemistry 18, 1611-1617) has shown that the electrophoretic variations of the proteins controlled by two allelic genes, Gc1 and Gc2, are due to at least three amino acid substitutions between Gc1 and Gc2 (Svasti et al. (1979] and to heterogeneity in the Gc1 phenotype arising from carbohydrate dissimilarities. Gc1 migrates electrophoretically as two protein bands, while Gc2 migrates cathodally as a single band. This study demonstrates a post-translational glycosylation difference occurring in a single area of the Gc1 sequence which accounts for the heterogeneity observed previously. The glycosylation site, a threonine residue, appears to be in a sequence which differs between Gc1 and Gc2. The O-glycosidic bond, which is typical of mucins, is rare in plasma proteins. The cyanogen bromide fragment containing the galactosamine-containing carbohydrate in Gc1 was partially sequenced through 20 residues from the amino terminus. No detectable galactosamine could be found in the homologous cyanogen bromide fragment in Gc2. A new purification procedure for the vitamin D-binding protein in human plasma has been developed. Three chromatographic steps provide purified protein.  相似文献   
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