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The activity of cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase in rat liver microsomes was assayed by measuring the mass of 5-cholestene-3β, 7α-diol formed from endogenous cholesterol under standardized incubation conditions. After termination of incubations, a known amount of 5-[24,25,7β-2H3]cholestene-3β,7α-diol was added. A chloroform extract of the incubation mixture was subjected to thin layer chromatography and the fraction containing 5-cholestene-3β,7α-diol was converted into trimethylsilyl ether. The trimethylsilyl ether was subjected to combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and the amount of unlabeled 5-cholestene-3β,7α-diol in the mixture was calculated from the ratio between the relative intensitics of the peaks at me 456 (M-90) and me 459 [M-(90 + 3)]. The precision of the method was ±2.2% (SD). The results with this method of assay of cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase were compared with those obtained with a method based on conversion of a trace amount of added [4-14C]cholesterol into 5-cholestene-3β,7α-diol.  相似文献   
The SS-isoenzyme of alcohol dehydrogenase from horse liver was found to be active towards ω1- and ω2-hydroxylated fatty acids, an ω-hydroxylated steroid, ethanol and a 3β-hydroxysteroid. The main part of all these activities disappeared after carboxymethylation of a cysteineresidue at the active site of LADHSS. The ω-hydroxyfatty acid dehydrogenase activity of LADHSS was of similar magnitude as that of LADHEE whereas the ω-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity of LADHSS was considerably higher than that of LADHEE.  相似文献   
Chromosome studies of cells from skin and lung cultured in vitro from eleven Manchurian sika deer (Cervus nippon hortulorum Swinhoe) sampled from the population in Woburn deer park, England, revealed variations in the number of chromosomes between individual animals as follows: 2n = 68, 67, 66, 65, and 64. No intraindividual variation was found. The presumably normal chromosome complement (2n = 68) consisted almost exclusively of one-armed or t chromosomes. Only two autosomes and the Y chromosome of the male were two-armed or m chromosomes. The variations in the number of chromosomes in the population were due to centric fusions of one-armed autosomes into two-armed ones, building up three coexisting and integrating polymorphic systems of centric fusion or Robertsonian type.The work was supported by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council.  相似文献   
The configuration at the acetal carbon atom of pyruvic acid acetals present in some extracellular bacterial polysaccharides has been investigated. Assignment of the absolute configuration was made by comparing signals in the 13C- and 1H-n.m.r. spectra of the polysaccharides with those of model substances. The S-configuration was demonstrated in eight polysaccharides in which pyruvic acid is linked to O-4 and O-6 of D-glucopyranosyl or D-mannopyranosyl residues. The R-configuration was demonstrated in four polysaccharides in which pyruvic acid is linked to O-4 and O-6 of D-galactopyranosyl residues. Consequently, in each of these acetals, which form 1,3-dioxane rings, the methyl group is equatorial and the carboxyl group axial. The S-form was further demonstrated in four polysaccharides in which the pyruvic acid is linked to O-3 and O-4 of D-galactopyranosyl groups.  相似文献   
The ability of living mouse peritoneal macrophages to retain the lysosomotropic photosensitizer acridine orange (AO) within their secondary lysosomes was studied with a novel cytofluorometric method. During exposure to blue light, cellular AO fluorescence turned from a red granular pattern to that of diffuse green. The resulting change in total fluorescence intensity versus time -a primary decline due to red fluorescence bleaching and a secondary recovery due to the spectral shift -was interpreted as the result of leakage of AO from the lysosomal vacuome. The hypothesis that this time course should be affected by changes in lysosomal membrane stability was tested by labilizing the lysosomes by exposure of cultured macrophages to either hypotonic medium or silver lactate. In hypotonie medium, the ability to retain AO decreased continuously. Exposure to low concentrations of silver lactate (10 μM) also decreased AO retention time. We suggest that this method could be used, within appropriate experimental conditions, to evaluate lysosomal membrane stability in living cells.  相似文献   
Two methods for the chemical binding of biomolecules to silicon surfaces are described. The first method utilizes an alkyl silane and a nucleophilic reagent to join the biomolecule to the silicon surface; the second method involves crosslinking with glutaraldehyde in order to couple the biomolecule and albumin molecules, which have first been physically adsorbed. The course of binding to the silicon surface has been followed with the aid of ellipsometry. This optical measuring technique estimates the thicknesses of, e.g., organic layers, by measuring the polarization properties of a light beam before and after reflection at surfaces. The method by which the binding of a biomolecule to its corresponding affinity ligand on silicon wafers can be followed with this technique is reported. The systems studied are concanavalin A-Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells, immunoglobulin G-Staphylococcus aureus cells, and an NAD-analog-lactate dehydrogenase. With ellipsometry it was possible to assess how the incubation time and the concentration of the cells and the biomolecules added influenced the results. It was found that an increasing time of incubation and higher concentration resulted in a more complete coverage of the silicon wafer surfaces.  相似文献   
The coiled coil structural motif consists of alpha helices supercoiling around each other to form staggered knobs‐into‐holes packing. Such structures are deceptively simple, especially as they often can be described with parametric equations, but are known to exist in various conformations. Even the simplest systems, consisting of 2 monomers, can assemble into a wide range of states. They can form canonical as well as noncanonical coiled coils, be parallel or antiparallel, where helices associate with different degrees of shift, tilt, and rotation. Here, we investigate the energy landscape of heterodimeric coiled coils by carrying out de novo folding simulations starting from amino acid sequence. We folded a diverse set of 22 heterodimers and demonstrate that the approach is capable of identifying the atomic details in the experimental structure in the majority of cases. Our methodology also enables exploration of alternative states that can be accessible in solution beyond the experimentally determined structure. For many systems, we observe folding energy landscapes with multiple energy minima and several isoenergetic states. By comparing coiled coils from single domains and those extracted from larger proteins, we find that standalone coiled coils have deeper energy wells at the experimentally determined conformation. By folding the competing homodimeric states in addition to the heterodimers, we observe that the structural specificity towards the heteromeric state is often small. Taken together, our results demonstrate that de novo folding simulations can be a powerful tool to characterize structural specificity of coiled coils when coupled to assessment of energy landscapes.  相似文献   
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, a probiotic with good survival capacity in the human gut, has well-documented adhesion properties and health effects. Recently, spaCBA-encoded pili that bind to human intestinal mucus were identified on its cell surface. Here, we report on the phenotypic analysis of a spaCBA pilus knockout mutant in comparison with the wild type and other adhesin mutants. The SpaCBA pilus of L. rhamnosus GG showed to be key for efficient adherence to the Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cell (IEC) line and biofilm formation. Moreover, the spaCBA mutant induces an elevated level of interleukin-8 (IL-8) mRNA in Caco-2 cells compared to the wild type, possibly involving an interaction of lipoteichoic acid with Toll-like receptor 2. In contrast, an L. rhamnosus GG mutant without exopolysaccharides but with an increased exposure of pili leads to the reduced expression of IL-8. Using Transwells to partition bacteria from Caco-2 cells, IL-8 induction is blocked completely regardless of whether wild-type or mutant L. rhamnosus GG cells are used. Taken together, our data suggest that L. rhamnosus GG SpaCBA pili, while promoting strong adhesive interactions with IECs, have a functional role in balancing IL-8 mRNA expression induced by surface molecules such as lipoteichoic acid.  相似文献   
Plasmonics - Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) for biosensing was demonstrated 30 years ago. In the present contribution, its general background is described together with the necessary...  相似文献   
Several lakes in northern Sweden have laminated sediments, of which many are interpreted as varved (annually laminated). In one of these lakes, a core of the recent sediment has been sampled annually since 1979 (except 1984). These cores verify that one varve, comprising of a thick summer layer (often colour-banded) and a thin winter layer, is formed each year. The cores also show, that, other than compaction, no change in visual appearance of the individual varves takes place after they have been overlain by new varves.  相似文献   
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