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Homogenous preparations of a manganese superoxide dismutase from a higher plant (Pisum sativum L.) were studied by epr and optical spectroscopies. The visible spectrum of manganese superoxide dismutase shows a weak and broad band in the range 350–700 nm with two shoulders at about 480 and 600 nm. Reduction with dithionite brought about a considerable disappearance of the visible component of the spectrum. The epr spectra of the native and dithionite-treated enzyme did not show any signal attributable to Mn(II) that only was visible after acid hydrolysis of the protein. The lack of epr signal both in the native and reduced superoxide dismutase can be attributed to the presence of Mn(III) in the former and of Mn(II) strongly bound to the protein in the latter. The results obtained with the manganese superoxide dismutase from leaves of the higher plant Pisum sativum are consistent with the general catalytic mechanism of action postulated for superoxide dismutases from other sources studied so far.  相似文献   
A cDNA sequence coding for a pea (Pisum sativum L.) 2-Cys peroxiredoxin (2-Cys Prx) has been cloned. The deduced amino acid sequence showed a high sequence homology to the 2-Cys Prx enzymes of Phaseolus vulgaris (86%), Arabidopsis thaliana (75%), and Spinacia oleracea (75%), and contained a chloroplast target sequence at its N-terminus. The mature enzyme, without the transit peptide, has a molecular mass of 22 kDa as well as two cysteine residues (Cys-53 and Cys-175) which are well conserved among proteins of this group. The protein was expressed in a heterologous system using the expression vector pET3d, and was purified to homogeneity by three sequential chromatographic steps. The enzyme exhibits peroxidase activity on hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) and t-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) with DTT as reducing agent. Although both pea Trxs f and m reduce oxidized 2-Cys Prx, Trx m is more efficient. The precise conditions for oligomerization of 2-Cys Prx through extensive gel filtration studies are also reported. The transition dimer-decamer produced in vitro between pH 7.5 and 8.0 and the influence of DTT suggest that a great change in the enzyme quaternary structure of 2-Cys Prx may take place in the chloroplast during the dark-light transition. In addition, the cyclophilin-dependent reduction of chloroplast 2-Cys Prx is shown.  相似文献   
In this investigation of radical formation and reaction in gamma- irradiated DNA and model compounds, we report the conversion of the guanine cation radical (one-electron oxidized guanine, G(.+)) to the C1' sugar radical and another sugar radical at the C3' or C4' position (designated C3'(.)/C4'(.)) by visible and UV photolysis. Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopic investigations were performed on salmon testes DNA as well as 5'-dGMP, 3'-dGMP, 2'-deoxyguanosine and other nucleosides/nucleotides as model systems. DNA samples (25- 150 mg/ml D(2)O) were prepared with Tl(3+) or Fe(CN)(3-)(6) as electron scavengers. Upon gamma irradiation of such samples at 77 K, the electron-gain path in the DNA is strongly suppressed and predominantly G(.+) is found; after UV or visible photolysis, the fraction of the C1' sugar radical increases with a concomitant reduction in the fraction of G(.+). In model systems, 3'- dGMP(+.) and 5'-dGMP(+.) were produced by attack of Cl(.-)(2) on the parent nucleotide in 7 M LiCl glass. Subsequent visible photolysis of the 3'-dGMP(+.) (77 K) results predominantly in formation of C1'(.) whereas photolysis of 5'-dGMP(+.) results predominantly in formation of C3'(.)/C4'(.). We propose that sugar radical formation is a result of delocalization of the hole in the electronically excited base cation radical into the sugar ring, followed by deprotonation at specific sites on the sugar.  相似文献   
Electron spin resonance (ESR) studies of radicals formed by radiation-induced multiple one-electron oxidations of guanine moieties in DNA are reported in this work. Annealing of gamma-irradiated DNA from 77 to 235 K results in the hydration of one electron oxidized guanine (G•+) to form the 8-hydroxy-7,8-dihydroguanin-7-yl-radical (•GOH) having one β-proton coupling of 17–28 G and an anisotropic nitrogen coupling, A, of ~20 G, A = 0 with g = 2.0026 and g = 2.0037. Further annealing to 258 K results in the formation of a sharp singlet at g = 2.0048 with line-width of 5.3 G that is identified as the 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine one-electron-oxidized radical (8-oxo-G•+). This species is formed via two one-electron oxidations of •GOH. These two one-electron oxidation steps leading to the formation of 8-oxo-G•+ from •GOH in DNA, are in accordance with the expected ease of oxidation of •GOH and 8-oxo-G. The incorporation of oxygen from water in G•+ leading to •GOH and to 8-oxo-G•+ is verified by ESR studies employing 17O isotopically enriched water, which provide unambiguous evidence for the formation of both radicals. ESR analysis of irradiated-DNA in the presence of the electron scavenger, Tl3+, demonstrates that the cationic pathway leads to the formation of the 8-oxo-G•+. In irradiated DNA–Tl3+ samples, Tl3+ captures electrons. Tl2+ thus produced is a strong oxidant (2.2 V), which is metastable at 77 K and is observed to increase the formation of G•+ and subsequently of 8-oxo-G•+ upon annealing. We find that in the absence of the electron scavenger the yield of 8-oxo-G•+ is substantially reduced as a result of electron recombinations with G•+ and possible reaction with •GOH.  相似文献   
Folding kinetics for phage 434 Cro protein are examined and compared with those reported for lambda(6-85), the N-terminal domain of the repressor of phage lambda. The two proteins have similar all-helical structures consisting of five helices but different stabilities. In contrast to lambda(6-85), sharp and distinct aromatic (1)H NMR signals without exchange broadening characterize the native and urea-denatured 434 Cro forms at equilibrium at 20 degrees C, indicating slow interconversion on the NMR time scale. Stopped-flow fluorescence data using the single 434 Cro tryptophan indicate strongly urea-dependent refolding rates and smaller urea dependencies of the unfolding rates, suggesting a native-like transition state ensemble. Refolding rates are slower and unfolding rates considerably faster at pH 4 than at pH 6. This accounts for the lower stability of 434 Cro at pH 4 and suggests the existence of pH-dependent, possibly salt bridge interactions that are more stabilizing at pH 6. At <2 M urea, decreased folding amplitudes and nonlinear urea dependencies that are apparent at pH 6 indicate deviation from two-state behavior and suggest the formation of an early folding intermediate. The folding behavior of 434 Cro and why it folds 2 orders of magnitude slower than lambda(6-85) are rationalized in terms of the lower intrinsic helix stabilities and putative charge interactions in 434 Cro.  相似文献   
Virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) at frequencies of >1/1, 000 are sufficient to cause insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in transgenic mice whose pancreatic beta cells express as "self" antigen a protein from a virus later used to initiate infection. The inability to generate sufficient effector CTL for other cross-reacting viruses that fail to cause IDDM could be mapped to point mutations in the CTL epitope or its COO(-) flanking region. These data indicate that IDDM and likely other autoimmune diseases are caused by a quantifiable number of T cells, that neither standard epidemiologic markers nor molecular analysis with nucleic acid probes reliably distinguishes between viruses that do or do not cause diabetes, and that a single-amino-acid change flanking a CTL epitope can interfere with antigen presentation and development of autoimmune disease in vivo.  相似文献   
This work presents evidence that photo-excitation of guanine radical cations results in high yields of deoxyribose sugar radicals in DNA, guanine deoxyribonucleosides and deoxyribonucleotides. In dsDNA at low temperatures, formation of C1′• is observed from photo-excitation of G•+ in the 310–480 nm range with no C1′• formation observed ≥520 nm. Illumination of guanine radical cations in 2′dG, 3′-dGMP and 5′-dGMP in aqueous LiCl glasses at 143 K is found to result in remarkably high yields (~85–95%) of sugar radicals, namely C1′•, C3′• and C5′•. The amount of each of the sugar radicals formed varies dramatically with compound structure and temperature of illumination. Radical assignments were confirmed using selective deuteration at C5′ or C3′ in 2′-dG and at C8 in all the guanine nucleosides/tides. Studies of the effect of temperature, pH, and wavelength of excitation provide important information about the mechanism of formation of these sugar radicals. Time-dependent density functional theory calculations verify that specific excited states in G•+ show considerable hole delocalization into the sugar structure, in accord with our proposed mechanism of action, namely deprotonation from the sugar moiety of the excited molecular radical cation.  相似文献   
Pilot-scale (0.19 m column diameter, 2 m tall, and 60 L working volume) outdoor vertical bubble column (BC) and airlift photobioreactors (a split-cylinder (SC) and a draft-tube airlift device (DT)) were compared for fed-batch mixotrophic culture of the microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum UTEX 640. The cultures were started photoautotrophically until the onset of a quasi-steady-state biomass concentration of 3.4 g L(-)(1). After this, the cultures were supplemented with organic nutrient (glycerol 0.1 M) and a reduced nitrogen source, resulting in an immediate growth rate boost, which was repeated with successive additions of nutrients in all three photobioreactors. During this period the biomass productivity was enhanced compared to photoautotrophic cultures in the three reactors, although differences were found among them. These could be attributed to the different hydrodynamic behavior influencing the transport phenomena inside the cultures. A 25.4 g L(-)(1) maximum biomass concentration was attained in the SC. Further additions of nutrients did not promote any more growth. The consumption of glycerol was quantitative in the first additions but slowed at high biomass concentration, suggesting that a minimum amount of light is needed to sustain growth. No significant effect of the supplied organic nutrient on carotenoids and chlorophylls content was observed, although it had a profound effect on the fatty acid composition. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) content was increased up to 3% (DW) in mixotrophic growth, giving a productivity of 56 mg L(-)(1) d(-)(1), a significant increase compared to the photoautotrophic control, which yielded a maximum EPA content of 1.9% (DW) and a productivity of 18 mg L(-)(1) d(-)(1). The maximum biomass and EPA volumetric yields obtained in this work are comparable with those reported for commercial photoautotrophic monoculture of large quantities of P. tricornutum in closed continuous-run tubular loop bioreactors with tubes that are typically less than 0.08 m in diameter. When the comparison is established in terms of productivities based on the land area occupied, the vertical airlift and bubble-column bioreactors are extraordinarily more productive.  相似文献   
Lovastatin suppresses its own synthesis in the microfungus Aspergillus terreus. The inhibitory effect was documented by spiking identical batch cultures with pure lovastatin (0, 50, 100 and 250 mg/l) 24 h after initiation from spores.  相似文献   
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