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Abstract: The lipophilic cation [3H]triphenylrnethylphosphonium bromide ([3H]TPMP+) was investigated as a measure of the membrane potential of synaptosomes. Conditions under which [3H]TPMP+ achieved an equilibrium distribution were tested. The toxicity of TPMP has been studied relative to its inhibitory effects on [3H]y-aminobutyric acid ([3H]GABA) transport. In some experiments the distribution of 86RbZ+ and [3H]TPMP+ was changed upon incubation in the presence of elevated levels of K+, ouabain, or KCN, or at 0°C in a way that would be expected from the membrane potential. In normal incubation conditions a membrane potential of ∼−60 mv was calculated.  相似文献   
Binding constants for the binding of high-affinity heparin to antithrombin at different ionic strengths were determined by fluorescence titrations and were also estimated from dissociation curves of the heparin-antithrombin complex. These curves were monitored by near-ultraviolet circular dichroism or fluorescence. The dependence of the binding constant on the activity of NaCl suggested that maximally 5–6 charged groups are directly involved in the interaction between the two macromolecules. Major pH-dependent changes of the interaction, as evident by changes of the spectroscopic properties of the complex between the molecules, were found to occur below pH 5.5 and above pH 8.5. The acid change, which was irreversible, was most likely caused by an irreversible conformational change of antithrombin. At alkaline pH, however, the gross conformation of antithrombin was stable up to pH 12, while the affinity of high-affinity heparin for antithrombin began to decrease markedly at pH 8.5. The dissociation curve, which was reversible, had a midpoint around pH 9.5. This is compatible with the loss of affinity being caused by either a local conformational change, by ionization of tyrosine or by titration of one or more amino groups.  相似文献   
Synopsis Extensive upstream migration of landlocked Arctic charr during spring floods was recorded in several tributaries of an oligotrophic lake in north-west Sweden. Migration was confined to a period of about two weeks and residence in most creeks was of short duration. Only fish migrating to two small productive lakes remained in the new habitat over the summer. Repeated annual migrations were only recorded in the creek leading to these lakes and no straying was observed among repeat migrants. Water temperatures provided the primary cues for initiation and direction of migration, although an ability to detect productive habitats by odour was indicated. Creek size, feeding opportunities during migration and conspeeific odour were subordinate guiding factors.  相似文献   
IMR-32 and SK-N-MC cells were found to contain [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate specific binding sites inhibited by pirenzepine in a manner suggesting the presence of both M1-type and M2-type muscarinic receptor recognition sites. Neither cell had detectable [3H]8-OH-DPAT binding sites. Carbachol stimulated the rate of inositol phospholipid breakdown in IMR-32 and SK-N-MC human neuroblastoma cells with an EC50 value of about 50 microM in both cases. Pirenzepine inhibited the carbachol (100 microM)-stimulated inositol phospholipid breakdown in both cells with Hill slopes of unity and IC50 values of 15 nM (IMR-32) and 12 nM (SK-N-MC). The 5-HT1A receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT competitively inhibited carbachol-stimulated inositol phospholipid breakdown with pA2 values of 5.78 (IMR-32) and 5.61 (SK-N-MC). These values are consistent with the inhibitory potency of 8-OH-DPAT towards [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate binding in these cells. The 5-HT agonists 5-MeODMT and buspirone at micromolar concentrations inhibited carbachol-stimulated breakdown in IMR-32 cells. The inhibition by 8-OH-DPAT and 5-MeODMT was not affected by preincubation with (-)alprenolol. 5-HT (10-100 microM) was without effect on either basal or carbachol-stimulated breakdown. It is concluded that IMR-32 and SK-N-MC neuroblastoma cells express muscarinic M1-type but not serotoninergic receptors coupled to phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C. 8-OH-DPAT acts as a weak antagonist at these muscarinic receptors.  相似文献   
A xanthanase complex secreted by a consortium of heat-stable, salt-tolerant bacteria includes a lyase that specifically removes terminal pyruvated beta-d-mannose residues from the side chains of xanthan gum. The enzyme was purified to homogeneity from the culture broth following ion-exchange chromatography and gel permeation chromatography. It consists of a single subunit of molecular weight 33,000. The enzyme is stable to 55 degrees C for more than 6 h in 20 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 5.0) containing 0.25 M NaCl. Optimal enzyme activity was observed at 0.05 M NaCl and a pH of 5. The enzyme has a pI of 3.7. It does not remove unsubstituted terminal beta-d-mannose residues from xanthan side chains nor does it hydrolyze p-nitrophenyl-beta-d-mannose. Treatment of xanthan with purified lyase results in a polysaccharide containing side chains terminating in an unsaturated 4,5-ene-glucuronic acid.  相似文献   
Thirty-five honey-bee colonies, originally free fromVarroa jacobsoni (Oudemans) were monitored approximately every third week for the presence of the mite during 16 months following an initial introduction of five to eight adultVarroa females in early July. Investigations of hive debris detected the presence ofV. jacobsoni in 22 colonies (63%) within three months of the mite introduction. During the first winter period (October–April), mites were found in the hive debris of 13 colonies (37%). In terms of detectingVarroa during the summer in colonies with sealed brood, investigations of hive debris were more effective than sampling of brood. Brood sampling was more effective than sampling of live bees. In colonies without sealed brood, investigations of hive debris or of live bee samples seemed approximately equally efficient. The highest correlation between sampling methods was found between daily mite downfall and mites per live bee (r=0.81) in colonies with sealed brood. During the winter, investigations of dead bees and hive debris were approximately equally efficient in detectingVarroa.  相似文献   
Recrystallized alcohol dehydrogenase from horse liver was found to oxidize 17-hydroxystearic acid into 17-oxostearic acid, the 17-L-enantiomer faster than the 17-D-enantiomer. Alone at high pH or in combination with aldehyde dehydrogenase, the alcohol dehydrogenase also catalyzed conversion of 18-hydroxystearic acid into 1, 18-octadecadioic acid and 5β-cholestane-3α,7α,12α,26-tetrol into 3α,7α,12α-trihydroxy-5β-cholestanoic acid. All the activities as well as the ethanol dehydrogenase activity disappeared after specific carboxymethylation of a single cystein residue at the active site of alcohol dehydrogenase. These results conclusively show that alcohol dehydrogenase itself has ω-hydroxyfatty acid dehydrogenase activity and ω-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity.  相似文献   
The nutritional value of several planktonic algae was testedby means of feeding trials with three cladoceran zooplankters.The algae were monocultures and included two blue-greens, fourgreens and four flagellates with a size range of 5–48µm. The specific growth rates of the zooplankters werechosen as the measure of the nutritional value of the algae.The three cladocerans showed large differences in growth ratein the different algae, but the two cryptomonads were withoutdoubt best suited as food for all. The fatty acid compositionfor the cryptomonads were different from the other algae. Theycontained high percentages of the polyunsaturated fatty acids20:5æ3 (EPA) and 22:6æ3 (DHA), which also are commonin fish. It is suggested that the lipid composition is a probablefactor determining the nutritional quality of the algae.  相似文献   
Spirulina platensis (= Arthrospira fusiformis) was isolated from Lake Chitu, a saline, alkaline lake in Ethiopia, where it forms an almost unialgal population. Optimum growth conditions were studied in a turbidostat. Cultures grown in modified Zarrouk's medium and exposed to a range of light intensities (20–500 µmol photons m–2s–1) showed a maximum specific growth rate (µmax) of 1.78 d–1. Quantum yield for growth (µ) was 3.8% at the optimum light for growth of 330 µmol photons m–2s–1, and ranged from 2.8 to 9.4%. With increase in irradiance, the chlorophyll a concentration decreased, and the carotenoids/chlorophyll a ratio increased by a factor of 2.4. The phosphorus to carbon ratio (P/C) showed some variation, while the nitrogen to carbon ratio (N/C) remained relatively constant, thus causing fluctuations in the N:P ratio (7–11) of cells. An optimum N:P ratio of about 7 was attained in cells growing at the optimum light for growth. Results from the continuous culture experiments agreed well with maximum values of photosynthetic efficiency given in the literature for natural populations of S. platensis in the soda lakes of East Africa, Lake Arenguade (Ethiopia), and Lake Simbi (Kenya).  相似文献   
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