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To examine the effects of chilling of leaves of cucumber (Cucumissativus L.) in moderate light on the coupling state of thylakoidsin situ, changes in fluorescence, changes in light scatteringand flash-induced changes in absorbance at 518 nm were examinedin intact leaves. After chilling of leaves at 5?C in the lightfor 5 h, the non-photochemical quenching of fluorescence, ameasure of energisation of thylakoids, was largely suppressed.The treatment also caused a suppression of light-induced changesin the light scattering by leaves, which depends on the formationof a pH gradient across thylakoid membranes. When thylakoidswere prepared by very gentle methods from the leaves chilledin the light, through a step of preparation of intact chloro-plasts,the transport of electrons from H2O to ferricyanide was uncoupled,being insensitive to an uncoupler, methylamine. These data provide consistent evidence that the thylakoids areuncoupled in situ by the chilling of leaves in the light and,as a consequence of the uncoupling, the energisation of themembranes is suppressed. However, the decay of the flash-inducedchange in absorbance at 518 nm in leaves was not markedly acceleratedby the treatment. The thylakoids isolated from leaves chilledin the light, which were in the uncoupled state, also did notshow a rapid decay, unless an efficient uncoupler such as gramicidinwas added. These results suggest that even a considerable uncouplingof thylakoids, brought about by chilling of leaves in the light,is not sufficient to cause a marked acceleration of the decayof the flash-induced change in absorbance at 518 nm. Therefore,analysis at 518 nm is not always a sensitive method for assessingthe coupling state of thylakoids. (Received July 1, 1991; Accepted October 4, 1991)  相似文献   
The degree of intergradation between two species of Sulawesi macaques,Macaca tonkeana andM. hecki, was studied by examining the diagnostic external characteristics of more than 100 monkeys kept as pets by natives. Two possible hybrid monkeys were found and both originated from the borderland between the two species, located in the most proximal region of the northern peninsula of Sulawesi. The previously postulated wide area of integradation between the two species at the possible contact zone was, however, not recognized, and typical examples oftonkeana orhecki were found to be present on the two sides of a narrow “hybrid” zone which was defined by direct observations. Furthermore, despite considerable individual variations, we were able to allocate most monkeys to one or other of the species. Each of ten external characteristics of the members of both species more or less encompassed the individual variations, but may undergo changes with the development of the monkeys. The mechanisms of reproduction of hybrid monkeys and the maintenance of differences between the species are discussed.  相似文献   
A monoclonal antibody (mAb) TP-3 has been established by immunizing rats with the BALB/c mouse thymic epithelial cell line TEL-2. The TP-3 antigen is expressed on stroma cells of thymus, spleen, and lymph node in syngeneic BALB/c mice (H-2 d ). This antigen is also expressed at a low level on the cell surface of immature thymocytes, and at a high level on mature T and B cells. In allogeneic mice such as C57BL/6 (H-2 b ) or C3H (H-2 k ), no cells expressed the TP-3 antigen. Using H-2 congenic mice, reactivity with mAb TP-3 was found to map to a region of H-2D d L d or between D d and Qa, suggesting that TP-3 is a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I antigen. However, immunoprecipitation analysis indicated that this antigen is not identical to the classical mouse class I molecules in terms of molecular size, antigenicity, and tissue distribution.  相似文献   
A biosensor system for continuous flow determination of plural enzyme activities was prepared from the combination of two pyruvate sensors, a prereactor and a flow cell. This system was applied to the simultaneous determination of lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT) activities in the same sample. These enzyme activities can be determined by measuring pyruvate produced by the enzyme reactions as follows. The amount of pyruvic acid can also be determined from the amount of oxygen consumed upon oxidation of pyruvic acid by pyruvate oxidase. (Formula: see text). Therefore, both of the detectors for the determination of lactic dehydrogenase and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase activities were prepared from the combination of a pyruvate oxidase membrane and an oxygen electrode. Pyruvate oxidase was covalently immobilized on a membrane prepared from cellulose triacetate. A linear relation was obtained between the output current and LDH or GPT activities in the range of 50 to 3,600 IU l-1 or 6 to 1,000 IU l-1, respectively. Each assay of these enzyme activities was completed within 15 min. The results obtained had a precision of ca. 4%. The sensor was stable for more than 25 days at 5 degrees C.  相似文献   
Explants excised from strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) plantlets were cultured in vitro for 21 days on half-strength MS (Murashige & Skoog 1962) basal liquid medium with 20 g l-1 sucrose and without sugar in the vessels capped with gas permeable microporous polypropylene film. The experiments were conducted under CO2 nonenriched (350–450 mol mol-1 in the culture room) and CO2 enriched (2,000 mol mol-1 during the photoperiod in the culture room) conditions with a PPF (photosynthetic photon flux) of 200 mol m-2 s-1. The CO2 concentration in the vessels decreased to approximately 200 mol mol-1 during the photoperiod on day 21 under CO2 nonenriched conditions. The fresh and dry weight, net photosynthetic rate (NPR) per plantlet, NPR per g leaf fresh weight, NPR per g leaf dry weight, the number of unfolded leaves, and ion uptake of PO4 3-, NO3 -, Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ on day 21 were the greatest under photoautotrophic (no sugar in the medium) and CO2 enriched conditions. The residual percent of PO4 3- was 3% on day 21 under photoautotrophic and CO2 enriched conditions.Abbreviations MS Murashige & Skoog (1962) basal medium composition - NPR net photosynthetic rate - PPF photosynthetic photon flux  相似文献   
In order to elucidate the relationship between secretory pathway and processing for precursor molecule of peptide hormones, we performed immunoelectron microscopic studies to localize POMC-derived peptides in mouse cultured L cells (fibroblasts without secretory granules) and in mouse AtT20 cells (ACTH secreting pituitary tumor cells with secretory granules) which had been transformed with human POMC gene. From the electron microscopic localization patterns, L42 cells were considered to serve as a model of constitutive pathway without processing of POMC, and A53 cells were considered to serve as a model of transgranular (regulated) pathway with processing of POMC. Immunoblotting supported these interpretations.  相似文献   
1. Sorbitol and fructose levels were significantly elevated in the lens, the sciatic nerve, the retina and the kidney of diabetic Chinese hamsters and inositol level was significantly decreased in the lens and sciatic nerve of diabetics. 2. The activity of an aldose reductase in the kidney was not different between normal and diabetic Chinese hamsters. 3. An aldose reductase inhibitor (ONO-2235) had no effect in sorbitol, fructose and inositol contents of all these tissues from diabetic Chinese hamsters. 4. These results suggest that diabetic Chinese hamsters produce polyol accumulation in tissues but that there is a clear species-specific difference to inhibition of aldose reductase.  相似文献   
Guanidinoethanesulfonic acid (GES) is known to induce convulsive seizures when administered intracisternally to rabbits and cats. The effects of GES on behavior, electroencephalographic recording and brain monoamine levels were examined in mice. When GES (900 nmol) was intraventricularly injected into mice, focal clonic movements of the face, vibrissae and ears together with twitching of the limbs were observed 0.5–1 min after the injection. Hypersensitivity was observed up to 7 min after the injection, after which the mice behaved normally. GES also induced sporadic spike discharges on electrocorticogram. The levels of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) of the GES-injected mice were lower than those of the saline-injected mice in the hippocampus, diencephalon, pons-medulla oblongata and cerebellum 5 min after the injection. No changes in the norepinephrine or dopamine levels were found after the GES injection. The level of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid increased in the striatum and cerebellum 5 min after the GES injection. These results suggest that GES-induced convulsive activities enhance the serotonergic neuroactivity in order to suppress the convulsions.  相似文献   
Antiserum was raised against 3-O-MeGal beta 1----3GalNAc alpha 1----3[6' -O-(2-aminoethylphosphonyl)Gal alpha 1----2 (2-aminoethylphosphonyl----6)Gal beta 1----4Glc beta 1----1Ceramide (SGL-II) isolated from the skin of a mollusc, Aplysia kurodai. This antiserum reacted with SGL-II and other phosphonoglycosphingolipids of Aplysia such as SGL-I', F-21, and some minor glycolipids on TLC plates, but it did not react with ganglioside or globoside. The sugars recognized were 3-O-methylgalactose at the non-reducing end and galactose at the branched chain of the glycolipids. One membrane glycoprotein (Mr 280,000) reacted strongly, and some other proteins reacted weakly with the antiserum. Immunohistochemical examination of the nervous tissues revealed distinct staining in the periganglionic tissue of the ganglia, and the perineural sheath of the proximal portion of the peripheral nerves. The neuropil and satellite cells were also stained. In the skin, subcutaneous connective tissues were moderately stained, and the cytoplasm of small mononuclear cells and foamy cells was also stained. The staining patterns were essentially the same in paraffin and cryostat sections. From the findings with sections pretreated with chloroform-methanol (2 : 1, v/v), it was suggested that the periganglionic and perineural stainings were due to glycoproteins, including an SDS-soluble glycoprotein of Mr 280,000, while those of the other regions were due to SGL-II and glycolipids immunologically related to SGL-II. The stainings in the skin sections were largely due to glycoproteins.  相似文献   
The resistance of the unstirred water layer to solute transport was estimated in two different intestinal single-pass perfusion systems for a comparative study, using D-glucose as a model compound. One is a well established perfusion system in anesthetized rats as a standard (system A). The other is the one in unanesthetized rats for comparison (system B). It was demonstrated that in system B as well as in system A the resistance of the unstirred water layer to D-glucose transport should be taken into account and this resistance, accordingly, the effective thickness of the unstirred water layer (delta) which is assumed to be in proportion to its resistance, could be described as a function of the perfusion rate by using a film model. The delta decreased with increasing perfusion rate and was larger in system A than in system B at each perfusion rate; 785 microns in system A versus 319 microns in system B at the perfusion rate of 0.16 ml/min and 337 microns versus 184 micron at that of 2.95 ml/min. Thus in system B the effective thickness, accordingly, the resistance, of the unstirred water layer was reduced to about 50% of that in system A, but the resistance of the unstirred water layer could still account for 85% of the total resistance at the maximum as far as D-glucose absorption was concerned, while 93% in system A. These results suggest that, compared with perfusion experiments in anesthetized rats (system A), the resistance of the unstirred water layer is reduced but cannot be left out of consideration even if perfusion experiments are performed in unanesthetized rats (system B). And the lower resistance of the unstirred water layer in system B was attributed to a turbulent flow in contrary to a laminar flow in system A.  相似文献   
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