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Here, we investigate Mid- to Late-Holocene vegetation changes in low-lying coastal areas in Tonga and how changing sea levels and recurrent volcanic eruptions have influenced vegetation dynamics on four islands of the Tongan archipelago (South Pacific). To investigate past vegetation and environmental change at Ngofe Marsh (‘Uta Vava’u), we examined palynomorphs (pollen and spores), charcoal (fire), and sediment characteristics (volcanic activity) from a 6.7-m-long sediment core. Radiocarbon dating indicated the sediments were deposited over the last 7700 years. We integrated the Ngofe Marsh data with similar previously published data from Avai’o’vuna Swamp on Pangaimotu Island, Lotofoa Swamp on Foa Island, and Finemui Swamp on Ha’afeva Island. Plant taxa were categorized as littoral, mangrove, rainforest, successional/ disturbance, and wetland groups, and linear models were used to examine relationships between vegetation, relative sea level change, and volcanic eruptions (tephra). We found that relative sea level change has impacted vegetation on three of the four islands investigated. Volcanic eruptions were not identified as a driver of vegetation change. Rainforest decline does not appear to be driven by sea level changes or volcanic eruptions. From all sites analyzed, vegetation at Finemui Swamp was most sensitive to changes in relative sea level. While vegetation on low-lying Pacific islands is sensitive to changing sea levels, island characteristics, such as area and elevation, are also likely to be important factors that mediate specific island responses to drivers of change.  相似文献   
Two closely related, photosynthetic species belonging to the genus Dinophysis were examined, D. acuminata Claparède et Lachmann and D. fortii Pavillard. Typical dinoflagellate features include the amphiesmal covering enclosing the cells and the structure of the nucleus and mitochondria. Many other characteristics seem to be specific to the order Dinophysiales. Many rhabdosomes are present, and complex mucocysts are found beneath the amphiesma. The thecal pores are unusual with the base of the pore occluded by a thin disc that is continuous with the main amphiesmal plate. The structure of the apical pore is also distinctive. Chloroplasts are grouped together in chromatospheres, enclosed by a double membrane, and contain paired thylakoids with electron dense contents in the lumen. The two pusules are extensive, each branching off the flagellar canal, and consisting of a large antechamber and a number of convoluted sacs. The entrance of each antechamber, and site of an emerging flagellum, is surrounded by a striated fibrous collar. Near the flagellar pore is a prominent microtubular/microbody complex which penetrates deep into the cell cytoplasm. Consideration is given to taxonomic position of the Dinophysiales and also to the nature and origins of the chloroplasts.  相似文献   
Atlantic salmon (Salmo solar, Salmonidae) show a diversity of life history, behavioural and morphological adaptations for reproduction which have evolved as an outcome of competition to maximize reproductive success. Reproductive traits of females have been shaped principally by natural selection for offspring production and survival, those of males by sexual selection for access to matings. Female Atlantic salmon invest approximately six times more energy in offspring production (i.e. gonads) than males and face an important trade-off between number and size of eggs to produce that will maximize the number of surviving offspring. Timing of breeding and the construction of nests appear adapted to increase offspring survival. The most important determinant of female breeding success is body size because it affords high fecundity, access to breeding territories and decreased probability of nest destruction. Asynchronous female spawning and the male ability to spawn rapidly and repeatedly results in male-biased operational sex ratios that generate intense male competition for mates. This has likely been responsible for the evolution of elaborate male secondary sexual characters associated with fighting and status signalling. Furthermore, it has given rise, through frequency-dependent selection, to two alternative male breeding phenotypes: (1) large, anadromous males; and (2) small, mature male parr. Anadromous males invest heavily in behavioural activity on the spawning grounds, searching and fighting for mates and courting them, with body size being an important determinant of their breeding success. This behavioural activity carries a heavy cost, as anadromous males have significantly reduced survival relative to females. In contrast, mature male parr invest proportionally more in testes for sperm competition and attempt to sneak access to matings. While this behaviour also carries costs in terms of subsequent growth and survival, male parr are more likely to breed again, either prior to or following a migration to sea, than anadromous males. While knowledge about the breeding of Atlantic salmon is detailed, we are only beginning to understand the ultimate causes and/or functional significances of their reproductive strategies. Predictive models of the life history variation are developing, focusing on the need for empirical study and testing of life history and reproductive patterns.  相似文献   
The criteria invoked in the definition of national identity are commonly derived from contexts other than those of the nation-state itself—most notably those of territoriality, language/culture, kinship/descent and religion. It therefore follows that in seeking to understand the kind of identity or belongingness invoked in a particular instance of national ideology it is necessary to explore not only the kind of nation-state envisaged, but also those non-national forms of belonging or community from which the national ideology may itself be historically derived. In this paper I seek to develop this argument by comparing some of the principal forms of nationalism found in India, Pakistan and Central Asia. I pay particular attention to the importance of the concept qawm, which in Pakistan, Afghanistan and elsewhere in Central Asia, is used to refer to a wide variety of groups to which people owe allegiance. Such usages alert us to the important fact that the nation, as ‘imagined community’, may have its origins as a political movement among sentiments and allegiances which draw on pre-modern social arrangements and are in tension with ‘nationalist’ exclusivism. Even when the nation (as nation-state) has been secured, so-called ‘nationalist’ revivalism, while taking the nation for granted, may in fact appeal to sentiments of a different kind.  相似文献   
The gene encoding the 67-kDa cocoa storage protein precursor has been cloned fromTheobroma cacaoand expressed inEscherichia coliusing the pET expression system. The recombinant storage protein has been renatured from inclusion bodies at 30°C using 20 m glycine–NaOH buffer, pH 10.0, containing 1 m oxidized glutathione and 0.1% Brij. The renatured protein was purified and demonstrated to adopt a stable native conformation by optical spectroscopy. Secondary structure analysis from circular dichroism indicated the protein to be 23% α-helix and 38% β-sheet, in close agreement with values obtained using a secondary structure prediction program.  相似文献   
The viscous and elastic moduli at different shear rates, togetherwith various biological oceanographic properties, were determinedin seawater from different hydrological layers in the southernNorth Sea in June. The biological oceanographic parameters includedPhaeocystis and Noctiluca abundances, chlorophyll a level (Chl),bacteria. HNAN and aggregate volume fraction. The plankton wasjointly dominated by Phaeocyslis sp. and Noctiluca scinullans.Noctiluca abundance showed no correlation with any other biologicalor viscoelastic parameter, but Phaeocystis abundance correlatedstrongly. The other biological parameters correlated with Phaeocystisand with each other positively and mostly significantly. Overall,viscoelasticity correlated more strongly with Chl than withany other biological parameter. For non-microlayer samples,the excess complex (viscoelastic) modulus (µ.Pa) G*E =2.0 x Ch11–3 (Chl in mg m–3). Viscous and elasticmoduli also correlated closely with each other. For a givenvalue of Chl. the microlayer samples were 6.5 or 14 times (dependingon the estimation method) more viscoelastic than in bulk-phasesamples. Viscoelasticity in samples of settled benthic ‘fluff’were lower even than bulk-phase samples, but this differencewas not significant. Comparison with Mediterranean data on viscoelasticity(Jenkinson. Oceanol. Acta, 16, 317–334, 1993), using publishedvalues for phytoplankton biomass (Wiadnyana, J. Rech. Océanogr.,17, 1–6, 1992), suggests that the relationship betweenChl (or phytoplankton biomass) and viscoelasticity might begeneral. This apparent biomodification of the viscosity andelasticity of seawater is discussed in relation to its likelyimpact on turbulence and plankton ecology.  相似文献   
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