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Ida Namslauer  Robert B. Gennis 《BBA》2010,1797(5):550-556
In this work we have investigated the effect of a pathogenic mitochondrial DNA mutation found in human colon cells, at a functional-molecular level. The mutation results in the amino-acid substitution Tyr19His in subunit I of the human CytcO and it is associated with respiratory deficiency. It was introduced into Rhodobacter sphaeroides, which carries a cytochrome c oxidase (cytochrome aa3) that serves as a model of the mitochondrial counterpart. The residue is situated in the middle of a pathway that is used to transfer substrate protons as well as protons that are pumped across the membrane. The Tyr33His (equivalent residue in the bacterial CytcO) structural variant of the enzyme was purified and its function was investigated. The results show that in the structurally altered CytcO the activity decreased due to slowed proton transfer; proton transfer from an internal proton donor, the highly-conserved Glu286, to the catalytic site was slowed by a factor of ∼ 5, while reprotonation of the Glu from solution was slowed by a factor of ∼ 40. In addition, in the structural variant proton pumping was completely impaired. These results are explained in terms of introduction of a barrier for proton transfer through the D pathway and changes in the coordination of water molecules surrounding the Glu286 residue. The study offers an explanation, at the molecular level, to the link between a specific amino-acid substitution and a pathogenic phenotype identified in human colon cells.  相似文献   


The Asháninka Native Community Bajo Quimiriki, District Pichanaki, Junín, Peru, is located only 4 km from a larger urban area and is dissected by a major road. Therefore the loss of traditional knowledge is a main concern of the local headman and inhabitants. The present study assesses the state of traditional medicinal plant knowledge in the community and compares the local pharmacopoeia with the one from a related ethnic group.


Fieldwork was conducted between July and September 2007. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, collection of medicinal plants in the homegardens, forest walks, a walk along the river banks, participant observation, informal conversation, cross check through voucher specimens and a focus group interview with children.


Four-hundred and two medicinal plants, mainly herbs, were indicated by the informants. The most important families in terms of taxa were Asteraceae, Araceae, Rubiaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Solanaceae and Piperaceae. Eighty-four percent of the medicinal plants were wild and 63% were collected from the forest. Exotics accounted to only 2% of the medicinal plants. Problems related to the dermal system, digestive system, and cultural belief system represented 57% of all the medicinal applications. Some traditional healers received non-indigenous customers, using their knowledge as a source of income. Age and gender were significantly correlated to medicinal plant knowledge. Children knew the medicinal plants almost exclusively by their Spanish names. Sixteen percent of the medicinal plants found in this community were also reported among the Yanesha of the Pasco Region.


Despite the vicinity to a city, knowledge on medicinal plants and cultural beliefs are still abundant in this Asháninka Native Community and the medicinal plants are still available in the surroundings. Nevertheless, the use of Spanish names for the medicinal plants and the shift of healing practices towards a source of income with mainly non-indigenous customers, are signs of acculturation. Future studies on quantification of the use of medicinal plants, dynamics of transmission of ethno-medicinal knowledge to the young generations and comparison with available pharmacological data on the most promising medicinal plants are suggested.  相似文献   
A wide range of research areas in molecular biology and medical biochemistry require a reliable enzyme classification system, e.g., drug design, metabolic network reconstruction and system biology. When research scientists in the above mentioned areas wish to unambiguously refer to an enzyme and its function, the EC number introduced by the Nomenclature Committee of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) is used. However, each and every one of these applications is critically dependent upon the consistency and reliability of the underlying data for success. We have developed tools for the validation of the EC number classification scheme. In this paper, we present validated data of 3788 enzymatic reactions including 229 sub-subclasses of the EC classification system. Over 80% agreement was found between our assignment and the EC classification. For 61 (i.e., only 2.5%) reactions we found that their assignment was inconsistent with the rules of the nomenclature committee; they have to be transferred to other sub-subclasses. We demonstrate that our validation results can be used to initiate corrections and improvements to the EC number classification scheme.  相似文献   
We studied the induction of apoptosis in Jurkat cells by UVB radiation (wavelength 290-320 nm) at a dose of 310 mJ/ cm2. We combined Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy with flow cytometry to determine whether the combination of both techniques could provide new and improved information about cell modifications. To do this, we looked for correspondences and correlations between spectroscopy and flow cytometry data and found three highly probable spectroscopic markers of apoptosis. The behavior of the wave number shift of both the Amide I beta-sheet component and the area of the 1083 cm(-1) band reproduced, with a high correlation, the behavior of the early apoptotic cell population, while the behavior of the Amide I area showed a high correlation with the early plus late apoptotic cell population.  相似文献   
Although the entire mouse genome has been sequenced, there remain challenges concerning the elucidation of particular complex and polymorphic genomic loci. In the murine Igh locus, different haplotypes exist in different inbred mouse strains. For example, the Igh(b) haplotype sequence of the Mouse Genome Project strain C57BL/6 differs considerably from the Igh(a) haplotype of BALB/c, which has been widely used in the analyses of Ab responses. We have sequenced and annotated the 3' half of the Igh(a) locus of 129S1/SvImJ, covering the C(H) region and approximately half of the V(H) region. This sequence comprises 128 V(H) genes, of which 49 are judged to be functional. The comparison of the Igh(a) sequence with the homologous Igh(b) region from C57BL/6 revealed two major expansions in the germline repertoire of Igh(a). In addition, we found smaller haplotype-specific differences like the duplication of five V(H) genes in the Igh(a) locus. We generated a V(H) allele table by comparing the individual V(H) genes of both haplotypes. Surprisingly, the number and position of D(H) genes in the 129S1 strain differs not only from the sequence of C57BL/6 but also from the map published for BALB/c. Taken together, the contiguous genomic sequence of the 3' part of the Igh(a) locus allows a detailed view of the recent evolution of this highly dynamic locus in the mouse.  相似文献   
Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) has been studied extensively due to its central role in the Krebs cycle, catalyzing the oxidative NAD(P)(+)-dependent decarboxylation of isocitrate to alpha-ketoglutarate and CO(2). Here, we present the first crystal structure of IDH from a psychrophilic bacterium, Desulfotalea psychrophila (DpIDH). The structural information is combined with a detailed biochemical characterization and a comparative study with IDHs from the mesophilic bacterium Desulfitobacterium hafniense (DhIDH), porcine (PcIDH), human cytosolic (HcIDH) and the hyperthermophilic Thermotoga maritima (TmIDH). DpIDH was found to have a higher melting temperature (T(m)=66.9 degrees C) than its mesophilic homologues and a suboptimal catalytic efficiency at low temperatures. The thermodynamic activation parameters indicated a disordered active site, as seen also for the drastic increase in K(m) for isocitrate at elevated temperatures. A methionine cluster situated at the dimeric interface between the two active sites and a cluster of destabilizing charged amino acids in a region close to the active site might explain the poor isocitrate affinity. On the other hand, DpIDH was optimized for interacting with NADP(+) and the crystal structure revealed unique interactions with the cofactor. The highly acidic surface, destabilizing charged residues, fewer ion pairs and reduced size of ionic networks in DpIDH suggest a flexible global structure. However, strategic placement of ionic interactions stabilizing the N and C termini, and additional ionic interactions in the clasp domain as well as two enlarged aromatic clusters might counteract the destabilizing interactions and promote the increased thermal stability. The structure analysis of DpIDH illustrates how psychrophilic enzymes can adjust their flexibility in dynamic regions during their catalytic cycle without compromising the global stability of the protein.  相似文献   
The beginning of the twentieth century saw the emergence of the discipline of genetics. It is striking how many female scientists were contributing to this new field at the time. At least three female pioneers succeeded in becoming professors: Kristine Bonnevie (Norway), Elisabeth Schiemann (Germany) and the Tine Tammes (The Netherlands). The question is which factors contributed to the success of these women’s careers? At the time women were gaining access to university education it had become quite the norm for universities to be sites for teaching and research. They were still expanding: new laboratories were being built and new disciplines were being established. All three women benefited from the fact that genetics was considered a new field promising in terms of its utility to society; in the case of Tammes and Schiemann in agriculture and in the case of Bonnevie in eugenics. On the other hand, the field of genetics also benefited from the fact that these first female researchers were eager for the chance to work in science and wanted to make active contributions. They all worked and studied in environments which, although different from one another, were positive towards them, at least at the start. Having a patron was generally a prerequisite. Tammes profited from her teacher’s contacts and status. Bonnevie made herself indispensable through her success as a teacher and eventually made her position so strong that she was no longer dependent on a single patron. The case of Schiemann adds something new; it shows the vulnerability of such dependency. Initially, Schiemann’s teacher had to rely on the first generation of university women simply because he was unable to attract ambitious young men to his institute. In those early, uncertain years of the new discipline, male scientists tended to choose other, better established, and more prestigious disciplines. However, when genetics itself had become an established field, it also became more attractive to men. Our case studies also demonstrate that a new field at first relatively open to women closes its doors to them once it becomes established.  相似文献   
Aggrecanases have been characterized as proteinases that cleave the Glu373-Ala374 bond of the aggrecan core protein, and they are multidomain metalloproteinases belonging to the ADAMTS (adamalysin with thrombospondin type 1 motifs) family. The first aggrecanases discovered were ADAMTS-4 (aggrecanase 1) and ADAMTS-5 (aggrecanase 2). They contain a zinc catalytic domain followed by non-catalytic ancillary domains, including a disintegrin domain, a thrombospondin domain, a cysteine-rich domain, and a spacer domain. In the case of ADAMTS-5, a second thrombospondin domain follows the spacer domain. We previously reported that the non-catalytic domains of ADAMTS-4 influence both its extracellular matrix interaction and proteolytic abilities. Here we report the effects of these domains of ADAMTS-5 on the extracellular matrix interaction and proteolytic activities and compare them with those of ADAMTS-4. Although the spacer domain was critical for ADAMTS-4 localization in the matrix, the cysteine-rich domain influenced ADAMTS-5 localization. Similar to previous reports of other ADAMTS family members, very little proteolytic activity was detected with the ADAMTS-5 catalytic domain alone. The sequential inclusion of each carboxyl-terminal domain enhanced its activity against aggrecan, carboxymethylated transferrin, fibromodulin, decorin, biglycan, and fibronectin. Both ADAMTS-4 and -5 had a broad optimal activity at pH 7.0-9.5. Aggrecanolytic activities were sensitive to the NaCl concentration, but activities on non-aggrecan substrates, e.g. carboxymethylated transferrin, were not affected. Although ADAMTS-4 and ADAMTS-5 had similar general proteolytic activities, the aggrecanase activity of ADAMTS-5 was at least 1,000-fold greater than that of ADAMTS-4 under physiological conditions. Our studies suggest that ADAMTS-5 is a major aggrecanase in cartilage metabolism and pathology.  相似文献   
The Sapio Award was established in 1999 by the Sapio Group along with several Italian universities and research centers to recognize Italian scientists who have made a major contribution to the discovery or development of novel technologies in the fields of biotechnology, social and health services, nonotechnology and biosecurity in agricultural production and scientific distribution. The 2006 edition of the award meeting centered around the issues of tissue banks and biorepositories and translational medicine. The organizing committee divided this edition into a pre-meeting held in Milan on October 18, 2006 and a master meeting on October 19, 2006, held at the ISS in Rome. A summary of these meetings is given.  相似文献   
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