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Activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis plays a major role in the suppression of the immune system. We have investigated the effects of repetitive stress on Wistar rats infected with the Y strain of Trypanosoma cruzi and a control group that underwent stressor stimuli by exposure to ether vapor for one minute twice a day. Repetitive stress resulted in an elevated number of circulating parasites accompanies by deep tissue disorganization, and cardiac histopathological alterations. The infected and stressed group displayed a decrease in body weight, and an increased parasite burden in heart tissue, and adrenal glands. Histological analysis of the heart also showed a moderate to severe diffused mononuclear inflammatory process. These results suggest that repetitive stress could be considered an important factor during development of experimental Chagas' disease, enhancing pathogenesis through disturbance of the host's immune system.  相似文献   
Among the more than one hundred formally described human papillomavirus (HPV) types, 18 are referred to as high-risk HPV types due to their association with anogenital cancer. Despite pathogenic similarities, these types form three remotely related taxonomic groups. One of these groups is called HPV species 9 and is formed by HPV-16, the most common and best-studied type, together with HPV-31, -33, -35, -52, -58, and -67. Previous worldwide comparisons of HPV-16 samples showed about 2% nucleotide diversity between isolates, which were subsequently termed variants. The distribution of divergent variants has been found to correlate frequently with the geographic origin and the ethnicity of the infected patients and led to the concept of unique African, European, Asian, and Native American HPV-16 variants. In the current study, we address the question of whether geography and ethnicity also correlate with sequence variations found for HPV-31, -35, -52, and -58. This was done by sequencing the long control region in samples derived from Europe, Asia, and Africa, and from immigrant populations in North and South America. We observed maximal divergence between any two variants within each of these four HPV types ranging from 1.8 to 3.6% based on nucleotide exchanges and, occasionally, on insertions and deletions. Similar to the case with HPV-16, these mutations are not random but indicate a relationship between the variants in form of phylogenetic trees. An interesting example is presented by a 16-bp insert in select variants of HPV-35, which appears to have given rise to additional variants by nucleotide exchanges within the insert. All trees showed distinct phylogenetic topologies, ranging from dichotomic branching in the case of HPV-31 to star phylogenies of the other three types. No clear similarities between these types or between these types and HPV-16 exist. While variant branches in some types were specific for Europe, Africa, or East Asia, none of the four trees reflected human evolution and spread to the extent illustrated by HPV-16. One possible explanation is that the rare HPV types that we studied spread and thereby diversified more slowly than the more abundant HPV-16 and may have established much of today's variant diversity already before the worldwide spread of humans 100,000 years ago. Most variants had prototypic amino acid sequences within the E6 oncoprotein and a segment of the L1 capsid protein. Some had one, two, or three amino acid substitutions in these regions, which might indicate biological and pathogenic diversity between the variants of each HPV type.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate topical formulations of Spantide II, a neurokinin-1 receptor (NK-1R) antagonist, for the treatment of inflammatory skin disorders. Spantide II lotion and gel was formulated with and without n-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) as a penetration enhancer. The release of Spantide II from gels was evaluated using microporous polyethylene and polypropylene membranes in a Franz Diffusion cell setup. In vitro percutaneous absorption of Spantide II from lotion and gel formulations was evaluated using the above setup by replacing the membranes with hairless rat skin. The in vivo anti-inflammatory activity of Spantide II formulations was evaluated in an allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) mouse model. Among different gels studied, PF127 gel showed highest (70-fold) release of Spantide II compared with hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) and hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) gels. Lotion and gel formulations with or without NMP showed no detectable levels of Spantide II in the receiver compartment of the Franz diffusion cell until 24 hours. However, Spantide II showed significant retention in epidermis and dermis from lotion and gel formulations at 24 hours. The dermal levels increased ≈3.5- and 2-fold when the lotion and gel formulations contained NMP as compared with the formulation with no NMP (P<.05). The in vivo studies indicated that Spantide II formulations with NMP were effective in significantly reducing ACD response, similar to dexamethasone (0.5 mM). In conclusion, Spantide II was stable as a topical formulation and delivered to target skin tissue (epidermis and dermis) for the treatment of ACD. In addition this study supports the role of cutaneous neurosensory system in modulating inflammatory responses in the skin. Published: October 31, 2005  相似文献   
The urinary excretion of the unmetabolized benzene seems to be a very good index for biomonitoring benzene in occupationally exposed people. The use of solid phase microextraction (SPME) offers important advantages for its determination. Several variables can influence the benzene extraction process. Experimental design methodology was used to estimate the influence of the different variables and to evaluate the simultaneous effect of the more significant variables on the benzene extraction. The results showed that sample temperature, sample volume and their interaction were the more significant factors. A model was found that relates the amount of benzene extracted with the studied variables. The more adequate working conditions were: extraction temperature 15 degrees C, incubation time 1 min, extraction time 1 min and 2.5 ml of sample volume. The results indicate that this method is capable of providing sensitive and accurate results for the biomonitoring of benzene in urine.  相似文献   
To obtain profitable yields in olive groves, residual preemergence herbicides are applied in October or November before the winter rains, and before the winter annual weeds germinate. Simazine, one of the herbicides most used for weed control in olive groves, has recently been banned. Oxyfluorfen is presented as a good alternative to simazine in olive fields. Experiments were carried out in 2002 and 2003 to evaluate the behaviour of two oxyfluorfen formulations, 2XL and G4F, at 480 g a.i. ha(-1) for three different soil management systems with three replications (1. bare soil; 2. bare soil and grassed buffer strips, chemically controlled and 3. bare soil and grassed buffer strips with controlled mowing; under non tillage conditions in all three cases). The most important species that survived 2XL and G4F treatments was Sagina apetala ARD. Oxyfluorfen residues were evaluated throughout 158 days after the applications. Three soil samples from each plot were collected, mixed and air dried. The herbicide extractions were made with methanol and the residues were analyzed by HPLC. We found no differences between the two formulations, but results showed that recoveries of oxyfluorfen were higher in plots with chemically controlled buffer grassed strips than in the other soil management types.  相似文献   
The intracellular (IC) face of the G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR), bradykinin (BK) B2 and angiotensin (AT) 1a, is similar in sequence homology and in size. Both receptors are known to link to Galphai and Galphaq but differ markedly in a number of physiologic actions, particularly with respect to their hemodynamic action. We made single as well as multiple, global replacements within the IC of BKB2R with the corresponding regions of the AT1aR. When stably transfected into Rat-1 cells, these hybrid receptors all bound BK with high affinity. Single replacement of the intracellular loop 2 (IC2) or the distal 34 residues of the C-terminus (dCt) with the corresponding regions of AT1aR resulted in chimera, which turned over phosphotidylinositol (PI) and released arachidonic acid (ARA) as WT BKB2R. In contrast, incorporation of the AT1aR IC3 in a single replacement abolished signal transduction. However, the simultaneous exchange of IC2 and IC3 of BKB2R with AT1aR resulted in a receptor responding to BK with PI turnover and ARA release approximately 4-fold greater than WT BKB2R. Likewise, the simultaneous replacement of IC2 and dCt resulted in a 2.8- and 1.6-fold increase in PI turnover and ARA release, respectively. In contrast, the dual replacement of IC3 and dCt could not overcome the deleterious effects of the IC3 replacement, resulting in very low PI activation and ARA release. Replacement of all three IC domains (IC2, IC3, and dCt) resulted in PI closer to that of AT1aR than BKB2R. The uptake of the receptor chimeras was similar to that of WT BKB2R with the exception of the IC3/dCt dual mutant, which exhibited very poor internalization (18% at 60'). When transfected into Rat-1 cells, the AT1aR markedly increased the expression of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) mRNA, while BK slightly decreased it. The dual IC2/dCt and triple IC2/IC3/dCt hybrids both upregulated CTGF mRNA in response to BK. These results show that the IC face of the BKB2R can be exchanged with that of AT1aR, producing hybrid receptors, which take on the functional characteristics of AT1aR. The characterization of the chimera with stepwise replacement of the IC domains should allow for assignment of specific roles to the individual loops and C-terminus in the signaling and internalization of the BKB2R and facilitate the generation of a receptor with BKB2R binding and AT1aR function.  相似文献   
Protein phosphorylation plays an essential role in regulating synaptic transmission and plasticity. However, regulation of vesicle trafficking towards and away from the plasma membrane is poorly understood. Furthermore, the extent to which phosphorylation modulates ribbon-type synapses is unknown. Using the phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid (OA), we investigated the influence of persistent phosphorylation on vesicle cycling in goldfish bipolar cells. We followed uptake of FM1-43 during vesicle recycling in control and OA-treated cells. FM1-43 fluorescence spread to the center of control synaptic terminals after depolarization elicited Ca2+ influx. However, OA (1-50 nm) impaired this spatial spread of FM1-43 in a dose-dependent manner. Capacitance measurements revealed that OA (50 nm) did not modify either the amount or kinetics of exocytosis and endocytosis evoked by depolarizing pulses. The extremely low concentrations of OA (1-5 nm) sufficient to observe the inhibition of vesicle mobility implicate phosphatase 2A (PP2A) as a major regulator of vesicle trafficking after endocytosis. These results contrast with those at the neuromuscular junction where OA enhances lateral movement of vesicles between distinct vesicle clusters. Thus, our results suggest that phosphatases regulate vesicle translocation at ribbon synapses in a different manner than conventional active zones.  相似文献   
BackgroundMortality during and after incarceration is poorly understood in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The need to address this knowledge gap is especially urgent in South America, which has the fastest growing prison population in the world. In Brazil, insufficient data have precluded our understanding of all-cause and cause-specific mortality during and after incarceration.Methods and findingsWe linked incarceration and mortality databases for the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul to obtain a retrospective cohort of 114,751 individuals with recent incarceration. Between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2018, we identified 3,127 deaths of individuals with recent incarceration (705 in detention and 2,422 following release). We analyzed age-standardized, all-cause, and cause-specific mortality rates among individuals detained in different facility types and following release, compared to non-incarcerated residents. We additionally modeled mortality rates over time during and after incarceration for all causes of death, violence, or suicide. Deaths in custody were 2.2 times the number reported by the national prison administration (n = 317). Incarcerated men and boys experienced elevated mortality, compared with the non-incarcerated population, due to increased risk of death from violence, suicide, and communicable diseases, with the highest standardized incidence rate ratio (IRR) in semi-open prisons (2.4; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.0 to 2.8), police stations (3.1; 95% CI: 2.5 to 3.9), and youth detention (8.1; 95% CI: 5.9 to 10.8). Incarcerated women experienced increased mortality from suicide (IRR = 6.0, 95% CI: 1.2 to 17.7) and communicable diseases (IRR = 2.5, 95% CI: 1.1 to 5.0). Following release from prison, mortality was markedly elevated for men (IRR = 3.0; 95% CI: 2.8 to 3.1) and women (IRR = 2.4; 95% CI: 2.1 to 2.9). The risk of violent death and suicide was highest immediately post-release and declined over time; however, all-cause mortality remained elevated 8 years post-release. The limitations of this study include inability to establish causality, uncertain reliability of data during incarceration, and underestimation of mortality rates due to imperfect database linkage.ConclusionsIncarcerated individuals in Brazil experienced increased mortality from violence, suicide, and communicable diseases. Mortality was heightened following release for all leading causes of death, with particularly high risk of early violent death and elevated all-cause mortality up to 8 years post-release. These disparities may have been underrecognized in Brazil due to underreporting and insufficient data.

In a retrospective cohort study, Yiran E Liu and colleagues investigate all-cause and cause-specific mortality during and following incarceration in Brazil.  相似文献   
Enantioselective multidimensional gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (enantio-MDGC–MS) is a valuable tool for the differentiation of enantiomers from complex matrices when present in trace amounts. The separation of chiral compounds provides further information on the diagnosis of diseases, and on normal and abnormal biochemical pathways. The formation of the normal urinary metabolite 3-hydroxy-2-methylbutanoic acid (HMBA), excreted in abnormally high amounts in β-ketothiolase deficiency, is not absolutely clarified. Metabolic pathways involving this metabolite are isoleucine catabolism, as well as presumably β-oxidation of fatty acids and ketogenesis. The latter two pathways are distinguishable in their enantioselectivity. Enantioselective analysis gives further information on interfering metabolic pathways and the selectivity of the enzyme(s) forming HMBA. Different ratios of the stereoisomers of HMBA in control urine samples and patients with β-ketothiolase deficiency were detected. Analogous to HMBA urinary 3-hydroxybutanoic acid (HBA) was investigated in several diseases. The formation of HBA and HMBA is expected to result from the same or similar metabolic pathways. Differences in the enantiomeric ratio of HMBA may originate from the enantioselectivity of different enzyme systems.  相似文献   
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