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Understanding the evolutionary origin and the phylogeographic patterns of asexual taxa can shed light on the origin and maintenance of sexual reproduction. We assessed the geographic origin, genetic diversity, and phylogeographic history of obligate parthenogen diploid Artemia parthenogenetica populations, a widespread halophilic crustacean.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We analysed a partial sequence of the Cytochrome c Oxidase Subunit I mitochondrial gene from an extensive set of localities (including Eurasia, Africa, and Australia), and examined their phylogeographic patterns and the phylogenetic relationships of diploid A. parthenogenetica and its closest sexual relatives. Populations displayed an extremely low level of mitochondrial genetic diversity, with one widespread haplotype shared by over 79% of individuals analysed. Phylogenetic and phylogeographic analyses indicated a multiple and recent evolutionary origin of diploid A. parthenogenetica, and strongly suggested that the geographic origin of parthenogenesis in Artemia was in Central Asia. Our results indicate that the maternal sexual ancestors of diploid A. parthenogenetica were an undescribed species from Kazakhstan and A. urmiana.


We found evidence for multiple origin of parthenogenesis in Central Asia. Our results indicated that, shortly after its origin, diploid A. parthenogenetica populations underwent a rapid range expansion from Central Asia towards the Mediterranean region, and probably to the rest of its current geographic distribution. This contrasts with the restricted geographic distribution, strong genetic structure, and regional endemism of sexual Artemia lineages and other passively dispersed sexual continental aquatic invertebrates. We hypothesize that diploid parthenogens might have reached their current distribution in historical times, with a range expansion possibly facilitated by an increased availability of suitable habitat provided by anthropogenic activities, such as the spread of solar saltworks, aided by their natural dispersal vectors (i.e., waterbirds).  相似文献   
The development of cost-effective molecular tools allowing the amplification of minute amounts of DNA effectively opened the field of molecular ecology for rotifers. Here I review these techniques and the advances they have provided in the understanding of sibling species complexes, clonal structure, resting egg banks, population structure, phylogeographic patterns and phylogenetic relationships in rotifers. Most of the research to date has focused on the rotifer species complex Brachionus plicatilis. The use of DNA sequence and microsatellite variation, in the context of the background knowledge of life history, mating behaviour, and temporal population dynamics in these organisms have revolutionised our views into the processes shaping the genetic diversity in aquatic invertebrates. Rotifers have populations with a very high number of clones in genetic equilibrium. In temporary populations clonal selection is effective in eroding the number of clones. Rotifer populations are strongly differentiated genetically for neutral markers, even at small geographical scales, and exhibit deep phylogeographic structure which might reflect the impact of Pleistocene glaciations. Despite the high potential for dispersal afforded by resting eggs, rotifers display persistent historical colonisation effects, with gene flow effective only at a local scale and with marked isolation by distance. Instances of long-distance transcontinental migration resulting in successful colonisation have also been revealed. B. plicatilis is composed of a group of several ancient species and sympatry is common. Despite this, the presence of cosmopolitan species in this species complex cannot be discounted. I discuss future priorities and point out the main areas where our knowledge is still insufficient.  相似文献   
Galectins are a group of β-galactoside-binding mammalian lectins that play important roles in the regulation of the immune response by promoting T cell tolerance, blunting Th1 and Th17 responses and suppressing autoimmune inflammation. However, the synthesis of these molecules by different T helper (Th) subsets and in the context of human type 1 diabetes (T1D) has not yet been studied. Our results show that Th17 polarising conditions induce the synthesis of higher levels of galectin-1 compared to Th1-polarised lymphocytes. In the context of human diabetes, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from T1D patients, either unstimulated or after stimulation, secreted significantly lower amounts of galectin-1 in vitro compared to healthy donors. The reduced galectin-1 synthesis observed in this autoimmune disease occurs in a dominant pro-inflammatory cytokine milieu and it is mainly due to the lower synthesis by monocytes. Surprisingly, CD4+ T helper cells from these patients secreted similar levels of galectin-1 compared to healthy donors, probably mediated by Th17 cytokines. In conclusion, CD4+ T helper lymphocytes from T1D patients produce normal levels of the immunoregulator galectin-1 but its reduced synthesis by monocytes helps to maintain a skewed pro-inflammatory response.  相似文献   
Secreted frizzled-related proteins (Sfrps) are considered Wnt signalling antagonists but recent studies have shown that specific family members enhance Wnt diffusion and thus positively modulate Wnt signalling. Whether this is a general and physiological property of all Sfrps remains unexplored. It is equally unclear whether disruption of Sfrp expression interferes with developmental events mediated by Wnt signalling activation. Here, we have addressed these questions by investigating the functional consequences of Sfrp disruption in the canonical Wnt signalling-dependent specification of the mouse optic cup periphery. We show that compound genetic inactivation of Sfrp1 and Sfrp2 prevents Wnt/β-catenin signalling activation in this structure, which fails to be specified and acquires neural retina characteristics. Consistent with a positive role of Sfrps in signalling activation, Wnt spreading is impaired in the retina of Sfrp1(-/-);Sfrp2(-/-) mice. Conversely, forced expression of Sfrp1 in the wing imaginal disc of Drosophila, the only species in which the endogenous Wnt distribution can be detected, flattens the Wg gradient, suppresses the expression of high-Wg target genes but expands those typically activated by low Wg concentrations. Collectively, these data demonstrate that, in vivo, the levels of Wnt signalling activation strongly depend on the tissue distribution of Sfrps, which should be viewed as multifunctional regulators of Wnt signalling.  相似文献   


The World Health Organization estimates that in sub-Saharan Africa about 4 million HIV-infected patients had started antiretroviral therapy (ART) by the end of 2008. Loss of patients to follow-up and care is an important problem for treatment programmes in this region. As mortality is high in these patients compared to patients remaining in care, ART programmes with high rates of loss to follow-up may substantially underestimate mortality of all patients starting ART.

Methods and Findings

We developed a nomogram to correct mortality estimates for loss to follow-up, based on the fact that mortality of all patients starting ART in a treatment programme is a weighted average of mortality among patients lost to follow-up and patients remaining in care. The nomogram gives a correction factor based on the percentage of patients lost to follow-up at a given point in time, and the estimated ratio of mortality between patients lost and not lost to follow-up. The mortality observed among patients retained in care is then multiplied by the correction factor to obtain an estimate of programme-level mortality that takes all deaths into account. A web calculator directly calculates the corrected, programme-level mortality with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). We applied the method to 11 ART programmes in sub-Saharan Africa. Patients retained in care had a mortality at 1 year of 1.4% to 12.0%; loss to follow-up ranged from 2.8% to 28.7%; and the correction factor from 1.2 to 8.0. The absolute difference between uncorrected and corrected mortality at 1 year ranged from 1.6% to 9.8%, and was above 5% in four programmes. The largest difference in mortality was in a programme with 28.7% of patients lost to follow-up at 1 year.


The amount of bias in mortality estimates can be large in ART programmes with substantial loss to follow-up. Programmes should routinely report mortality among patients retained in care and the proportion of patients lost. A simple nomogram can then be used to estimate mortality among all patients who started ART, for a range of plausible mortality rates among patients lost to follow-up. Please see later in the article for the Editors'' Summary  相似文献   
Genome sequence comparisons have highlighted many novel gene families that are conserved across animal phyla but whose biological function is unknown. Here, we functionally characterize a member of one such family, the macoilins. Macoilins are characterized by several highly conserved predicted transmembrane domains towards the N-terminus and by coiled-coil regions C-terminally. They are found throughout Eumetazoa but not in other organisms. Mutants for the single Caenorhabditis elegans macoilin, maco-1, exhibit a constellation of behavioral phenotypes, including defects in aggregation, O2 responses, and swimming. MACO-1 protein is expressed broadly and specifically in the nervous system and localizes to the rough endoplasmic reticulum; it is excluded from dendrites and axons. Apart from subtle synapse defects, nervous system development appears wild-type in maco-1 mutants. However, maco-1 animals are resistant to the cholinesterase inhibitor aldicarb and sensitive to levamisole, suggesting pre-synaptic defects. Using in vivo imaging, we show that macoilin is required to evoke Ca2+ transients, at least in some neurons: in maco-1 mutants the O2-sensing neuron PQR is unable to generate a Ca2+ response to a rise in O2. By genetically disrupting neurotransmission, we show that pre-synaptic input is not necessary for PQR to respond to O2, indicating that the response is mediated by cell-intrinsic sensory transduction and amplification. Disrupting the sodium leak channels NCA-1/NCA-2, or the N-,P/Q,R-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, also fails to disrupt Ca2+ responses in the PQR cell body to O2 stimuli. By contrast, mutations in egl-19, which encodes the only Caenorhabditis elegans L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channel α1 subunit, recapitulate the Ca2+ response defect we see in maco-1 mutants, although we do not see defects in localization of EGL-19. Together, our data suggest that macoilin acts in the ER to regulate assembly or traffic of ion channels or ion channel regulators.  相似文献   
We investigated how adaptation to salinity and temperature acts as reproductive barriers in three sympatric species from the Brachionus plicatilis species complex. These species co-occur in a salt marsh in Spain, and a previous electrophoretic study of variation revealed no hybrids between them. A factorial experiment was designed to test for differences in population growth rates and patterns of bisexual reproduction. The design combined representative strains from each species in different salinity and temperature conditions, representing the range over which these rotifers are found in their natural environment. We found differences in the growth response of the three species to both factors and in the pattern of bisexual reproduction. These differences help to explain patterns of succession observed in the field. We conclude that these ecological factors, together with mate recognition systems, account for the absence of gene flow in these sympatric species. Received: 22 July 1996 / Accepted: 14 March 1997  相似文献   
At nanomolar range, 9-cis-retinoic acid (9cRA) was able to interfere in the normal differentiation process from human monocyte to immature dendritic cell (DC) and produced a switch in mature DCs to a less stimulatory mode than untreated cells. 9cRA-treated mature DCs secreted high levels of IL-10 with an IL-12 reduced production. The phenotypic alterations unleashed by 9cRA were similar but not identical to other specific retinoid X receptor (RXR) agonists and to those already reported for rosiglitazone, a PPARgamma activator, on DCs. The simultaneous addition of 9cRA and rosiglitazone on DCs displayed additive effects. Moreover, addition to cultures of GW9662, a specific inhibitor of PPARgamma, or the RXR pan-antagonist HX603, blocked these changes. All these results suggest an activation of PPARgamma-RXR and other RXR containing dimers by 9cRA in DCs. Finally, both GW9662 and HX603 by themselves altered the maturation process unleashed by TNFalpha, poly(I:C) or LPS on human DCs further suggesting that the heterodimer PPARgamma-RXR must fulfill a significant role in the physiological maturation process of these cells in addition to the repressing effects reported till now for this nuclear receptor.  相似文献   
Aggregation and fusion of unilamellar vesicles consisting of N-acyl-N-methylphosphatidylethanolamine were studied as a function of mono- and divalent cation concentrations. The aggregation reactions were irreversible processes, as demonstrated by changes in monovalent ion concentrations and by the addition of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) to chelate divalent cations, suggesting the possibility of some cation-induced vesicle fusion. An increase in the NaCl ionic strength of the vesicle suspension solutions diminishes the threshold concentration for Li+ and K+ and increases that corresponding to Mn2+, Mg2+ and Ca2+. However NaCl concentrations above 300 mM yield smaller threshold values for the divalent cation-induced processes, probably due to the increased size of phospholipid vesicles as the ionic strength of the medium increases.  相似文献   
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