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Molecular Biology Reports - The Nomo1 gene mediates a wide range of biological processes of importance in embryonic development. Accordingly, constitutive perturbation of Nomo1 function may result...  相似文献   
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a sensor of cellular energy status. It is a heterotrimer composed of a catalytic α and two regulatory subunits (β and γ). AMPK activity is regulated allosterically by AMP and by the phosphorylation of residue Thr-172 within the catalytic domain of the AMPKα subunit by upstream kinases. We present evidence that the AMPKβ2 subunit may be posttranslationally modified by sumoylation. This process is carried out by the E3-small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) ligase protein inhibitor of activated STAT PIASy, which modifies the AMPKβ2 subunit by the attachment of SUMO2 but not SUMO1 moieties. Of interest, AMPKβ1 is not a substrate for this modification. We also demonstrate that sumoylation of AMPKβ2 enhances the activity of the trimeric α2β2γ1 AMPK complex. In addition, our results indicate that sumoylation is antagonist and competes with the ubiquitination of the AMPKβ2 subunit. This adds a new layer of complexity to the regulation of the activity of the AMPK complex, since conditions that promote ubiquitination result in inactivation, whereas those that promote sumoylation result in the activation of the AMPK complex.  相似文献   
Gartersnakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) in southern Manitoba are subject to intense predation (primarily by crows) duringtheir spring breeding season. The huge numbers of snakes providea unique opportunity to quantify behavioral traits. We simulatedpredator attacks by "pecking" more than 500 free-ranging snakes,to explore the determinants of snake response. Snakes respondedto a human finger in the same way as they did to a more realisticstimulus (a model crow). A snake's response to attack dependedon several factors, which interacted in complex ways. The primaryinfluences on response were body temperature (warmer snakes tended to flee, whereas colder snakes remained cryptic or flattenedand/or gaped and struck) and sex (males were more likely toflee). Responses also depended on microhabitat (i.e., insidethe winter den versus in adjacent grassland) and on the snake'sprior activity (e.g., courting snakes often ignored our closeapproach). These factors interacted in significant ways; for example, snakes outside the den were smaller and warmer thanthose inside, male snakes were smaller and warmer than females,and mean body temperatures were higher in larger snakes withineach sex. Thus, a snake's body size and its location affectedits defensive response indirectly (via their influence on bodytemperature). Our results differ from those of previous studiesand suggest that antipredator responses in these animals dependin a flexible and complex way upon biotic and abiotic variables.Interactions among these variables also must be consideredbefore we can identify underlying causal processes.  相似文献   
Small individuals (<15 cm long) of the clingfish Sicyases sanguineus consume as many as 18 seaweed species in Central Chile. Enteromorpha sp. was the only species able to survive digestion by fish recently collected from the field. Enteromorpha compressa and Gelidium chilense also survived by tissue regeneration when offered as food in the laboratory, but only E. compressa showed stimulation of swarmer production. In general, our results on a vertebrate species reproduce previous findings on diverse invertebrate species. Since fish are highly motile, their capacity to disperse algal species by defecation might be of great ecological importance.  相似文献   
Protein kinase C(alpha) (PKC(alpha)) is a key enzyme regulating the physiology of cells and their growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. PKC activity is known to be modulated by all-trans retinoic acid (atRA), although neither the action mechanism nor even the possible binding to PKCs has been established. Crystals of the C2-domain of PKC(alpha), a regulatory module in the protein that binds Ca(2+) and acidic phospholipids, have now been obtained by cocrystallization with atRA. The crystal structure, refined at 2.0 A resolution, shows that RA binds to the C2-domain in two locations coincident with the two binding sites previously reported for acidic phospholipids. The first binding site corresponds to the Ca(2+)-binding pocket, where Ca(2+) ions mediate the interactions of atRA with the protein, as they do with acidic phospholipids. The second binding site corresponds to the conserved lysine-rich cluster localized in beta-strands three and four. These observations are strongly supported by [(3)H]-atRA-binding experiments combined with site-directed mutagenesis. Wild-type C2-domain binds 2 mol of atRA per mol of protein, while the rate reduces to one in the case of C2-domain variants, in which mutations affect either Ca(2+) coordination or the integrity of the lysine-rich cluster site. Competition between atRA and acidic phospholipids to bind to PKC is a possible mechanism for modulating PKC(alpha) activity.  相似文献   
Neriidae are a small family of acalyptratae flies, mostly distributed in the tropics. Very little is known about their biology, and the evolutionary relationships among species have never been evaluated. We perform the first comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the family, including 48 species from all biogeographic regions inhabited, as well as five species of Micropezidae and one Cypselosomatidae as outgroups. We build a morphological data matrix of 194 characters, including 72 continuous characters. We first explore ways to deal with the issue of scaling continuous characters, including rescaling ranges to unity and using implied weighting. We find that both strategies result in very different phylogenetic hypotheses, and that implied weighting reduces the problem of scaling, but only partially. Furthermore, using implied weighting after rescaling characters improves the congruence between partitions and results in higher values of group support. With respect to the Neriidae, we confirm the monophyly of the family and of most its genera, although we do not obtain any of the currently accepted suprageneric groups. We propose to restrict the Eoneria and Nerius groups exclusively to the Neotropical fauna, and synonymize Glyphidops subgenus Oncopsia Enderlein with Glyphidops subgenus Glyphidops Enderlein, eliminating the subgeneric divisions. This revised phylogeny presents a striking biogeographic consistency, and shows that previous main divisions of the family were based on events of convergence.  相似文献   
A phosphate-hydrolyzing activity from Glycine max embryo axes was purified by a series of chromatographic steps and electroelution from activity gels, and demonstrated to be an inositol-1 (or 4)-monophosphatase by partial internal amino acid sequence. This enzyme hydrolyzed ATP, sodium pyrophosphate (NaPPi), inositol hexakisphosphate, and inositol 1-monophosphate, but not p-nitrophenyl phosphate, ADP, AMP or glucose 6-P. Using NaPPi as substrate, the highly purified protein hydrolyzed up to 0.4 mmol phosphate min(-1) mg(-1) protein and had a Km(avg) of 235 microM for NaPPi. Since NaPPi is relatively inexpensive and readily available, we used this as substrate for the subsequent characterization. We observed the following: (a) specific inhibition by Li and NaF but not by butanedione monoxime, or orthovanadate; (b) activation by Cu(2+) and Mg(2+); (c) optimum activity at pH 7.4; and (d) temperature stability after 1-h incubations at 37-80 degrees C, with maximum activity at 37 degrees C. The partially purified protein was detected by in-gel activity assays and the band was electroeluted to yield a highly purified protein. Analysis by SDS-PAGE and native IEF-PAGE yielded a single major polypeptide of 29 kDa and pI approximately 5.9, respectively. In addition, in-gel activity from embryo axes and whole hypocotyls at early germination times revealed one high and one intermediate molecular weight isoform, but only the intermediate one corresponded to IMPase. Throughout the post-imbibition period, the activity of the high molecular weight isoform disappeared and IMPase increased, indicating an increasing expression of the enzyme as germination and growth proceeded. These data indicate that the inositol-1 (or 4)-monophosphatase present in the embryo axis of G. max has a wide phosphate substrate specificity, and may play an important role in phosphate metabolism during the germination process.  相似文献   
The microanatomical and histological structure of Eocene Antarctic stem penguin tarsometatarsi is examined in order to characterise the bone microstructure. Eight adult tarsometatarsi belonging to eight fossil species (Palaeeudyptes gunnari, Palaeeudyptes klekowskii, Anthropornis grandis, Anthropornis nordenskjoeldi, Archaeospheniscus wimani, Marambiornis exilis, Delphinornis arctowskii and Delphinornis larseni) collected from the Antarctic A. nordenskjoeldi Biozone (La Meseta Formation, ~34.2 Ma) were examined. The thin sections revealed a distinctive microanatomical variation among taxa. Whereas Anthropornis spp., A. wimani and P. gunnari possess massive, clearly osteosclerotic bones (medullary cavities absent or strongly reduced), the bones of Delphinornis spp., P. klekowski and M. exilis exhibit well-developed medullary cavities. The cortical bone in all the specimens consists of primary, well-vascularised fibro-lamellar bone and variable amounts of secondary bone. Medullary cavities are coated by a thick layer of lamellar bone tissue and coarse compacted cancellous bone. Although several causes can explain the striking microanatomical variation (e.g. ontogeny), we interpret that such variation is related to differential adaptations to the aquatic life, for which taxa with more massive bones were possibly adapted to deeper and more prolonged diving excursions.  相似文献   
Antibiotic resistance is a global current threat of increasing importance. Moreover, biofilms represent a medical challenge since the inherent antibiotic resistance of their producers demands the use of high doses of antibiotics over prolonged periods. Frequently, these therapeutic measures fail, contributing to bacterial persistence, therefore demanding the development of novel antimicrobials. Esters of bicyclic amines (EBAs), which are strong inhibitors of Streptococcus pneumoniae growth, were initially designed as inhibitors of pneumococcal choline-binding proteins on the basis of their structural analogy to the choline residues in the cell wall. However, instead of mimicking the characteristic cell chaining phenotype caused by exogenously added choline on planktonic cultures of pneumococcal cells, EBAs showed an unexpected lytic activity. In this work we demonstrate that EBAs display a second, and even more important, function as cell membrane destabilizers. We then assayed the inhibitory and disintegrating activity of these molecules on pneumococcal biofilms. The selected compound (EBA 31) produced the highest effect on S. pneumoniae (encapsulated and non-encapsulated) biofilms at very low concentrations. EBA 31 was also effective on mixed biofilms of non-encapsulated S. pneumoniae plus non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae, two pathogens frequently forming a self-produced biofilm in the human nasopharynx. These results support the role of EBAs as a promising alternative for the development of novel, broad-range antimicrobial drugs encompassing both Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogens.  相似文献   
Leiodidae are the second largest subterranean radiation of beetles at family rank. To explore morphological trends linked with troglobiontic habits and characters with potential phylogenetic significance, the head of the cave-dwelling species Troglocharinus ferreri (Cholevinae, Leptodirini) was examined in detail. Overall, the general pattern is similar to what is found in Catops ventricosus (Cholevini). Shared apomorphic features include a fully exposed anterolateral concavity containing the antennal socket, a distinct bead above this depression, a bilobed lip-like structure anterad the labrum, a flat elevated portion of the ventral mandibular surface, and a ventral process at the proximomesal edge of this mandibular area. The tentorial structures are well-developed as in C. ventricosus, with a large laminatentorium and somewhat shortened dorsal arms. The mouthparts are largely unmodified, with the exception of unusually well-developed extrinsic maxillary muscles. Features of T. ferreri obviously linked with subterranean habits are the complete lack of compound eyes, circumocular ridges, and optic lobes. A series of characters is similar to conditions found in other genera of Leptodirini: the head capsule completely lacks a protruding ocular region, a distinct neck is missing, the transverse occipital crest is indistinct, and the antennae are elongate and lack a distinct club. Two different trends of cephalic transformations occur in troglobiontic Leptodirini, with some genera like Troglocharinus and Leptodirus having elongated head capsules and antennae, and others having broadened, more transverse heads. In contrast, the modifications are more uniform in the closely related Ptomaphagini, with a pattern distinctly differing from Leptodirini: the head is transverse, with a distinctly protruding ocular region, a distinct transverse occipital crest, and a very narrow neck region.  相似文献   
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