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Single molecule studies on membrane proteins embedded in their native environment are hampered by the intrinsic difficulty of immobilizing elastic and sensitive biological membranes without interfering with protein activity. Here, we present hydrogels composed of nano-scaled fibers as a generally applicable tool to immobilize biological membrane vesicles of various size and lipid composition. Importantly, membrane proteins immobilized in the hydrogel as well as soluble proteins are fully active. The triggered opening of the mechanosensitive channel of large conductance (MscL) reconstituted in giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) was followed in time on single GUVs. Thus, kinetic studies of vectorial transport processes across biological membranes can be assessed on single, hydrogel immobilized, GUVs. Furthermore, protein translocation activity by the membrane embedded protein conducting channel of bacteria, SecYEG, in association with the soluble motor protein SecA was quantitatively assessed in bulk and at the single vesicle level in the hydrogel. This technique provides a new way to investigate membrane proteins in their native environment at the single molecule level by means of fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   
Accumulating evidence suggests that, in contrast to earlier assumptions, juvenile growth rates are optimised by means of natural and sexual selection rather than maximised to be as fast as possible. Owing to the generally accepted advantage of growing fast to adulthood, such adaptive variation strongly implies the existence of costs attached to rapid growth. By using four populations of protandrous copper butterflies with known differences in intrinsic growth rates within and across populations, we investigate a potential trade-off between rapid growth and the proportionate weight loss at metamorphosis. While controlling for effects of pupal time and mass, we demonstrate that (1) protandrous males, exhibiting higher growth rates, suffer a higher weight loss than females throughout, that (2) population differences in weight loss generally follow known differences in growth rates, and that (3) males have by 6 higher metabolic rates than females during pupal development. These results support the notion that a higher weight loss during the development to adulthood may comprise a physiological cost of rapid development, with the pay-off of accelerated growth being reduced by a disproportionally smaller adult sizeCo-ordinating editor: Leimer  相似文献   
An autotrophic culture system was developed for the in vitro mycorrhization of potato plantlets. Roots of micropropagated plantlets were associated to an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus under in vitro conditions, while shoots developed under open air conditions. Several thousand spores, an extensive extraradical mycelium and an abundant root colonization were obtained. Spores were able to colonize new plantlets under the same conditions. These results support the capacity of the autotrophic culture system to continuously culture arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and may serve as a powerful tool to investigate various aspects of the symbiosis for which a source-sink relationship and photosynthetic active tissues are necessary.  相似文献   
Germination of seeds proceeds in general in two phases, an initial imbibition phase and a subsequent growth phase. In grasses like barley, the latter phase is evident as the emergence of the embryonic root (radicle). The hormone abscisic acid (ABA) inhibits germination because it prevents the embryo from entering and completing the growth phase. Genetic and physiological studies have identified many steps in the ABA signal transduction cascade, but how it prevents radicle elongation is still not clear. For elongation growth to proceed, uptake of osmotically active substances (mainly K(+)) is essential. Therefore, we have addressed the question of how the activity of K(+) permeable ion channels in the plasma membrane of radicle cells is regulated under conditions of slow (+ABA) and rapid germination (+fusicoccin). We found that ABA arrests radicle growth, inhibits net K(+) uptake and reduces the activity of K(+) (in) channels as measured with the patch-clamp technique. In contrast, fusicoccin (FC), a well-known stimulator of germination, stimulates radicle growth, net K(+) uptake and reduces the activity of K(+) (out) channels. Both types of channels are under the control of 14-3-3 proteins, known as integral components of signal transduction pathways and instrumental in FC action. Intriguingly, 14-3-3 affected both channels in an opposite fashion: whereas K(+) (in) channel activity was fully dependent upon 14-3-3 proteins, K(+) (out) channel activity was reduced by 14-3-3 proteins by 60%. Together with previous data showing that 14-3-3 proteins control the activity of the plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase, this makes 14-3-3 a prime candidate for molecular master regulator of the cellular osmo-pump. Regulation of the osmo-pump activity by ABA and FC is an important mechanism in controlling the growth of the embryonic root during seed germination.  相似文献   
TRPM4, a Ca(2+)-activated cation channel of the transient receptor potential superfamily, undergoes a fast desensitization to Ca(2+). The mechanisms underlying the alterations in Ca(2+) sensitivity are unknown. Here we show that cytoplasmic ATP reversed Ca(2+) sensitivity after desensitization, whereas mutations to putative ATP binding sites resulted in faster and more complete desensitization. Phorbol ester-induced activation of protein kinase C (PKC) increased the Ca(2+) sensitivity of wild-type TRPM4 but not of two mutants mutated at putative PKC phosphorylation sites. Overexpression of a calmodulin mutant unable to bind Ca(2+) dramatically reduced TRPM4 activation. We identified five Ca(2+)-calmodulin binding sites in TRPM4 and showed that deletion of any of the three C-terminal sites strongly impaired current activation by reducing Ca(2+) sensitivity and shifting the voltage dependence of activation to very positive potentials. Thus, the Ca(2+) sensitivity of TRPM4 is regulated by ATP, PKC-dependent phosphorylation, and calmodulin binding at the C terminus.  相似文献   
The human intestinal tract is colonized by microbial communities that show a subject-specific composition and a high-level temporal stability in healthy adults. To determine whether this is reflected at the functional level, we compared the faecal metaproteomes of healthy subjects over time using a novel high-throughput approach based on denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The developed robust metaproteomics workflow and identification pipeline was used to study the composition and temporal stability of the intestinal metaproteome using faecal samples collected from 3 healthy subjects over a period of six to twelve months. The same samples were also subjected to DNA extraction and analysed for their microbial composition and diversity using the Human Intestinal Tract Chip, a validated phylogenetic microarray. Using metagenome and single genome sequence data out of the thousands of mass spectra generated per sample, approximately 1,000 peptides per sample were identified. Our results indicate that the faecal metaproteome is subject-specific and stable during a one-year period. A stable common core of approximately 1,000 proteins could be recognized in each of the subjects, indicating a common functional core that is mainly involved in carbohydrate transport and degradation. Additionally, a variety of surface proteins could be identified, including potential microbes-host interacting components such as flagellins and pili. Altogether, we observed a highly comparable subject-specific clustering of the metaproteomic and phylogenetic profiles, indicating that the distinct microbial activity is reflected by the individual composition.  相似文献   
HLA-A2 protects from EBV+ classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL) in Western Europe, but it is unknown whether this protective effect also exists in the Chinese population. We investigated the association of HLA-A2 and specific common and well documented HLA-A2 subtypes with EBV stratified cHL patients (n = 161) from the northern part of China. Quantitative-PCR and sequence-based subtyping was performed to identify HLA-A2 positive samples and their subtypes. 67 (42%) of the cHL patients were EBV+. There were no significant differences in percentages of HLA-A2 positivity between cHL and controls (65% vs 66%) and between EBV+ and EBV− cHL patients (70% vs 61%). The frequency distribution of HLA-A2 subtypes was significantly different between EBV stratified cHL subgroups and controls. This difference was most striking for the HLA-A*02:07 type with a frequency of 38% in EBV+ cHL, 8% in EBV− cHL and 20% in controls. Significant differences were also observed for the HLA-A*02:07, HLA-A2 (non-02:07) and the A2-negative typings between EBV+ cHL vs controls (p = 0.028), EBV− cHL vs controls (p = 0.045) and EBV+ vs EBV− cHL cases (p = 2×10−5). In conclusion, HLA-A*02:07 is a predisposing allele for EBV+ cHL and a protective allele for EBV− cHL in the northern Chinese population.  相似文献   
Introspectively we experience a phenomenally rich world. In stark contrast, many studies show that we can only report on the few items that we happen to attend to. So what happens to the unattended objects? Are these consciously processed as our first person perspective would have us believe, or are they – in fact – entirely unconscious? Here, we attempt to resolve this question by investigating the perceptual characteristics of visual sensory memory. Sensory memory is a fleeting, high-capacity form of memory that precedes attentional selection and working memory. We found that memory capacity benefits from figural information induced by the Kanizsa illusion. Importantly, this benefit was larger for sensory memory than for working memory and depended critically on the illusion, not on the stimulus configuration. This shows that pre-attentive sensory memory contains representations that have a genuinely perceptual nature, suggesting that non-attended representations are phenomenally experienced rather than unconscious.  相似文献   
Event-Related potentials are a simple non-invasive neurophysiological method enabling to comprehend certain aspects of the cognitive processing of information in humans. The best-known component of Event-Related Potentials is the so-called P3 wave. Alterations in the parameters of P300 wave have been discovered in certain personality disorders and in persons with impulsively aggressive behaviour. The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes of these parameters, especially an amplitude and latency in the place of Pz electrode. We examined 15 persons with the impulsive aggressive behaviour and compared them to a population comparable of normal age, gender and approximate degree of education. We used P300 auditory and a neuropsychological Eysenck IVE battery. The results showed that significantly lower amplitudes had been found in the aggressive impulsive subjects as compared to the control group. No statistically significant differences have been discovered in the latency. These results seem to confirm previous studies.  相似文献   
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