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The molecular integrity of the active site of phytases from fungi is critical for maintaining phytase function as efficient catalytic machines. In this study, the molecular dynamics (MD) of two monomers of phytase B from Aspergillus niger, the disulfide intact monomer (NAP) and a monomer with broken disulfide bonds (RAP), were simulated to explore the conformational basis of the loss of catalytic activity when disulfide bonds are broken. The simulations indicated that the overall secondary and tertiary structures of the two monomers were nearly identical but differed in some crucial secondary–structural elements in the vicinity of the disulfide bonds and catalytic site. Disulfide bonds stabilize the β-sheet that contains residue Arg66 of the active site and destabilize the α-helix that contains the catalytic residue Asp319. This stabilization and destabilization lead to changes in the shape of the active–site pocket. Functionally important hydrogen bonds and atomic fluctuations in the catalytic pocket change during the RAP simulation. None of the disulfide bonds are in or near the catalytic pocket but are most likely essential for maintaining the native conformation of the catalytic site.


PhyB - 2.5 pH acid phophatese from Aspergillus niger, NAP - disulphide intact monomer of Phytase B, RAP - disulphide reduced monomer of Phytase B, Rg - radius of gyration, RMSD - root mean square deviation, MD - molecular dynamics.  相似文献   


Bet v 1 is an important cause of hay fever in northern Europe. Bet v 1 isoforms from the European white birch (Betula pendula) have been investigated extensively, but the allergenic potency of other birch species is unknown. The presence of Bet v 1 and closely related PR-10 genes in the genome was established by amplification and sequencing of alleles from eight birch species that represent the four subgenera within the genus Betula. Q-TOF LC-MSE was applied to identify which PR-10/Bet v 1 genes are actually expressed in pollen and to determine the relative abundances of individual isoforms in the pollen proteome.  相似文献   
Potassium (K) is one of the major nutrients that is essential for plant growth and development. The majority of cellular K+ resides in the vacuole and tonoplast K+ channels of the TPK (Two Pore K) family are main players in cellular K+ homeostasis. All TPK channels were previously reported to be expressed in the tonoplast of the large central lytic vacuole (LV) except for one isoform in Arabidopsis that resides in the plasma membrane. However, plant cells often contain more than one type of vacuole that coexist in the same cell. We recently showed that two TPK isoforms (OsTPKa and OsTPKb) from Oryza sativa localize to different vacuoles with OsTPKa predominantly found in the LV tonoplast and OsTPKb primarily in smaller compartments that resemble small vacuoles (SVs). Our study further revealed that it is the C-terminal domain that determines differential targeting of OsTPKa and OsTPKb. Three C-terminal amino acids were particularly relevant for targeting TPKs to their respective endomembranes. In this addendum we further evaluate how the different localization of TPKa and TPKb impact on their physiological role and how TPKs provide a potential tool to study the physiology of different types of vacuole.Key words: TPK channels, small vacuoles, vacuolar targeting, potassiumThe roles of plant vacuolar K+ channels are diverse and include potassium homeostasis, turgor regulation and responses to abiotic stress. Vacuolar K+-selective channels belong to two-pore K+ (TPK) channel families which have been found in genomes of many plant species such as Arabidopsis, poplar, Physcomitrella, Eucalyptus, barley, potato, rice and tobacco (Fig. 1). TPKs have structural similarity to mammalian “tandem P domain” channels with a secondary structure that contains four transmembrane domains and two pore regions (Fig. 2).15 TPK channels have pore regions with a GYGD signature that endows K+ selectivity and a variable number of Ca2+ binding EF domains in the C terminus.38 One of the best characterized members of the TPK family is AtTPK1 from Arabidopsis thaliana. AtTPK1 activity is voltage independent but sensitive to cytosolic Ca2+, cytosolic pH and N-terminal phosphorylation by 14-3-3 proteins.5,6,8,9 In Arabidopsis, AtTPK1 expresses in the large lytic vacuole (LV) and plays roles in cellular K+ homeostasis, K+-release during stomatal closure and seed germination.4,5 Other members of the Arabidopsis TPK family (AtTPK2, AtTPK3, AtTPK5) have been shown to localize to the LV but also showed some expression in smaller, vesicle-like, compartments.4 However, none of these isoforms appears to form functional channels in planta although our experiments with heterologous expression of AtTPK3 and AtTPK5 in the K+ uptake deficient E. coli LB2003 demonstrates complementation of bacterial growth phenotype (Isayenkov S, et al. unpublished results). Equally intriguing, is the plasma membrane localization of the Arabidopsis TPK4 isoform, in spite of its sequence being very similar to that of other TPKs.10Open in a separate windowFigure 1Phylogenetic tree of plant TPKs. The three main clusters of TPKs comprise: Cluster 1 with AtTPK1-like channels; Cluster 2 with AtTPK3/TPK5-like channels; Cluster 3 with barley HvTPKb. Bootstrap analysis was performed using ‘Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis, MEGA4’ software available at www.megasoftware.net/mega4/megaOpen in a separate windowFigure 2Two-pore potassium channel secondary structure. TPK channels comprise four transmembrane domains (1–4) and two pore regions (P) per subunit. Functional channels are formed from two subunits. In most TPKs, both P regions contain a K+ selectivity signature, GYGD. However, the tobacco NtTPKa isoform has different motifs in the second P domain. In the N terminal region, TPKs have a 14-3-3 binding domain that impact on channel activity, with the binding of 14-3-3 protein leading to channel activation. C-termini of TPKs show a varying number of putative Ca2+ binding “EF hands” which may vary from zero to two.  相似文献   
Ceftaroline (CPT) is a novel cephalosporin with in vitro activity against Staphylococcus aureus. Ceftaroline exhibits a level of binding affinity for PBPs in S. aureus including PBP2a of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). The aims of this study were to investigate the morphological, physiological and molecular responses of MRSA clinical strains and MRSA biofilms to sub-MICs (1/4 and 1/16 MIC) of ceftaroline by using transmission, scanning and confocal microscopy. We have also used quantitative Real-Time PCR to study the effect of sub-MICs of ceftaroline on the expression of the staphylococcal icaA, agrA, sarA and sasF genes in MRSA biofilms. In one set of experiments, ceftaroline was able to inhibit biofilm formation in all strains tested at MIC, however, a strain dependent behavior in presence of sub-MICs of ceftaroline was shown. In a second set of experiments, destruction of preformed biofilms by addition of ceftaroline was evaluated. Ceftaroline was able to inhibit biofilm formation at MIC in all strains tested but not at the sub-MICs. Destruction of preformed biofilms was strain dependent because the biofilm formed by a matrix-producing strain was resistant to a challenge with ceftaroline at MIC, whereas in other strains the biofilm was sensitive. At sub-MICs, the impact of ceftaroline on expression of virulence genes was strain-dependent at 1/4 MIC and no correlation between ceftaroline-enhanced biofilm formation and gene regulation was established at 1/16 MIC. Our findings suggest that sub-MICs of ceftaroline enhance bacterial attachment and biofilm formation by some, but not all, MRSA strains and, therefore, stress the importance of maintaining effective bactericidal concentrations of ceftaroline to fight biofilm-MRSA related infections.  相似文献   
The hypersensitive response (HR) is a cell death phenomenon associated with localized resistance to pathogens. Biphasic patterns in the generation of H2O2, salicylic acid and ethylene have been observed in tobacco during the early stages of the HR. These biphasic models reflect an initial elicitation by pathogen-associated molecular patterns followed by a second phase, induced by pathogen-encoded avirulence gene products. The first phase has been proposed to potentiate the second, to increase the efficacy of plant resistance to disease. This potentiation is comparable to the “priming” of plant defenses which is seen when plants display systemic resistance to disease. The events regulating the generation of the biphasic wave, or priming, remains obscure, however recently we demonstrated a key role for nitric oxide in this process in a HR occurring in tobacco. Here we use laser photoacoustic detection to demonstrate that biphasic ethylene production also occurs during a HR occurring in Arabidopsis. We suggest that ethylene emanation during the HR represents a ready means of visualising biphasic events during the HR and that exploiting the genomic resources offered by this model species will facilitate the development of a mechanistic understanding of potentiating/priming processes.Key words: hypersensitive response, biphasic patterns, potentiation, defense priming, ethylene, ArabidopsisThe Hypersensitive Response (HR) is a cell death process which occurs at the site of attempted pathogen attack and which has been associated with host resistance.1 Much work on the regulation of the HR has indicated the importance of H2O2,2 and NO.3 A feature of H2O2 generation during the HR is its biphasic pattern (Fig. 1A). The first rise reflects elicitation by pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)4 and the second reflects the interaction between a pathogen-encoded avirulence (avr) gene product with a plant resistance (R) gene. A key aspect of the first rise is the initiation of salicylic acid (SA) synthesis which potentiates the second rise and hence the potency of plant defense and the HR.5Open in a separate windowFigure 1Patterns of defense signal generation during the Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola elicited-hypersensitive response in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). Generation of (A) H2O2 (●, Mur18); (B) nitric oxide (◇; Mur12 (C) salicylic acid (SA, ■19) and (D) ethylene (○ Mur9) during a HR elicited by Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola (Psph) in tobacco cv. Samsun NN. In (A) a phase where SA acts to augment the second rise in H2O2—the potentiation phase—is highlighted. The potentiation phase is likely to be similar to defense “priming”.6 Methodological details are contained within the appropriate references. (E) A possible model for biphasic defense signal regulation during the Psph-elicited HR in tobacco. During an initial phase NO and H2O2 act to initiate SA biosynthesis, where SA and NO act to initiate a “H2O2 biphasic switch”. This could initially suppress both SA and the H2O2 generation but subsequently acts to potentiate a second phase of H2O2 generation. This in turn increases SA biosynthesis which could act with NO to initiate the “C2H4 biphasic switch” to potentiate ethylene production. These (and other) signals contribute to initiation of the HR and SAR.This potentiation mechanism appears to be similar to defense priming; when whole plants display systemic resistance to disease as opposed to a localized resistance against pathogens. Priming can be initiated (the “primary stimulus”) following attack with a necrotizing pathogen (leading to “systemic acquired resistance”, SAR) or non-pathogenic rhizosphere bacteria (to confer “induced systemic resistance”, ISR). In the primed state a plant stimulates a range of plant defense genes, produces anti-microbial phytoalexins and deposits cell wall strengthening molecules, but only on imposition of a “secondary stimulus”.6 Such secondary stimuli include SA3 or PAMPs7 and is likely to be mechanistically similar to the potentiation step in the biphasic pattern of H2O2 generation (shaded in Fig. 1A). Accordingly, the two phases in the biphasic wave represent primary and secondary stimuli in priming.Highlighting a similarity between local HR-based events and priming, adds further impetus to efforts aiming to describe the underlying mechanism(s), however both phenomena remain poorly understood. Besides SA, both jasmonates and abscisic acid (ABA) have been shown to prime defenses as have a range of non-plant chemicals, with β-aminobutyric acid (BABA) being perhaps most widely used.6,8 Mutants which fail to exhibit BABA-mediated potentiation were defective in either a cyclin-dependent kinase-like protein, a polyphosphoinositide phosphatase or an ABA biosynthetic enzyme.8We have recently investigated biphasic ethylene production during the HR in tobacco elicited by the nonhost HR-eliciting bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola.9 As with H2O2 generation, this pattern reflected PAMP-and AVR-dependent elicitation events and included a SA-mediated potentiation stage. Crucially, we also showed that NO was a vital component in the SA-potentiation mechanism. When this finding is integrated with our other measurements of defense signal generation in the same host-pathogen system the complexity in the signaling network is revealed (Fig. 1). NO generation (Fig. 1B) appeared to be coincident with the first rise in H2O2 (Fig. 1A) which initiated SA biosynthesis10,11 and together would contribute to the first small, but transient, rise in that hormone (Fig. 1C). In line with established models5 this momentary rise in SA coincides with the potentiation phase (shaded in Fig. 1A) required to augment the second rise in ROS. However, ethylene production seems to be correlated poorly with the patterns of NO, H2O2 and SA (Fig. 1D). Nevertheless, biphasic ethylene production was found to reflect PAMP and AVR-dependent recognition and included a SA-mediated potentiation step.9 Hence, ethylene production could be used as a post-hoc indicator of the potentiation mechanism. Therefore, our discovery that the second wave of ethylene production—a “biphasic switch”—is influenced by NO acting with SA could also be relevant to the H2O2 generation. Significantly, the second phases in both H2O2 and ethylene production occur exactly where SA and NO production coincides; in the case of H2O2 generation 2–4 h post challenge and with ethylene 6 h onwards (Fig. 1E).Thus, ethylene production represents a readily assayable marker to indicate perturbations in the underlying biphasic and possible priming mechanisms. As we have demonstrated, laser photoacoustic detection (LAPD) is a powerful on-line approach to determine in planta ethylene production in tobacco9,12 but any mechanistic investigations would be greatly facilitated if the genetic resources offered by the model species Arabidopsis could be exploited.To address this, Arabidopsis Col-0 rosettes were vacuum infiltrated with either Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) avrRpm1 (HR-eliciting), the virulent Pst strain and the non-HR eliciting and non-virulent Pst hrpA strain. Ethylene production was monitored by LAPD (Fig. 2A). Significantly, Pst avrRpm1 initiated a biphasic pattern of ethylene production whose kinetics were very similar to that seen in tobacco (compare Figs. 2A with with1D).1D). Inoculations with Pst and Pst hrpA only displayed the first PAMP-dependent rise in ethylene production. Thus, these data establish that Arabidopsis can be used to investigate biphasic switch mechanism(s) in ethylene production during the HR and possibly defense priming. When considering such mechanisms, it is relevant to highlight the work of Foschi et al.13 who observed that biphasic activation of a monomeric G protein to cause phase-specific activation of different kinase cascades. Interestingly, ethylene has been noted to initiate biphasic activation of G proteins and kinases in Arabidopsis, although differing in kinetics to the phases seen during the HR.14 Further, plant defense priming has been associated with the increased accumulation of MAP kinase protein.6Open in a separate windowFigure 2Ethylene in the Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato elicited-hypersensitive response in Arabidopsis thaliana. (A) Ethylene production from 5 week old short day (8 h light 100 µmol.m2.sec−1) grown Arabidopsis rosette leaves which were vacuum infiltrated with bacterial suspensions (2 × 106 colony forming units.ml−1) of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) strains detected using laser photoacoustic detection (LAPD). Experimental details of the ethylene detection by LAPD are detailed in Mur et al.9 The intercellular spaces in leaves were infiltrated with the HR-eliciting strain Pst avrRpm1, (■), the virulent strain Pst (△) or the non-virulent and non-HR eliciting derivative, Pst hrpA (◇). (B) The appearance of Arabidopsis Col-0 and etr1-1 leaves at various h following injection with 2 × 106 c.f.u.mL−1 with of Pst avrRpm1. (C) Explants (1 cm diameter discs) from Arabidopsis leaf areas infiltrated with suspensions of Pst avrRpm1 were placed in a 1.5 cm diameter well, bathed in 1 mL de-ionized H2O. Changes in the conductivity of the bathing solution, as an indicator of electrolyte leakage from either wild type Col-0 (◆), mutants which were compromised in ethylene signaling; etr1-1 (□), ein2-2 (▲) or which overproduced ethylene; eto2-1 (●) were measured using a conductivity meter. Methodological details are set out in Mur et al.9A further point requires consideration; the role of ethylene as a direct contributor to plant defense.15 The contribution of ethylene to the HR has been disputed,16 but in tobacco we have observed that altered ethylene production influenced the formation of a P. syringae pv. phaseolicola elicited HR.9 In Arabidopsis, cell death in the ethylene receptor mutant etr1-1 following inoculation with Pst avrRpm1 is delayed compared to wild type (Fig. 2B). When electrolyte leakage was used to quantify Pst avrRpm1 cell death, both etr1-1 and the ethylene insensitive signaling mutant ein2-1 exhibited slower death than wild-type but in the ethylene overproducing mutant eto2, cell death was augmented (Fig. 2C). These data indicate that ethylene influences the kinetics of the HR.Taking these data together we suggest that the complexity of signal interaction during the HR or in SAR/ISR could be further dissected by combining the genetic resources of Arabidopsis with measurements of ethylene production using such sensitive approaches as LAPD.  相似文献   
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