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We explored the possibility that, in the regulation of an effector enzyme by a Ca(2+)-sensor protein, the actual Ca(2+) sensitivity of the effector enzyme can be determined not only by the affinity of the Ca(2+)-sensor protein for Ca(2+) but also by the relative affinities of its Ca(2+)-bound versus Ca(2+)-free form for the effector enzyme. As a model, we used Ca(2+)-sensitive activation of photoreceptor guanylyl cyclase (RetGC-1) by guanylyl cyclase activating proteins (GCAPs). A substitution Arg(838)Ser in RetGC-1 found in human patients with cone-rod dystrophy is known to shift the Ca(2+) sensitivity of RetGC-1 regulation by GCAP-1 to a higher Ca(2+) range. We find that at physiological concentrations of Mg(2+) this mutation increases the free Ca(2+) concentration required for half-maximal inhibition of the cyclase from 0.27 to 0.61 microM. Similar to rod outer segment cyclase, Ca(2+) sensitivity of recombinant RetGC-1 is strongly affected by Mg(2+), but the shift in Ca(2+) sensitivity for the R838S mutant relative to the wild type is Mg(2+)-independent. We determined the apparent affinity of the wild-type and the mutant RetGC-1 for both Ca(2+)-bound and Ca(2+)-free GCAP-1 and found that the net shift in Ca(2+) sensitivity of the R838S RetGC-1 observed in vitro can arise predominantly from the change in the affinity of the mutant cyclase for the Ca(2+)-free versus Ca(2+)-loaded GCAP-1. Our findings confirm that the dynamic range for RetGC regulation by Ca(2+)/GCAP is determined by both the affinity of GCAP for Ca(2+) and relative affinities of the effector enzyme for the Ca(2+)-free versus Ca(2+)-loaded GCAP.  相似文献   
Innate and adaptive immune responses are initiated upon recognition of microbial molecules by Toll-like receptors (TLRs). We have investigated the importance of these receptors in the induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines and macrophage resistance to infection with Coxiella burnetii, an obligate intracellular bacterium and the etiological agent of Q fever. By using a Chinese hamster ovary/CD14 cell line expressing either functional TLR2 or TLR4, we determined that C. burnetii phase II activates TLR2 but not TLR4. Macrophages deficient for TLR2, but not TLR4, produced less tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-12 upon C. burnetii infection. Furthermore, it was found that TLR2 activation interfered with C. burnetii intracellular replication, as macrophages from TLR2-deficient mice were highly permissive for C. burnetii growth compared with macrophages from wild type mice or TLR4-deficient mice. Although LPS modifications distinguish virulent C. burnetii phase I bacteria from avirulent phase II organisms, electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry analysis showed that the lipid A moieties isolated from these two phase variants are identical. Purified lipid A derived from either phase I or phase II LPS failed to activate TLR2 and TLR4. Indeed, the lipid A molecules were able to interfere with TLR4 signaling in response to purified Escherichia coli LPS. These studies indicate that TLR2 is an important host determinant that mediates recognition of C. burnetii and a response that limits growth of this intracellular pathogen.  相似文献   
A methodology for simple convenient preparation of bright, negatively or positively charged, water-soluble CdSe/ZnS core/shell nanocrystals (NCs) and their stabilization in aqueous solution is described. Single NCs can be detected using a standard epifluorescent microscope, ensuring a detection limit of one molecule coupled with an NC. NCs solubilized in water by DL-Cys were stabilized, to avoid aggregation, by poly(allylamine) and conjugated with polyclonal anti-mouse antibodies (Abs). NC-Abs conjugates were tested in dot-blots and exhibited retention of binding capacity within several nanograms of antigen detected. We further demonstrated the advantages of NC-Abs conjugates in the immunofluorescent detection and three-dimensional (3D) confocal analysis of p-glycoprotein (p-gp), one of the main mediators of the MDR phenotype, overexpressed in the membrane of MCF7r breast adenocarcinoma cells. Immunolabeling of p-gp with NC-Abs conjugates was 4200-, 2600-, and 420-fold more resistant to photobleaching than its labeling with fluorescein isothiocyanate-Abs, R-phycoerythrin-Abs, and AlexaFluor488-Abs, respectively. The labeling of p-gp with NC-Abs conjugates was highly specific, and the data were used for confocal reconstruction of 3D images of the p-gp distribution in the MCF7r cell membrane. Finally, we demonstrated the applicability of NC-Abs conjugates obtained by the method described to specific detection of antigens in paraffin-embedded formaldehyde-fixed cancer tissue specimens, using immunostaining of cytokeratin in skin basal carcinoma as an example. We conclude that the NC-Abs conjugates may serve as easy-to-do, highly sensitive, photostable labels for immunofluorescent analysis, immunohistochemical detection, and 3D confocal studies of membrane proteins and cells.  相似文献   
There is growing evidence that high levels of the macular xanthophyll carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin may be protective against visual loss from age-related macular degeneration. To study this protective effect further, it is important to measure macular carotenoid levels noninvasively in a wide variety of subjects. We have developed and validated resonance Raman spectroscopy as a sensitive and specific objective method to measure macular carotenoid levels in the living human eye. In this minireview, the principles and implementation of ocular carotenoid resonance Raman spectroscopy are reviewed, and the results of observational cross-sectional studies and of prospective supplementation studies on subjects with and without macular pathology are summarized. We have recently extended this technology to an imaging mode which will further enhance our understanding of the roles of lutein and zeaxanthin in normal macular function and in the prevention of age-related visual loss.  相似文献   
The biological and genetic effects of chronic low-dose radiation (LDR) exposure and its relationship to carcinogenesis have received a lot of attention in the recent years. For example, radiation-induced genome instability, which is thought to be a precursor of tumorogenesis, was shown to have a transgenerational nature. This indicates a possible involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in LDR-induced genome instability. Genomic DNA methylation is one of the most important epigenetic mechanisms. Existing data on radiation effects on DNA methylation patterns is limited, and no one has specifically studied the effects of the LDR. We report the first study of the effects of whole-body LDR exposure on global genome methylation in muscle and liver tissues of male and female mice. In parallel, we evaluated changes in promoter methylation and expression of the tumor suppressor gene p16(INKa) and DNA repair gene O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT). We observed different patterns of radiation-induced global genome DNA methylation in the liver and muscle of exposed males and females. We also found sex and tissue-specific differences in p16(INKa) promoter methylation upon LDR exposure. In male liver tissue, p16(INKa) promoter methylation was more pronounced than in female tissue. In contrast, no significant radiation-induced changes in p16(INKa) promoter methylation were noted in the muscle tissue of exposed males and females. Radiation also did not significantly affect methylation status of MGMT promoter. We also observed substantial sex differences in acute and chronic radiation-induced expression of p16(INKa) and MGMT genes. Another important outcome of our study was the fact that chronic low-dose radiation exposure proved to be a more potent inducer of epigenetic effects than the acute exposure. This supports previous findings that chronic exposure leads to greater genome destabilization than acute exposure.  相似文献   
Chen Z  Nunes MA  Silva MC  Rodrigues CJ 《Mycologia》2004,96(6):1199-1208
The method of penetration of fungi through the host cuticle by means of cutinase versus mechanical pressure exerted by melanized appresoria has been the subject of debate. Colletotrichum kahawae Bridge & Waller infects green coffee berries in Africa, inducing 70-80% losses. Turgor pressure (TP) of the appresoria was estimated in vitro to be 2.6 MPa, about twice the osmotic pressure (OP) of the green berries. Appresoria exposed in vitro to polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution with OPs of 7.0 MPa and above immediately collapsed. However, collapsed appresoria subjected to OP as high as 46.5 MPa could recover. Green berries inoculated with conidial suspensions, if subjected to OP of 28.5 MPa, showed 7% of them with necrotic lesions. Total inhibition of infection was achieved at 46.5 MPa. The OP of PEG solutions applied to inoculated green fruit decreased to the OP of the green berries in 48 h. The resistance of appresoria to osmotic stress, combined with the rapid dilution of PEG by solutes (water) from the fruit might explain the rate of infection even at very high OP. Unmelanized appresoria induced by tricyclazole showed TPs as low as one-quarter of melanized ones and, as a consequence, the percentage of infection on leaves and green berries was much lower. Cutinase was present in conidial mucilage and in extracellular fluids of germinated conidia in vitro and in planta. Cutinase was induced by growing the fungus in Czapek-Dox medium if cutin was used as the sole carbon source. Diisopropyl fluorophosphate, a cutinase inhibitor, totally inhibited cutinase activity of culture filtrates and extracellular fluids but did not prevent infection. It is suggested that the TP of C. kahawae appresoria might play a major role in coffee cuticle penetration, according to our results.  相似文献   
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