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The sub-retinal pigment epithelial deposits that are a hallmark of age-related macular degeneration contain both C3b and millimolar levels of zinc. C3 is the central protein of complement, whereas C3u is formed by the spontaneous hydrolysis of the thioester bridge in C3. During activation, C3 is cleaved to form active C3b, then C3b is inactivated by Factor I and Factor H to form the C3c and C3d fragments. The interaction of zinc with C3 was quantified using analytical ultracentrifugation and x-ray scattering. C3, C3u, and C3b associated strongly in >100 μm zinc, whereas C3c and C3d showed weak association. With zinc, C3 forms soluble oligomers, whereas C3u and C3b precipitate. We conclude that the C3, C3u, and C3b association with zinc depended on the relative positions of C3d and C3c in each protein. Computational predictions showed that putative weak zinc binding sites with different capacities exist in all five proteins, in agreement with experiments. Factor H forms large oligomers in >10 μm zinc. In contrast to C3b or Factor H alone, the solubility of the central C3b-Factor H complex was much reduced at 60 μm zinc and even more so at >100 μm zinc. The removal of the C3b-Factor H complex by zinc explains the reduced C3u/C3b inactivation rates by zinc. Zinc-induced precipitation may contribute to the initial development of sub-retinal pigment epithelial deposits in the retina as well as reducing the progression to advanced age-related macular degeneration in higher risk patients.  相似文献   
Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) have shown great potency for cargo delivery both in vitro and in vivo. Different biologically relevant molecules need to be delivered into appropriate cellular compartments in order to be active, for instance certain drugs/molecules, e.g. antisense oligonucleotides, peptides, and cytotoxic agents require delivery into the cytoplasm. Assessing uptake mechanisms of CPPs can help to develop novel and more potent cellular delivery vectors, especially in cases when reaching a specific intracellular target requires involvement of a specific internalization pathway. Here we measure the overall uptake kinetics, with emphasis on cytoplasmic delivery, of three cell-penetrating peptides M918, TP10 and pVec using a quenched fluorescence assay. We show that both the uptake levels and kinetic constants depend on the endocytosis inhibitors used in the experiments. In addition, in some cases only the internalization rate is affected by the endocytosis inhibitors while the total uptake level is not and vice versa, which emphasizes importance of kinetic studies when assessing the uptake mechanisms of CPPs. Also, there seems to be a correlation between lower total cellular uptake and higher first-order rate constants. Furthermore, this may indicate simultaneous involvement of different endocytic pathways with different efficacies in the internalization process, as hypothesized but not shown earlier in an uptake kinetics assay.  相似文献   
dUTPase prevents uracil incorporation into DNA by strict regulation of the cellular dUTP:dTTP ratio. Lack of the enzyme initiates thymineless cell death, prompting studies on enzyme regulation. We investigated expression pattern and localization of Drosophila dUTPase. Similarly to human, two isoforms of the fly enzyme were identified at both mRNA and protein levels. During larval stages, a drastic decrease of dUTPase expression was demonstrated at the protein level. In contrast, dUTPase mRNAs display constitutive character throughout development. A putative nuclear localization signal was identified in one of the two isoforms. However, immunohistochemistry of ovaries and embryos did not show a clear correlation between the presence of this signal and subcellular localization of the protein, suggesting that the latter may be perturbed by additional factors. Results are in agreement with a multilevel regulation of dUTPase in the Drosophila proteome, possibly involving several interacting protein partners of the enzyme. Using independent approaches, the existence of such macromolecular partners was verified.  相似文献   
The core complex of photosystem II (PSII) was purified from thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus grown in Sr(2+)-containing and Ca(2+)-free medium. Functional in vivo incorporation of Sr(2+) into the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) was confirmed by EPR analysis of the isolated and highly purified SrPSII complex in agreement with the previous study of Boussac et al. [J. Biol. Chem. 279 (2004) 22809-22819]. Three-dimensional crystals of SrPSII complex were obtained which diffracted to 3.9 A and belonged to the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with unit cell dimensions of a=133.6 A, b=236.6 A, c=307.8 A. Anomalous diffraction data collected at the Sr K-X-ray absorption edge identified a novel Sr(2+)-binding site which, within the resolution of these data (6.5 A), is consistent with the positioning of Ca(2+) in the recent crystallographic models of PSII [Ferreira et al. Science 303 (2004) 1831-1838, Loll et al. Nature 438 (2005) 1040-1044]. Fluorescence measurements on SrPSII crystals confirmed that crystallized SrPSII was active in transferring electrons from the OEC to the acceptor site of the reaction centre. However, SrPSII showed altered functional properties of its modified OEC in comparison with that of the CaPSII counterpart: slowdown of the Q(A)-to-Q(B) electron transfer and stabilized S(2)Q(A)(-) charge recombination.  相似文献   
Various molecular methods are used to detect pathogenic microorganisms and viruses within their hosts, but these methods are rarely validated by direct comparison. Southern hybridization, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and a novel DNA extraction/PCR assay were used to detect Orgyia pseudotsugata multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (OpMNPV) in Douglas-fir tussock moth larvae. PCR was more sensitive than Southern hybridization and ELISA at detecting semipurified virus. ELISA, however, was the most accurate method for detecting virus within larvae, given that Southern hybridization and PCR produced false-negative results (31% and 2.5%, respectively). ELISA may be preferable in some applications because virus infections can be quantified (r2 = 0.995). These results may be applicable to both applied and academic research that seeks to accurately identify the incidence of viruses and microorganisms that regulate insect populations.  相似文献   
The functional state of the Photosystem (PS) II complex in Arabidopsis psbR T-DNA insertion mutant was studied. The ΔPsbR thylakoids showed about 34% less oxygen evolution than WT, which correlates with the amounts of PSII estimated from YDox radical EPR signal. The increased time constant of the slow phase of flash fluorescence (FF)-relaxation and upshift in the peak position of the main TL-bands, both in the presence and in the absence of DCMU, confirmed that the S2QA and S2QB charge recombinations were stabilized in ΔPsbR thylakoids. Furthermore, the higher amount of dark oxidized Cyt-b559 and the increased proportion of fluorescence, which did not decay during the 100s time span of the measurement thus indicating higher amount of YD+QA recombination, pointed to the donor side modifications in ΔPsbR. EPR measurements revealed that S1-to-S2-transition and S2-state multiline signal were not affected by mutation. The fast phase of the FF-relaxation in the absence of DCMU was significantly slowed down with concomitant decrease in the relative amplitude of this phase, indicating a modification in QA to QB electron transfer in ΔPsbR thylakoids. It is concluded that the lack of the PsbR protein modifies both the donor and the acceptor side of the PSII complex.  相似文献   
N-(1-Carboxyethyl)-6-hydroxymethyl-pyridinium-3-ol inner salt (alapyridaine), recently identified in heated sugar/amino acid mixtures as well as in beef bouillon, has been shown to exhibit general taste-enhancing activities, although tasteless on its own. Differing from other taste enhancers reported so far, racemic (R/S)-alapyridaine and, to an even greater extent (+)-(S)-alapyridaine, the physiologically active enantiomer, are able to enhance more than one basic taste quality. The threshold concentrations for the sweet taste of glucose and sucrose, for the umami taste of monosodium L-glutamate (MSG) and guanosine-5'-monophosphate (GMP), as well as the salty taste of NaCl, were significantly decreased when alapyridaine was present. In contrast, perception of the bitter tastes of caffeine and L-phenylalanine, as well as of sour-tasting citric acid, was unaffected. Furthermore, alapyridaine was shown to intensify known taste synergies such as, for example, the enhancing effect of L-arginine on the salty taste of NaCl, as well as that of GMP on the umami taste of MSG. The activity of (+)-(S)-alapyridaine could be observed not only in solutions of single taste compounds, but also in more complex tastant mixtures; for example, the umami, sweet and salty taste of a solution containing MSG, sucrose, NaCl and caffeine was significantly modulated, thus indicating that alapyridaine is a general taste enhancer.  相似文献   
Besides acting as molecular chaperones, the amphitropic small heat shock proteins (sHsps) are suggested to play an additional role in membrane quality control. We investigated sHsp membrane function in the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PPC 6803 using mutants of the single sHsp from this organism, Hsp17. We examined mutants in the N-terminal arm, L9P and Q16R, for altered interaction with thylakoid and lipid membranes and examined the effects of these mutations on thylakoid functions. These mutants are unusual in that they retain their oligomeric state and chaperone activity in vitro but fail to confer thermotolerance in vivo. We found that both mutant proteins had dramatically altered membrane/lipid interaction properties. Whereas L9P showed strongly reduced binding to thylakoid and model membranes, Q16R was almost exclusively membrane-associated, properties that may be the cause of reduced heat tolerance of cells carrying these mutations. Among the lipid classes tested, Q16R displayed the highest interaction with negatively charged SQDG. In Q16R cells a specific alteration of the thylakoid-embedded Photosystem II (PSII) complex was observed. Namely, the binding of plastoquinone and quinone analogue acceptors to the Q(B) site was modified. In addition, the presence of Q16R dramatically reduced UV-B damage of PSII activity because of enhanced PSII repair. We suggest these effects occur at least partly because of increased interaction of Q16R with SQDG in the PSII complex. Our findings further support the model that membrane association is a functional property of sHsps and suggest sHsps as a possible biotechnological tool to enhance UV protection of photosynthetic organisms.  相似文献   
COPI (coat protein I)-coated vesicles are implicated in various transport steps within the early secretory pathway. The major structural component of the COPI coat is the heptameric complex coatomer (CM). Recently, four isoforms of CM were discovered that may help explain various transport steps in which the complex has been reported to be involved. Biochemical studies of COPI vesicles currently use CM purified from animal tissue or cultured cells, a mixture of the isoforms, impeding functional and structural studies of individual complexes. Here we report the cloning into single baculoviruses of all CM subunits including their isoforms and their combination for expression of heptameric CM isoforms in insect cells. We show that all four isoforms of recombinant CM are fully functional in an in vitro COPI vesicle biogenesis assay. These novel tools enable functional and structural studies on CM isoforms and their subcomplexes and allow studying mutants of CM.  相似文献   
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