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Transgenic potato (Solanum tuberosum) plants simultaneously over-expressing a pea (Pisum sativum) glucose-6-phosphate/phosphate translocator (GPT) and an Arabidopsis thaliana adenylate translocator (NTT1) in tubers were generated. Double transformants exhibited an enhanced tuber yield of up to 19%, concomitant with an additional increased starch content of up to 28%, compared with control plants. The total starch content produced in tubers per plant was calculated to be increased by up to 44% in double transformants relative to the wild-type. Single over-expression of either gene had no effect on tuber starch content or tuber yield, suggesting that starch formation within amyloplasts is co-limited by the import of energy and the supply of carbon skeletons. As total adenosine diphosphate-glucose pyrophosphorylase and starch synthase activities remained unchanged in double transformants relative to the wild-type, they cannot account for the increased starch content found in tubers of double transformants. Rather, an optimized supply of amyloplasts with adenosine triphosphate and glucose-6-phosphate seems to favour increased starch synthesis, resulting in plants with increased starch content and yield of tubers.  相似文献   
Binding of peptides to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules is the single most selective step in the recognition of pathogens by the cellular immune system. The human MHC genomic region (called HLA) is extremely polymorphic comprising several thousand alleles, each encoding a distinct MHC molecule. The potentially unique specificity of the majority of HLA alleles that have been identified to date remains uncharacterized. Likewise, only a limited number of chimpanzee and rhesus macaque MHC class I molecules have been characterized experimentally. Here, we present NetMHCpan-2.0, a method that generates quantitative predictions of the affinity of any peptide–MHC class I interaction. NetMHCpan-2.0 has been trained on the hitherto largest set of quantitative MHC binding data available, covering HLA-A and HLA-B, as well as chimpanzee, rhesus macaque, gorilla, and mouse MHC class I molecules. We show that the NetMHCpan-2.0 method can accurately predict binding to uncharacterized HLA molecules, including HLA-C and HLA-G. Moreover, NetMHCpan-2.0 is demonstrated to accurately predict peptide binding to chimpanzee and macaque MHC class I molecules. The power of NetMHCpan-2.0 to guide immunologists in interpreting cellular immune responses in large out-bred populations is demonstrated. Further, we used NetMHCpan-2.0 to predict potential binding peptides for the pig MHC class I molecule SLA-1*0401. Ninety-three percent of the predicted peptides were demonstrated to bind stronger than 500 nM. The high performance of NetMHCpan-2.0 for non-human primates documents the method’s ability to provide broad allelic coverage also beyond human MHC molecules. The method is available at . Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Nutrient enrichment of the coastal zone places intense pressure on marine communities. Previous studies have shown that growth of intertidal mangrove forests is accelerated with enhanced nutrient availability. However, nutrient enrichment favours growth of shoots relative to roots, thus enhancing growth rates but increasing vulnerability to environmental stresses that adversely affect plant water relations. Two such stresses are high salinity and low humidity, both of which require greater investment in roots to meet the demands for water by the shoots. Here we present data from a global network of sites that documents enhanced mortality of mangroves with experimental nutrient enrichment at sites where high sediment salinity was coincident with low rainfall and low humidity. Thus the benefits of increased mangrove growth in response to coastal eutrophication is offset by the costs of decreased resilience due to mortality during drought, with mortality increasing with soil water salinity along climatic gradients.  相似文献   


West Nile virus (WNV) is a growing threat to public health and a greater understanding of the immune response raised against WNV is important for the development of prophylactic and therapeutic strategies.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In a reverse-immunology approach, we used bioinformatics methods to predict WNV-specific CD8+ T cell epitopes and selected a set of peptides that constitutes maximum coverage of 20 fully-sequenced WNV strains. We then tested these putative epitopes for cellular reactivity in a cohort of WNV-infected patients. We identified 26 new CD8+ T cell epitopes, which we propose are restricted by 11 different HLA class I alleles. Aiming for optimal coverage of human populations, we suggest that 11 of these new WNV epitopes would be sufficient to cover from 48% to 93% of ethnic populations in various areas of the World.


The 26 identified CD8+ T cell epitopes contribute to our knowledge of the immune response against WNV infection and greatly extend the list of known WNV CD8+ T cell epitopes. A polytope incorporating these and other epitopes could possibly serve as the basis for a WNV vaccine.  相似文献   
Reduced plant height and culm robustness are quantitative characteristics important for assuring cereal crop yield and quality under adverse weather conditions. A very limited number of short-culm mutant alleles were introduced into commercial crop cultivars during the Green Revolution. We identified phenotypic traits, including sturdy culm, specific for deficiencies in brassinosteroid biosynthesis and signaling in semidwarf mutants of barley (Hordeum vulgare). This set of characteristic traits was explored to perform a phenotypic screen of near-isogenic short-culm mutant lines from the brachytic, breviaristatum, dense spike, erectoides, semibrachytic, semidwarf, and slender dwarf mutant groups. In silico mapping of brassinosteroid-related genes in the barley genome in combination with sequencing of barley mutant lines assigned more than 20 historic mutants to three brassinosteroid-biosynthesis genes (BRASSINOSTEROID-6-OXIDASE, CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC DWARF, and DIMINUTO) and one brassinosteroid-signaling gene (BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE1 [HvBRI1]). Analyses of F2 and M2 populations, allelic crosses, and modeling of nonsynonymous amino acid exchanges in protein crystal structures gave a further understanding of the control of barley plant architecture and sturdiness by brassinosteroid-related genes. Alternatives to the widely used but highly temperature-sensitive uzu1.a allele of HvBRI1 represent potential genetic building blocks for breeding strategies with sturdy and climate-tolerant barley cultivars.The introduction of dwarfing genes to increase culm sturdiness of cereal crops was crucial for the first Green Revolution (Hedden, 2003). The culms of tall cereal crops were not strong enough to support the heavy spikes of high-yielding cultivars, especially under high-nitrogen conditions. As a result, plants fell over, a process known as lodging. This caused losses in yield and grain-quality issues attributable to fungal infections, mycotoxin contamination, and preharvest germination (Rajkumara, 2008). Today, a second Green Revolution is on its way, to revolutionize the agricultural sector and to ensure food production for a growing world population. Concurrently, global climate change is expected to cause more frequent occurrences of extreme weather conditions, including thunderstorms with torrential rain and strong winds, thus promoting cereal culm breakage (Porter and Semenov, 2005; National Climate Assessment Development Advisory Committee, 2013). Accordingly, plant architectures that resist lodging remain a major crop-improvement goal and identification of genes that regulate culm length is required to enhance the genetic toolbox in order to facilitate efficient marker-assisted breeding. The mutations and the corresponding genes that enabled the Green Revolution in wheat (Triticum aestivum) and rice (Oryza sativa) have been identified (Hedden, 2003). They all relate to gibberellin metabolism and signal transduction. It is now known that other plant hormones such as brassinosteroids are also involved in the regulation of plant height. Knowledge of the molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of the two hormones on cell elongation and division has mainly come from studies in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana; Bai et al., 2012). Mutant-based breeding strategies to fine-tune brassinosteroid metabolism and signaling pathways could improve lodging behavior in modern crops (Vriet et al., 2012) such as barley (Hordeum vulgare), which is the fourth most abundant cereal in both area and tonnage harvested (http://faostat.fao.org).A short-culm phenotype in crops is often accompanied by other phenotypic changes. Depending on the penetrance of such pleiotropic characters, but also the parental background and different scientific traditions and expertise, short-culmed barley mutants were historically divided into groups, such as brachytic (brh), breviaristatum (ari), dense spike (dsp), erectoides (ert), semibrachytic (uzu), semidwarf (sdw), or slender dwarf (sld; Franckowiak and Lundqvist, 2012). Subsequent mutant characterization was limited to intragroup screens and very few allelism tests between mutants from different groups have been reported (Franckowiak and Lundqvist, 2012). Although the total number of short-culm barley mutants exceeds 500 (Franckowiak and Lundqvist, 2012), very few have been characterized at the DNA level (Helliwell et al., 2001; Jia et al., 2009; Chandler and Harding, 2013; Houston et al., 2013). One of the first identified haplotypes was uzu barley (Chono et al., 2003). The Uzu1 gene encodes the brassinosteroid hormone receptor and is orthologous to the BRASSINOSTEROID-INSENSITIVE1 (BRI1) gene of Arabidopsis, a crucial promoter of plant growth (Li and Chory, 1997). The uzu1.a allele has been used in East Asia for over a century and is presently distributed in winter barley cultivars in Japan, the Korean peninsula, and China (Saisho et al., 2004). Its agronomic importance comes from the short and sturdy culm that provides lodging resistance, and an upright plant architecture that tolerates dense planting.Today, more than 50 different brassinosteroids have been identified in plants (Bajguz and Tretyn, 2003). Most are intermediates of the complex biosynthetic pathway (Shimada et al., 2001). Approximately nine genes code for the enzymes that participate in the biosynthetic pathway from episterol to brassinolide (Supplemental Fig. S1). Brassinosteroid deficiency is caused by down-regulation of these genes, but it can also be associated with brassinosteroid signaling. The first protein in the signaling network is the brassinosteroid receptor encoded by BRI1 (Li and Chory, 1997; Kim and Wang, 2010). In this work, we show how to visually identify brassinosteroid-mutant barley plants and we describe more than 20 relevant mutations in four genes of the brassinosteroid biosynthesis and signaling pathways that can be used in marker-assisted breeding strategies.  相似文献   
The sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA) plays a central role in regulating intracellular Ca(2+) homeostasis and myocardial contractility. Several studies show that improving Ca(2+) handling in hypertrophied rodent hearts by increasing SERCA activity results in enhanced contractile function. This suggests that SERCA is a potential target for gene therapy in cardiac hypertrophy and failure. However, it raises the issue of increased energy cost resulting from a higher ATPase activity. In this study, we determined whether SERCA overexpression alters the energy cost of increasing myocardial contraction in mouse hearts with pressure-overload hypertrophy using (31)P NMR spectroscopy. We isolated and perfused mouse hearts from wild-type (WT) and transgenic (TG) mice overexpressing the cardiac isoform of SERCA (SERCA2a) 8 weeks after ascending aortic constriction (left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH)) or sham operation. We found that overexpressing SERCA2a enhances myocardial contraction and relaxation in normal mouse hearts during inotropic stimulation with isoproterenol. Energy consumption was proportionate to the increase in contractile function. Thus, increasing SERCA2a expression in the normal heart allows an enhanced inotropic response with no compromise in energy supply and demand. However, this advantage was not sustained in LVH hearts in which the energetic status was compromised. Although the overexpression of SERCA2a prevented the down-regulation of SERCA protein in LVH hearts, TG-LVH hearts showed no increase in inotropic response when compared with WT-LVH hearts. Our results suggest that energy supply may be a limiting factor for the benefit of SERCA overexpression in hypertrophied hearts. Thus, strategies combining energetic support with increasing SERCA activity may improve the therapeutic effectiveness for heart failure.  相似文献   
Antifungal proteins and peptides, essential compounds for plant defense, have been isolated from several tissues of various plants. These proteins could be used as a natural alternative to control phytopathogenic fungi. In this report a heterodimeric antifungal protein named Pa-AFP1, showing higher identity with the 2S albumin family, was purified by using 70-100% ammonium sulfate saturation and further purification steps such as anionic exchange Q-Sepharose chromatography associated with HPLC reversed-phase C4 chromatography. Analysis by Tricine-SDS-PAGE revealed two peptidic molecular masses of approximately 4500 Da and 7000 Da, in the presence of β-mercaptoethanol, while by removing the reducing agent a single protein with molecular mass of about 11,500 Da was obtained. Moreover, dimer mass was confirmed by MALDI-TOF analyses (11,569.76 Da). The antifungal protein, named Pa-AFP1, efficiently inhibited the growth of filamentous fungi Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, and was added to a short list of 2S albumins with antimicrobial properties. Otherwise, this same peptide showed no activity toward bacteria and yeasts. In summary, this compound could be used in the future to develop biotechnological products for the control of phytopathogenic fungi.  相似文献   


In Brazil, case-fatality rates attributable to visceral leishmaniasis (VL) are high and knowledge of the risk factors associated with death may help reduce mortality. The aim of this study was to construct and validate a scoring system for prognosis of death from VL by using all cases reported in Brazil from 2007 to 2011.


In this historical cohort study, 18,501 VL cases were analyzed; of these, 17,345 cases were cured and 1,156 cases caused death. The database was divided into two series: primary (two-thirds of cases), to develop the model score, and secondary (one-third of cases), to validate the scoring system. Multivariate logistic regression models were performed to identify factors associated with death from VL, and these were included in the scoring system.

Principal Findings

The factors associated with death from VL were: bleeding (score 3); splenomegaly (score 1); edema (score 1); weakness (score 1); jaundice (score 1); Leishmania–HIV co-infection (score 1); bacterial infection (score 1); and age (≤0.5 years [score 5]; >0.5 and ≤1 [score 2]; >19 and ≤50 [score 2]; >50 and <65 [score 3]; ≥65 [score 5]). It was observed that patients with a score of 4 had a probability of death of approximately 4.5% and had a worse prognosis. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of this score were 89.4, 51.2, and 53.5, respectively.


The scoring system based on risk factors for death showed good performance in identifying patients with signs of severity at the time of clinical suspicion of VL and can contribute to improving the surveillance system for reducing case fatalities. The classification of patients according to their prognosis for death may assist decision-making regarding the transfer of the patients to hospitals more capable of handling their condition, admission to the intensive care unit, and adequate support and specific treatment.  相似文献   
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