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The C-terminal amide structure of peptide hormones and neurotransmitters is synthesized via a two-step reaction catalyzed by peptidylglycine alpha-hydroxylating monooxygenase (PHM) and peptidylhydroxyglycine N-C lyase. A Xenopus laevis PHM expressed in insect-cell culture by the baculovirus-expression-vector system was purified to homogeneity and characterized. Using a newly established assay system for PHM, the kinetic features of this enzyme were investigated. As expected, the enzyme required copper ions, L-ascorbate and molecular oxygen for turnover. Salts like KI and KCl, and catalase stabilized the enzyme in the presence of L-ascorbate. The optimum pH value for the enzyme reaction was around six when Mes buffer was used and around seven when phosphate buffer was used under the same assay condition. Below pH 6, acetate, iodide and chloride ions activated the reaction. The kinetic analysis is consistent with a ping-pong mechanism with respect to peptide and L-ascorbate, and the peptide showed substrate inhibition. The substrate specificity of the enzyme at the penultimate position was examined by competitive assay using tripeptides with glycine at the C-termini and the inhibitory potency of these peptides in descending order was methionine > aromatic > non-polar amino acids.  相似文献   
The mechanism by which interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1 alpha) activates NF-kappa B DNA-binding activity is not completely understood. While it is well established that protein kinase C can activate NF-kappa B, neither protein kinase C nor protein kinase A appears to be critical in the induction of NF-kappa B by IL-1 alpha. Since a number of growth factors signal via protein tyrosine kinase, in this study we examined a possible involvement of protein tyrosine kinase in the IL-1 alpha-induced NF-kappa B. The results showed that in the murine pre-B cell line 70Z/3 and in the murine T cell line EL-4 6.1 C10 IL-1 alpha-induced NF-kappa B was associated with transient increase in protein tyrosine kinase activity. Pre-treatment of these cell lines with herbimycin A, an inhibitor of tyrosine kinase activity, blocked the IL-1 alpha-enhanced protein tyrosine kinase activity and the IL-1 alpha-induced NF-kappa B DNA-binding activity. Herbimycin A at concentrations sufficient to block IL-1 alpha-induced NF-kappa B did not block the phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA)-induced NF-kappa B. The data suggest that IL-1 alpha and PMA activate NF-kappa B by different pathways and that induction of NF-kappa B DNA-binding activity by IL-1 might be dependent on protein tyrosine phosphorylation.  相似文献   
Reconstitution of the 9 S estrogen receptor with heat shock protein 90   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As a first step in the investigation of the reconstitution of steroid hormone receptor systems, we studied the reconstitution of 9 S estrogen receptor (ER) from purified vero ER, which is the estradiol binding subunit, and heat shock protein 90 (hsp 90). By using a phosphate buffer containing molybdate, thiocyanate, dimethylformamide, glycerol, etc., vero ER could be converted to 9 S ER with hsp 90, but not with the control protein, ovalbumin. Inactivation of ER during the reconstitution was suppressed partially by hsp 90, but not by ovalbumin. Like native 8 S ER, the reconstituted ER was sedimented at about 8.9 S and 4.6 S on glycerol gradient centrifugation in low and high salt buffers, respectively.  相似文献   
A human liver cytochrome P-450 (P-450) IIIA4 cDNA clone was inserted behind an alcohol dehydrogenase promoter in the plasmid vector pAAH5 and expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (D12 and AH22 strains). A cytochrome P-450 with typical spectral properties was expressed at a level of approximately 8 x 10(5) molecules/cell in either strain of yeast. The expressed P-450 IIIA4 had the same apparent monomeric Mr as the corresponding protein in human liver microsomes (P-450NF) and could be isolated from yeast microsomes. Catalytic activity of the yeast microsomes toward putative P-450 IIIA4 substrates was seen in the reactions supported by cumene hydroperoxide but was often lower and variable when supported by the physiological donor NADPH. The catalytic activity of purified P-450 IIIA4 was also poor in some systems reconstituted with rabbit liver NADPH-P-450 reductase and best when both the detergent 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate and a lipid extract (from liver or yeast microsomes) or L-alpha-1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine were present. Under these conditions the expressed P-450 IIIA4 was an efficient catalyst for nifedipine oxidation, 6 beta-hydroxylation of testosterone and cortisol, 2-hydroxylation of 17 beta-estradiol and 17 alpha-ethynylestradiol, N-oxygenation and 3-hydroxylation of quinidine, 16 alpha-hydroxylation of dehydroepiandrosterone 3-sulfate, erythromycin N-demethylation, the 10-hydroxylation of (R)-warfarin, the formation of 9,10-dehydrowarfarin from (S)-warfarin, and the activation of aflatoxins B1 and G1, sterigmatocystin, 7,8-dihydroxy-7,8-dihydrobenzo[a]pyrene (both + and - diastereomers), 3,4-dihydroxy-3,4-dihydrobenz[a]anthracene, 3,4-dihydroxy-3,4-dihydro-7, 12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene, 9,10-dihydroxy-9,10-dihydrobenzo[b]fluoranthene, 6-aminochrysene, and tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate to products genotoxic in a Salmonella typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002 system where a chimeric umuC' 'lacZ plasmid is responsive to DNA alkylation. Reaction rates were stimulated by 7,8-benzoflavone and inhibited by rabbit anti-P-450 IIIA (anti-P-450NF), troleandomycin, gestodene, and cimetidine. Evidence was obtained that rates of reduction of ferric P-450 IIIA4 in yeast microsomes and the reconstituted systems are slow and at least partially responsible for the lower rates of catalysis seen in these systems (relative to liver microsomes). The results of these studies with a defined protein clearly demonstrate the ability of P-450 IIIA4 to catalyze regio- and stereoselective oxidations with a diverse group of substrates, and this enzyme appears to be one of the most versatile catalysts in the P-450 family.  相似文献   
N--benzoyl D,L-arginine p-nitroanilide (BAPA), leucine p-nitroanilide(LPA) and casein hydrolytic activities were assayed in germinatingcotyledons. BAPA hydrolytic activity was not detected in dryseeds, but increased rapidly from 1 to 4 days of germinationand then decreased. LPA and casein hydrolytic activities weredetected in dry seeds and increased from 2 to 4 days. Caseinhydrolytic activity decreased faster than the other two activities. BAPA hydrolytic enzyme was partially purified. It was inhibitedby p-chloromercuribenzoate and activated by ß-mercaptoethanoland dithiothreitol, but was not affected by EDTA, phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride, pumpkin trypsin inhibitor and several divalent cations.It had no ability to hydrolyze globulin or the chain to produce Fß or smaller polypeptides,respectively, which was referred to as proteolytic activityI in the preceding paper (14), but released small peptides andamino acids from the chain and Fß. However, it wasdifferent from proteolytic enzyme II which was present in dryseeds and inhibited by EDTA (14). Pumpkin trypsin inhibitor was purified. Its molecular weightwas estimated to be 10,500 by gel filtration. It did not inhibitthe BAPA hydrolytic enzyme. Both proteolytic activities I andII were also not reduced by the inhibitor (14). The inhibitoryactivity decreased gradually during germination. (Received November 9, 1979; )  相似文献   
The effects of thirteen kinds of powdered herbal drugs and seven kinds of commercial dry condiments on the growth and toxin production ofAspergillus parasiticus, A. flavus,A. ochraceus, andA. versicolor were observed by introducing these substances into culture media for mycotoxin production.Of the twenty samples tested, cinnamon bark completely inhibited the fungal growth, while the others only inhibited the toxin production.The inhibitors were easily extracted from the samples with solvents such as hot water, chloroform, or ethanol.The extracts from coptis, philodendron bark, mustard, green tea leaves, and zanthoxylum completely inhibited the aflatoxin production ofA. parasiticus, however, they had little or no inhibitory effect againstA. flavus.  相似文献   
Heterogeneity of mouse lymphocytes with respect to interferon production upon influenza virus challenge in culture was studied. Spleen cells produced much more interferon than thymocytes or mesenteric lymph node cells. Spleen cells mainly responsible for interferon production belonged to the hydrocortisone-sensitive population. When spleen lymphocytes were separated into seven fractions by centrifugation on a serum albumin density gradient, they were found to differ greatly in interferon producing capacity; a small fraction of intermediate density, representing a few percent or less of the total lymphocytes, produced markedly high levels of interferon.  相似文献   
A heat stable globulin present in the cotyledons of pumpkinseeds was prepared as crystals which were soluble in a dilutesaline solution below pH 4.5 or in a solution with a high ionicstrength at neutral pHs. The protein was nearly homogeneousby ultracentrifuge analysis, and had a molecular weight of about112,000 daltons. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresisseparated the globulin into two subunits, and ß,corresponding to molecular weights of about 63,000 and 56,000daltons, respectively. By reduction of disulfide bonds, thetwo subunits were each separated into two polypeptide chainswith molecular weights of around 36,000 and 22,000 daltons,judged by gel electrophoresis. The amino acid composition ofwhole globulin indicated high contents of arginine, glutamicacid and aspartic acid. The total number of half-cystine residuewas nine and only one residue was shown to be free. The subunitstructure of the globulin is discussed. The protein has beenshown to have oxaloacetate decarboxylase activity, and thisfact was confirmed. However, the activity decreased markedlyat pH 4.5 in a fairly short period. It did not require Mn++,and the Km for oxaloacetate was determined to be 4.1 mM. (Received April 9, 1976; )  相似文献   
A low molecular weight form of the eukaryotic polypeptide chain elongation factor 1 (EF-1α) has been extensively purified from pig liver to give an apparently homogeneous preparation, which seemed to be analogous to the bacterial elongation factor, EF-Tu (Iwasaki, K., Nagata, S., Mizumoto, K., and Kaziro, Y. (1974) J. Biol. Chem. 249, 5008). Thus, the interaction of the purified EF-1α with guanine nucleotides as well as aminoacyl-tRNA has been investigated and the following results have been obtained. (1) EF-1α when kept in the absence of glycerol lost its activity to promote the binding of aminoacylt-RNA to ribosomes though it retained the ability to bind guanine nucleotides. However, the former activity could be stabilized by the addition of 25% (vv) glycerol to the solution. (2) EF-1α formed a binary complex with guanine nucleotides such as GTP, GDP, 5′-guanylyl methylenediphosphonate or 5′-guanylyl imidodiphosphate. The molar ratio of EF-1α to GTP or GDP in the binary complex was shown to be 1. (3) The presence of a ternary complex containing EF-1α, GTP and aminoacyl-tRNA was demonstrated by several methods, i.e., (i) an increased heat stability of EF-1α in the presence of GTP and Phe-tRNA, (ii) a decrease in the amount of the EF-1α·GTP complex in the presence of aminoacyl-tRNA, (iii) a protection of the ester linkage of Phe-tRNA from hydrolysis at alkaline pH by the presence of both EF-1α and GTP, and (iv) the isolation of the complex by gel filtration.  相似文献   
The prevalance and distribution of BK virus antibody in women during pregnancy and the occurrence of transplacental transmission of BK virus was determined by measurement of IgM antibody in the serum. Sera were collected from 63 nonpregnant women, 71 women who had experienced spontaneous abortion, 80 in the first trimester of pregnancy and the same 80 at delivery. Umbilical cord blood was also taken at delivery. Hemagglutination inhibition (HI) tests for BK virus used the micromethod of Gardner. Results indicate that a significant level of HI antibody was present in 70% of sera from all 4 experimental groups. This showed that BK virus infection was not limited to cases of spontaneous abortion. Of the 80 pregnant mothers, 6 showed a 4-fold or greater HI antibody seroconversion to BK virus after delivery. Of these 6 seroconversion patients, sensitive antibody was detected in 3 umbilical cords. Umbilical cords of those without seroconversion had no sensitive antibody. As evidenced by 2-NE-sensitive antibody, BK virus infections were also recognized in 6 of 71 women who aborted, 4 of 80 in the first trimester of pregnancy and 2 collected after delivery. The 2-ME-sensitive antibody was not found in any of 63 samples from nonpregnant women. Data indicate that 2-ME-sensitive antibody was present only in sera of women during pregnancy and after abortion. It may be possible that BK virus persists in a latent form in many healthy women and becomes activated during pregnancy.  相似文献   
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