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The metabolism of potato (Solanum tuberosum) roots constitutively over- and underexpressing hexokinase (HK, EC was examined. An 11-fold variation in HK activity resulted in altered root growth, with antisense roots growing better than sense roots. Quantification of sugars, organic acids and amino acids in transgenic roots demonstrated that the manipulation of HK activity had very little effect on the intracellular pools of these metabolites. However, adenylate and free Pi levels were negatively affected by an increase in HK activity. The flux control coefficient of HK over the phosphorylation of glucose was measured for the first time in plants. Its value varied with HK level. It reached 1.71 at or below normal HK activity value and was much lower (0.32) at very high HK levels. Measurements of glycolytic flux and O2 uptake rates demonstrated that the differences in glucose phosphorylation did not affect significantly glycolytic and respiratory metabolism. We hypothesized that these results could be explained by the existence of a futile cycle between the pools of hexose-Ps and carbohydrates. This view is supported by several lines of evidence. Firstly, activities of enzymes capable of catalyzing these reactions were detected in roots, including a hexose-P phosphatase. Secondly, metabolic tracer experiments using 14C-glucose as precursor showed the formation of 14C-fructose and 14C-sucrose. We conclude that futile cycling of hexose-P could be partially responsible for the differences in energetic status in roots with high and low HK activity and possibly cause the observed alterations in growth in transgenic roots. The involvement of HK and futile cycles in the control of glucose-6P metabolism is discussed.  相似文献   
Invasive species are a serious threat to biodiversity worldwide and predicting whether an introduced species will first establish and then become invasive can be useful to preserve ecosystem services. Establishment is influenced by multiple factors, such as the interactions between the introduced individuals and the resident community, and demographic and environmental stochasticity. Field observations are often incomplete or biased. This, together with an imperfect knowledge of the ecological traits of the introduced species, makes the prediction of establishment challenging. Methods that consider the combined effects of these factors on our ability to predict the establishment of an introduced species are currently lacking. We develop an inference framework to assess the combined effects of demographic stochasticity and parameter uncertainty on our ability to predict the probability of establishment following the introduction of a small number of individuals. We find that even moderate levels of demographic stochasticity influence both the probability of establishment, and, crucially, our ability to correctly predict that probability. We also find that estimation of the demographic parameters of an introduced species is fundamental to obtain precise estimates of the interaction parameters. For typical values of demographic stochasticity, the drop in our ability to predict an establishment can be 30% when having priors on the demographic parameters compared to having their accurate values. The results from our study illustrate how demographic stochasticity may bias the prediction of the probability of establishment. Our method can be applied to estimate probability of establishment of introduced species in field scenarios, where time series data and prior information on the demographic traits of the introduced species are available.  相似文献   
HIV incidence estimates are used to monitor HIV-1 infection in the United States. Use of laboratory biomarkers that distinguish recent from longstanding infection to quantify HIV incidence rely on having accurate knowledge of the average time that individuals spend in a transient state of recent infection between seroconversion and reaching a specified biomarker cutoff value. This paper describes five estimation procedures from two general statistical approaches, a survival time approach and an approach that fits binomial models of the probability of being classified as recently infected, as a function of time since seroconversion. We compare these procedures for estimating the mean duration of recent infection (MDRI) for two biomarkers used by the U.S. National HIV Surveillance System for determination of HIV incidence, the Aware BED EIA HIV-1 incidence test (BED) and the avidity-based, modified Bio-Rad HIV-1/HIV-2 plus O ELISA (BRAI) assay. Collectively, 953 specimens from 220 HIV-1 subtype B seroconverters, taken from 5 cohorts, were tested with a biomarker assay. Estimates of MDRI using the non-parametric survival approach were 198.4 days (SD 13.0) for BED and 239.6 days (SD 13.9) for BRAI using cutoff values of 0.8 normalized optical density and 30%, respectively. The probability of remaining in the recent state as a function of time since seroconversion, based upon this revised statistical approach, can be applied in the calculation of annual incidence in the United States.  相似文献   
Sepsis, a systemic inflammatory response to infection, is often accompanied by abnormalities of blood coagulation. Prior work with a mouse model of sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) suggested that the protease factor XIa contributed to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and to the cytokine response during sepsis. We investigated the importance of factor XI to cytokine and coagulation responses during the first 24 hours after CLP. Compared to wild type littermates, factor XI-deficient (FXI-/-) mice had a survival advantage after CLP, with smaller increases in plasma levels of TNF-α and IL-10 and delayed IL-1β and IL-6 responses. Plasma levels of serum amyloid P, an acute phase protein, were increased in wild type mice 24 hours post-CLP, but not in FXI-/- mice, supporting the impression of a reduced inflammatory response in the absence of factor XI. Surprisingly, there was little evidence of DIC in mice of either genotype. Plasma levels of the contact factors factor XII and prekallikrein were reduced in WT mice after CLP, consistent with induction of contact activation. However, factor XII and PK levels were not reduced in FXI-/- animals, indicating factor XI deficiency blunted contact activation. Intravenous infusion of polyphosphate into WT mice also induced changes in factor XII, but had much less effect in FXI deficient mice. In vitro analysis revealed that factor XIa activates factor XII, and that this reaction is enhanced by polyanions such polyphosphate and nucleic acids. These data suggest that factor XI deficiency confers a survival advantage in the CLP sepsis model by altering the cytokine response to infection and blunting activation of the contact (kallikrein-kinin) system. The findings support the hypothesis that factor XI functions as a bidirectional interface between contact activation and thrombin generation, allowing the two processes to influence each other.  相似文献   
Protein posttranslational modifications critically regulate a range of physiological and disease processes. In addition to tyrosine, serine, and threonine phosphorylation, reversible N‐ε acylation and alkylation of protein lysine residues also modulate diverse aspects of cellular function. Studies of lysine acyl and alkyl modifications have focused on nuclear proteins in epigenetic regulation; however, lysine modifications are also prevalent on cytosolic proteins to serve increasingly apparent, although less understood roles in cell regulation. Here, the methyl‐lysine (meK) proteome of anucleate blood platelets is characterized. With high‐resolution, multiplex MS methods, 190 mono‐, di‐, and tri‐meK modifications are identified on 150 different platelet proteins—including 28 meK modifications quantified by tandem mass tag (TMT) labeling. In addition to identifying meK modifications on calmodulin (CaM), GRP78 (HSPA5, BiP), and EF1A1 that have been previously characterized in other cell types, more novel modifications are also uncovered on cofilin, drebin‐like protein (DBNL, Hip‐55), DOCK8, TRIM25, and numerous other cytoplasmic proteins. Together, the results and analyses support roles for lysine methylation in mediating cytoskeletal, translational, secretory, and other cellular processes. MS data for this study have been deposited into the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE partner repository with the dataset identifier PXD012217.  相似文献   
Marine species tend to have extensive distributions, which are commonly attributed to the dispersal potential provided by planktonic larvae and the rarity of absolute barriers to dispersal in the ocean. Under this paradigm, the occurrence of marine microendemism without geographic isolation in species with planktonic larvae poses a dilemma. The recently described Maya hamlet (Hypoplectrus maya, Serranidae) is exactly such a case, being endemic to a 50‐km segment of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS). We use whole‐genome analysis to infer the demographic history of the Maya hamlet and contrast it with the sympatric and pan‐Caribbean black (H. nigricans), barred (H. puella) and butter (H. unicolor) hamlets, as well as the allopatric but phenotypically similar blue hamlet (H. gemma). We show that H. maya is indeed a distinct evolutionary lineage, with genomic signatures of inbreeding and a unique demographic history of continuous decrease in effective population size since it diverged from congeners just ~3,000 generations ago. We suggest that this case of microendemism may be driven by the combination of a narrow ecological niche and restrictive oceanographic conditions in the southern MBRS, which is consistent with the occurrence of an unusually high number of marine microendemics in this region. The restricted distribution of the Maya hamlet, its decline in both census and effective population sizes, and the degradation of its habitat place it at risk of extinction. We conclude that the evolution of marine microendemism can be a fast and dynamic process, with extinction possibly occurring before speciation is complete.  相似文献   
Warming and nutrient enrichment are major environmental factors shaping ecological dynamics. However, cross‐scale investigation of their combined effects by linking theory and experiments is lacking. We collected data from aquatic microbial ecosystems investigating the interactive effects of warming (constant and rising temperatures) and enrichment across levels of organisation and contrasted them with community models based on metabolic theory. We found high agreement between our observations and theoretical predictions: we observed in many cases the predicted antagonistic effects of high temperature and high enrichment across levels of organisation. Temporal stability of total biomass decreased with warming but did not differ across enrichment levels. Constant and rising temperature treatments with identical mean temperature did not show qualitative differences. Overall, we conclude that model and empirical results are in broad agreement due to robustness of the effects of temperature and enrichment, that the mitigating effects of temperature on effects of enrichment may be common, and that models based on metabolic theory provide qualitatively robust predictions of the combined ecological effects of enrichment and temperature.  相似文献   
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