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Introduced species often pose serious threats to biodiversity, but occasionally confusion arises as to whether a species really is introduced or is in fact an overlooked native. A recent UK conservation dilemma has centred on the status of the pool frog Rana lessonae. This species has been the subject of documented introductions from central and southern Europe since the early 1800s, the accepted position being that all UK R. lessonae populations are descended from these introductions. However, a closer examination of early UK literature sources, and recent discoveries of isolated, native R. lessonae populations in Sweden and Norway, led some herpetologists to question whether the species was in fact present as a native at some locations prior to the introductions. Research was initiated along four major lines of enquiry: genetic, bioacoustic, archaeozoological and archival. A high degree of convergence among the genetic and bioacoustic investigations demonstrated that the potentially native UK pool frogs were closely related to Scandinavian frogs, thus ruling out introductions from further south as a potential origin. Subfossil evidence of pool frogs was found from ca. 1000 years before present, demonstrating that the species occurred in the UK prior to known introductions. Archival sources produced no historical support for introductions from northern Europe. The postglacial history inferred for these northern populations is consistent with the known climatic and geographical conditions. Taken together, the evidence for the native status of the pool frog is compelling, and furthermore the UK population appears to be part of a distinct northern clade.  相似文献   
We have used confocal microscopy and an antibody against Anopheles gambiae beta integrin to study this protein's distribution in the mosquito midgut and its relationship to invading Plasmodium berghei parasites. An extensive reorganization of integrin is seen to take place in the midgut epithelial cells following the uptake of either non-infected or parasite-infected blood meal, probably reflecting the reshaping of the gut due to the presence of the food bolus and the peritrophic membrane that surrounds it. Furthermore, malaria parasites are coated with beta integrin immediately upon entry into the epithelium, independent of whether they develop intra- or extracellularly. Although this coat is shed a few days after the invasion, beta integrin remains concentrated in the cells surrounding the maturing oocyst for several days. Finally, the antibody detects a structural change in the midgut epithelial cells in the immediate vicinity of the invading ookinete, which is consistent with Plasmodium-induced apoptosis followed by wound healing. This intimate association suggests a specific role of beta integrin in the invasion process.  相似文献   
Using a proteomic approach we identified polypeptides from Anopheles gambiae and Drosophila melanogaster protein extracts that selectively bind purified Plasmodium berghei ookinetes in vitro; these were two and three distinct polypeptides, respectively, with an apparent molecular weight of about 36 kDa. Combining two-dimensional electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF (matrix-associated laser desorption ionization time of flight) mass spectrometry we determined that the polypeptides correspond to isomorphs of the annexin B11 protein of the fruit fly. When protein extracts derived from A. gambiae and D. melanogaster tissue culture cells were further fractionated, the binding activity matching the annexin protein could be localized in the fraction derived from cell membranes in both diptera. Antibody staining showed that annexin also binds to ookinetes during the invasion of the mosquito midgut. Finally, inclusion of antiannexin antisera in a mosquito blood meal impaired parasite development, suggesting a facilitating role for annexins in the infection of the mosquito by Plasmodium.  相似文献   
Specific inhibitors of glucosylceramide biosynthesis are used as drugs for the treatment of some human diseases correlated to glycosphingolipid metabolism. The target of the presently available inhibitors is the human glucosylceramide synthase (GCS), but effects on enzymes from other organisms have not been studied. We expressed cDNAs encoding GCS enzymes from lower animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria in the yeast P. pastoris. In vitro GCS assays with the GCS inhibitor D-threo-1-(3',4'-ethylenedioxy)phenyl-2-palmitoylamino-3-pyrrolidino-1-propanol showed that this inhibitor did not affect non-human GCS enzymes.  相似文献   


Leishmania parasites undergo profound morphological and biochemical changes while passing through their life cycle. Protein kinases have been shown to be involved in the differentiation from the extracellular flagellated promastigotes to the intracellular "non-flagellated" amastigotes and vice versa. Moreover, these enzymes are likely involved in the regulation of the proliferation of the different life stages.  相似文献   
S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) denitrosation activity of recombinant human protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) has been kinetically characterized by monitoring the loss of the S-NO absorbance, using a NO electrode, and with the aid of the fluorogenic NOx probe 2,3-diaminonaphthalene. The initial rates of denitrosation as a function of [GSNO] displayed hyperbolic behavior irrespective of the method used to monitor denitrosation. The Km values estimated for GSNO were 65 +/- 5 microm and 40 +/- 10 microm for the loss in the S-NO bond and NO production (NO electrode or 2,3-diaminonaphthalene), respectively. Hemoglobin assay provided additional evidence that the final product of PDI-dependent GSNO denitrosation was NO*. A catalytic mechanism, involving a nitroxyl disulfide intermediate stabilized by imidazole (His160 a-domain or His589 a'-domain), which after undergoing a one-electron oxidation decomposes to yield NO plus dithiyl radical, has been proposed. Evidence for the formation of thiyl/dithiyl radicals during PDI-catalyzed denitrosation was obtained with 4-((9-acridinecarbonyl)-amino)-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl. Evidence has also been obtained showing that in a NO- and O2-rich environment, PDI can form N2O3 in its hydrophobic domains. This "NO-charged PDI" can perform intra- and intermolecular S-nitrosation reactions similar to that proposed for serum albumin. Interestingly, reduced PDI was able to denitrosate S-nitrosated PDI (PDI-SNO) resulting in the release of NO. PDI-SNO, once formed, is stable at room temperature in the absence of reducing agent over the period of 2 h. It has been established that PDI is continuously secreted from cells that are net producers of NO-like endothelial cells. The present demonstration that PDI can be S-nitrosated and that PDI-SNO can be denitrosated by PDI suggests that this enzyme could be intimately involved in the transport of intracellular NO equivalents to the cell surface as well as the previous demonstration of PDI in the transfer of S-nitrosothiol-bound NO to the cytosol.  相似文献   
Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide is an incretin hormone that stimulates insulin secretion and reduces postprandial glycaemic excursions. The glucose-dependent action of GIP on pancreatic beta-cells has attracted attention towards its exploitation as a potential drug for type 2 diabetes. Use of NMR or X-ray crystallography is vital to determine the three-dimensional structure of the peptide. Therefore, to understand the basic structural requirements for the biological activity of GIP, the solution structure of the major biologically active fragment, GIP(1-30)amide, was investigated by proton NMR spectroscopy and molecular modelling. The structure is characterised by a full length alpha-helical conformation between residues F(6) and A(28). This structural information could play an important role in the design of therapeutic agents based upon GIP receptor agonists.  相似文献   
Phytochromes are biliprotein photoreceptors that are found in plants, bacteria, and fungi. Prototypical phytochromes have a Pr ground state that absorbs in the red spectral range and is converted by light into the Pfr form, which absorbs longer-wavelength, far-red light. Recently, some bacterial phytochromes have been described that undergo dark conversion of Pr to Pfr and thus have a Pfr ground state. We show here that such so-called bathy phytochromes are widely distributed among bacteria that belong to the order Rhizobiales. We measured in vivo spectral properties and the direction of dark conversion for species which have either one or two phytochrome genes. Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58 contains one bathy phytochrome and a second phytochrome which undergoes dark conversion of Pfr to Pr in vivo. The related species Agrobacterium vitis S4 contains also one bathy phytochrome and another phytochrome with novel spectral properties. Rhizobium leguminosarum 3841, Rhizobium etli CIAT652, and Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571 contain a single phytochrome of the bathy type, whereas Xanthobacter autotrophicus Py2 contains a single phytochrome with dark conversion of Pfr to Pr. We propose that bathy phytochromes are adaptations to the light regime in the soil. Most bacterial phytochromes are light-regulated histidine kinases, some of which have a C-terminal response regulator subunit on the same protein. According to our phylogenetic studies, the group of phytochromes with this domain arrangement has evolved from a bathy phytochrome progenitor.Phytochromes are biological photoreceptors that were discovered in plants, where they control development throughout the life cycle in manifold ways (21, 33). Today, a large number of homologs are known also from cyanobacteria, other bacteria, and fungi, which are termed cyanobacterial phytochromes (Cphs), bacteriophytochromes (BphPs), and fungal phytochromes (Fphs), respectively (20, 24). The chromophore is autocatalytically assembled within the N-terminal part of the protein, the photosensory core module (PCM), which contains the PAS, GAF, and PHY domains (30). Typically, phytochromes are converted by light between two spectrally different forms, the red-absorbing Pr and the far-red-absorbing Pfr forms. Photoconversion is initiated by an isomerization of the covalently bound bilin chromophore (32).Plant and cyanobacterial phytochromes incorporate phytochromobilin (PΦB) and phycocyanobilin (PCB) as natural chromophores, respectively, which are covalently bound to Cys residues in the GAF domains. All characterized phytochromes that belong to these groups have a Pr ground state. Plant phytochromes can undergo dark conversion of Pfr to Pr (5), whereas the Pfr form of typical cyanobacterial phytochromes is stable in darkness (26).Bacteriophytochromes utilize biliverdin (BV) instead as a natural chromophore (1), which is covalently attached to a Cys residue in the N terminus of the PAS domain (26). Since the conjugated system of BV is longer than that of PΦB or PCB, the absorption maxima of bacteriophytochromes are found at higher wavelengths than those of cyanobacterial or plant homologs.With the discovery of a bacterial phytochrome from Bradyrhizobium sp. strain ORS278, termed BrBphP1, the first phytochrome with a Pfr ground state and dark conversion from Pr to Pfr was found (10). Thereafter, five more phytochromes with dark conversion of Pr to Pfr were described: Rhodopseudomonas palustris BphP1 (RpBphP1) from strain CEA001, RpBphP5, and RpBphP6 from strain CGA009 (11); Agrobacterium tumefaciens Agp2 (or AtBphP2) from strain C58 (18); and Pseudomonas aeruginosa BphP1 (PaBphP1) (40). These phytochromes are now termed bathy phytochromes because the absorption maxima of their ground states are bathochromically (to longer wavelengths) shifted compared to those of all other phytochromes.Moreover, some other bacterial phytochromes with unusual properties have been described. In the Ppr from Rhodospirillum centenum, a photoactive yellow protein (PYP) domain is fused to the N terminus of a phytochrome homolog. The phytochrome part of Ppr assembles with BV to form a Pr adduct. However, irradiation does not result in the formation of Pfr but in a bleaching of the Pr spectrum (23). The BV adduct of RpBphP3 from R. palustris, which has a Pr ground state, photoconverts to the so-called Pnr form with a blue-shifted absorption maximum (12). RpBphP4 from R. palustris strains Ha2 and BisB5 and Bradyrhizobium BphP3 (BrBphP3) from Bradyrhizobium BTAi1, both with a Pr ground state, photoconvert into a long-lived MetaR form (8, 42). MetaRa and MetaRc are intermediates in the photoconversion from Pr to Pfr of prototypical phytochromes (3). BphP3 from the Bradyrhizobium strain ORS 278 is an exception among bacteriophytochromes as it binds PCB as a natural chromophore. This phytochrome adopts a so-called Po (P-orange) ground state with an absorbance maximum in the orange range (11, 15). Upon irradiation, this phytochrome converts into the Pr form. RpBphP4 from R. palustris CGA009 lacks the biliverdin binding cysteine and does not bind a chromophore (42).With the rapidly growing number of bacterial genome sequences, many new bacterial phytochromes are being discovered. Thus, a large and increasing number of newly identified phytochromes remain spectroscopically uncharacterized. We established an in vivo photometry approach which allowed the rapid acquisition of spectral information about phytochromes from intact bacterial cells. In the beginning period of plant phytochrome research, in vivo photometry was extensively applied (4, 6, 29, 34). This method, in fact, allowed the identification of phytochromes for the first time in plant tissues (6), which led to the purification of phytochromes from plant extracts (37). Here, we apply in vivo photometry for the first time to organisms outside the plant kingdom. This method is especially useful for studying species with single phytochrome genes. The approach is also helpful for comparing properties of native phytochromes in vivo and of their recombinant proteins in vitro.In the present study, we concentrate on nonphotosynthetic species of the order Rhizobiales which belongs to the Alphaproteobacteria. The family Rhizobiaceae comprises plant-interacting soil bacteria. A. tumefaciens and Agrobacterium vitis can transfer genes into plants to induce plant tumors, whereas many other Rhizobiaceae can live as plant symbionts in nodules of stems or roots in which they assimilate molecular nitrogen to produce NH4+, which is used by the plant for synthesis of amino acids and other nitrogen-containing molecules. A. tumefaciens C58 contains two phytochromes, termed Agp1 (or AtBphP1) and Agp2 (or AtBphP2), that have been characterized as recombinant proteins (14, 18, 26, 35) and whose spectral activities have been measured in extracts of wild-type and knockout mutants (31). A large number of phytochromes from photosynthetic Bradyrhizobium and Rhodopseudomonas species, which also belong to the order Rhizobiales, have been characterized as recombinant proteins (11), some of which have already been noted above.It turned out that most of our analyzed phytochromes undergo dark conversion of Pr to Pfr and thus belong to the group of bathy phytochromes. Such phytochromes, which absorb at around 750 nm, clearly dominate among Rhizobiales. We propose that this specific property reflects an adaptation to the light regime in the soil. Our studies also suggest that bacterial phytochromes with a C-terminal response regulator have evolved from a bathy phytochrome progenitor.  相似文献   
The essential mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase), LmxMPK4, of Leishmania mexicana is minimally active when purified following recombinant expression in Escherichia coli and was therefore unsuitable for drug screening until now. Using an E. coli protein co-expression system we identified LmxMKK5, a STE7-like protein kinase from L. mexicana, which phosphorylates and activates recombinant LmxMPK4 in vitro. LmxMKK5 is comprised of 525 amino acids and has a calculated molecular mass of 55.9 kDa. The co-expressed, purified LmxMPK4 showed strong phosphotransferase activity in radiometric kinase assays and was confirmed by immunoblot and tandem mass spectrometry analyses to be phosphorylated on threonine 190 and tyrosine 192 of the typical TXY MAP kinase activation motif. The universal protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine reduced the phosphotransferase activity of co-expressed and activated LmxMPK4 in a dose-dependent manner. To our knowledge this is the first time that an in vitro activator of an essential Leishmania MAP kinase was identified and our findings form the basis for the development of drug screening assays to identify small molecule inhibitors of LmxMPK4 in the search for new therapeutic drugs against leishmaniasis.  相似文献   
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