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Salicylic acid (SA) is reported to protect plants from heat shock (HS), but insufficient is known about its role in thermotolerance or how this relates to SA signaling in pathogen resistance. We tested thermotolerance and expression of pathogenesis-related (PR) and HS proteins (HSPs) in Arabidopsis thaliana genotypes with modified SA signaling: plants with the SA hydroxylase NahG transgene, the nonexpresser of PR proteins (npr1) mutant, and the constitutive expressers of PR proteins (cpr1 and cpr5) mutants. At all growth stages from seeds to 3-week-old plants, we found evidence for SA-dependent signaling in basal thermotolerance (i.e. tolerance of HS without prior heat acclimation). Endogenous SA correlated with basal thermotolerance, with the SA-deficient NahG and SA-accumulating cpr5 genotypes having lowest and highest thermotolerance, respectively. SA promoted thermotolerance during the HS itself and subsequent recovery. Recovery from HS apparently involved an NPR1-dependent pathway but thermotolerance during HS did not. SA reduced electrolyte leakage, indicating that it induced membrane thermoprotection. PR-1 and Hsp17.6 were induced by SA or HS, indicating common factors in pathogen and HS responses. SA-induced Hsp17.6 expression had a different dose-response to PR-1 expression. HS-induced Hsp17.6 protein appeared more slowly in NahG. However, SA only partially induced HSPs. Hsp17.6 induction by HS was more substantial than by SA, and we found no SA effect on Hsp101 expression. All genotypes, including NahG and npr1, were capable of expression of HSPs and acquisition of HS tolerance by prior heat acclimation. Although SA promotes basal thermotolerance, it is not essential for acquired thermotolerance.  相似文献   
Ian Gibbins 《Organogenesis》2013,9(3):169-175
There is now abundant functional and anatomical evidence that autonomic motor pathways represent a highly organized output of the central nervous system. Simplistic notions of antagonistic all-or-none activation of sympathetic or parasympathetic pathways are clearly wrong. Sympathetic or parasympathetic pathways to specific target tissues generally can be activated tonically or phasically, depending on current physiological requirements. For example, at rest, many sympathetic pathways are tonically active, such as those limiting blood flow to the skin, inhibiting gastrointestinal tract motility and secretion, or allowing continence in the urinary bladder. Phasic parasympathetic activity can be seen in lacrimation, salivation or urination. Activity in autonomic motor pathways can be modulated by diverse sensory inputs, including the visual, auditory and vestibular systems, in addition to various functional populations of visceral afferents. Identifying the central pathways responsible for coordinated autonomic activity has made considerable progress, but much more needs to be done.  相似文献   


Studies suggest 2 per 1000 people in Dublin are living with HIV, the level above which universal screening is advised. We aimed to assess the feasibility and acceptability of a universal opt-out HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C testing programme for Emergency Department patients and to describe the incidence and prevalence of blood-borne viruses in this population.


An opt-out ED blood borne virus screening programme was piloted from March 2014 to January 2015. Patients undergoing blood sampling during routine clinical care were offered HIV 1&2 antibody/antigen assay, HBV surface antigen and HCV antibody tests. Linkage to care where necessary was co-ordinated by the study team. New diagnosis and prevalence rates were defined as the new cases per 1000 tested and number of positive tests per 1000 tested respectively.


Over 45 weeks of testing, of 10,000 patient visits, 8,839 individual patient samples were available for analysis following removal of duplicates. A sustained target uptake of >50% was obtained after week 3. 97(1.09%), 44(0.49%) and 447(5.05%) HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C tests were positive respectively. Of these, 7(0.08%), 20(0.22%) and 58(0.66%) were new diagnoses of HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C respectively. The new diagnosis rate for HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C was 0.8, 2.26 and 6.5 per 1000 and study prevalence for HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C was 11.0, 5.0 and 50.5 per 1000 respectively.


Opt-out blood borne viral screening was feasible and acceptable in an inner-city ED. Blood borne viral infections were prevalent in this population and newly diagnosed cases were diagnosed and linked to care. These results suggest widespread blood borne viral testing in differing clinical locations with differing population demographic risks may be warranted.  相似文献   
Chen  Hwei-Hsien  Ma  Tangeng  Paul  Ian A.  Spencer  James L.  Ho  Ing K. 《Neurochemical research》1997,22(9):1119-1125
Long-term exposure to a low level of lead is associated with learning deficits. Several types of learning have been correlated to hippocampal protein kinase C (PKC) activation. This study was designed to determine if there is a correlation between the effects of lead on hippocampal PKC activation and those on learning performance. Rats were exposed to 0.2% (w/v) lead acetate at different developmental stages including a maternally exposed group, a postweaning exposed group, and a continuously exposed group. The continuously lead exposed rats tended to avoid less frequently and not respond more frequently in two-way active avoidance training than did controls. This training process was associated with translocation of hippocampal PKC activity from cytosol to membrane. Two-way analysis of variance of data indicates that there is a significant training and lead treatment interaction in the ratio of membrane to cytosolic PKC activity (F3,32 = 3.013; p = 0.044). The interaction is attributable to the absence of the training-induced PKC translocation in the continuously lead exposed rats. In addition, no significant changes were observed in learning performance and training-induced hippocampal PKC activation after maternal and postweaning lead exposure. Continuous and longer duration of lead exposure appears to affect the learning performance and hippocampal PKC activation. These data suggest that a change in the activation of hippocampal PKC may be involved in the lead-induced deficit in learning.  相似文献   
Summary The dynamics of parental investment throughout the nestling stage and the factors affecting it were studied in the Chough(Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax), a species whose patterns of apportioning parental care are largely unknown. The occurrence of important trade-offs between the sexes, among the different activities of parental care and between parents' survival and current offspring survival were estimated. The parental contributions of both sexes were assessed mainly in terms of food provisioning rate and nest attendance time. Only the female brooded young nestlings while the two sexes contributed equally in food deliveries and nest sanitation. Nestling age greatly affected nest attendance time. The female spent a long time brooding in the first 10 days after hatching. Both sexes increased attendance towards the end of the nestling stage. Conversely, feeding rate and feeding rate per nestling remained approximately constant throughout the nestling period. Nestlings in smaller broods received more feeding visits than those in larger broods. The shape of the per-nestling feeding rate curve was concave-up, supporting Nur's (1984) trade-offs model rather than the Lack-Gibb hypothesis. Maintaining a high feeding frequency in broods already above the modal value might be disadvantageous, implying few benefits and large energy costs (i.e. the reduction of the parents' residual reproductive value). Female brooding time in relation to brood size showed the same decreasing concave-up trend line. Short-term trade-offs proved to be important determinants of the dynamics of parental care. Specifically, the distance from the feeding areas greatly affected the delivery rate: pairs spent a disproportionately longer time foraging in more distant patches than in closer ones. Diurnal variations and changes owing to weather conditions were also examined.
Die Dynamik elterlicher Investition bei der Alpenkrähe(Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)
Zusammenfassung Der elterliche Aufwand und die geschlechtliche Verteilung des Brutaufwandes bei Alpenkrähen ist weitgehend unbekannt. Ziel der Arbeit war es deshalb, die verschiedenen Aktivitäten der elterlichen Brutversorgung und deren Konsequenzen für die Überlebensverhältnisse der Eltern und des Nachwuchses näher zu untersuchen. Die Fütterung der Brut und die Anwesenheit und Betreuung am Nest standen im Mittelpunkt. Während nur das Weibchen brütete, teilten sich die Eltern die Jungenaufzucht und die Pflege des Nestes etwa gleichmäßig, wobei das Nestlingsalter einen erheblichen Einfluß auf die Nestversorgung hatte. In den ersten 10 Tagen huderte das Weibchen intensiv. Beide Eltern steigerten ihre Brutpflege zum Ende der Nestlingszeit. Dagegen blieben die Fütterungsrate und die Anzahl Fütterungen je Nestling über die gesamte Nestlingszeit in etwa konstant. Junge in kleineren Bruten erhielten mehr Fütterungen als solche in großen. Der Verlauf der Abhängigkeit der Fütterungen je Nestling von der Brutgröße stützt mehr die Hypothese von Nur (1984) als die von Lack und Gibb. Die Aufrechterhaltung einer hohen Fütterungsrate auch bei großen Bruten dürfte nachteilig sein, da sie nur wenig Nutzen bei einem hohen Aufwand (Beeinträchtigung der späteren Brutmöglichkeiten) bringt. Der Huderaufwand des Weibchens zeigt in etwa denselben Zusammenhang mit der Brutgröße. Kurzzeitige elterliche Entscheidungen scheinen eine wichtige Rolle in der Regulation der elterlichen Brutpflege zu spielen. Dabei kommt gerade der räumlichen Lage der Nahrungsplätze eine große Bedeutung zu: an weiter entfernt gelegenen Nahrungsplätzen verbrachten die Eltern unverhältnismäßig mehr Zeit als an nahen Futterplätzen. Daneben haben die Tageszeit und das Wetter einen Einfluß auf die elterliche Brutfürsorge der Alpenkrähen.
Abstract The c -type cytochrome and protein profiles were compared for a number of cultures of Paracoccus denitrificans obtained from a range of culture collections. The cultures fell into two groups corresponding to the two original isolates of this bacterial species. One group, which included NCIMB 8944, ATCC 13543, ATCC 17741, ATCC 19367, Pd 1222 and DSM 413, were similar or identical to LMD 22.21. The second group, including DSM 65 and LMG 4218, were similar or identical to LMD 52.44. These groupings were not compatible with the recorded history of culture deposition. Mass spectrometry and amino acid sequence comparisons showed that the cytochrome c -550 of the LMD 52.44 culture group differed by 16% from that of the LMD 22.21 group, and yet was only 1% different from the cytochrome c -550 of Thiosphaera pantotropha . These results suggest that consideration should be given to creation of a new species of Paracoccus pantotropha , which would include Thiosphaera pantotropha and Paracoccus denitrificans LMD 52.44.  相似文献   
The new genusBarnebya is described and illustrated and its systematic position in the Malpighiaceae is discussed, especially its similarity in some respects to the primitive subfamily Byrsonimoideae and in other respects to the Old World genusAcridocarpus. Two species are recognized,B. dispar comb. nov. andB. harleyi sp. nov.; these are described and illustrated and a key is provided for their distinction.  相似文献   
Angiotensin II (Ang II) type 2 receptors (AT2Rs) have been associated with apoptosis. We hypothesized that AT2Rs are increased in stroke and may contribute effects of stroke to the brain. To test this, we have examined the expression of Ang II type 1 receptor (AT1R), AT2R and Ang II levels in the brain 24 h after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). The densities of AT1R and AT2R were measured by quantitative autoradiography (n=6). The levels of Ang II were measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA) (n=6) and by immunohistochemistry (n=3). AT1R levels on autoradiography showed a significant decrease (0.87±0.06 to 1.39±0.07 fmol/mg, p<0.01) in the ventral cortex of the stroke side compared to the cortices of non-stroke (NS) rats (n=4). There was no significant difference on ATIR in the contralateral verbal cortex of the stroke rats compared to NS control. In contrast, levels of AT2R in the ventral cortex of both the stroke and the contralateral sides were significantly increased (0.77±0.06, p<0.05 and 0.91±0.05, p<0.01 compared to 0.60±0.03 fmol/mg tissue, respectively). RIA showed that Ang II in the ventral cortex of both the stroke and the contralateral sides were significantly increased (241.63±47.72, p<0.01 and 165.51±42.59, p<0.05 compared to 76.80±4.10 pg/g tissue, respectively). Also, Ang II in the hypothalamus was significantly increased (179.50±17.49 to 118.50±6.65 pg/g tissue, p<0.05). Immunohistochemistry confirmed the increase of Ang II. These results demonstrate that brain Ang II and AT2Rs are increased whereas AT1Rs are decreased after transient MCAO in rats. We conclude that in stroke, Ang II and AT2R are activated and may contribute neural effects to brain ischemia.  相似文献   
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