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The effect of the oxygen supply on growth, water absorptionof cells and cell wall changes was studied in coleoptiles ofrice seedlings growing under three different conditions: underwater, under water with constant air bubbling and in air. Coleoptilegrowth was larger when they were grown under water than in waterwith air bubbling and in air. Coleoptile growth under waterwas limited by the suction force of their cells rather thanby mechanical properties of the cell wall, while that of thecoleoptiles growing under the other two conditions was limitedby the cell wall rigidity. A decrease in the relative amountof noncellulosic glucose of the cell wall, and an increase inthe noncellulosic xylose during coleoptile growth were foundfor all three culture conditions. 1 Present address: Departamento de Fisiologia Vegetal, Facultadde Ciencias, Universidad, Salamanca, Spain. (Received May 21, 1979; )  相似文献   
The effect of auxin on growth, mechanical properties of thecell wall and cell wall sugar composition in rice coleoptilesegments excised at different ages from seedlings growing underdifferent conditions were investigated. Auxin markedly inducedgrowth only in segments excised from coleoptiles in the fastgrowth phase with a high content of non cellulosic glucose intheir cell walls. The response to auxin decreased with coleoptileage, accompanying a decrease in the amount of the noncellulosicglucose in the cell wall, suggesting a correlation between noncellulosicglucose content and growth capacity in response to auxin. Goodcorrelation among auxin-induced growth, auxin-induced decreasein the To value and auxin-induced decrease in the noncellulosicglucose content of the cell wall also was found. 1 Present address: Departamento Fisiologia Vegetal, Facultadde Ciencias, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain. (Received May 21, 1979; )  相似文献   
Mutation in mce operons attenuates Mycobacterium tuberculosis virulence   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
On the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome there are four mce operons, all of which are similar in sequence and organization, and code for putatively exported proteins. To investigate whether Mce proteins are essential for virulence, we generated knock-out mutants in mce1, mce2 and mce3 operons of M. tuberculosis and evaluated their ability to multiply in a mammalian host. The allelic replacement was confirmed in each mutant strain by Southern blotting. RT-PCR experiments demonstrated the lack of in vitro expression of mutated genes in Deltamce1 and Deltamce2 mutants. On the other hand, no expression of mce3 was detected in either the wild-type or mutant strains. Similar doubling time and growth characteristics in in vitro culture were observed for mutants and parental strains. The intratracheal route was used to infect BALB/c mice with the Deltamce3, Deltamce2 and Deltamce1 mutants. Ten weeks after infection, all mice infected with the Deltamce mutants survived, while those infected with the wild-type strain died. This long survival correlated with very low counts of colony-forming units (CFU) in the lungs. Deltamce1-infected mice developed very few and small granulomas, while animals infected with Deltamce3 or Deltamce2 mutants showed delayed granuloma formation. Mice infected with Deltamce1 did not develop pneumonia, while animals infected with Deltamce3 and Deltamce2 mutants showed small pneumonic patches. In spleens, bacterial counts of mutant strains were less reduced than in lungs, compared with those of wild-type. In contrast, no such attenuation was observed when the intraperitoneal route was used for infection. Moreover, Deltamce1 mutants appear to be more virulent in lungs after intraperitoneal inoculation. In conclusion, mce operons seem to affect the virulence of M. tuberculosis in mice, depending on the route of infection. Hypotheses are discussed to explain this last issue. Thus, mutants in these genes seem to be good candidates for vaccine testing.  相似文献   
An integrated outdoor cultivation of two macroalgal species: Ulva rotundata (Chlorophyta) and Gracilariopsis longissima (Rhodophyta) was designed. The macroalgae were cultured in effluents from an intensive marine culture (growout phase) of gilthead seabream Sparus aurata. The biomass evolution of the algal tanks followed a logistic curve, where the approach to the maximum stocking density of seaweeds was governed by thalli self-shading, as nutrient limitation in the cultivation tank was unlikely. The maximum stocking density of the system was approximately 27.8 g U. rotundata L−1 (16.7 Kg m−2) and 11.9 g G. longissima L−1 (7.12 Kg m−2). Yield was more than 3 times higher in U. rotundata than in G. longissima. Overall, U. rotundata removed a greater percentage of phosphate (8.9%) and total dissolved inorganic nitrogen (54%) flowing into the algal tanks than G. longissima. The latter species biofiltered approximately 3.2% of phosphate and 17% of the total dissolved inorganic nitrogen input. However, mean nutrient uptake rates on wet weight basis were usually higher in G. longissima than in U. rotundata. The production of total oxidised nitrogen in the algal tanks, considered as being the nitrification rate occurring on the algal fronds by nitrifying bacteria, was less than half of the ammonium uptake by the macroalgae, suggesting that seaweeds competed efficiently for ammonia against the nitrifyers. The biofiltration during a diel cycle showed that mean phosphate biofiltration was lower than 4.5% in the two species whereas ammonium was biofiltered efficiently (up to 67%), especially in U. rotundata. The metal and heavy metal content in the algal tissue at the end of the monitoring period suggested no metal contamination of tissues so that both macroalgal species could be used in the food industry. The study reveals the value of ecological engineering techniques in reducing the dissolved nutrient content in effluents from the fish farm, with the prospect of a better management practises, based on integrated mariculture designs, being developed by the local farmers.  相似文献   
Xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolases (XTH) are enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis and transglycosylation of xyloglucan polymers in plant cell walls. Previously, we isolated a cDNA from mycorrhizal roots of Medicago truncatula that is predicted to encode an XTH [van Buuren, M.L., Maldonado-Mendoza, I.E., Trieu, A.T., Blaylock, L.A., Harrison, M.J., 1999. Novel genes induced during an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis between M. truncatula and G. versiforme. Mol. Plant-Microb. Interact. 12, 171-181.]. Here, we identified the corresponding XTH gene, designated Mt-XTH1. The Mt-XTH1 gene contains four exons separated by three introns and resides on a 15-kb Xba1 fragment adjacent to a second XTH gene designated Mt-XTH2. Mt-XTH2 shares the same exon-intron structure as Mt-XTH1. Exons 2, 3 and 4 and introns 1 and 2 are identical to Mt-XTH1, while exon 1 and intron 3 are divergent, both in sequence and in length. Mt-XTH1 is induced following colonization of the roots by AM fungi but does not respond to changes in phosphate status. Analysis of transgenic roots expressing an Mt-XTH1 promoterColon, two colonsuidA fusion revealed that the Mt-XTH1 promoter directs expression in cells throughout the root system with significantly higher levels of activity in mycorrhizal roots. Mt-XTH1 expression is elevated not only in the regions of the roots colonized by the fungus, but also at sites distal to the infected regions. These expression patterns are consistent with activation in response to a systemic signal.  相似文献   
Human LKB1, also known as STK11, is a tumour-suppression protein that mediates important functions in cellular proliferation and polarization. It might constitute an important target in cancer therapy. In order to produce large amounts of recombinant protein for biochemical and functional studies, a full-length cDNA clone was subcloned and expressed in Escherichia coli and insect cells. Although fusion proteins corresponding to LKB1 with 6xHis, GST and MBP tags could be overexpressed in E. coli, only MBP-LKB1 was recovered in a soluble, but heavily degraded form. Further studies demonstrated that this protein was not functional. Subsequent expression in insect cells of LKB1 with 6xHis and GST tags yielded insoluble products also. However, when chaperones Hsp70 and its cofactors Hsp40 and Hsdj were co-expressed with GST-LKB1, a clear increase in the solubility of the final protein was obtained. Moreover, this soluble, purified recombinant GST-LKB1 demonstrated to be a phosphoprotein, with at least residue Ser325 phosphorylated. The purified protein was functionally active as being able to demonstrate autophosphorylation in the absence of any associated kinase.  相似文献   
Bacterial abundance and production, free (uncomplexed) copper ion concentration, total dissolved copper concentration, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total suspended solids (TSS), and chlorophyll a were measured over the course of 1 year in a series of 27 sample “Boxes” established within San Diego Bay. Water was collected through a trace metal-clean system so that each Box’s sample was a composite of all the surface water in that Box. Bacterial production, chlorophyll a, TSS, DOC, and dissolved copper all generally increased from Box 1 at the mouth of the Bay to Box 27 in the South or back Bay. Free copper ion concentration generally decreased from Box 1 to Box 27 presumably due to increasing complexation capacity within natural waters. Based on correlations between TSS, chlorophyll a, bacterial production or DOC and the ratio of dissolved to free Cu ion, both DOC and particulate (bacteria and algae) fractions were potentially responsible for copper complexation, each at different times of the year. CuCl2 was added to bacterial production assays from 0 to 10 μg L−1 to assess acute copper toxicity to the natural microbial assemblage. Interestingly, copper toxicity appeared to increase with decreases in free copper from the mouth of the Bay to the back Bay. This contrasts the free-ion activity model in which higher complexation capacity should afford greater copper protection. When cell-specific growth rates were calculated, faster growing bacteria (i.e. toward the back Bay) appeared to be more susceptible to free copper toxicity. The protecting effect of natural dissolved organic material (DOM) concentrated by tangential flow ultrafiltration (>1 kDa), illite and kaolinite minerals, and glutathione (a metal chelator excreted by algae under copper stress) was assessed in bacterial production assays. Only DOM concentrate offered any significant protection to bacterial production under increased copper concentrations. Although the potential copper protecting agents were allowed to interact with added copper before natural bacteria were added to production assays, there may be a temporal dose–response relationship that accounts for higher toxicity in short production assays. Regardless, it appears that effective natural complexation of copper in the back portions of San Diego Bay limits exposure of native bacterial assemblages to free copper ion, resulting in higher bacterial production.  相似文献   
We have performed the recombinant expression and purification of the reductase domain of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and used it as a bait in search for interacting proteins present in endothelial cells. Using mass spectrometry of the bound proteins run in a PAGE-SDS gel, we were able to identify the ryanodine receptor (RyR) as a novel eNOS-binding partner. This interaction was confirmed through immunoprecipitation of both RyR and eNOS from endothelial cells and cardiac myocytes. Immunofluorescence data indicated that a subpopulation of eNOS associates with RyR in perinuclear regions of the cell, where eNOS might be responsible for the known nitrosylation of RyR.  相似文献   
Autosomal dominant parkinsonism has been attributed to pathogenic amino acid substitutions in leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2). By sequencing multiplex families consistent with a PARK8 assignment, we identified a novel heterozygous LRRK2 mutation. A referral sample of 248 affected probands from families with autosomal dominant parkinsonism was subsequently assessed; 7 (2.8%) were found to carry a heterozygous LRRK2 6055G-->A transition (G2019S). These seven patients originate from the United States, Norway, Ireland, and Poland. In samples of patients with idiopathic Parkinson disease (PD) from the same populations, further screening identified six more patients with LRRK2 G2019S; no mutations were found in matched control individuals. Subsequently, 42 family members of the 13 probands were examined; 22 have an LRRK2 G2019S substitution, 7 with a diagnosis of PD. Of note, all patients share an ancestral haplotype indicative of a common founder, and, within families, LRRK2 G2019S segregates with disease (multipoint LOD score 2.41). Penetrance is age dependent, increasing from 17% at age 50 years to 85% at age 70 years. In summary, our study demonstrates that LRRK2 G2019S accounts for parkinsonism in several families within Europe and North America. Our work highlights the fact that a proportion of clinically typical, late-onset PD cases have a genetic basis.  相似文献   
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