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Hyphae of Saprolegnia ferax growing under normal or low-turgor conditions were exposed to 0.1-10 &mgr;g/ml latrunculin B, an actin inhibitor. In the first 10 s of addition, hyphae with normal turgor levels accelerated while those with low turgor decelerated, consistent with the suggestion that actin restrains or protrudes tips under these respective turgor conditions. Both sets of hyphae then decelerated and eventually ceased extension within 60 s. These changes were reflected in rhodamine-phalloidin staining patterns, which showed that actin caps were disrupted progressively under both conditions in a time-dependent manner. After 60 s, normal-turgored hyphae started to swell rapidly while low-turgored hyphae showed little or no swelling. Swelling was characteristically subapical, which is best explained by tip growth models which incorporate actin-mediated exocytosis.  相似文献   
Carbohydrates have been suggested to account for some IgE cross- reactions between various plant, insect, and mollusk extracts, while some IgG antibodies have been successfully raised against plant glycoproteins. A rat monoclonal antibody raised against elderberry abscission tissue (YZ1/2.23) and rabbit polyclonal antiserum against horseradish peroxidase were screened for reactivity in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay against a range of plant glycoproteins and extracts as well as neoglycoproteins, bee venom phospholipase, and several animal glycoproteins. Of the oligosaccharides tested, Man3XylFucGlcNAc2(MMXF3) derived from horseradish peroxidase was the most potent inhibitor of the reactivity of both YZ1/2.23 and anti- horseradish peroxidase to native horseradish peroxidase glycoprotein. The reactivity of YZ1/2. 23 and anti-horseradish peroxidase against Sophora japonica lectin was most inhibited by a neoglycoconjugate of bromelain glycopeptide cross-linked to bovine serum albumin, while the defucosylated form of this conjugate was inactive as an inhibitor. A wide range of plant extracts was found to react against YZ1/2.23 and anti-horseradish peroxidase, with particularly high reactivities recorded for grass pollen and nut extracts. All these reactivities were inhibitable with the bromelain glycopeptide/bovine serum albumin conjugate. Bee venom phospholipase and whole bee venom reacted weakly with YZ1/2.23 but more strongly with anti-horseradish peroxidase in a manner inhibitable with the bromelain glycopeptide/bovine serum albumin conjugate, while hemocyanin from Helix pomatia reacted poorly with YZ1/2.23 but did react with anti-horseradish peroxidase. It is concluded that the alpha1, 3-fucose residue linked to the chitobiose core of plant glycoproteins is the most important residue in the epitope recognized by the two antibodies studied, but that the polyclonal anti-horseradish peroxidase antiserum also contains antibody populations that recognize the xylose linked to the core mannose of many plant and gastropod N-linked oligosaccharides.   相似文献   
The effects of visits to nests by researchers interested in quantifying avian nesting success have received considerable attention, as researchers have long been concerned about the possible negative effects of their own activities on the resulting estimates. There is a widely held view that investigator disturbance has an overall negative effect on breeding success by increasing nest predation rates in the nests studied. However, to date no one has statistically assessed the empirical evidence for such a relationship. We undertook a meta‐analysis of published results to assess whether researcher activities increase nest predation in birds. We also assessed the variability in this effect in relation to the traits of the study species and the methodology used. These analyses used data from 18 experimental studies involving 25 species from six avian orders. Our results suggest that, contrary to the traditional view, researcher activities do not generally affect the incidence of nest predation. Moreover, this relationship appears inconsistent among avian orders and, surprisingly, nest survival of passerines increased weakly with researcher activities. We also found significant positive effects of researcher activity on nest survival for species breeding on coastal areas and for species nesting on the ground. The possible explanation for these differences among orders and guilds could be due to different nest predator communities. This new perspective on the effect of investigators could have important implications for bird management and conservation, as well as for other fields of study such as ecology and evolution, in which nest survival rates measured in the field are widely used to test and support a range of hypotheses.  相似文献   
The phylogeny and substitution rates of the mammalian X chromosome- located and autosomal phosphoglycerate kinase and pyruvate dehydrogenase genes were investigated. Compatibility analysis was used to show reticulate evolution in these genes. Analysis of the marsupial, mouse, and human phosphoglycerate kinase genes suggests that at least two recombination events have taken place, one occurring about the time of the placental-marsupial split involving exons 1-5 and the other before the primate-rodent split involving exons 9-10. Similar analysis of the pyruvate dehydrogenase genes indicates a recombination event involving exons 2-3 at a time before the primate-rodent split and a gene conversion between exons 3-4 in the human somatic and testis- specific pyruvate dehydrogenase genes after the primate-rodent split. This demonstrates that genetic exchange can occur between paralogous genes at widely separated chromosomal locations. Estimation of nucleotide substitution rates in these genes confirmed a higher substitution rate in the pyruvate dehydrogenase genes. In the phosphoglycerate kinase genes, there is no difference between the substitution rates in mice and humans and between the X chromosome- and autosome-located genes. A greater substitution rate was noted in the mouse autosomal pyruvate dehydrogenase gene when compared with the other mouse and human genes. This may be a result of either directional natural selection or a relaxation of functional constraint at this specific gene.   相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONAsearlyasin1948wehavefr8CtionatedisolatednucleifromnormalandtumorcellsbyextractionwithiMNaCIanddilutealkali[1].Thenuclearresiduewasthenstudiedmorethoroughly[2,3].Lateron,sillillarproteinousnuclearresidueswereisolatedbyotherworkers[46]andasstud…  相似文献   
Cultures of Achlya sp., Phytophthora cinnamomi, Saprolegnia diclina, S. ferax, and S. parasitica, treated with 6-carboxyfluorescein diacetate solution, accumulate 6-carboxyfluorescein in a reticulate system of fine tubules. The network shows longitudinal polarity within the hyphae, tubules being finest toward the hyphal tips. In more mature subapical regions the network is connected with large vacuoles that also accumulate 6-carboxyfluorescein. A morphologically similar system has also been identified in freeze-substituted hyphae of S. ferax. The network is considered to be vacuolar, but differs from the tubular vacuole system of true fungi in that tubules are less motile, more frequently branched, and do not alternate with clusters of spherical vacuoles. The appearance of the network resembles patterns of calcium-sensitive dye staining and it is suggested that the vacuolar reticulum in the tip region of oomycete hyphae may act as a Ca2+ sink. The tubular reticulum in oomycetes is very fragile and can be shown with 6-carboxyfluorescein in only those hyphal tips with a motility and organelle distribution characteristic of growing hyphae with normal morphology. Diverse abnormal hyphae show a range of other fluorochrome localizations. These include large irregular compartments filled with fluorochrome, and fluorescent cytoplasm with organelles and vacuoles standing out in negative contrast. These localizations in abnormal hyphae are correlated with other structural changes indicative of damage. Special care is required in experiments with oomycetes to avoid such artefacts of localization. Copyright 1997 Academic Press. Copyright 1997 Academic Press  相似文献   
IT has been proposed that lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) virus and immunologically related viruses should be placed in a new taxonomic group, with LCM virus as the prototype virus1,2. They were called arenoviruses because they contain, as a unique feature, electron-dense, sand-like or ribo-some-like granules2. The LCM virus contains RNA and we have previously reported that this RNA can be separated into three components by density gradient centrifugation3.  相似文献   
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