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During development of eggs of the sea urchins, Pseudocenrotus depressus and Anthocidaris crassispina , the glycogen level is maintained from the time of fertilization to the swimming blastula stage and then decreases rapidly in the early gastrula stage. During development of eggs of Clypeaster japonicus. Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus and Mespilia globulus the glycogen content decreases slowly from the time of fertilization to the mesenchyme blastula stage, and then more rapidly during gastrulation. The amounts of glycogen mobilized in the embryos from the time of fertilization to the morula stage correspond to 67% of the amount of O2 consumed in Mespilia eggs, 62% in Clypeaster eggs, 30% in Hemicentrotus eggs and 0–4% in Anthocidaris and Pseudocentrotus eggs. The main energy source in early development seems to differ in different species. When eggs and embryos were incubated with [14C]glucose for 10min, considarable 14C-radioactivity accumulated in the glycogen fraction. The rate of [14C]glucose incorporation into glycogen increased gradually during the first 6 hr after fertilization (up to the morula stage), decreases during the next 4 hr (up to the early blastula stage), and then increased again.  相似文献   
A cDNA encoding tyrosinase of Rana nigromaculata was introduced into cultured, tyrosinase-negative amelanotic melanophores of R. brevipoda by a calcium phosphate precipitation method. Within a few days following transfection, dark pigmentation became visible in a small number of cells. Light microscopic observation revealed that the morphology of these transformed cells was comparable to that of normal melanophores in culture, and their proliferative activity was lower than that of amelanotic cells. Ultrastructural examination verified that amelanotic melanophores possessed a relatively small number of premelanosomes while the transformants contained numerous melanosomes at various stages of pigment deposition. The result indicated that tyrosinase cDNA of R. nigromaculata was expressed in amelanotic melanophores of R. brevipoda inducing the maturation of premelanosomes. It was also suggested that the expression of transfected tyrosinase cDNA had promoted differentiation of the amelanotic cells into fully developed melanophores.  相似文献   
The Acrosome Reaction Induced by Dimethylsulfoxide in Sea Urchin Sperm   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The acrosome reaction in sea urchin sperm, as judged by disappearance of the acrosomal vesicles in Nomarski optics, was induced by dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) at concentration above 0.1% in normal artificial sea water. The number of the acrosome-reacted spermatozoa increased in proportion to DMSO concentration. The DMSO-induced acrosome reaction, as well as the jelly water- or A23187-induced one, was inhibited by nifedipine and hardly occurred in Ca2+-free artificial sea water. However, the DMSO-induced acrosome reaction was found in a few number of spermatozoa in the presence of Ca2+at above 0.5 mM, though the jelly water- or A23187-induced acrosome reaction did not occur at external Ca2+levels lower than 1 mM. Dependency of the acrosome reaction by DMSO on external Ca2+is somewhat lower than that of the reaction by jelly water. In Ca2+-free artificial sea water, the acrosomal regions of DMSO-treated spermatozoa attached to their own tails. In some cases, spermatozoa thus treated with DMSO in Ca2+free artificial sea water caused formation of fertilization membrane in a few number of eggs kept in Ca2+-free artificial sea water. Even in the absence of extermal Ca2+, preliminary step of the acrosome reaction seems to be completed probably by DMSO-induced weak Ca2+-mobilization in spermatozoa.  相似文献   
Sperm respiration and motility of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus were studied at pH 6.8 in the presence of a synthetic jelly peptide (Gly-Phe-Asp-Leu-Asn-Gly-Gly-Gly-Val-Gly) and monovalent cationic ionophores. The synthetic peptide stimulated sperm respiration and motility to the level of that found in normal sea water (pH 8.2) with half-maximal stimulation at approximately 100 pM. Monensin and valinomycin also stimulated sperm respiration with half-maximal effects at 7 μM and 0.7 μM, respectively. The stimulation of sperm respiration by the peptide and monensin was dependent on external Na+, but was not dependent on the osmolarity of the suspending medium. Approximately 50 mM Na+ was required for half-maximal respiratory responses to the peptide and monensin.  相似文献   
The respiratory rate of spermatozoa of the sea urchins, Anthocidaris crassispina, Clypeaster japonicus and Pseudocentrotus depressus , decreases markedly in the presence of homologous unfertilized eggs fixed with glutaraldehyde. No decrease in the rate of respiration occurs in the presence of fixed fertilized eggs. Fixed unfertilized eggs of different sea urchin species do not cause any change in the rate of sperm respiration. Spermatozoa adhere only to the fixed unfertilized eggs of the same species and are removed by a stirring for 5 min on a magnetic stirrer. The spermatozoa thus removed, are immotile and their respiratory rate is quite lower than that of motile spermatozoa in a control suspension stirred for 5 min. Intact spermatozoa adhere to the fixed eggs, from which the attached spermatozoa have been removed, and the respiratory rate of the spermatozoa also becomes quite low.  相似文献   
In spermatozoa of all examined sea urchins, the respiration was inhibited and their motility was lowered by the glutaraldehyde-fixed eggs. The respiration of the fixed-egg-reacted spermatozoa was stimulated by 2, 4 dinitrophenol in Clypeaster japonicus, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus and pseudocentrotus depressus but was not in Anthocidaris crassispina and Toxopneustes pileolus. Ratio of ADP to ATP was markedly lower in the reacted spermatozoa of the former species than in those of Anthocidaris. The low respiratory rate in the former species probably results from ADP control but does not in the latter species. Tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine enhanced the respiratory rate in the reacted spermatozoa of the latter species to almost the same rate as in the intact spermatozoa, but elevated slightly in the former species. The inhibition of electron transport in mitochondrial respiratory chain is probably predominant in the latter species. In the former species, the slight inhibition of electron transport does not seem to result in a failure of ADP phosphorylation, and hence the stop of movement probably causes a shortage of ADP. Carnitine, which made the reacted spermatozoa of all species motile, enhanced the respiratory rate only in those of the former species.  相似文献   
The activity of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex in sea urchin eggs is localized in the crude mitochondrial fraction. The activity of the enzyme complex in the intact mitochondrial fraction of unfertilized eggs is too low to be estimated and is enhanced upon fertilization with a 5-min lag period. The activity of the enzyme complex in unfertilized eggs is enhanced by Ca2+at concentrations between 5 × 10?5 M and 10?3 M. The activity in fertilized eggs is blocked after incubation with 2 mM ATP, and the block of the activity is also released by Ca2+. The blockage of the enzyme complex activity is accompanied by phosphorylation of proteins, and release of the block by Ca2+ is concomitantly followed by the dephosphorylation of proteins in the mitochondrial fraction. The enzyme complex in unfertilized eggs will be assumed to be the one inhibited by phosphorylation. The enzyme complex will be activated upon fertilization as a consequence of the dephosphorylation, that is caused by the increase in intracellular concentration of Ca2+.  相似文献   
Rotenone-sensitive 14CO2 formation from [14C]lactate and oxygen consumption by round spermatids were found to be greater at elevated temperatures than at 34°C. More than 96% of the total radioactivity of the metabolized [14C]lactate was recovered in the released CO2 and the acid soluble fraction of the cells. There was practically no incorporation of [14C]latctate into the lipid, nucleic acid, and protein fractions. Intracellular level of ATP in spermatids was enhanced in the presence of lactate (20 mM) at 34°C (scrotal temperature), whereas it was decrease at 37°C (body temperature). However, this was reversible when the cells were transferred from the elevated temperature to 34°C. It was also found that oxygen consumption and CO2 production were increased at 34°C by 2, 4-dinitrophenol (DNP), but decreased by oligomycin. On the other hand, oligomycin and DNP had no effect on oxygen consumption and 14CO2 formation at the elevated temperature.
These findings provide evidence that lactate utilization by spermatids is coupled with oxidative phosphorylation at scrotal temperature, but becomes uncoupled at elevated temperature, although more lactate is consumed.  相似文献   
Spermatozoa of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus (108 cells/ml), preincubated with unfertilized eggs deprived of jelly coats (more than l05 cells/ml) at 20°C for 20min in Mg2+ free artificial sea water containing 1 mM Ca2+ (MFASW), exhibited very low respiration, which was enhanced by 2, 4 dinitrophenol (DNP). The fertilization rate in MFASW was usually less than 5% and was about 25% at most. Preincubation with fertilized eggs (with and without a fertilization membrane) in MFASW did not reduced the respiratory rate of spermatozoa. The rate of sperm respiration was lower in MFASW than in artificial sea water (ASW), but was higher than the respiratory rate of spermatozoa preincubated in MFASW with unfertilized eggs. Sperm respiration in MFASW or in ASW was not stimulated by 2, 4 dinitrophenol. Almost complete inhibition of sperm respiration was obtained with unfertilized eggs fixed with glutaraldehyde at concentrations of above 105 cells/ml in MFASW and of about l04 cells/ml in ASW. The respiratory rate of spermatozoa treated with fixed eggs was enhanced by DNP. It is concluded that the respiratory rate of the spermatozoa is reduced by their interaction with unfertilized eggs before their penetration into the eggs.  相似文献   
Wing polyphenism in aphids represents an outstanding example of adaptive phenotypic plasticity. During summer, parthenogenic mother aphids alter the developmental fate of their embryos to produce wingless or winged adult forms in response to high population density (i.e. crowded conditions). Although this maternal effect is well known, the mechanisms underlying transgenerational winged‐morph determination remain largely unresolved. In the present study, the effects of different high‐density treatment durations are tested on the vetch aphid Megoura crassicauda Mordvilko aiming to investigate how and when the density signals detected by mothers are transmitted to embryos. The duration of density treatment shows additive effects on both the number of crowded females producing winged aphids (winged‐producers) and the number of winged progeny. In addition, even when high‐density treatment is stopped, the production of winged offspring continues for several days and depends on the duration of treatment. The results indicate that mother aphids retain high‐density signals for a period after removal of the stimulus. Furthermore, observations of the progeny sequence (i.e. the order in which the offspring are born) and the embryonic stages developing in the mothers reveal that high‐density information may affect embryonic fate at the late embryonic stage immediately before cuticle formation.  相似文献   
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