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The substrate specificity of rat liver microsomal glutathione transferase toward glutathione has been examined in a systematic manner. Out of a glycyl-modified and eight gamma-glutamyl-modified glutathione analogues, it was found that four (glutaryl-L-Cys-Gly, alpha-L-Glu-L-Cys-Gly, alpha-D-Glu-L-Cys-Gly, and gamma-L-Glu-L-Cys-beta-Ala) function as substrates. The kinetic parameters for three of these substrates (the alpha-D-Glu-L-Cys-Gly analogue gave very low activity) were compared with those of GSH with both unactivated and the N-ethylmaleimide-activated microsomal glutathione transferase. The alpha-L-Glu-L-Cys-Gly analogue is similar to GSH in that it has a higher kcat (6.9 versus 0.6 s-1) value with the activated enzyme compared with the unactivated enzyme but displays a high Km (6 versus 11 mM) with both forms. Glutaryl-L-Cys-Gly, in contrast, exhibited a similar kcat (8.9 versus 6.7 s-1) with the N-ethylmaleimide-treated enzyme but retains a higher Km value (50 versus 15 mM). Thus, the alpha-amino group of the glutamyl residue in GSH is important for the activity of the activated microsomal glutathione transferase. These observations were quantitated by analyzing the changes in the Gibbs free energy of binding calculated from the changes in kcat/Km values, comparing the analogues to GSH and each other. It is estimated that the binding energy of the alpha-amino group of the glutamyl residue in GSH contributes 9.7 kJ/mol to catalysis by the activated enzyme, whereas the corresponding value for the unactivated enzyme is 3.2 kJ/mol. The importance of the acidic functions in glutathione is also evident as shown by the lack of activity with 4-aminobutyric acid-L-Cys-Gly and the low kcat/Km values with gamma-L-Glu-L-Cys-beta-Ala (0.03 and 0.01 mM-1s-1 for unactivated and activated enzyme, respectively). Utilization of binding energy from a correctly positioned carboxyl group in the glycine residue (10 and 17 kJ/mol for unactivated and activated enzyme, respectively) therefore also appears to be required for optimal activity and activation. A conformational change in the microsomal glutathione transferase upon treatment with N-ethylmaleimide or trypsin, which allows utilization of binding energy from the alpha-amino group of GSH as well as the glycine carboxyl in catalysis, is suggested to account for at least part of the activation of the enzyme.  相似文献   
Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) was biotinyl-epsilon-aminocaproylated using sulfosuccinimidyl-6-(biotinamido) hexanoate thereby producing a series of products that were separated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Seven VIP-derivatives were isolated and the number and location of biotinyl-epsilon-aminocaproylation was determined by a combination of enzymatic degradation and plasma desorption mass spectrometry (PDMS). Receptor binding experiments with the VIP biotinyl-epsilon-aminocaproylated derivatives revealed IC50 values for the monobiotinyl-epsilon-aminocaproylated peptides that were 1.3-3.2 times higher than for natural VIP. All isolated biotinyl-epsilon-aminocaproylated derivatives possess VIP-like bioactivity as shown by an assay measuring pancreatic juice secretion in cat, VIP biotinyl-epsilon-aminocaproylated in position lysine being almost equipotent with natural VIP.  相似文献   
The soluble methane monooxygenase (MMO) system, consisting of reductase, component B, and hydroxylase (MMOH), catalyzes NADH and O2-dependent monooxygenation of many hydrocarbons. MMOH contains 2 mu-(H or R)oxo-bridged dinuclear iron clusters thought to be the sites of catalysis. Although rapid NADH-coupled turnover requires all three protein components, three less complex systems are also functional: System I, NADH, O2, reductase, and MMOH; System II, H2O2 and oxidized MMOH; System III, MMOH reduced nonenzymatically by 2e- and then exposed to O2 (single turnover). All three systems give the same products, suggesting a common reactive oxygen species. However, the distribution of products observed for most substrates that are hydroxylated in more than one position is different for each system. For several of these substrates, addition of component B to Systems I, II, or III causes the product distributions to shift dramatically. These shifts result in identical product distributions for Systems I and III in which MMOH passes through the 2e- reduced state ([Fe(II).Fe(II)]) during catalysis. In contrast, System II (in which MMOH probably does not become reduced) generally gives a unique product distribution. It is proposed that changes in MMOH structure occurring upon diiron cluster reduction and/or component complex formation cause substrates to be presented differently to the activated oxygen species. Kinetic studies show that component B strongly activates System I and, in most cases, strongly deactivates System II. The effect of component B on product distribution of System I (and III) occurs at less than 5% of the MMOH concentration, while nearly stoichiometric concentrations are required to maximize the rate of System I. This shows that component B has at least two roles in catalysis. EPR monitored titration of reduced MMOH ([Fe(II).Fe(II)]) with component B suggests that the effect of substoichiometric component B on product distribution is due to hysteresis in the MMOH conformational changes.  相似文献   
Summary A general approach is developed to interpret linear dichroism (LD) spectra of ubiquinones (Q n) in host bilayers. Information is reported in terms of guest-host mutual orientation and localization. The overall orientational anisotropy of guest ubiquinone molecules is described by a basic set of limiting orientation/localization modes. Assignments of the UV transitions of the ubiquinone chromophore were obtained by the liquid crystal-linear dichroism technique and molecular orbital (CNDO/S) calculations. The LD spectra of Q n in the bilayers provided by the lyotropic nematic mesophase exhibited by water solutions of potassium laurate and decanol were interpreted on the basis of the above assignments. The resulting experimental evidence showed a multisite distribution in the host bilayer for the aromatic heads of all the investigated Q n derivatives except Q0. The orientational distribution suggested by the LD spectra fits the solubilization model recently proposed by G. Lenaz [J. Membrane Biol. (1988) 104:193–209] for ubiquinone in lipid membranes. Within this model Q n molecules are located in the midplane and their headgroups oscillate transversally across the membrane. Q 0 instead has a single site location, close to the polar bilayer interface. Experimental evidence that the headgroup carbonyls tend to grasp the polar interface of the host bilayer was also obtained. Orientation and location distributions of Q n guest molecules are therefore likely to result from the tendency of their aromatic heads to grasp the polar heads of the host bilayer and from the concurrent tendency of their chains to settle into the hydrocarbon host interior.abbreviations AA average absorption - OD, OD optical densities for plane polarized radiations parallel () and perpendicular () to the sample optical axis - OD OD — OD - EPR electron paramagnetic resonance - LC-LD liquid crystal-linear dichroism - LD linear dichroism - LD r reduced linear dichroism. - MO molecular orbital - N nematic - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - S jj order parameters of the directions j of the transition moments of the guest chromophore - S ii order parameters of the orientational axes i of the guest molecule with respect to the magnetic field - S ii order parameters of the axes i of the guest molecules with respect to the bilayer axis a - S a order parameters of the host bilayer axis a with respect to the orienting magnetic field - j,i deflection angles between the directions j and the axes i - O i optical factors of the i axis see Eq. (A4)] - Qn ubiquinone whose isoprenoid chain contains n isoprenoid units Dr. A. Rossi is gratefully acknowledged for the t.e.m. reduction of the spectra. Ubiquinone homologs were kind gifts from Eisai Co., Tokyo, Japan. This work was supported by M.U.R.S.T., and C.N.R. Target Project on Biotechnology and Bioinstrumentation, Rome, Italy.  相似文献   
When root-tip cells of Vicia faba were exposed during early and middle interphase to camptothecin (Cpt), the aberrations obtained were exclusively of the chromatid type and tended to be localized in late replicating heterochromatic regions of the chromosomes. In these respects the clastogenic effect of Cpt resembles that of agents that act by an S-phase-dependent mechanism. In contrast to typical S-phase-dependent agents, Cpt produced lesions capable of giving rise to aberrations only in S-phase cells that were synthesizing DNA at the time of treatment. The dependence on ongoing DNA synthesis was suggested in autoradiographic experiments and by the fact that the clastogenic effect of Cpt was strongly suppressed by hydroxyurea, an inhibitor of DNA synthesis. After Cpt treatments, there were many more cells with 3-12 aberrations and far fewer cells with 0, 1 or 2 aberrations than expected on the basis of a Poisson distribution. Cpt further differed from typical S-phase-dependent agents by being capable of inducing lesions in the G2 phase that give rise to chromosomal aberrations in the first mitosis after treatment. This effect was obtained at Cpt concentrations around 10 microM, whereas only 0.03 microM Cpt was required to produce chromatid aberrations in the S phase. Results of G2-phase experiments with Cpt and 5-fluorodeoxyuridine, an inhibitor of DNA synthesis, suggest that DNA synthesis is required for the clastogenic effect of Cpt not only during the S phase, but also during the G2 phase, although the DNA syntheses involved are both quantitatively and qualitatively different.  相似文献   
The mutagenic activity of 11 sesquiterpenoid unsaturated dialdehydes in the V79/HGPRT assay has been determined, and is compared with previously published data on the mutagenicity of the same compounds towards Ames Salmonella strains. One compound, isovelleral, is a potent mutagen in both assays, while six compounds, which are positive in the Ames Salmonella/microsome assay, show no significant activity in this study. One compound, acetylmerulidial, is negative in the Ames Salmonella/microsome assay but significantly although weakly mutagenic in the V79/HGPRT assay. The remaining three compounds are inactive in both assays. The study is part of a general investigation of quantitative structure-activity relationships for unsaturated dialdehydes, a class of natural occurring compounds known for their potent and numerous biological activities.  相似文献   
Previously, we reported the modification of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis called constant denaturant gel electrophoresis (CDGE). CDGE separates mutant fragments in specific melting domains. CDGE seems to be a useful tool in mutation detection. Since the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) gene is widely used as target locus for mutation studies in vitro and in vivo, we have examined the approach of analyzing human HPRT cDNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and CDGE. All nine HPRT exons are included in a 716-bp cDNA fragment obtained by PCR using HPRT cDNA as template. When the full-length cDNA fragment was examined by CDGE, it was possible to detect mutations only in the last part of exon 8 and exon 9. However, digestion of the cDNA fragment with the restriction enzyme AvaI prior to CDGE enabled us to detect point mutations in most of exon 2, the beginning of exon 3, the last part of exon 8 and exon 9. With the use of two internal primer sets, including a GC-rich clamp on one of the primers in each pair, a region containing most of exon 3 through exon 6 was amplified and we were able to resolve fragments with point mutations in this region from wild-type DNA. The approach described here allows for rapid screening of point mutations in about two thirds of the human HPRT cDNA sequence. In a test of this approach, we were able to resolve 12 of 13 known mutants. The mutant panel included one single-base deletion, one two-base deletion and 11 single-base substitutions.  相似文献   
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