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The innate immune system of insects consists of humoural and cellular responses that provide protection against invading pathogens and parasites. Defence reactions against these latter include encapsulation by immune cells and targeted melanin deposition, which is usually restricted to the surface of the foreign invader, to prevent systemic damage. Here we show that a protein produced by haemocytes of Heliothis virescens (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) larvae, belonging to XendoU family, generates amyloid fibrils, which accumulate in large cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and are released upon immune challenge, to form a layer coating non-self objects entering the haemocoel. This amyloid layer acts as a molecular scaffold that promotes localised melanin synthesis and the adhesion of immune cells around the non-self intruder during encapsulation response. Our results demonstrate a new functional role for these protein aggregates that are commonly associated with severe human diseases. We predict that insects will offer new powerful experimental systems for studying inducible amyloidogenesis, which will likely provide fresh perspectives for its prevention.  相似文献   
It has been claimed that coenzyme Q10 (Q10) would be an effective plasma antioxidant since it can regenerate plasma vitamin E. To test separate effects and interaction between Q10 and vitamin E in the change of plasma concentrations and in the antioxidative efficiency, we carried out a double-masked, double-blind clinical trial in 40 subjects with mild hypercholesterolemia undergoing statin treatment. Subjects were randomly allocated to parallel groups to receive either Q10 (200 mg daily), d-alpha-tocopherol (700 mg daily), both antioxidants or placebo for 3 months. In addition we investigated the pharmacokinetics of Q10 in a separate one-week substudy. In the group that received both antioxidants, the increase in plasma Q10 concentration was attenuated. Only vitamin E supplementation increased significantly the oxidation resistance of isolated LDL. Simultaneous Q10 supplementation did not increase this antioxidative effect of vitamin E. Q10 supplementation increased and vitamin E decreased significantly the proportion of ubiquinol of total Q10, an indication of plasma redox status in vivo. The supplementations used did not affect the redox status of plasma ascorbic acid. In conclusion, only vitamin E has antioxidative efficiency at high radical flux ex vivo. Attenuation of the proportion of plasma ubiquinol of total Q10 in the vitamin E group may represent in vivo evidence of the Q10-based regeneration of the tocopheryl radicals. In addition, Q10 might attenuate plasma lipid peroxidation in vivo, since there was an increased proportion of plasma ubiquinol of total Q10.  相似文献   


Computing accurate nucleic acid melting temperatures has become a crucial step for the efficiency and the optimisation of numerous molecular biology techniques such as in situ hybridization, PCR, antigene targeting, and microarrays. MELTING is a free open source software which computes the enthalpy, entropy and melting temperature of nucleic acids. MELTING 4.2 was able to handle several types of hybridization such as DNA/DNA, RNA/RNA, DNA/RNA and provided corrections to melting temperatures due to the presence of sodium. The program can use either an approximative approach or a more accurate Nearest-Neighbor approach.


Two new versions of the MELTING software have been released. MELTING 4.3 is a direct update of version 4.2, integrating newly available thermodynamic parameters for inosine, a modified adenine base with an universal base capacity, and incorporates a correction for magnesium. MELTING 5 is a complete reimplementation which allows much greater flexibility and extensibility. It incorporates all the thermodynamic parameters and corrections provided in MELTING 4.x and introduces a large set of thermodynamic formulae and parameters, to facilitate the calculation of melting temperatures for perfectly matching sequences, mismatches, bulge loops, CNG repeats, dangling ends, inosines, locked nucleic acids, 2-hydroxyadenines and azobenzenes. It also includes temperature corrections for monovalent ions (sodium, potassium, Tris), magnesium ions and commonly used denaturing agents such as formamide and DMSO.


MELTING is a useful and very flexible tool for predicting melting temperatures using approximative formulae or Nearest-Neighbor approaches, where one can select different sets of Nearest-Neighbor parameters, corrections and formulae. Both versions are freely available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/melting/and at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/compneur-srv/melting/under the terms of the GPL license.  相似文献   

Background and aims

We studied, through exudates employment, the effect of Epichloë (endophytic fungi), both independently and in association with Bromus auleticus (grass), on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) colonization, host and neighbouring plants biomass production and soil changes.


Through in vitro and greenhouse experiments, Epichloë endophytes effect on AMF development was evaluated. In vitro studies of exudates effect on Gigaspora rosea and Rhizophagus intraradices were performed using root or endophyte exudates. A 6-month greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine Bromus auleticus endophytic status effect and endophyte exudates role in biomass production, neighbouring plants mycorrhizal colonization and soil properties.


Endophyte exudates and E+ plant root exudates promoted in vitro AMF development in the pre-infective stage of G. rosea and in carrot root culture mycelium of R. intraradices in a dose-response relationship, while control media and E- plants exudates had no effect. R. intraradices colonization and plant growth was clearly increased by endophytes and their exudates.


This is the first work evidencing the direct effect of Epichloë endophytes and infected plants root exudates on AMF extramatrical development. While higher levels of AMF colonization were observed in E+ plants, no clear effect was detected in neighbouring plants colonization, plant biomass or soil properties.
The incidence of epichloid endophytes in populations of wild grasses is usually variable, and the knowledge about distribution patterns and how environmental factors affect such an incidence is limited. Here we performed a broad scale survey data to study whether the distribution patterns and the incidence of vertically-transmitted endophytes in populations of two native grasses from South-America, Poa lanuginosa Poir. and Poa bonariensis (Lam.) Kunth., are associated with environmental characteristics. We also characterized the endophytes from different populations to establish if the genotype of the endophytes is also correlated with environmental variables. The incidence of endophytes ranged from 0 to 100 % in both host species. In P. lanuginosa, endophytes were only found in populations on sandy coastal dunes and their incidence was positively associated with winter regime rainfall and soil water availability in the growing season. In P. bonariensis, endophytes were only found in populations in xerophytic forests and their incidence was highly associated with plant community. The distributions of infested populations suggested that the endophytes are not found in those areas with the most favorable or most stressing growth conditions accordingly to climatic or edaphical characteristics. Only the vertically transmitted hybrid endophyte species Neotyphodium tembladerae was detected in both host species. Under the hypothesis of vertical transmission, these results suggested that the endophyte should have been lost in endophyte free populations but is maintained in populations established in environments presenting moderate stress as salinity or short drought periods.  相似文献   
The response of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) wild-type SR1 leaf discs in terms of reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation and cell death occurrence was evaluated after exposure to the polyamines (PAs) putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd), and spermine (Spm). Although NADPH oxidase-like enzyme activity was inhibited by all PAs at 3 or 21 h of treatment, H2O2 content increased significantly in a time- and concentration-dependent manner, suggesting that H2O2 accumulation was linked to the activity of other ROS-generating enzymes. Polyamine oxidase (PAO) activity, which increased markedly upon application of Spd or Spm, is a prime candidate for the increased H2O2 accumulation. Except for 0.1 mM Put, which maintained guaiacol peroxidase (GPOX) and catalase (CAT) activities at the same level as the control, the other PA treatments decreased CAT, ascorbate peroxidase, and GPOX activities at 21 h, contributing to the H2O2 increase. Esterase activity and Evans blue staining, two cell death parameters, were negatively affected at 3 h of treatment with 1 mM Spd and with both concentrations of Spm, whereas at 21 h there was an increase in cell death with both concentrations of the three PAs, except for 0.1 mM Put, which did not alter those parameters. The expression of the senescence-associated cysteine protease gene CP1 was measured to monitor senescence, a physiological cell death process. Application of all PAs increased the expression of the gene, except for 0.1 mM Put, which decreased its expression at 21 h. This result was in agreement with the prevention of cell death exerted by Put and evidenced by Evans blue staining, esterase activity, and electrolyte release.  相似文献   
The interaction between mycorrhiza and leaf endophytes (Neotyphodium sp.) was studied in three Poa bonariensis populations, a native grass, differing significantly in endophyte infection. The association between endophytes and mycorrhizal fungi colonisation was assessed by analysing plant roots collected from the field. We found that roots from endophyte-infected populations showed a significantly higher frequency of colonisation by mycorrhizal fungi and that soil parameters were not related to endophyte infection or mycorrhiza colonization. In addition, we did not observe significant differences in the number of AM propagules in soils of the three populations sites. We also report the simultaneous development of Paris-type and Arum-type mycorrhiza morphology within the same root systems of P. bonariensis. The co-occurrence of both colonisation types in one and the same root system found in the three populations, which differed in Neotyphodium infection, suggests that foliar endophytes do not determine AM morphology. The percentage of root length colonised by different types of fungal structures (coils, arbuscules, longitudinal hyphae and vesicles) showed significant and positive differences in arbuscular frequency associated with endophyte infection, whereas the much smaller amounts of vesicles and hyphal coils did not differ significantly.  相似文献   
Benzoyl peroxide is commonly used in the treatment of acne, even though some adverse effects have been reported, probably mediated by the formation of peroxide-derived free radicals and the depletion of antioxidants. In the present work we have studied, in a chemical system, the effect of alpha-tocopherol on benzoyl peroxide radical decomposition to analyse the presence of an interaction between these two compounds, leading to an enhanced peroxide-cytotoxicity, as we have previously reported. Under our experimental conditions alpha-tocopherol strongly amplified the peroxide free radical decomposition occurring either in the presence or in the absence of UV irradiation, and lead to the formation of an unknown radical species in addition to benzoyloxy, phenyl and tocopheroxyl free radicals. The results of this study show that the enhancement of benzoyl peroxide toxicity in cells exposed simultaneously to this peroxide and alpha-tocopherol, is likely due to the generation of the detected radical species.  相似文献   
DigesTip is a new device for in-solution protein digestion, based on a patent pending technology, able to immobilize enzymes (trypsin, in this case) on a solid surface, keeping their activity preserved. DigesTip is a standard pipette tip, usable both by human and by robots. Its main performances are: very short digestion time (1 min) and usability with low protein sample concentrations (5 microg/mL). DigesTip obtains a clear signal in MS measurements and its usage rules out several preparative steps.  相似文献   
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