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The isolation of two Thormählen-positive compounds from the urine of a patient with malignant melanoma and the elucidation of their structure by gas chromatography—mass spectrometry is described. The compounds were isolated using a poly-N-vinylpyrrolidone column and separated by preparative thin-layer chromatography. After elution they were analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography—mass spectrometry as their trimethylsilyl derivatives and after hydrolysis also as their tert.-butyldimethylsilyl derivatives. The results showed the main Thormählen-positive compound A to be the glucuronide of 5-hydroxy-6-methoxyindole, whereas the minor compound AX appeared to be the glucuronide of its isomer 6-hydroxy-5-methoxyindole.  相似文献   
Neutrophil adherence to cytokine-activated endothelial cell (EC) monolayers depends on the expression of the endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule-1 (ELAM-1). The ligand for ELAM-1 is the sialylated Lewis-x antigen (SLe(x)) structure. The selectin LAM-1 (or LECAM-1) has been described as one of the SLe(x)-presenting glycoproteins involved in neutrophil binding to ELAM-1. Other presenter molecules have not yet been described. Our data demonstrate that the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)-like surface molecules on neutrophils--known as the nonspecific cross-reacting antigens (NCAs)--are involved in neutrophil adherence to monolayers of IL-1-beta-activated EC. The NCAs are recognized by CD66 (NCA-160 and NCA-90) and CD67 (NCA-95). Because NCA-95 and NCA-90 have previously been found to be phosphatidylinositol (PI)-linked, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) neutrophils (which lack PI-linked surface proteins) were tested as well. PNH neutrophils showed a diminished binding to activated EC. CD66 (on PNH cells still recognizing the transmembrane NCA-160 form) still inhibited the adherence of PNH cells to IL-1-beta-activated EC, but to a limited extent. Soluble CEA(-related) antigens inhibited normal neutrophil adherence as well, whereas neutrophil transmigration was unaffected. Sialidase-treatment as well as CD66 preclearing abolished the inhibitory capacity of the CEA(-related) antigens. The binding of soluble CEA antigens to IL-1-beta-pretreated EC was blocked by anti-ELAM-1. These soluble antigens, as well as the neutrophil NCA-160 and NCA-90, both recognized by CD66 antibodies, presented the SLe(x) determinant. Together, these findings indicate that the CD66 antigens (i.e., NCA-160/NCA-90) function as presenter molecules of the SLe(x) oligosaccharide structures on neutrophils that bind to ELAM-1 on EC.  相似文献   
Sodium-calcium exchange current was isolated in inside-out patches excised from guinea pig ventricular cells using the giant patch method. The outward exchange current decayed exponentially upon activation by cytoplasmic sodium (sodium-dependent inactivation). The kinetics and mechanism of the inactivation were studied. (a) The rate of inactivation and the peak current amplitude were both strongly temperature dependent (Q10 = 2.2). (b) An increase in cytoplasmic pH from 6.8 to 7.8 attenuated the current decay and shifted the apparent dissociation constant (Kd) of cytoplasmic calcium for secondary activation of the exchange current from 9.6 microM to < 0.3 microM. (c) The amplitude of exchange current decreased synchronously over the membrane potential range from -120 to 60 mV during the inactivation, indicating that voltage dependence of the exchanger did not change during the inactivation process. The voltage dependence of exchange current also did not change during secondary modulation by cytoplasmic calcium and activation by chymotrypsin. (d) In the presence of 150 mM extracellular sodium and 2 mM extracellular calcium, outward exchange current decayed similarly upon application of cytoplasmic sodium. Upon removal of cytoplasmic sodium in the presence of 2-5 microM cytoplasmic free calcium, the inward exchange current developed in two phases, a fast phase within the time course of solution changes, and a slow phase (tau approximately 4 s) indicative of recovery from sodium-dependent inactivation. (e) Under zero-trans conditions, the inward current was fully activated within solution switch times upon application of cytoplasmic calcium and did not decay. (f) The slow recovery phase of inward current upon removal of cytoplasmic sodium was also present under the zero-trans condition. (g) Sodium-dependent inactivation shows little or no dependence on membrane potential in guinea pig myocyte sarcolemma. (h) Sodium-dependent inactivation of outward current is attenuated in rate and extent as extracellular calcium is decreased. (i) Kinetics of the sodium-dependent inactivation and its dependence on major experimental variables are well described by a simple two-state inactivation model assuming one fully active and one fully inactive exchanger state, whereby the transition to the inactive state takes place from a fully sodium-loaded exchanger conformation with cytoplasmic orientation of binding sites (E1.3Ni).  相似文献   
To understand molecular mechanisms of the mutation fixation process induced by a mutagen and carcinogen, a multi-system approach is suggested to reduce the probability that the results are biased by the assay used. In this light we described our different approaches to answer basic questions on the mutagenesis induced by the chemical carcinogen 4-Nitroquinoline-1-oxide. We determined mutations at the molecular level in three experimental systems: a) in prokaryotes (ss M13mp19 lacZ'/E. coli F'lacZ delta M15); b) in eukaryotes (i) ss and ds pZ189 supF/CV1-P/E.coli lacZam and (ii) HPRT in CHO cells with different repair capacity. We think this type of approach can be used to study the genetic effects of new cancer drugs for which the molecular mechanisms of action at the molecular level are still not well understood. We think to apply the know-how to study mutational spectra in tumor derived tumor suppressor genes.  相似文献   
The effect of isoproterenol on apical and basolateral membrane conductance in principal cells of short-circuited frog skin was analyzed using microelectrodes. Isoproterenol (10(-6) mol/l) increased the apical membrane conductance in addition to stimulating Cl- conductive pathways outside the principal cells. The effect on apical Na+ channels explains the increase in amiloride sensitive short-circuit current. Basolateral membrane conductance increased only slightly. Steady-state I/V relationships of the basolateral membrane indicate that the inward rectification of basolateral membrane K+ channels was not altered.  相似文献   
Summary Asymmetrical displacement currents are measured in the absence and in the presence of the lipophilic anion dipicrylamine (DPA) in the extracellular solution of nerve fibres of the frogRana esculenta. DPA (30nM-3 M) enhances the current by a component that has the properties expected for a translocation current of DPA ion across the lipid membrane. Analysis in terms of a single-barrier model yields the translocation rate constant (k), the total surface density of DPA absorbed to the membrane (N t ), and the equidistribution voltage (). The value ofk of about 104 s–1 is similar to that for a solvent-free artificial bilayer formed by the Montal-Mueller method. The surface densityN t varies with the DPA concentration as it does in the artificial bilayer, but is about tenfold smaller at all concentrations. The DPA ions sense an intrinsic electric field that is offset by a transmembrane voltage between 0 and 30 mV (inside positive). The part of the axolemma probed by the DPA ion appears as a thin (<2.5 nm), fluid bilayer of lipids. DPA ions seem, however, to be excluded from the major part of the axolemma as if this area is occupied by integral proteins or negative charges.  相似文献   
The malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, enhances the rate and extent of sickling of infected hemoglobin S heterozygous human erythrocytes. Upon sickling of the host cell, the parasite is killed. Parasite-free lysates of highly infected cells were analyzed to determine the mechanism by which sickling is enhanced. The intraerythrocytic pH of the infected cell was estimated to be 0.4 units below that of the uninfected cell, a difference which could result in a 20-fold increase in the extent of sickling under physiological conditions. Sickle-cell hemoglobin (HbS) heterozygous (AS) erythrocytes had decreased intracellular potassium after 24 hr of culture under conditions which cause sickling and parasite death. When infected AS cells were cultured in high-potassium medium under these conditions the parasites were protected. The medium did not prevent sickling but did maintain normal intracellular potassium levels. It is suggested that sequestration of trophozoite-infected AS cells in the venules leads to the sickling of the host cell, loss of erythrocytic potassium, and parasite death. The resulting attenuation of parasite multiplication would favor the survival of the HbS heterozygote and maintain the HbS gene at high frequencies in areas endemic for falciparum malaria.  相似文献   
Cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) signalling plays a fundamental role in many cell types, including platelets. cGMP has been implicated in platelet formation, but mechanistic detail about its spatio-temporal regulation in megakaryocytes (MKs) is lacking. Optogenetics is a technique which allows spatio-temporal manipulation of molecular events in living cells or organisms. We took advantage of this method and expressed a photo-activated guanylyl cyclase, Blastocladiella emersonii Cyclase opsin (BeCyclop), after viral-mediated gene transfer in bone marrow (BM)-derived MKs to precisely light-modulate cGMP levels. BeCyclop-MKs showed a significantly increased cGMP concentration after illumination, which was strongly dependent on phosphodiesterase (PDE) 5 activity. This finding was corroborated by real-time imaging of cGMP signals which revealed that pharmacological PDE5 inhibition also potentiated nitric oxide-triggered cGMP generation in BM MKs. In summary, we established for the first-time optogenetics in primary MKs and show that PDE5 is the predominant PDE regulating cGMP levels in MKs. These findings also demonstrate that optogenetics allows for the precise manipulation of MK biology.  相似文献   
Little is known about reproductive trade-offs in African amphibians, but such data, particularly in the form of quantitative measurements, are a key for investigating life history evolution. Here we compile and analyze known data on African bufonids from published material and new data from preserved museum specimens, to investigate interspecific patterns of egg and clutch sizes variation. Our data is a composite of mixed sources, including ova data from dissected females and laid clutches from observations in the field. Our study shows that, as body size increases, clutch size increases but egg size decreases, and when correcting for body size, egg size is inversely correlated with clutch size. These parameter interactions however, are different for different reproductive modes. In free-swimming larval developing species, the same trends are recovered, but for lecithotrophic viviparous species no significant correlations could be recovered for clutch size and body size nor for the trade-off between clutch size and egg size, and egg size is positively related to body size. The egg size of Nimbaphrynoides occidentalis (Angel, 1943) is a clear outlier, which may be due to its matrotrophic viviparous reproduction. In addition, we observed no statistical difference between ova data collected from dissections and laid clutch data from field observations, which suggests that such a mixed dataset has utility in comparative analyses.  相似文献   
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