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The investigation of the inhibitory activity on the membrane bonded ATP-ase of the M(L)2X2 complexes [where M = Pd(II), Pt(II); L = isoxazole(isox), 3,5-dimethylisoxazole(3,5-diMeisox), 3-methyl,5-phenylisoxazole(3-Me,5-Phisox), 3,5-diphenylisoxazole-(3,5-diPhisox), and 4-amino-3,5-dimethylisoxazole(4-ADI); X = Cl, Br] is reported. These results show that the complexes with isox and its methyl and phenyl derivatives have a much stronger inhibitory effect than the corresponding free ligands; in the 4-ADI compounds this activity drops. The Pd(II) complexes have a greater effect than the Pt(II) derivatives. The interaction occurs with SH groups and probably also with other active centers of the enzyme. These conclusions have been correlated with the E.S.C.A. spectra. These measurements show that the electron density of the complexes on the central metal ion and Nring atom or Nring and N-hexocyclic atoms on passing from chloride to bromide derivatives changes slightly.  相似文献   
Rates of net CO2 uptake were examined in developing leaves of Hydrocotyle bonariensis. Leaves that developed under high photosynthetically active radiation (48 mol m-2 day-1 PAR) were smaller, thicker, and reached maximum size sooner than did leaves that developed under low PAR (4.8 mol m-2 day-1). Maximum net CO2 uptake rates were reached after 5 to 6 days expansion for both the low and the high PAR leaves. Leaves grown at high PAR had higher maximum photosynthetic rates and a higher PAR required for light saturation but showed a more rapid decline in rate with age than did low PAR leaves. To assess the basis for the difference observed in photosynthetic rates, CO2 diffusion conductances and the mesophyll surface available for CO2 absorption were examined for mature leaves. Stomatal conductance was the largest conductance in all treatments and did not vary appreciably with growth PAR. Mesophyll conductance progressively increased with growth PAR (up to 48 mol m-2 day-1) as did the mesophyll surface area per unit leaf area, but the cellular conductance exhibited most of its increase at low PAR (up to 4.8 mol m-2 day-1).  相似文献   
The family of mammalian extracellular matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) are secreted by cells in an inactive (latent) proenzyme form. A highly conserved amino acid sequence, PRCGVPDV, is found near the COOH-terminal end of the pro-domain of these MMPs and believed to act as an "autoinhibitor." Recent studies (Springman, E. B., Angleton, E. L., Birkedal-Hansen, H., and Wart, H. E. V. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 87, 364-368) indicate the Cys of this sequence ligands to the active-site zinc keeping the proenzyme in an inactive state, and mutational analysis (Sanchez-Lopez, R., Nicholson, R., Gesnel, M. C., Matrisian, L. M., and Breathnach, R. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 11892-11899) suggests that the conserved residues surrounding this Cys are required for latency. We have constructed 16 new site-directed mutations of the PRCGVPDV autoinhibitor region of the MMP transin (rat stromelysin) and tested whether these mutant enzymes are produced in a latent or activated form. We find that the conserved Arg as well as the Cys are essential for maintaining latency. The Cys cannot be replaced by other zinc-liganding amino acids, and the Arg cannot be replaced by Lys. Residues immediately surrounding the Cys are sensitive to even conservative amino acid substitutions. We show that a synthetic peptide PRCGVPDV is capable of acting as a weak inhibitor of transin and that replacement of the Cys with a Ser abolishes inhibition by the peptide. A review of the current knowledge of MMP substrate specificity in combination with these new results suggests that the PRCGVPDV sequence does not inhibit activity by mimicking the known substrates of the protease.  相似文献   
Human interleukin (IL)-5 receptors were characterized by means of binding studies using bioactive 125I-labeled IL-5. Of purified primary myeloid cells, eosinophils and basophils but not neutrophils or monocytes expressed surface receptors for IL-5. Binding studies showed that eosinophils expressed a single class of high affinity receptors (Ka = 1.2 x 10(10) M-1) with the number of receptors being small (less than 1000 receptors/cell) and varying between individuals. Among several cell lines examined only HL-60 cells showed detectable IL-5 receptors which were small in numbers (200 receptors/cell) and also bound 125I-IL-5 with high affinity. The binding of IL-5 was rapid at 37 degrees C while requiring several hours to reach equilibrium at 4 degrees C. Specificity studies revealed that the two other human eosinophilopoietic cytokines IL-3 and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) inhibited the binding of 125I-IL-5 to eosinophils. No competition was observed by other eosinophil activating or nonactivating cytokines. The inhibition of 125I-IL-5 binding by IL-3 and GM-CSF was partial up to a concentration of competitor of 10(-7) M with GM-CSF consistently being the stronger competitor. Converse experiments using IL-5 as a competitor revealed that this cytokine inhibited the binding of 125I-IL-3 and of 125I-GM-CSF in some but not all the individuals tested, perhaps reflecting eosinophil heterogeneity in vivo. Cross-linking experiments on HL-60 cells demonstrated two IL-5-containing complexes of Mr 150,000 and Mr 80,000 both of which were inhibited by GM-CSF. The competition between IL-5, IL-3, and GM-CSF on the surface of mature eosinophils may represent a unifying mechanism that may help explain the common biological effects of these three eosinophilopoietic cytokines on eosinophil function. This unique pattern of competition may also be beneficial to the host by preventing excessive eosinophil stimulation.  相似文献   
Cross-linking of 125I-IL-4 to the surface of cells expressing IL-4R yields as the major IL-4-binding molecules, polypeptide chains with inferred m.w. of approximately 70,000 (p70) and approximately 120,000 to 140,000 (p120-p140). The demonstration that the functional product of the IL-4R cDNA clone has m.w. of approximately 140,000 and that no p70 product is detected in transfected COS-7 cells has led to an uncertainty regarding the nature of p70. To study this issue, we examined the relationship of the IL-4-binding molecules p120 and p70 and, in parallel, attempted to immunoprecipitate p70 from surface and internally labeled cells using IL-4 and two anti-IL-4R antibodies (M1 and M2), bound to Affigel 10, as ligands. Cross-linked complexes containing 125I-IL-4 and p70 or p120 were isolated and digested with chymotrypsin or with V8 protease. Three distinct IL-4-binding peptides could be compared; these were indistinguishable for cross-linked p70 and p120, strongly implying that p70 and p120 were structurally related. Furthermore, immunoprecipitates made with IL-4 or anti-IL-4R-Affigel did not contain p70. This led us to conclude that p70 is a breakdown product of p120. A second IL-4-binding molecule of 40,000 Da (p40) expressing the M1 and M2 epitopes of the IL-4R was detected and appears to be the product of an mRNA coding for the soluble form of the receptor. mRNA for p40 was detected in both the T cell line CT.4R and the mast cell line CFTL.12 using polymerase chain reaction primers unique to this species of message. Pulse-chase studies of IL-4R in [35S] methionine-labeled cells indicates that p40 is derived from a 42,000-Da precursor that is detectable at the end of the pulse period, and thus, further argue that p40 is an independently translated molecule and not a degradation product of p120. Although p40 has been previously shown to be a soluble, truncated form of the receptor, we failed to observe secretion of p40 into the medium by internally labeled CT.4R cells.  相似文献   
The plasmid stability under the repressed state of cloned gene was studied theoretically as well as experimentally using recombinant E. coli K12DeltaH1Deltatrp/pPLc23trpA1 as a "host-vector" model system. The important kinetic parameters studied were the plasmid loss rate (theta) describing the rate at which the plasrnid-harboring cells lose plas-mids and the plasmid-free cells are generated per unit time and the difference in growth rates (Delta) between the two genotypes. These parameters were carefully defined, studied, and compared with other key kinetic parameters involved in the recombinant fermentation to further our understanding of metabolism of recombinants. The ratio of the concentration of plasmid-free cells to plasmid-harboring cells (Omega) was introduced, and the mathematical model was derived and used for the determination of the kinetic parameters associated with plasmid instability. These methods developed based on the theoretical considerations were tested experimentally. The results of these methods were compared, and the best method was selected and recommended. The effect of temperature and dilution rate on kinetic parameters theta and Delta were also studied in continuous culture, in order to provide some practical information related to the operation and control of recombinant fermentation processes.  相似文献   
Serotonin1A receptor agonists, 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin and 10-methyl-11-hydroxyaporphine, inhibited electrical stimulation-induced contraction of the guinea-pig ileum. These agonists also inhibited the pressor and tachycardiac responses to low frequency (0.25 Hz) but not to high frequency (2.0 Hz) electrical stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system in pithed rats. Serotonin1B receptor agonist RU 24969 inhibited pressor and tachycardiac responses to both low and high frequencies of stimulation in pithed rats. In the cat nictitating membrane, serotonin1A receptor agonists did not alter contractions elicited by electrical stimulation (0.1-3.0 Hz). Serotonin not only contracted the cat nictitating membrane but also facilitated contractile responses to low frequency (0.1-1.0 Hz) stimulation. The contractile effect of serotonin in the cat nictitating membrane was blunted by bretylium, methysergide, and ketanserin, but not by metoclopramide. The facilitatory effect of serotonin was antagonized by methysergide, but not by ketanserin, pindolol, propranolol, or metoclopramide. These results suggest that serotonin1A receptors modulate autonomic neurotransmission in the guinea-pig ileum and pithed rats, but not in the cat nictitating membrane. Serotonin contracts the cat nictitating mebrane via serotonin2 subtypes, while facilitating stimulated contractile responses through the serotonin1-like receptors.  相似文献   
A series of glycophospholipids synthesized by coupling mono-, di-, or tri-saccharides to dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) by reductive amination was used to investigate the interaction of glycophospholipids with phospholipid bilayer membranes. These synthetic glycophospholipids functioned as a stabilizer for the formation of DOPE bilayer vesicles. The minimal mol% of glycophospholipid needed to stabilize the DOPE vesicles were as follows: 8% N-neuraminlactosyl-DOPE (NANL-DOPE), 20% N-maltotriosyl-DOPE (MAT-DOPE), 30% N-lactosyl-DOPE (Lac-DOPE), and 42% N-galactosyl-DOPE (Gal-DOPE). The estimated hydration number of glycophospholipid in reverse micelles was 87, 73, 46, and 14 for NANL-DOPE, MAT-DOPE, Lac-DOPE, and Gal-DOPE, respectively. Thus, the hydration intensity of the glycophospholipid was directly related to the ability to stabilize the DOPE bilayer phase for vesicle formation. Glycophospholipids also reduced the transition temperature from gel to liquid-crystalline phase (Tm) of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayers. Interestingly, incorporation of NANL-DOPE induced a decrease of membrane fluidity of DPPC bilayers in the gel phase while other glycophospholipids had no effect. Also, low level of NANL-DOPE but not other glycophospholipids increased the transition temperature (TH) from liquid-crystalline to hexagonal phase of dielaidoylphosphatidylethanolamine bilayers. These results showed that NANL-DOPE with a highly hydratable headgroup which provides a strong stabilization activity for the L alpha phase of phospholipid membranes, may also be involved in specific interactions with neighboring phospholipids via its saccharide moiety.  相似文献   
Escherichia coli strain N4316 is a mutant that exhibits temperature-sensitive growth at 43 degrees C and temperature-sensitive translation in vivo and in vitro. Extracts of the mutant produce an aberrant pattern of translation products of MS2 bacteriophage RNA. Previous work has shown that a protein, called 'rescue', isolated from the parental strain partly corrects the defective translation in vitro. Here we report the purification to homogeneity of a second factor from ribosomal eluates of the wild-type parental strain; the purified protein is a homodimer of 54 kDa. The partial sequence of the second protein was determined, and a recombinant plasmid was isolated based on its ability to complement the temperature-sensitive growth phenotype of the mutant at the non-permissive temperatures. The cloned gene was sequenced, mapped to the 20.9-min region of the E. coli chromosome and shown to code for a 466-amino-acid protein with a molecular mass of 52 kDa. Analysis of the DNA sequence and the correspondence to that of the partial protein sequence has identified the complementing factor as asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase. Marker rescue experiments indicate that the asnS mutation in N4316 resides within the motif 2 domain of the synthetase. A potential role of this synthetase in restoring normal protein synthesis with respect to ribosomal frameshifting, read-through of nonsense codons and protein copy number is discussed.  相似文献   
Ras GTPase-activating protein (GAP) has been implicated in mitogenic signal transduction downstream of oncogenic and receptor tyrosine kinases. Previous studies have suggested that GAP is phosphorylated by oncogenic viral Src (v-Src) and that GAP is associated with a complex containing normal cellular Src (c-Src) in vertebrate fibroblasts. To investigate molecular interactions between the Src kinases and GAP, we developed an in vitro system for reconstituting Src-GAP complexes. For this purpose, we constructed recombinant baculovirus vectors that direct expression of Rous sarcoma virus v-Src, chicken c-Src, and bovine GAP in infected Sf9 insect cells. In vitro reconstitution experiments using baculovirus-expressed proteins demonstrate that both v-Src and c-Src associate in complexes with GAP. In addition, in vitro and in vivo phosphorylation analyses indicate that GAP serves as a substrate for both the v-Src and c-Src tyrosine kinases. To determine which structural features of GAP are involved in interactions with the Src kinases, we constructed recombinant baculoviruses that encode deletion mutants of bovine GAP. Deletion of the GAP amino-terminal portion containing Src homology 2 regions, which are highly conserved structural motifs postulated to mediate interactions among proteins, diminishes GAP phosphorylation and association with Src. This reconstitution system should facilitate further studies of molecular interactions between the Src kinases and GAP.  相似文献   
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