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In-stent restenosis presents a major complication of stent-based revascularization procedures widely used to re-establish blood flow through critically narrowed segments of coronary and peripheral arteries. Endovascular stents capable of tunable release of genes with anti-restenotic activity may present an alternative strategy to presently used drug-eluting stents. In order to attain clinical translation, gene-eluting stents must exhibit predictable kinetics of stent-immobilized gene vector release and site-specific transduction of vasculature, while avoiding an excessive inflammatory response typically associated with the polymer coatings used for physical entrapment of the vector. This paper describes a detailed methodology for coatless tethering of adenoviral gene vectors to stents based on a reversible binding of the adenoviral particles to polyallylamine bisphosphonate (PABT)-modified stainless steel surface via hydrolysable cross-linkers (HC). A family of bifunctional (amine- and thiol-reactive) HC with an average t1/2 of the in-chain ester hydrolysis ranging between 5 and 50 days were used to link the vector with the stent. The vector immobilization procedure is typically carried out within 9 hr and consists of several steps: 1) incubation of the metal samples in an aqueous solution of PABT (4 hr); 2) deprotection of thiol groups installed in PABT with tris(2-carboxyethyl) phosphine (20 min); 3) expansion of thiol reactive capacity of the metal surface by reacting the samples with polyethyleneimine derivatized with pyridyldithio (PDT) groups (2 hr); 4) conversion of PDT groups to thiols with dithiothreitol (10 min); 5) modification of adenoviruses with HC (1 hr); 6) purification of modified adenoviral particles by size-exclusion column chromatography (15 min) and 7) immobilization of thiol-reactive adenoviral particles on the thiolated steel surface (1 hr). This technique has wide potential applicability beyond stents, by facilitating surface engineering of bioprosthetic devices to enhance their biocompatibility through the substrate-mediated gene delivery to the cells interfacing the implanted foreign material.  相似文献   
Despite the lack of direct cytogenetic studies, the neuronal cells of the normal human brain have been postulated to contain normal (diploid) chromosomal complement. Direct proof of a chromosomal mutation presence leading to large-scale genomic alterations in neuronal cells has been missing in the human brain. Large-scale genomic variations due to chromosomal complement instability in developing neuronal cells may lead to the variable level of chromosomal mosaicism probably having a substantial effect on brain development. The aim of the present study was the pilot assessment of chromosome complement variations in neuronal cells of developing and adult human brain tissues using interphase multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (mFISH). Chromosome-enumerating DNA probes from the original collection (chromosomes 1, 13 and 21, 18, X, and Y) were used for the present pilot FISH study. As a source of fetal brain tissue, the medulla oblongata was used. FISH studies were performed using uncultured fetal brain samples as well as organotypic cultures of medulla oblongata tissue. Cortex tissues of postmortem adult brain samples (Brodmann area 10) were also studied. In cultured in vitro embryonic neuronal brain cells, an increased level of aneuploidy was found (mean rate in the range of 1.3-7.0% per individual chromosome, in contrast to 0.6-3.0% and 0.1-0.8% in uncultured fetal and postmortem adult brain cells, respectively). The data obtained support the hypothesis regarding aneuploidy occurrence in normal developing and adult human brain.  相似文献   
High-throughput screening technologies have revolutionized the manner in which potential therapeutics are identified. Although they are the source of lead compounds for ~65% of anticancer and antimicrobial drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration between 1981 and 2002, natural products have largely been excluded from modern screening programs. This is due, at least in part, to the inherent difficulties in testing complex extract mixtures, which often contain nuisance compounds, in modern bioassay systems. In this article, the authors present a novel electrochemiluminescent assay system for inhibition of MDM2 activity that is suitable for testing natural product extracts in high-throughput screening systems. The assay was used to screen more than 144,000 natural product extracts. The authors identified 1 natural product, sempervirine, that inhibited MDM2 auto-ubiquitination, MDM2-mediated p53 degradation, and led to accumulation of p53 in cells. Sempervirine preferentially induced apoptosis in transformed cells expressing wild-type p53, suggesting that it could be a potential lead for anticancer therapeutics.  相似文献   
Crucifers (Brassicaceae, Cruciferae) are a large family comprisingsome 338 genera and c. 3,700 species. The family includes importantcrops as well as several model species in various fields ofplant research. This paper reports new genome size (GS) datafor more than 100 cruciferous species in addition to previouslypublished C-values (the DNA amount in the unreplicated gameticnuclei) to give a data set comprising 185 Brassicaceae taxa,including all but 1 of the 25 tribes currently recognized. Evolutionof GS was analyzed within a phylogenetic framework based ongene trees built from five data sets (matK, chs, adh, trnLF,and ITS). Despite the 16.2-fold variation across the family,most Brassicaceae species are characterized by very small genomeswith a mean 1C-value of 0.63 pg. The ancestral genome size (ancGS)for Brassicaceae was reconstructed as anc1C = 0.50 pg. Approximately50% of crucifer taxa analyzed showed a decrease in GS comparedwith the ancGS. The remaining species showed an increase inGS although this was generally moderate, with significant increasesin C-value found only in the tribes Anchonieae and Physarieae.Using statistical approaches to analyze GS, evolutionary gainsor losses in GS were seen to have accumulated disproportionatelyfaster within longer branches. However, we also found that GShas not changed substantially through time and most likely evolvespassively (i.e., a tempo that cannot be distinguished betweenneutral evolution and weak forms of selection). The data revealan apparent paradox between the narrow range of small GSs overlong evolutionary time periods despite evidence of dynamic genomicprocesses that have the potential to lead to genome obesity(e.g., transposable element amplification and polyploidy). Toresolve this, it is suggested that mechanisms to suppress amplificationand to eliminate amplified DNA must be active in Brassicaceaealthough their control and mode of operation are still poorlyunderstood.  相似文献   
Human endothelial lipase (EL) is a member of a family of lipases and phospholipases that are involved in the metabolism of plasma lipoproteins. EL displays a preference to hydrolyze lipids in HDL. We report here that a naturally occurring low frequency coding variant in the EL gene (LIPG), glycine-26 to serine (G26S), is significantly more common in African-American individuals with elevated HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) levels. To test the hypothesis that this variant results in reduced EL function, we extensively characterized and compared the catalytic and noncatalytic functions of the G26S variant and wild-type (WT) EL. While the catalytic-specific activity of G26S EL is similar to WT EL, its secretion is markedly reduced. Consistent with this observation, we found that carriers of the G26S variant had significantly reduced plasma levels of EL protein. Thus, this N-terminal variant results in reduced secretion of EL protein, plausibly leading to increased HDL-C levels.  相似文献   
Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) displays non-Michaelis-Menten kinetics for many of the substrates it metabolizes, including testosterone (TST) and α-naphthoflavone (ANF). Heterotropic effects between these two substrates can further complicate the metabolic profile of the enzyme. In this work, monomeric CYP3A4 solubilized in Nanodiscs has been studied for its ability to interact with varying molar ratios of ANF and TST. Comparison of the observed heme spin state, NADPH consumption, and product formation rates with a non-cooperative model calculated from a linear combination of the global analysis of each substrate reveals a detailed landscape of the heterotropic interactions and indicates negligible binding cooperativity between ANF and TST. The observed effect of ANF on the kinetics of TST metabolism is due to the additive action of the second substrate with no specific allosteric effects.  相似文献   
The study provides data on contemporary levels of radiation exposure of organs and tissues of murine rodents (several species of mice and voles) inhabiting the East-Ural Radioactive Trace. The estimation procedure involves the most advanced approach based on application of appropriate voxel phantom and biokinetic model. Input data for dose assessment are the results of measurements of skeletal 90Sr activity concentration. Maximal internal dose to skeleton, accumulated during 45 days, is 303 mGy. Median internal dose rates on the last day before trapping were 0.83, 0.092 and 0.023 mGy/day for animals trapped at the sites with initial (1957) 90Sr surface contamination >37 MBq/m2, 18.5–37 MBq/m2 and 0.074–18.5 MBq/m2 respectively. Taking to account internal and external exposures, upper boundary of the ICRP Derived Consideration Reference Level (DCRL) is exceeded on the territory with maximal level of the initial 90Sr surface contamination. On the territory with 18.5–37 MBq/m2, whole body mean dose rates to murine rodents exceed the lower boundary of DCRL. On the areas with lower level of surface contamination, even the 90-th percentile of dose rate is below the DCRL.  相似文献   
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