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Resveratrol (RVTL) is a flavonoid found in red wine and has been publicized heavily as an anti-aging compound. Indeed, basic research confirms that although there is much hype in the promotion of RVTL, flavonoids such as RVTL have a wide range of biological effects. We here investigated the effects of RVTL treatment on hippocampal plasticity and memory performance in female Balb/C mice, a strain with low baseline levels of adult neurogenesis. Two weeks of treatment with RVTL (40 mg/kg) induced the production of new neurons in vivo by increasing cell survival and possibly precursor cell proliferation. In addition, RVTL decreased the number of apoptotic cells. The number of doublecortin (DCX)-expressing intermediate cells was increased. RVTL stimulated neuronal differentiation in vitro without effects on proliferation. In the dentate gyrus, RVTL promoted the formation and maturation of spines on granule cell dendrites. RVTL also improved performance in the step down passive avoidance test. The RVTL-treated mice showed increase in the levels of two key signaling proteins, phospho-Akt and phospho-PKC, suggesting the involvement of these signaling pathways. Our results support the vision that flavonoids such as resveratrol deserve further examination as plasticity-inducing compounds in the context of successful cognitive aging.  相似文献   
We have previously described a developmentally regulated mRNA in maize that accumulates in mature embryos and is involved in a variety of stress responses in the plant. The sequence of the encoded 16 kDa protein (MA16) predicts that it is an RNA-binding protein, since it possesses a ribonucleoprotein consensus sequence-type RNA-binding domain (CS-RBD). To assess the predicted RNA binding property of the protein and as a starting point to characterize its function we have used ribohomopolymer-binding assays. Here we show that the MA16-encoded protein binds preferentially to uridine- and guanosine-rich RNAs. In light of these results a likely role for this protein in RNA metabolism during late embryogenesis and in the stress response is discussed.  相似文献   
The alpha3 fucosyltransferase, FucT-VII, is one of the key glycosyltransferases involved in the biosynthesis of the sialyl Lewis X (sLex) antigen on human leukocytes. The sialyl Lewis X antigen (NeuAcalpha(2-3)Galbeta(1-4)[Fucalpha(1-3)]GlcNAc-R) is an essential component of the recruitment of leukocytes to sites of inflammation, mediating the primary interaction between circulating leukocytes and activated endothelium. In order to characterize the enzymatic properties of the leukocyte alpha3 fucosyltransferase FucT-VII, the enzyme has been expressed in Trichoplusia ni insect cells. The enzyme is capable of synthesizing both sLexand sialyl-dimeric-Lexstructures in vitro , from 3'-sialyl-lacNAc and VIM-2 structures, respectively, with only low levels of fucose transfer observed to neutral or 3'-sulfated acceptors. Studies using fucosylated NeuAcalpha(2-3)-(Galbeta(1- 4)GlcNAc)3-Me acceptors demonstrate that FucT-VII is able to synthesize both di-fucosylated and tri-fucosylated structures from mono- fucosylated precursors, but preferentially fucosylates the distal GlcNAc within a polylactosamine chain. Furthermore, the rate of fucosylation of the internal GlcNAc residues is reduced once fucose has been added to the distal GlcNAc. These results indicate that FucT-VII is capable of generating complex selectin ligands, in vitro , however the order of fucose addition to the lactosamine chain affects the rate of selectin ligand synthesis.   相似文献   
The p53 tumor suppressor protein plays key roles in protecting cells from tumorigenesis. Phosphorylation of p53 at Ser46 (p53Ser46) is considered to be a crucial modification regulating p53-mediated apoptosis. Because the activity of p53 is impaired in most human cancers, restoration of wild-type p53 (wt-p53) function by its gene transfer or by p53-reactivating small molecules has been extensively investigated. The p53-reactivating compounds Nutlin-3 and RITA activate p53 in the absence of genotoxic stress by antagonizing the action of its negative regulator Mdm2. Although controversial, Nutlin-3 was shown to induce p53-mediated apoptosis in a manner independent of p53 phosphorylation. Recently, RITA was shown to induce apoptosis by promoting p53Ser46 phosphorylation. Here we examined whether Nutlin-3 or RITA can overcome resistance to p53-mediated apoptosis in p53-resistant tumor cell lines lacking the ability to phosphorylate p53Ser46. We show that Nutlin-3 did not rescue the apoptotic defect of a Ser46 phosphorylation-defective p53 mutant in p53-sensitive tumor cells, and that RITA neither restored p53Ser46 phosphorylation nor induced apoptosis in p53Ser46 phosphorylation-deficient cells retaining wt-p53. Furthermore, treatment with Nutlin-3 or RITA together with adenoviral p53 gene transfer also failed to induce apoptosis in p53Ser46 phosphorylation-deficient cells either expressing or lacking wt-p53. These results indicate that neither Nutlin-3 nor RITA in able to induce p53-mediated apoptosis in the absence of p53Ser46 phosphorylation. Thus, the dysregulation of this phosphorylation in tumor cells may be a critical factor that limits the efficacy of these p53-based cancer therapies.  相似文献   
Estimation of heterozygosity for single-probe multilocus DNA fingerprints   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In spite of the increasing application of DNA fingerprinting to natural populations and to the genetic identification of humans, explicit methods for estimation of basic population genetic parameters from DNA fingerprinting data have not been developed. Contributing to this omission is the inability to determine, for multilocus fingerprinting probes, relatively important genetic information, such as the number of loci, the number of alleles, and the distribution of these alleles into specific loci. One of the most useful genetic parameters that could be derived from such data would be the average heterozygosity, which has traditionally been employed to measure the level of genetic variation within populations and to compare genetic variation among different loci. We derive here explicit formulas for both the estimation of average heterozygosity at multiple hypervariable loci and a maximum value for this estimate. These estimates are based upon the DNA restriction-pattern matrices that are typical for fingerprinting studies of humans and natural populations. For several empirical data sets from our laboratory, estimates of average and maximal heterozygosity are shown to be relatively close to each other. Furthermore, variances of these statistics based on simulation studies are relatively small. These observations, as well as consideration of the effect of missing alleles and alternate numbers of loci, suggest that the average heterozygosity can be accurately estimated using phenotypic DNA fingerprint patterns, because this parameter is relatively insensitive to the lack of certain genetic information.   相似文献   
Tropical peatlands play an important role in the global carbon cycling but little is known about factors regulating carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes from these ecosystems. Here, we test the hypotheses that (i) CO2 and CH4 are produced mainly from surface peat and (ii) that the contribution of subsurface peat to net C emissions is governed by substrate availability. To achieve this, in situ and ex situ CO2 and CH4 fluxes were determined throughout the peat profiles under three vegetation types along a nutrient gradient in a tropical ombrotrophic peatland in Panama. The peat was also characterized with respect to its organic composition using 13C solid state cross‐polarization magic‐angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Deep peat contributed substantially to CO2 effluxes both with respect to actual in situ and potential ex situ fluxes. CH4 was produced throughout the peat profile with distinct subsurface peaks, but net emission was limited by oxidation in the surface layers. CO2 and CH4 production were strongly substrate‐limited and a large proportion of the variance in their production (30% and 63%, respectively) was related to the quantity of carbohydrates in the peat. Furthermore, CO2 and CH4 production differed between vegetation types, suggesting that the quality of plant‐derived carbon inputs is an important driver of trace gas production throughout the peat profile. We conclude that the production of both CO2 and CH4 from subsurface peat is a substantial component of the net efflux of these gases, but that gas production through the peat profile is regulated in part by the degree of decomposition of the peat.  相似文献   


Association mapping using abundant single nucleotide polymorphisms is a powerful tool for identifying disease susceptibility genes for complex traits and exploring possible genetic diversity. Genotyping large numbers of SNPs individually is performed routinely but is cost prohibitive for large-scale genetic studies. DNA pooling is a reliable and cost-saving alternative genotyping method. However, no software has been developed for complete pooled-DNA analyses, including data standardization, allele frequency estimation, and single/multipoint DNA pooling association tests. This motivated the development of the software, 'PDA' (Pooled DNA Analyzer), to analyze pooled DNA data.  相似文献   


Winter migration of immature brown trout (Salmo trutta) into freshwater rivers has been hypothesized to result from physiologically stressful combinations of high salinity and low temperature in the sea.


We sampled brown trout from two Danish populations entering different saline conditions and quantified expression of the hsp70 and Na/K-ATPases α 1b genes following acclimation to freshwater and full-strength seawater at 2°C and 10°C. An interaction effect of low temperature and high salinity on expression of both hsp70 and Na/K-ATPase α 1b was found in trout from the river entering high saline conditions, while a temperature independent up-regulation of both genes in full-strength seawater was found for trout entering marine conditions with lower salinities.


Overall our results support the hypothesis that physiologically stressful conditions in the sea drive sea-run brown trout into freshwater rivers in winter. However, our results also demonstrate intra-specific differences in expression of important stress and osmoregulative genes most likely reflecting adaptive differences between trout populations on a regional scale, thus strongly suggesting local adaptations driven by the local marine environment.  相似文献   
1. Benthic macroinvertebrates (MI) are commonly used to assess freshwater ecosystems with the reference condition approach. Such assessments necessitate control for natural community variation, either by categorical typologies or by predictive models that have been widely and successfully developed for running water biota but not previously for lake profundal invertebrates. 2. We evaluated four modelling techniques [multivariate regression tree (MRT), limiting environmental differences, nonparametric multiplicative regression (NPMR) and River Invertebrate Prediction And Classification System (RIVPACS) and the operative Finnish lake typology for assessing taxonomic completeness (observed‐to‐expected number of taxa, O/E) of profundal MI assemblages. We used data from 74 and 33 minimally disturbed reference lake basins for calibration and validation of the approaches, respectively, and 72 test basins subject to various anthropogenic pressures to evaluate sensitivity to detect impact. Either all predicted taxa (threshold probability of capture Pt = 0+) or only those predicted to be captured with ≥0.25 probability were used to calculate O/E. 3. With Pt = 0.25, all four modelling approaches were accurate (mean O/E = 0.966–1.053) but imprecise (SD of O/E = 0.279–0.304) in predicting the fauna actually observed in validation sites. All models were subtly more precise than a null model (mean 1.038, SD 0.343) or the typology (1.046, 0.327). The taxon‐specific NPMR model was slightly more precise than the other three models based on site groupings. 4. The O/E values correlated relatively weakly (r = 0.55–0.86) among the approaches, which thus produced contrasting lake‐specific assessments, despite their seemingly comparable performances. Indeed, typology, suggesting that MI assemblages were impaired in 56% of test sites, was more sensitive than the other approaches (26–46%) as an indicator of human‐induced deterioration. However, this greater ostensible sensitivity seemed to be biased, as lake morphometry, a main driver of natural community variation, remained uncontrolled by the typology. 5. Generally, our exercise illustrates the inconclusiveness of the common validation criteria for the assessment methods. The apparent poor predictability of the profundal fauna, irrespective of the method, may partly stem from large observation error, which could be alleviated by more intensive sampling. However, instead of an O/E‐taxa index, some other metric encompassing quantitative aspects might be preferable for assessing these species‐poor communities.  相似文献   
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