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Using high-resolution GC, changes in total free galactose, myo-inositol, arabinose, xylose, rhamnose and mannose have been studied in pericarp tiss  相似文献   
The osmotic stability of M. gallisepticum was found to be a consequence of the synthesis of disaturated phosphatidylcholine incorporated into the cell membrane. The disaturated lipid induces the formation of segregated lipid domains, thus providing the sites for increased permeation of ions. Such permeation reduces the internal pressure so as to minimize cell swelling and subsequent lysis in a hypotonic medium. Purified membranes of M. gallisepticum can be prepared from cells suspended in an iso-osmotic NaCl solution containing either dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), which blocks ATPase activity, or a mild alkaline buffer. Both conditions seem to interfere with cell volume regulation. These procedures can be used also to isolate membranes of other osmotically stable mycoplasmas.  相似文献   
Immunocytochemical methods were used to compare the localization of somatostatin (SRIF) in the human and rhesus monkey hypothalamus. The distribution of SRIF-containing cell bodies and fibers is similar in the two species. Perikarya are located predominantly in the periventricular region and to a lesser extent in the ventromedial nucleus. Fibers occur in dense clusters within the periventricular region, ventromedial nucleus, arcuate nucleus, median eminence, and pericommissural area of both species. Analysis of serial sections suggests that fibers originate from cells in the periventricular region, extend ventrally through the ventromedial and arcuate nuclei to terminate around the portal vessels of the infundibular stalk, and thereby participate in the regulation of anterior pituitary function. Somatostatinergic fibers are also found surrounding non-immunoreactive perikarya in the ventromedial nucleus and periventricular region of both primates. This arrangement may support somatostatin's postulated role as a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator. The strong similarity between the localization of hypothalamic SRIF in the human and rhesus monkey supports the use of the rhesus monkey as a model for the study of somatostatin as a neuroendocrine regulatory in the human.  相似文献   
A partially purified tRNA methylase fraction from rat liver, containing m(2)G- m(1)A- and m(5)C-methylase, was used to study the influence of Mg(++) and of the biogenic polyamine cadaverine on the enzymatic methylation of E.coli tRNA(fMet)in vitro. In presence of 1 or 10 mM Mg(++), guanosine no. 27 was methylated to m(2)G. In 1 mM Mg(++) plus 30 mM cadaverine, guanosine in position 27 and adenosine in position 59 were methylated. In presence of 30 mM cadaverine alone tRNA(fMet) accepted three methyl groups: in addition to guanosine no. 27 and adenosine no. 59 cytidine no. 49 was methylated. In order to correlate tRNA(fMet) tertiary structure changes with the methylation patterns, differentiated melting curves of tRNA(fMet) were measured under the methylation conditions. It was shown that the thermodynamic stability of tRNA(fMet) tertiary structure is different in presence of Mg(++), or Mg(++) plus cadaverine, or cadaverine alone. From the differentiated melting curves and from the methylation experiments one can conclude that at 37 degrees in the presence of Mg(++) tRNA(fMet) has a compact structure with the extra loop and the TpsiC-loop protected by tertiary structure interactions. In Mg(++) plus cadaverine, the TpsiC-loop is available, while the extra loop is yet engaged in teritary structure (G-15: C-49) interactions. In cadaverine alone, the TpsiC-loop and the extra loop are free; hence under these conditions the open tRNA(fMet) clover leaf may be the substrate for methylation. In general, cadaverine destabilizes tRNA tertiary structure in the presence of Mg(++), and stabilizes tRNA(fMet) tertiary structure in the absence of Mg(++). This may be explained by a competition of cadaverine with Mg(++) for specific binding sites on the tRNA. On the basis of these experiments a possible role of biogenic polyamines in vivo may be discussed: as essential components of procaryotic and eucaryotic ribosomes they may together with ribosomal factors facilitate tRNA-ribosome binding during protein biosynthesis by opening the tRNA tertiary structure, thus making the tRNA's TpsiC-loop available for interaction with the complementary sequence of the ribosomal 5S RNA.  相似文献   
d -Mannose and related derivatives, e.g., d -glucosa-mine and 2-deoxy-<d -glucose, blocked autotrophic and heterotrophic growth of several species of the genus Chlorella. Manometric studies showed differences in the effects of these compounds on substrate-induced O2 uptake, indicating different modes of action. In a clonal culture, shaken in the light, mannose produced a lag phase of 7 days during which only ca. 0.05% of the cells continued to grow. From, these cells a resistant strain was isolated. Prolonged incubation in glucose media in darkness brought about a reversion to the sensitive condition. These metabolic shifts could not be explained on the basis of adaptation or nuclear gene mutation because of the permanency and high frequency of the resistant cells. The mechanism was suggested to be cytoplasmically controlled. The shift in sensitivity to the inhibitors was considered a reproducible characteristic of certain species. In contrast to the normal, rnannose-sensitive strain of C. infusionum var. acetophila, cells of a resistant strain carried a gelatinous envelope. The resistant strain utilized glucosamine as a source of nitrogen, but lost the capacity to use sugars for dark growth. This was reflected in drastic reductions in glucose and mannose uptake. The hexokinase activities in cell extracts were equivalent for both strains. The resistant strain did not accumulate hexose-6-phos-phates and showed an increased phosphatase activity at an alkaline pH.  相似文献   
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