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Metabolic hormones, such as leptin, alter the input organization of hypothalamic circuits, resulting in increased pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) tone, followed by decreased food intake and adiposity. The gonadal steroid estradiol can also reduce appetite and adiposity, and it influences synaptic plasticity. Here we report that estradiol (E2) triggers a robust increase in the number of excitatory inputs to POMC neurons in the arcuate nucleus of wild-type rats and mice. This rearrangement of synapses in the arcuate nucleus is leptin independent because it also occurred in leptin-deficient (ob/ob) and leptin receptor-deficient (db/db) mice, and was paralleled by decreased food intake and body weight gain as well as increased energy expenditure. However, estrogen-induced decrease in body weight was dependent on Stat3 activation in the brain. These observations support the notion that synaptic plasticity of arcuate nucleus feeding circuits is an inherent element in body weight regulation and offer alternative approaches to reducing adiposity under conditions of failed leptin receptor signaling.  相似文献   
An under-agarose chemotaxis assay was used to investigate whether unrestricted somatic stem cells (USSC) that were recently characterized in human cord blood are attracted by neuronal injury in vitro. USSC migrated toward extracts of post-ischemic brain tissue of mice in which stroke had been induced. Moreover, apoptotic neurons secrete factors that strongly attracted USSC, whereas necrotic and healthy neurons did not. Investigating the expression of growth factors and chemokines in lesioned brain tissue and neurons and of their respective receptors in USSC revealed expression of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) in post-ischemic brain and in apoptotic but not in necrotic neurons and of the HGF receptor c-MET in USSC. Neuronal lesion-triggered migration was observed in vitro and in vivo only when c-MET was expressed at a high level in USSC. Neutralization of the bioactivity of HGF with an antibody inhibited migration of USSC toward neuronal injury. This, together with the finding that human recombinant HGF attracts USSC, document that HGF signaling is necessary for the tropism of USSC for neuronal injury. Our data demonstrate that USSC have the capacity to migrate toward apoptotic neurons and injured brain. Together with their neural differentiation potential, this suggests a neuroregenerative potential of USSC. Moreover, we provide evidence for a hitherto unrecognized pivotal role of the HGF/c-MET axis in guiding stem cells toward brain injury, which may partly account for the capability of HGF to improve function in the diseased central nervous system.  相似文献   
The family of ammonia and ammonium channel proteins comprises the Amt proteins, which are present in all three domains of life with the notable exception of vertebrates, and the homologous Rh proteins (Rh50 and Rh30) that have been described thus far only in eukaryotes. The existence of an RH50 gene in bacteria was first revealed by the genome sequencing of the ammonia-oxidizing bacterium Nitrosomonas europaea. Here we have used a phylogenetic approach to study the evolution of the N. europaea RH50 gene, and we show that this gene, probably as a component of an integron cassette, has been transferred to the N. europaea genome by horizontal gene transfer. In addition, by functionally characterizing the Rh50Ne protein and the corresponding knockout mutant, we determined that NeRh50 can mediate ammonium uptake. The RH50Ne gene may thus have replaced functionally the AMT gene, which is missing in the genome of N. europaea and may be regarded as a case of nonorthologous gene displacement.  相似文献   
Animals have evolved adhesive structures on their legs to cling to the substrate during locomotion. Here we characterise the ultrastructure and mechanical properties of adhesive pads in Carausius morosus (Phasmatodea) using atomic force microscopy (AFM) as well as transmission and scanning electron microscopy (TEM, SEM). The smooth adhesive arolium has a soft cuticle consisting of principal rods, which branch into finer fibres near the surface. Indentation experiments showed that the pad material consists of distinct layers with different mechanical properties. The 100–300 nm thick outermost layer consisting of the cuticulin envelope and the epicuticle is extremely soft and resilient (mean effective Young’s modulus 12 kPa), while the subjacent procuticle is a much stiffer material (mean effective Young’s modulus 625 kPa). AFM contact mode imaging revealed that the cuticle is mechanically anisotropic, which can be explained by its fibrillar inner structure. We propose that the described layered structure of smooth adhesive pads, consisting of materials decreasing in stiffness towards the outer surface, represents a superior design to conform and adhere to substrates with roughnesses at different length scales. This design principle could be easily implemented in technical adhesives, and thus has a potential to inspire biomimetic applications.  相似文献   
The distribution of the DEK protein in mammalian chromatin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DEK is an abundant and ubiquitous chromatin protein. Here we investigate whether DEK is regularly distributed in the chromatin of human HeLa cells. We show that DEK appears to be excluded from the heterochromatic compartment. However, DEK seems to colocalize with a subfraction of chromatin bearing acetylated histone H4. We examined certain DNA sequences in specifically immunoprecipitated chromatin for four selected human genes. We found that most of the investigated gene sequences were moderately enriched in immunoprecipitated chromatin. In contrast, a promoter-proximal element of the human TOP1 gene was highly enriched in the chromatin immunoprecipitates. This enrichment was lost when cells were treated with alpha-amanitin showing that DEK binds to this particular site only when the TOP1 gene is actively expressed. Our conclusion is that DEK could serve as an architectural protein at the promoter or enhancer sites of a subfraction of human genes.  相似文献   
Hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSPs) are characterized by progressive weakness and spasticity of the legs because of the degeneration of cortical motoneuron axons. SPG15 is a recessively inherited HSP variant caused by mutations in the ZFYVE26 gene and is additionally characterized by cerebellar ataxia, mental decline, and progressive thinning of the corpus callosum. ZFYVE26 encodes the FYVE domain-containing protein ZFYVE26/SPASTIZIN, which has been suggested to be associated with the newly discovered adaptor protein 5 (AP5) complex. We show that Zfyve26 is broadly expressed in neurons, associates with intracellular vesicles immunopositive for the early endosomal marker EEA1, and co-fractionates with a component of the AP5 complex. As the function of ZFYVE26 in neurons was largely unknown, we disrupted Zfyve26 in mice. Zfyve26 knockout mice do not show developmental defects but develop late-onset spastic paraplegia with cerebellar ataxia confirming that SPG15 is caused by ZFYVE26 deficiency. The morphological analysis reveals axon degeneration and progressive loss of both cortical motoneurons and Purkinje cells in the cerebellum. Importantly, neuron loss is preceded by accumulation of large intraneuronal deposits of membrane-surrounded material, which co-stains with the lysosomal marker Lamp1. A density gradient analysis of brain lysates shows an increase of Lamp1-positive membrane compartments with higher densities in Zfyve26 knockout mice. Increased levels of lysosomal enzymes in brains of aged knockout mice further support an alteration of the lysosomal compartment upon disruption of Zfyve26. We propose that SPG15 is caused by an endolysosomal membrane trafficking defect, which results in endolysosomal dysfunction. This appears to be particularly relevant in neurons with highly specialized neurites such as cortical motoneurons and Purkinje cells.  相似文献   
A series of oxazole-substituted indanylacetic acids were prepared which show a spectrum of activity as ligands for PPAR nuclear receptor subtypes.  相似文献   
The centromeric histone H3 (CENH3) substitutes histone H3 within the nucleosomes of active centromeres in all eukaryotes. CENH3 deposition at centromeres is needed to assemble the kinetochore, a complex of conserved proteins responsible for correct chromosome segregation during nuclear division. Histones of regular nucleosomes are loaded during replication in S phase, while CENH3 deposition deviates from this pattern in yeast, human, and Drosophila melanogaster cells. Little is known about when and how CENH3 targets centromeric loci. Therefore, we determined the location and quantity of recombinant enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP)-CENH3 in mitotic root and endopolyploid leaf nuclei of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana cells. Our data indicate significant loading of A. thaliana CENH3 during G2 (before splitting into sister kinetochores) rather than during the S or M phase of the cell cycle. The histone fold domain of the C-terminal part of CENH3 is sufficient to target A. thaliana centromeres. A. thaliana EYFP-CENH3 can recognize and target three different centromeric repeats of Arabidopsis lyrata but not field bean (Vicia faba) centromeres.  相似文献   
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