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The reactions of six diimine ligands with Cu(II) and Ni(II) halide salts have been investigated. The diimine ligands were Ph2CN(CH2)nNCPh2 (n = 2 (Bz2en, 1a), 3 (Bz2pn, 1b), 4 (Bz2bn, 1c)), N,N′-bis-(2-tert-butylthio-1-ylmethylenebenzene)-2,2′diamino-biphenyl (2), N,N′-bis-(2-chloro-1-ylmethylenebenzene)-1,3-diaminobenzene (3) and N,N′-bis-(2-chloro-1-ylmethylenebenzene)-1,2-ethanediamine (4). Reactions of 1a-c, 2-4 with CuCl2·2H2O in dry ethanol at ambient temperature led to complete or partial hydrolysis of the diimine ligands to ultimately form copper diamine complexes. The non-hydrolyzed complexes of 1b and 1c, [Cu(L)Cl2] (L = 1b, 1c), could be isolated when the reactions were carried out at low temperatures, and the half-hydrolyzed complex [Cu(Bzpn)Cl2] could also be identified via X-ray crystallography. Similarly, reactions of 1a or 1b with NiCl2·6H2O or [NiBr2(dme)] led to rapid hydrolysis of the imines and Ni complexes containing half-hydrolyzed 1a (Bzen; [trans-[Ni(Bzen)2Br2]) and 1b (Bzpn; [Ni(Bzpn)Br2] could be isolated and identified via single crystal X-ray analysis. Kinetic studies were made of the hydrolyses of 1a, 1b in THF and 2 in acetone, in the presence of Cu(II), and of 1a in acetonitrile, in the presence of Ni(II). Activation parameters were determined for the latter reaction and for the copper-catalyzed hydrolysis of 2; the relatively large negative activation entropies clearly indicate rate-determining steps of an associative nature.  相似文献   
Immunocompromised patients who develop invasive filamentous mycotic infections can be efficiently treated if rapid identification of the causative fungus is obtained. We report a case of fatal necrotic pneumonia caused by combined pulmonary invasive mucormycosis and aspergillosis in a 66 year-old renal transplant recipient. Aspergillus was first identified during the course of the disease by cytological examination and culture (A. fumigatus) of bronchoalveolar fluid. Hyphae of Mucorales (Rhizopus microsporus) were subsequently identified by culture of a tissue specimen taken from the left inferior pulmonary lobe, which was surgically resected two days before the patient died. Histological analysis of the lung parenchyma showed the association of two different filamentous mycoses for which the morphological features were evocative of aspergillosis and mucormycosis. However, the definitive identification of the associative infection was made by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) performed on deparaffinized tissue sections using specific primers for aspergillosis and mucormycosis. This case demonstrates that discrepancies between histological, cytological and mycological analyses can occur in cases of combined mycotic infection. In this regard, it shows that PCR on selected paraffin blocks is a very powerful method for making or confirming the association of different filamentous mycoses and that this method should be made available to pathology laboratories.  相似文献   
Endothelial lipase (EL) plays an important physiological role in modulating HDL metabolism. Data suggest that plasma contains an inhibitor of EL, and previous studies have suggested that apolipoprotein A-II (apoA-II) inhibits the activity of several enzymes involved in HDL metabolism. Therefore, we hypothesized that apoA-II may reduce the ability of EL to influence HDL metabolism. To test this hypothesis, we determined the effect of EL expression on plasma phospholipase activity and HDL metabolism in human apoA-I and human apoA-I/A-II transgenic mice. Expression of EL in vivo resulted in lower plasma phospholipase activity and significantly less reduction of HDL-cholesterol, phospholipid, and apoA-I levels in apoA-I/A-II double transgenic mice compared with apoA-I single transgenic mice. We conclude that the presence of apoA-II on HDL particles inhibits the ability of EL to influence the metabolism of HDL in vivo.  相似文献   
A rapidly growingTriticum aestivum L. (wheat) derived long term suspension culture (named TaKB1), that is probably not regenerable, was analysed for karyotype rearrangements, stability and changes in repetitive DNA. The cell line has an average chromosome number of 21 and the DNA amount of unreplicated cells of TaKB1 measured by flow cytometry is about 30% lower than an unreplicated (1C) bread wheat genome.In situ hybridization of a repetitive DNA sequence (pSc119.2), which occurs as tandemly repeated blocks (heterochromatin) in wheat, shows that chromosomes from the TakB1 line have fewer and weaker subtelomeric locations of the sequence than wheat, suggesting deletions of distal chromosome segments and a reduction in the sites and copy number of the sequence. Thein situ hybridization pattern and chromosome morphology allowed 27 chromosome types to be identified in the cell line. No two analysed cells contained the same chromosome complement, although some chromosome types were present in every cell. Using Southern hybridization the structure and copy number of a retroelement (Wis-2) and its flanking sequence was shown to be the same in the TaKB1 cell line and wheat. Anin situ analysis of rDNA in the TaKB1 cell line (using the probe pTa71) showed a reduction in number of sites and rRNA genes in each cell from that in wheat. Interphase cells of the cell line showed dispersed signal throughout the nucleolus with no evidence for clusters of condensed and inactive rRNA genes.  相似文献   
Nuclear DNA Amounts in Angiosperms   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Bennett and Smith (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Societyof London B274:227-274; B334: 309-345) and Bennett, Smith andHeslop-Harrison (Proceedings of the Royal Society of London,B216: 179-199) published lists of nuclear DNA amounts estimatedfor 1612 angiosperm species collected from 163 sources datedbetween 1951 and 1986. Subsequently, interest in genome sizein angiosperms and its significance has continued, and manynew DNA estimates were published during 1986-1994. Their inaccessibility,and the flow of enquiries for such information, shows that afurther compilation is needed. This paper presents a supplementarylist of nuclear DNA C-values for 105 sources for 899 angiospermspecies not listed in the above-mentioned compilations, plus284 additional estimates for 208 species already listed by them.The data are assembled primarily for reference purposes, withspecies listed in alphabetical order, rather than by any taxonomicscheme. Some advantages and limitations of flow cytometry, nowincreasingly used to quantify DNA C-values in plants, are reviewed.Recent reports regarding the occurrence and extent of intraspecificvariation in genome size are also discussed. While some examplesare real, others reflect technical shortcomings. Work has begunto combine the genome size data compiled in this and the above-mentionedpapers into a unified data base, and to present the informationin separate lists, with species in alphabetical and systematicorders, respectively. DNA C-values are now known for 1% of theworld's angiosperm flora, but improved representation of taxonomicgroups, geographical regions and plant life forms is urgentlyneeded.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Angiosperm DNA amounts, DNA C-values, nuclear genome sizes, intraspecific variation, flow cytometry, reference lists, genome size database  相似文献   
The question of whether distinct self-propagating structures could be formed within the same amino acid sequence in the absence of external cofactors or templates has important implications for a number of issues, including the origin of prion strains and the engineering of smart, self-assembling peptide-based biomaterials. In the current study, we showed that chemically identical prion protein can give rise to conformationally distinct, self-propagating amyloid structures in the absence of cellular cofactors, post-translational modification, or PrP(Sc)-specified templates. Even more surprising, two self-replicating states were produced under identical solvent conditions, but under different shaking modes. Individual prion conformations were inherited by daughter fibrils in seeding experiments conducted under alternative shaking modes, illustrating the high fidelity of fibrillation reactions. Our study showed that the ability to acquire conformationally different self-propagating structures is an intrinsic ability of protein fibrillation and strongly supports the hypothesis that conformational variation in self-propagating protein states underlies prion strain diversity.  相似文献   
Immunogenetic mechanisms operating within the immune system are known to influence cytokine profiles and disease susceptibility. Yet the role of the individual's neurohormonal background in these processes remains undefined. Hormonal imbalances are documented in immune-related diseases, but it is unclear whether this represents a secondary phenomenon or a primary "defect" related to specific neurohormonal immune phenotype(s). We report that in a large subpopulation of healthy humans the baseline epinephrine output (but not cortisol and sex steroid hormones) correlated inversely with proinflammatory and positively with anti-inflammatory cytokine production. Thus, low vs high epinephrine excretors had a 2- to 5-fold higher TNF-alpha and IL-12 production but 2-fold lower IL-10 production induced by LPS ex vivo. In alternative settings, we found low baseline levels and profoundly blunted stress-induced epinephrine responses but high TNF-alpha levels in Lewis vs Fischer inbred rats. Additionally, isoproterenol, a beta adrenoreceptor agonist suppressed LPS-induced TNF-alpha production, with more pronounced effect in Lewis than in Fischer rats. In human monocytes, epinephrine and the beta(2) adrenoreceptor agonist fenoterol potently inhibited LPS-induced TNF-alpha and IL-12, but stimulated IL-10 production. The order of potency for hormones able to inhibit IL-12 production ex vivo was: epinephrine > norepinephrine > or = 1,25-(OH)(2) vitamin D(3) > hydrocortisone. This indicates that baseline epinephrine conditions cytokine responsiveness and through this mechanism intrinsic hypo- or hyperactive adrenal medullas in some individuals may shape opposite cytokine profiles. Since Lewis and Fischer rats have opposite susceptibility to experimental immunological diseases, this suggests that the parallel human phenotypes could be linked to differing responsiveness and susceptibility to infections and immune/inflammatory-related conditions.  相似文献   
Antitumor effects of CD40 ligation appear to involve distinct antitumor effector cells in different experimental models. In this study, we tested whether T cells were required for antitumor effects of agonistic anti-CD40 mAb (alphaCD40) against immunogenic versus poorly immunogenic tumors. Treatment of mice bearing poorly immunogenic B16 melanoma and its more immunogenic variant, B16-hsp72.1, with alphaCD40 resulted in a similar level of tumor growth suppression. Depletion of T cells did not reduce the antitumor effects in these 2 tumor models. To generate antitumor T cell responses, C57BL/6 mice were immunized with irradiated B16-hsp72.1. Treatment of these vaccinated mice challenged with a high dose of B16-hsp72.1 tumor cells with alphaCD40 induced tumor growth suppression, which was reduced by T-cell depletion, demonstrating that T cells were involved in the antitumor effect of alphaCD40. However, immunized mice depleted of T cells and treated with alphaCD40 were still able to suppress tumor growth as compared to tumor growth in immunized, T cell-depleted mice not treated with alphaCD40, suggesting that T cells were not required for the antitumor effect of alphaCD40. To confirm a lack of correlation between tumor immunogenicity and T-cell requirement in antitumor effects of CD40 ligation, we found that alphaCD40 induced tumor growth suppression in nude and SCID/beige mice bearing highly immunogenic tumors such as Meth A sarcoma, suggesting that macrophages may play a role. Indeed, both poorly immunogenic and highly immunogenic tumors were sensitive to in vitro growth inhibition by macrophages from alphaCD40-treated mice. Taken together, our results indicate that antitumor effects induced by alphaCD40, even against immunogenic tumors, can be observed in the absence of T cells and may involve macrophages.  相似文献   
Nuclear DNA C-values Complete Familial Representation in Gymnosperms   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
The gymnosperms are a monophyletic yet diverse group of woodytrees with approx. 730 extant species in 17 families. A recentsurvey showed that DNA C-values were available for approx. 16%of species, but for only 12 of the 17 families. This paper completesfamilial representation reporting first C-values for the fiveremaining families: Boweniaceae, Stangeriaceae, Welwitschiaceae,Cephalotaxaceae and Sciadopityaceae. C-values for nine Ephedraand two Gnetum species are also reported. C-values are now availablefor 152 (21%) species. Analysis confirms that gymnosperms arecharacterized by larger C-values than angiosperms (modal 1Cof gymnosperms = 15.8 pg compared with 0.6 pg in angiosperms)although the range (1C = 2.25–32.20 pg) is smaller thanthat in angiosperms (1C = 0.05–127.4 pg). Given completefamilial coverage for C-values and increasing consensus in gymnospermphylogeny, the phylogenetic component of C-value variation wasalso investigated by comparing the two datasets. This analysisrevealed that ancestral gymnosperms (represented by cycads and/orGinkgo; mean genome size = 14.71 pg) probably had larger genomes thanancestral angiosperms. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Gymnosperm DNA amounts, C-values, phylogeny, ancestral genome size, Cycadales, Ginkgo, Gnetales, conifers, Pinaceae  相似文献   
Nuclear DNA Amounts in Pteridophytes   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
DNA amounts (C-value and genome size) are much-used biodiversitycharacters. A workshop held at Kew in 1997 identified majorgaps in our knowledge of plant DNA amounts, recommending targetsfor new work to fill them. Murray reviewed non-angiosperm plantsnoting that representation of pteridophyte species (approx.0.42%) was poor, while locating C-value data for them was verydifficult. The workshop confirmed the need to make data forother groups besides angiosperms accessible for reference purposes.This paper pools DNA C-values for 48 pteridophyte species fromeight original sources into one reference source, and fulfilsa key workshop recommendation for this group. Comparing thesedata shows that nuclear 1C-values in pteridophytes vary approx.1000-fold, from 0.055 pg in Selaginella species to about 55pg in Ophioglossum petiolatum. Genome size estimates for 25pteridophytes vary approx. 200-fold from 0.055 to 10.7 pg, andthe mean genome sizes in diploids and polyploids (5.15 and 4.59pg, respectively) are not significantly different. Wider comparisonsshow that ranges of genome sizes in the major groups of landplants are very different. Those in bryophytes and pteridophytesare narrow compared with those in gymnosperms and angiosperms.The data indicate that the origin of land plants possibly involveda first major increase in genome size in the evolution of vascularplants, while a second such increase occurred later in gymnosperms.C-values for pteridophytes remain very few, but conversely opportunitiesfor new work on them are many. Copyright 2001 Annals of BotanyCompany Pteridophyte DNA amounts, DNA C-values, nuclear genome sizes  相似文献   
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