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The group of arachidonic acid metabolites comprising the prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes (eicosanoids) are extremely potent, biologically active compounds. Their properties include proaggregatory anti-aggregatory activity for platelets, chemotactic activity for neutrophils, vasoactive activity, and contractile activity to smooth muscle. In order to determine the role of these substances in pathophysiological conditions, it is essential to have highly sensitive methods available for their analysis. It is generally accepted that combined gas chromatography/mass spectrometry is the most specific technique available for the quantitative analysis of eicosanoids. However, methods based on electron impact ionization and positive ion chemical ionization are relatively insensitive, and many investigators have preferred the use of less specific but more sensitive methods based on radioimmunoassay. We have explored the use of negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry to improve sensitivity coupled with capillary column chromatography to maximize specificity. Conversion of the terminal carboxyl group (present in all eicosanoids) to the pentafluorobenzyl ester derivative confers excellent electron capturing properties to the molecule. The derivative undergoes highly efficient thermal electron capture in the gas phase, and any fragmentation that occurs subsequently is directed almost entirely away from the analyte molecule. The stabilized carboxylate anion that results carries at least 30% of the total ion current. Using selected ion monitoring techniques it is possible to detect eicosanoids in the range 1–8 pg on column. This methodology has been applied to the development of stable isotope dilution assays for plasma 6-oxo-prostaglandin (PG) F (1) and for the simultaneous analysis of six biologically important PGs in biological fluids (2). In addition, stable isotope dilution techniques have been developed for the analysis of serum thromboxane B2 and serum leukotriene B4 (3). The application of this technology to understanding the role of arachidonic acid metabolism in humans will be discussed.  相似文献   
Some factors affecting the composition of tropical ichneumonid faunas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An increasing accumulation of data shows that tropical ichneumonid faunas are no more species-rich than extra-tropical ones, despite the fact that most of their host groups show increased tropical species-richness. This lack of increase in ichneumonid species-richness can be attributed to the absence of groups whose hosts are not present (e.g. Ctenopelmatinae) and poor tropical representation by many groups of diurnal koinobionts (e.g. Campopleginae). Low host density has been postulated as a barrier to tropical koinobiont species-richness, but it is here suggested that this is not the only limiting factor as groups of nocturnal koinobionts, such as the Ophioninae, show increased tropical species-richness. It is postulated that koinobionts have the capability of being able to locate sparse hosts, but as they host-search in flight, a prolonged daytime host-searching period in the tropics would expose them to a high level of predation pressure. By being active at night koinobionts can avoid diurnally active predators. It is also postulated that sparse hosts may be located more easily at night and more habitats may be climatically suitable for ichneumonid activity when they are not subject to direct sunlight. Idiobionts, such as the Mesostenini and Pimplini, are more species-rich and morphologically diverse in the tropics than they are in extra-tropical regions. It is suggested that this results from the fact that tropical idiobionts can be active during the whole of the diapausing period, when their hosts are available, whereas activity by temperate idiobionts is prevented by inclement weather. Although many idiobionts are probably less exposed to predators than koinobionts, many have evolved obvious protective devices.  相似文献   
An NAD(P)H oxidase activity stimulated by phenolic compounds has been investigated in purified plasma membranes (pm) and in an intracellular membrane (icm) fraction depleted in plasma membranes, both obtained from a microsomal fraction from cauliflower inflorescences ( Brassica oleracea L.). The phenolic compounds salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM), ferulic acid, coniferyl alcohol, n -propyl gallate, naringenin, kaempferol and caffeic acid all strongly stimulated the activity. Peroxidase (EC, or a peroxidase-like enzyme, was responsible for the NAD(P)H oxidase activity, which proceeded through a free-radical chain reaction and was inhibited by catalase (EC, superoxide dismutase (EC and KCN. Most of the total activity was soluble; however, the membrane-bound activity was highly enriched in the pm compared to the icm. The catalase activity was 6 times higher in the icm-fraction than in the pm-fraction, but this was not the reason for the much lower phenol-stimulated NADH oxidase activity in the icm. Peroxidase activity measured with o -dianisidine and H2O2 had about the same specific activities in the pm-and icm-fractions.
Neither the phenol-stimulated NADH oxidase nor the peroxidase activity could be washed away from the pm even by 0.7 M NaCl, indicating that these activities are truly membrane-bound. SHAM as well as the other phenolic compounds capable of stimulating the NADH oxidase reaction were potent inhibitors of blue light-induced cytochrome b -reduction in the pm fraction.  相似文献   
Miller  Ian J. 《Hydrobiologia》1987,151(1):189-191
Summary This workshop was an impromptu event, but the fact that a number of interesting problems were identified by the participants from the floor may indicate that it is worth repeating. If it is to be repeated, however, it is important that notice be given, and that the scope of the workshop be defined in advance, so that participants can be better informed and bring supporting data. The best approach would be to identify a convenor and define the scope of the workshop prior to the first circular for the next Seaweed Symposium; invitations could then be issued by the convenor for specific topics and data, and a very brief program could be issued with the third circular. Such a procedure may very well allow the identification of new areas for research.  相似文献   
When 32P-labeled phosphoenolpyruvate is injected into Xenopus laevis oocytes, a 50-60-kDa protein of subunit size Mr 29,000 is rapidly labeled, followed by a second (monomeric) protein of 66 kDa concomitant with the loss of label from the first protein. We have identified these proteins as, respectively, the glycolytic enzymes phosphoglyceromutase and phosphoglucomutase. The phosphoglyceromutase is labeled at a histidine and the phosphoglucomutase at a serine, presumably at their active sites during the gluconeogenic transformation of phosphoenolpyruvate into glycogen. The transfer of the 32P label from phosphoenolpyruvate to these two enzymes also occurs in in vitro lysates made from full-grown Xenopus oocytes, eggs, or early embryos, but with a slower time course. Lysates prepared from leg muscle show labeling of the phosphoglyceromutase, but not the phosphoglucomutase, when incubated with [32P]phosphoenolpyruvate. This last result is expected in tissues showing metabolic flux largely in the glycolytic direction. The data indicate that in full-grown oocytes and embryos metabolic flux occurs largely in the gluconeogenic direction.  相似文献   
The dramatic latitudinal cline in P-M hybrid dysgenesis characteristics along the east coast of Australia is not smooth. Tests of recent collections of Drosophila melanogaster from the southeastern coast define the previously described cline as comprising three discrete, apparently contiguous regions of P, Q and M phenotypes, respectively. Northern populations from Cairns (16.9°SLat) to Ourimbah (33.4°SLat) are phenotypically P; populations from Wollongong (34.4°SLat) to Eden (37.1°SLat) are Q; and populations from Genoa (37.5°SLat) to Cygnet (43.2°SLat) are M. The decline in P activity from northern Queensland (55-60% gonadal dysgenesis (GD) in cross A) to mid-New South Wales (20-30% GD in cross A) is gradual; proceeding south, there then is a sharp drop to Q populations (<10% GD in crosses A and A*). This drop in P activity occurs in only 150 km, across the urban and suburban area of Sydney. Q populations are then found south to Eden, but Genoa, only about 50 km further southeast, is clearly M (48% GD in cross A*), as are two populations further south. The two discontinuities in the P-M cline do not correspond to obvious climatic differences along the coast, nor to obvious barriers to dispersal of D. melanogaster. The cline has apparently not moved between 1983 and 1985-1986.  相似文献   
Summary The distribution of FMRFamide-like immunoreactive neurons in the nervous system of the slug Limax maximus was studied using immunohistochemical methods. Approximately one thousand FMRFamide-like immunoreactive cell bodies were found in the central nervous system. Ranging between 15 m and 200 m in diameter, they were found in all 11 ganglia of the central nervous system. FMRFamide-like immunoreactive cell bodies were also found at peripheral locations on buccal nerve roots. FMRFamide-like immunoreactive nerve fibres were present in peripheral nerve roots and were distributed extensively throughout the neuropil and cell body regions of the central ganglia. They were also present in the connective tissue of the perineurium, forming an extensive network of varicose fibres. The large number, extensive distribution and great range in size of FMRFamide-like immunoreactive cell bodies and the wide distribution of immunoreactive fibres suggest that FMRFamide-like peptides might serve several different functions in the nervous system of the slug.  相似文献   
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