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Koi herpesvirus (KHV), a highly contagious and lethal virus that affects both koi (Cyprinus carpio koi) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio), was isolated in 1998 from two outbreaks of koi suffering mass mortality in New York State, USA, and in Israel. The disease had been described as early as 1996 in Europe. In July 2004, this virus was found associated with a mass mortality event in wild common carp in the Chadakoin River, New York, USA (42 degrees 07' N, 79 degrees W). Affected fish typically showed marked hyperplasia of gill tissues, abdominal adhesions, and severe multifocal to diffuse external hemorrhages. The virus isolated in this outbreak was somewhat unusual in that it initially replicated well in fathead minnow cell cultures, which is typical of spring viremia of carp virus. Testing at the National Veterinary Services Laboratories, Ames, Iowa, USA, confirmed the virus's identity to be KHV. Koi herpesvirus is not currently on the OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) list of notifiable diseases; however, it is capable of causing mass mortality in susceptible fish at permissive temperatures.  相似文献   
A growth chamber study was conducted to evaluate the effect of application of phosphate fertilizer on soil solution dynamics of cadmium (Cd) and Cd accumulation in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum). Treatments consisted of three phosphate fertilizer sources containing 3.4, 75.2, and 232 mg Cd kg?1 applied at three rates (20, 40 and 80 mg P kg?1) plus a no fertilization control. An unplanted treatment at 40 mg P kg?1 was included to separate the effects on soil solution Cd dynamics of the crop from that of the fertilizer. Soil solution samples were obtained using soil moisture samplers every 10 days after germination. The experimental results indicated that plant biomass significantly increased with P application rates and decreased with increased Cd concentration in the phosphate fertilizers. Total cadmium concentration in soil solution was not consistently affected by phosphate fertilization rate and fertilizer sources, and therefore Cd concentration in the fertilizer. Application of phosphate fertilizer, however, increased the concentration and accumulation of Cd and shoot Cd/Zn ratio, and decreased shoot Zn concentration in durum wheat. Phosphate sources had a marginally significant effect (P?=?0.05) on shoot Cd concentration and did not affect Cd accumulation in durum wheat. Concentration of Cd in soil solution was unrelated to Cd concentration in durum wheat. These results suggest that the immediate increase in Cd concentration and Cd accumulation in durum wheat with phosphate application is due more to competition between Zn and Cd for absorption into plants, enhanced root to shoot translocation and enhanced root development, than to a direct addition effect from Cd contained in phosphate fertilizer. In the short term, application of phosphate fertilizers can increase Cd concentration in the crops, regardless of the Cd concentration of the fertilizer. An optimal P fertilization, possibly in combination with Zn application, may offer an important strategy for decreasing Cd concentration and accumulation in crops.  相似文献   
The site of perception of the inhibition of flowering by far-redlight (729 nm) was investigated in the short-day plant Pharbitisnil, using a specially designed optical fibre apparatus withinterference filters. The cotyledon was found to be the primarysite of perception and no inhibition was obtained when the apexalone was irradiated. However, when the apex and cotyledon weresimultaneously irradiated there was a reduction in the numberof terminal flower buds compared with the cotyledon alone. Forwhole plants, far-red light centred at 729 nm (10 nm bandwidth)was considerably more inhibitory than at 719 nm. 1Present address: Department of Biology, Guru Nanak Dev University,Amritsar—143005, Panjab, India. (Received April 28, 1986; Accepted June 23, 1986)  相似文献   
The growth rate hypothesis states that in many organisms or tissues, the specific growth rate μ correlates with RNA concentrations. Since RNA often accounts for much of the phosphorus content of cells, μ may also correlate positively with P concentrations and negatively with C:P and N:P ratios. We tested this hypothesis with broth cultures of five aquatic hyphomycete species. Samples were harvested on eight occasions after 3–56 d of incubation. Accumulation of biomass was fitted to a rectangular hyperbola, whose parameters were used to estimate μ. There were no consistent trends related to culture age or μ for C, N, P or ergosterol concentrations. RNA and DNA concentrations and RNA:DNA ratios were significantly and negatively correlated with culture age. Only RNA concentrations were positively and linearly correlated with μ. While RNA or DNA concentrations are unsuitable as indicators for total biomass, levels of fungal RNA combined with markers for fungal biomass may allow estimates of the extent to which the mycelia are metabolically active.  相似文献   
Agaricus bisporus grew well in submerged culture in a medium containing malt extract, phosphate, and casein. Moderate growth occurred in defined media containing glucose, asparagine, phenylalanine, vitamins and minerals. Other amino acids did not stimulate growth. Growth was stimulated by vegetable oils, partly due to utilization of the oils, and partly to a more complex mechanism. Oleates had the same effect as vegetable oils; palmitates a lesser one. In shaken flasks maximum yield was reached after 22–24 days and in stirred and aerated fermentors after 8–10 days. Besides dry weight of mycelium, laccase activity was determined. The latter determination is suitable for a rapid estimation of the growth in routine experiments. The flavour of the mycelium was like that of mushrooms but weaker. It was strongest in standing liquid cultures and on solid media. The mycelium grown in submerged culture was suitable as spawn for mushroom culture. Presented at the First International Mycological Congress, Exeter, 7–16 September 1971, and at the Meeting of the Netherlands Society for Microbiology, Rotterdam, 8 December 1971. We thank the Mushroom Experiment Station, Horst, the Netherlands, for kindly supplying the compost for fructification experiments and Mr. P. Arntz, M.Sc., for advice in the fermentor work. F. IJ. Dijkstra is indebted to the Royal Netherlands Fermentation Industries (Gist-Brocades), Delft, for a research grant.  相似文献   
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