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Experiments with sunflower and fodder cabbage showed that reversion of the leaf disks lower side upwards (towards the radiation source) decreased the photosynthetic rate by as much as 26% both at full (2. 105 erg. cm?2. sec.?1) and half density of irradiation. On placing two disks one on another the photosynthetic rate was decreased in the upper disk in a similar way as it was on reversion even if it were placed in the normal position (upper side upwards). But assimilation in the lower disk was only a fraction (0–40%) of that of the upper disk and in thick leaves was within the limits of the compensation point. The sum of the increase in dry weight in both disks due to photosynthesis exceeds the increment in one normally placed disk only in thin leaves and at high density of radiation. On the basis of the differences found it is advised to discard experimental samples where a quarter of the disks were reversed during exposure. On evaluating samples in which some of the disks were duplicated in error, it is most accurate to deduct the weight of one control disk from the weight obtained. The decrease in photosynthetic rate found in reversed and duplicated disks is evidently due to the simultaneous effect of differences in the supply of CO2 and radiation energy to the assimilating tissue and apparatus and also to differences in the photosynthetic capacity of different leaf tissues.  相似文献   
Summary In an uneven-aged, multi-species oak-hornbeam forest at Báb, SW Slovakia (former IBP Forest Research Site), a series of micrometeorological and ecophysiological measurements started in 1985. The aims of the work are to improve understanding of physiological processes (photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration) of adult trees and stand microclimate, to collect data for simulation of the canopy (stand) photosynthesis and for ecological synthesis of the functioning of the forest ecosystem. In this paper, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), air temperature (AT) and relative humidity (RH), wind speed (WS), and CO2 concentration ([CO2]) in and above the forest are characterized for the fully leaved season, using diurnal courses, vertical profiles and isodiagrams (isopleths). Approximately 50% of incident PAR was absorbed by the upper 4–5 m layer of leaves and only approximately 5% or less penetrated to the forest floor. Vertical gradients of AT and RH were generally low, but large differences in diurnal ranges of AT and RH were observed between vertical levels. The upper leaf canopy greatly reduced WS, and at a height of about 14 m above the ground it was close to zero. The highest diurnal [CO2] maximum and variations occurred at 1 m above the ground, and the lowest above the forest. In good light conditions in the forest, the entire leaf canopy (overstorey and understorey canopy) is a large sink of CO2. At night the forest stand is a source of CO2, the largest internal source being the soil and forest floor.  相似文献   
The greening of the upper part of the outerAllium cepa L. bulb scales, in particular along the vascular regions, is limited to the hypodermal cells in which typical leucoplasts are transformed to normal and functional chloroplasts. This process is light dependent and cannot afterwards be reversed or modified by darkness. The changes in fine structure are described and briefly discussed.Dedicated to Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of his 90th birthday and 55 years after the publication of his Grundriß der Cytologie.  相似文献   
Paleomagnetic studies on basic dikes in the eastern São Francisco Craton which have isotopic ages of 1.0–1.1 Ga, define an apparent polar wander path for South America over this time interval. The data indicate that the São Francisco Craton was at paleolatitudes between 40° and 65° at the time of emplacement of these dikes. Neo-Proterozoic sedimentary glaciogenic rocks, the Macaúbas Group, Bebedouro Formation, Ibiá Formation and Carandai Formation, crop out in central-eastern Brazil. An age of about 1.0 Ga has been proposed for these glacial deposits. Paleogeographical reconstructions of South America show a continental movement coherent with paleoenvironmental models proposed for the Macaúbas Group and suggest that the glacial period may have occurred between 1.01 and 1.08 Ga.  相似文献   
In the course of three years' investigations (1983–1986) of Lake Volvi, N Greece, 62 species and varieties of chlorococcal algae and 6 species of ulotrichal algae (Chlorophyceae) were found. Although chlorophytes form the largest group of the phytoplankton assemblages of the lake, their biomass is relatively small or even negligeable in some periods of the year in comparison with domination cyanophytes, diatoms and cryptophytes. Morphological variation of diagnostic features is described and documented by original drawings in 53 taxa.  相似文献   
The montaneNardus-rich acidophilous meadows occurring in the Krkono?e and W. Carpathians Mts. were evaluated. They are classified intoNardo-Agrostion tenuis Sillinger 1933. Five associations were distinguished:Sileno-Nardetum, Homogyno-Nardetum, Hieracio Lachenalii-Nardetum, Phleo alpini-Nardetum, andRanunculo nemorosi-Nardetum, the first occuring in the Krkono?e Mts., the others in the W. Carpathians.  相似文献   
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