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We report the first resolution of both the conformational distribution and end-to-end diffusion coefficient of a flexible molecule. This molecular information was recovered using only the donor intensity decay in a single solvent at a single viscosity, as observed by the technique of frequency-domain fluorometry. This technique can be extended to measurements of structural fluctuations of biological macromolecules.  相似文献   
We used fluorescence energy transfer to examine the effects of solvent composition on the distribution of distances between the single tryptophan residue of melittin (residue 19) to the N-terminal alpha-amino group, which was labeled with a dansyl residue. The tryptophan intensity decays, with and without the dansyl acceptor, were measured by the frequency-domain method. The data were analyzed by a least-squares algorithm which accounts for correlation between the parameters. A wide distribution of tryptophan to dansyl distances was found for the random-coil state, with a Gaussian half-width of 25 A. Increasing concentrations of methanol, which were shown to induce and alpha-helical conformation, resulted in a progressive decrease in the width of the distribution, reaching a limiting half-width of 3 A at 80% (v/v) methanol. The distance from the indole moiety of Trp-19 to the dansyl group in 80% (v/v) methanol/water was found to be 25 A, as assessed from the center of the distance distribution. A distance of 24-25 A was recovered from the X-ray crystal structure of the tetramer, which is largely alpha-helical. At low ionic strength (less than 0.01) the CD spectra revealed a small fraction or amount of alpha-helix for melittin in water, which implies a small fraction of residual structure. This residual structure is apparently lost in guanidine hydrochloride as demonstrated by a further broadening in the distribution of distances. These results demonstrate the usefulness of frequency-domain measurements of resonance transfer for resolution of conformational distributions of proteins.  相似文献   
Time-resolved emission spectra of hemoglobin on the picosecond time scale   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We used front-face illumination to examine the steady-state and time-resolved emission from the intrinsic tryptophan emission of human hemoglobin (Hb). Experimental conditions were identified which eliminated all contributions of scattered light. The sensitivity obtained using front-face optics was adequate to allow measurement of the wavelength-dependent frequency response of the emission to 2 GHz. The intensity decays displayed pico- and nanosecond components in the emission at all wavelengths from 315 to 380 nm. The contribution of the picosecond component decreased from 72 to 37% over this range of wavelengths. Frequency-domain measurements were used to calculate the time-resolved emission spectra and decay-associated emission spectra. These spectra indicate that the picosecond components of the emission display maxima near 320 nm, whereas the nanosecond components are centered at longer wavelengths near 335 nm. The nanosecond components appear to be due to residual impurities which remain even in highly purified samples of Hb. However, we cannot eliminate the possibility that some of these components are due to Hb itself.  相似文献   
The separation between Cys 697 (SH1) and Cys 707 (SH2) of the heavy chain of myosin subfragment-1 was previously measured by fluorescence resonance energy transfer with a donor linked to SH1 and an acceptor to SH2. In the present study the distribution of the distances between the two thiols was recovered from frequency-domain fluorometry. In the native state and in the presence of ligands such as MgADP, pyrophosphate, orthovanadate (Vi) and actin, we found wide distributions of the separations between SH1 and SH2 (11-16 A) comparable to that found in the random-coil state (20 A). These results suggest that the SH1-SH2 segment has a high degree of conformational flexibility even in native S1. The flexibility is not much affected by the physiological state of S1. However, the ligands MgADP, Vi and MgADP + Vi decrease significantly the mean SH1-SH2 distance from 27 to 17 A with the effect of MgADP+ Vi being the most pronounced. The anisotropy decay of donor-labeled S1 is biphasic with two rotational correlation times. The long component is decreased by these ligands from 289 to 93 ns, suggesting a more compact symmetric structure of S1 in the presence of the ligands. The complex S1(MgADP)Vi has been shown to be a stable analogue of S1(MgADP)Pi, an unstable intermediate that is generated in the actomyosin ATPase cycle during muscle contraction. Since the power stroke of muscle is accompanied by release of Pi from S1(MgADP)Pi, the present results are consistent with a model in which force generation can be accompanied by transition of S1 from a highly symmetric or compact structure to a more extended structure.  相似文献   
We describe a new method to recover the distribution of donor-to-acceptor (D-A) distances in flexible molecules using steady-state measurements of the efficiency of fluorescence energy transfer. The method depends upon changes in the Forster distance (Ro) induced by collisional quenching of the donor emission. The Ro-dependent transfer efficiencies are analyzed using nonlinear least squares to recover the mean D-A distance and the width of the distribution. The method was developed and tested using three synthetic D-A pairs, in which the chromophores were separated by alkyl chains of varying lengths. As an example application we also recovered the distribution of distances from the single tryptophan residue in troponin I (trp 158) to acceptor-labeled cysteine 133. The half-width of the distribution increases from 12 A in the native state to 53 A when unfolded by guanidine hydrochloride. For both TnI and the three model compounds the distance distributions recovered from the steady-state transfer efficiencies were in excellent agreement with the distributions recovered using the more sophisticated frequency-domain method (Lakowicz, J.R., M.L. Johnson, W. Wiczk, A. Bhat, and R.F. Steiner. 1987. Chem. Phys. Lett. 138:587-593). The method was found to be reliable and should be generally useful for studies of conformational distributions of macromolecules.  相似文献   
We used time-dependent fluorescence energy transfer to determine the distribution of donor-to-acceptor distances in native and denatured troponin I(TnI). The single tryptophan residue (Trp 158) of TnI served as the donor (D), and the acceptor (A) was a labeled cysteine residue (Cys 133). The time-dependent intensity decays of the donor were measured by the frequency-domain method from 10 to 320 MHz. The frequency response of the donor emission, in the absence and presence of acceptor, was used to recover the distribution of D to A distances, using an algorithm that accounts for the intrinsic multiexponential decay of the donor. In the native state the D–A distribution is characterized by an average distance of 23 Å and a half-width of 12 Å. Denaturation results in a modest increase in the average distance to 27 Å, and a dramatic increase in half-width to 47 Å. We believe the ability to recover distance distributions will have numerous applications in the characterization of biological macromolecules.  相似文献   
We report the first anisotropy decays of protein fluorescence obtained using a frequency-domain fluorometer. The ultraviolet light source (300 nm) was a ring dye laser equipped with an intracavity frequency doubler, pumped by an argon ion laser. The data, measured at modulation frequencies from 2 to 200 MHz, reveal the presence of subnanosecond motions (0.1-0.2 ns) of the single tryptophan residues in melittin and monellin. For melittin the data also indicate the presence of slower motions near 1 ns, which may be the result of concerted motions of several peptide units. Smaller amplitude motions, on a similar timescale, were observed for the single tryptophan residue in staphylococcal nuclease. We demonstrate using N-acetyl-L-tryptophanamide in water that the method of frequency-domain fluorometry is capable of measuring correlation times as short as 50 ps. This method can provide data for the direct comparison of measured anisotropy decays with those predicted from molecular dynamics calculations.  相似文献   
Using the Förster equations we have estimated the rate of energy transfer from tryptophans to hemes in hemoglobin. Assuming an isotropic distribution of the transition moments of the heme in the plane of the porphyrin, we computed the orientation factors and the consequent transfer rates from the crystallographic coordinates of human oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin. It appears that the orientation factors do not play a limiting role in regulating the energy transfer and that the rates are controlled almost exclusively by the intrasubunit separations between tryptophans and hemes. In intact hemoglobin tetramers the intrasubunit separations are such as to reduce lifetimes to 5 and 15 ps/ns of tryptophan lifetime. Lifetimes of several hundred picoseconds would be allowed by the intersubunit separations, but intersubunits transfer becomes important only when one heme per tetramer is absent or does not accept transfer. If more than one heme per tetramer is absent lifetimes of more than 1 ns would appear.  相似文献   
Frequency-domain fluorescence spectroscopy was used to investigate the effects of temperature on the intensity and anisotropy decays of the single tryptophan residues of Staphylococcal nuclease A and its nuclease-conA-SG28 mutant. This mutant has the beta-turn forming hexapeptide, Ser-Gly-Asn-Gly-Ser-Pro, substituted for the pentapeptide Tyr-Lys-Gly-Gln-Pro at positions 27-31. The intensity decays were analyzed in terms of a sum of exponentials and with Lorentzian distributions of decay times. The anisotropy decays were analyzed in terms of a sum of exponentials. Both the intensity and anisotropy decay parameters strongly depend on temperature near the thermal transitions of the proteins. Significant differences in the temperature stability of Staphylococcal nuclease and the mutant exist; these proteins show characteristic thermal transition temperatures (Tm) of 51 and 30 degrees C, respectively, at pH 7. The temperature dependence of the intensity decay data are shown to be consistent with a two-state unfolding model. For both proteins, the longer rotational correlation time, due to overall rotational diffusion, decreases dramatically at the transition temperature, and the amplitude of the shorter correlation time increases, indicating increased segmental motions of the single tryptophan residue. The mutant protein appears to have a slightly larger overall rotational correlation time and to show slightly more segmental motion of its Trp than is the case for the wild-type protein.  相似文献   
We describe the theoretical and practical aspects of analyzing complex fluorescence decay kinetics using continuous distributions of decay times. Our analysis uses frequency-domain data, provides for global analysis of multiple data sets and includes the possibility of excited-state processes. Simulated data were used to estimate the types of distributions which can be reasonably recovered from the measurements. Additionally, we describe a variety of distributions recovered from experimental data. For mixtures of one, two or three exponentially decaying fluorophores we recovered narrow lifetime distributions, which are essentially identical to a multiexponential decay. Similarly, a two-state excited-state reaction also yielded a narrow distribution with negative preexponential factors. The presence of time-dependent spectral relaxation of labeled lipids results in a wide distribution of decay times, which becomes narrower for faster relaxation rates at higher temperatures. Hence, the decay-time distributions appear to be sensitive to the dynamics of the environment surrounding the fluorophore. Additionally, distributions of decay times were observed to result from transient effects in collisional quenching, from energy transfer in the presence of a range of donor-to-acceptor distances, and for several single-tryptophan proteins.  相似文献   
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