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The aim of the present study was to characterize and identify vibrios isolated from cultured clams in Galicia (NW Spain). A total of 759 isolates were obtained, phenotypically characterized, grouped and assigned to the genus Vibrio. Subsequently, the genomic diversity of 145 representative strains was analyzed by means of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), which revealed a high genetic diversity amongst these isolates. Only 57 out of 145 strains could be identified to the species level, and they were distributed in 13 AFLP clusters. V. cyclitrophicus, V. splendidus and V. alginolyticus were the most abundantly represented species. Eighty-eight isolates remained unidentified, 59 were distributed over 16 clusters, while 29 were unclustered. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA and two house-keeping genes (rpoA and recA) from representative strains belonging to eight unidentified clusters with the highest number of isolates confirmed their assignation to the Vibrionaceae family, and some of these probably represent new species within the genus. The present study confirmed that the phenotypic characterization of vibrios is not sufficient to identify them at the species level. A wide diversity of vibrios was found in cultured clams from all four geographic locations analyzed. In total, more than 12 Vibrio species and at least three potential new species in this genus were identified.  相似文献   
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs) play a role in the development of obesity by contributing to adipogenesis, angiogenesis, and extracellular matrix degradation. We have evaluated a potential functional role of TIMP‐1, which inhibits most MMPs, in in vivo adipogenesis. Therefore, human (h) TIMP‐1 was overexpressed by injection in the tail vein of NUDE mice of an adenoviral vector 3 days before injection of 3T3‐F442A preadipocytes in the back. After 4 weeks of high‐fat diet, the de novo formed fat was analyzed. Overexpression of hTIMP‐1 had no effect on de novo formed fat pad mass. However, the blood vessel density of the fat pads from mice overexpressing hTIMP‐1 was significantly lower than in controls (587 ± 11 mm?2 vs. 806 ± 20 mm?2, P < 0.0001) whereas the adipocytes were somewhat larger (1,477 ± 44 µm2 vs. 1,285 ± 32 µm2, P = 0.03). Thus, in vivo hTIMP‐1 overexpression did not significantly affect the extent of de novo adipose tissue formation, but was associated with significantly lower blood vessel density.  相似文献   
Mutations in the glomulin gene result in dominantly inherited vascular lesions of the skin known as glomuvenous malformations (GVMs). These lesions are histologically distinguished by their distended vein-like channels containing characteristic 'glomus cells', which appear to be incompletely or improperly differentiated vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). The function of glomulin is currently unknown. We studied glomulin expression during murine development (E9.5 days post-coitum until adulthood) by non-radioactive in situ hybridization. Glomulin was first detected at E10.5 dpc in cardiac outflow tracts. Later, it showed strong expression in VSMCs as well as a limited expression in the perichondrium. At E11.5-14.5 dpc glomulin RNA was most abundant in the walls of the large vessels. At E16.5 dpc expression was also detectable in smaller arteries and veins. The high expression of glomulin in murine vasculature suggests an important role for glomulin in blood vessel development and/or maintenance, which is supported by the vascular phenotype seen in GVM patients with mutations in this gene.  相似文献   
Specialized cells exploit adaptor protein complexes for unique post-Golgi sorting events, providing a unique model system to specify adaptor function. Here, we show that AP-3 and AP-1 function independently in sorting of the melanocyte-specific protein tyrosinase from endosomes to the melanosome, a specialized lysosome-related organelle distinguishable from lysosomes. AP-3 and AP-1 localize in melanocytes primarily to clathrin-coated buds on tubular early endosomes near melanosomes. Both adaptors recognize the tyrosinase dileucine-based melanosome sorting signal, and tyrosinase largely colocalizes with each adaptor on endosomes. In AP-3-deficient melanocytes, tyrosinase accumulates inappropriately in vacuolar and multivesicular endosomes. Nevertheless, a substantial fraction still accumulates on melanosomes, concomitant with increased association with endosomal AP-1. Our data indicate that AP-3 and AP-1 function in partially redundant pathways to transfer tyrosinase from distinct endosomal subdomains to melanosomes and that the AP-3 pathway ensures that tyrosinase averts entrapment on internal membranes of forming multivesicular bodies.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Auf Grund der Untersuchung von Knochenquerschnitten eines gesunden 43jährigen Mannes, bestätigt durch noch zu veröffentlichende Untersuchungen an Tibien verschiedener Individuen, werden die Strukturformen des Knochens nach ihrem Querschnittsbild beschrieben.Es wird zwischen Osteonen und Tangentiallamellen unterschieden. Zu den Tangentiallamellen mit dem mehr oder minder parallelen Verlauf zur Knochenoberfläche gehören die bisher als Generallamellen und Schaltlamellen beschriebenen Systeme.Soweit eine Lamellengliederung vorhanden ist, zeichnen sich die Tangentiallamellen durch den strengen Wechsel zwischen flach und steil gewickelten aus.Auf Grund des Querschnittsbildes werden verschiedene Osteonformen unterschieden. Die Größe des einzelnen Osteonquerschnittes wird mit Hilfe der Lamellenzahl bestimmt. Gleichzeitig wird die Steigungsfolge beachtet, d. h. der Wechsel des Kollagenfaserverlaufs von Lamelle zu Lamelle.Es ergibt sich, daß die kleineren Osteone überwiegend in der peripheren Schnitthälfte, die größeren dagegen in der zentralen liegen. Der regelmäßige Wechsel der Steigungsfolge nimmt von den kleineren zu den größeren Osteonen hin ab, die mehr steile Verlaufsweise dagegen zu. Die kleineren Größenklassen lassen häufiger die lamelläre Gliederung vermissen als die großen.Abschließend wird erörtert, daß sowohl das Osteon wie die Lamelle nur als eine besondere Lagerungsform der Kollagenfasern im Knochen angesehen werden können. Der Begriff Osteon wurde in Anlehnung an die Begriffe der überwiegend zellulären Einheiten Neuron und Chondron bzw. der sog. Entwicklungs- und Funktionseinheit Nephron gebildet. Die zirkuläre Lagerung der Kollagenfasern hat aller Voraussicht nach eine besondere festigkeitstheoretische Bedeutung. Sie ist aber abhängig vom Gefäßbaum, an dessen Verzweigungen Doppelbildungen auftreten. Diese Doppelbildungen teilen sich und begleiten die Gefäßäste. Sie werden damit zum Osteon, das sich nach Querschnittsgröße und Wicklung in benachbarten Querschnitten verschieden verhalten kann. Die zirkuläre Wicklung führt nicht zu individuellen Gebilden, die den Knochen wie Bausteine aufbauen. Sie stellt ein System dar, das den Gefäßbaum im Knochen in mehr oder minder kontinuierlichem Zusammenhang begleitet. Die zirkulären Wicklungen gehen ohne Abgrenzung in die übrigen Lamellensysteme, die Tangentiallamellen, über. Osteone und Tangentiallamellen erscheinen damit als eine übergeordnete Lagerungsform der Kollagenfasern. Die nächstniedere Stufe der Lagerung ist die Lamelle.Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
Implant rupture is a well-known complication of breast implant surgery that can pass unnoticed by both patient and physician. To date, no prospective study has addressed the possible health implications of silicone breast implant rupture. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether untreated ruptures are associated with changes over time in magnetic resonance imaging findings, serologic markers, or self-reported breast symptoms. A baseline magnetic resonance imaging examination was performed in 1999 on 271 women who were randomly chosen from a larger cohort of women having cosmetic breast implants for a median period of 12 years (range, 3 to 25 years). A follow-up magnetic resonance imaging examination was carried out in 2001, excluding women who underwent explantation in the period between the two magnetic resonance imaging examinations (n = 44). On the basis of these examinations, the authors identified 64 women who had at least one ruptured implant at the first magnetic resonance imaging examination and, for comparison, all women who had intact implants at both examinations (n = 98). Magnetic resonance images from the two examinations were compared and changes in rupture configuration were evaluated. Comparisons were also made for self-reported breast symptoms occurring during the study period and for changes in serum values of antinuclear antibodies, rheumatoid factor, and cardiolipin antibodies immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M. The majority of the women with implant rupture had no visible magnetic resonance imaging changes of their ruptured implants. For 11 implants (11 percent) in 10 women, the authors observed progression of silicone seepage, either as a conversion from intracapsular into extracapsular rupture (n = 7), as progression of extra-capsular silicone (n = 3), or as increasing herniation of the silicone within the fibrous capsule (n = 1); however, in most cases, these changes were minor. Some changes could be ascribed to trauma, but others seemed spontaneous. There was no increase in levels of autoantibodies during the study period in either study group. Women with untreated implant ruptures reported a significant increase in nonspecific breast changes (odds ratio, 2.1; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.2 to 3.8) compared with women without ruptures. On the basis of this first study of women with untreated silicone breast implant rupture, the authors conclude that implant rupture is a relatively harmless condition, which only rarely progresses and gives rise to notable symptoms. Even so, because of a small risk of silicone spread, the authors suggest that women with implant ruptures be followed clinically, if not operated on. Because implant ruptures often occur asymptomatically, any woman with silicone implants, regardless of rupture status, should be evaluated at regular intervals.  相似文献   
The influence of bacterivorous nematodes (Diplolaimelloides meyli, Diplolaimelloides oschei, Diplolaimella dievengatensis, Panagrolaimus paetzoldi) on the development of a bacterial community growing on decaying cordgrass detritus was studied in laboratory microcosm experiments. Cordgrass leaves were incubated on a sediment surface with a natural bacterial mixture containing bacteria from sediment, cordgrass detritus and habitat water. The four nematode species were applied separately to the microcosms; controls remained without nematodes. Samples were taken seven times over a 65-day period. The bacterial community structure was analysed by means of DGGE of the 16S rRNA genes. Multi Dimensional Scaling showed grouping of the samples per treatment. Analysis of Similarities indicated that the differences between treatments were significantly larger than differences within treatments. Our results suggest that nematodes can have a significant structuring top-down influence on the 'pool' of bacteria growing on the detritus, even at low densities. Dissimilarities were similar between all treatments. Differences in bacterial community composition within the treatments with monhysterids (D. meyli, D. oschei and D. dievengatensis) can be explained by species-specific food preferences. Panagrolaimus paetzoldi on the other hand feeds unselectively, and thus affects the bacterial community differently. A top-down effect of the nematodes on the diversity of the bacterial community was only evident under high grazing pressure, i.e. in the presence of P. paetzoldi.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: Immunotherapy holds promise as a new strategy for the eradication of residual cells in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Leukaemic antigen presenting cells (APCs) combining optimal antigen presentation and tumour antigenicity could be used as potent T cell activators. For clinical purposes it is desirable to culture APCs under serum-free conditions. Therefore, we compared morphological, immunophenotypical and functional outcome of the serum-free culture of AML-APCs to their serum-enriched culture. METHODS: AML blasts (n=19) were cultured in the presence of either a cytokine mix or calcium ionophore (CI) for 14 and 2 days, respectively, in FCS-containing medium (FCS), StemSpan serum-free medium (SP) and CellGro serum-free medium (CG). After culture relative yields were calculated and immunophenotypic analysis of APC markers was performed. The mixed leukocyte reaction (MLR) was used to determine T cell stimulating capacity. RESULTS: Serum-free culture of AML-APCs resulted in comparable morphology, relative yields and immunophenotype to serum-enriched culture. By comparing both serum-free media we observed a trend towards a more mature phenotype of CI-cultured AML-APCs in SP. MLR showed that serum-free cultured cells have equal T cell stimulatory capacity in comparison with serum-enriched culture. CONCLUSION: These data show that the serum-free culture of AML-APCs is feasible and that these APCs are comparable to serum-enriched cultured AML-APCs with regard to morphological, immunophenotypical and functional characteristics. These AML-APCs are suitable for the development of active specific immunisation protocols which meet the criteria for good clinical practise (GCP).  相似文献   
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