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Despite recent progress, we still know relatively little about the genetic architecture that underlies adaptation to divergent environments. Determining whether the genetic architecture of phenotypic adaptation follows any predictable patterns requires data from a wide variety of species. However, in many organisms, genetic studies are hindered by the inability to perform genetic crosses in the laboratory or by long generation times. Admixture mapping is an approach that circumvents these issues by taking advantage of hybridization that occurs between populations or species in the wild. Here, we demonstrate the utility of admixture mapping in a naturally occurring hybrid population of threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) from Enos Lake, British Columbia. Until recently, this lake contained two species of sticklebacks adapted to divergent habitats within the lake. This benthic–limnetic species pair diverged in a number of phenotypes, including male nuptial coloration and body shape, which were previously shown to contribute to reproductive isolation between them. However, recent ecological disturbance has contributed to extensive hybridization between the species, and there is now a single, admixed population within Enos Lake. We collected over 500 males from Enos Lake and found that most had intermediate nuptial colour and body shape. By genotyping males with nuptial colour at the two extremes of the phenotypic distribution, we identified seven genomic regions on three chromosomes associated with divergence in male nuptial colour. These genomic regions are also associated with variation in body shape, suggesting that tight linkage and/or pleiotropy facilitated adaptation to divergent environments in benthic–limnetic species pairs.  相似文献   
As a step towards understanding the higher‐level phylogeny and evolutionary affinities of quadrifid noctuoid moths, we have undertaken the first large‐scale molecular phylogenetic analysis of the moth family Erebidae, including almost all subfamilies, as well as most tribes and subtribes. DNA sequence data for one mitochondrial gene (COI) and seven nuclear genes (EF‐1α, wingless, RpS5, IDH, MDH, GAPDH and CAD) were analysed for a total of 237 taxa, principally type genera of higher taxa. Data matrices (6407 bp in total) were analysed by parsimony with equal weighting and model‐based evolutionary methods (maximum likelihood), which revealed a well‐resolved skeleton phylogenetic hypothesis with 18 major lineages, which we treat here as subfamilies of Erebidae. We thus present a new phylogeny for Erebidae consisting of 18 moderate to strongly supported subfamilies: Scoliopteryginae, Rivulinae, Anobinae, Hypeninae, Lymantriinae, Pangraptinae, Herminiinae, Aganainae, Arctiinae, Calpinae, Hypocalinae, Eulepidotinae, Toxocampinae, Tinoliinae, Scolecocampinae, Hypenodinae, Boletobiinae and Erebinae. Where possible, each monophyletic lineage is diagnosed by autapomorphic morphological character states, and within each subfamily, monophyletic tribes and subtribes can be circumscribed, most of which can also be diagnosed by morphological apomorphies. All additional taxa sampled fell within one of the four previously recognized quadrifid families (mostly into Erebidae), which are now found to include two unusual monobasic taxa from New Guinea: Cocytiinae (now in Erebidae: Erebinae) and Eucocytiinae (now in Noctuidae: Pantheinae).  相似文献   
Structure and Role of the Five Glycopeptides of Human IgM Immunoglobulins   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Carbohydrate is attached at five sites in the constant sequence region of the µ heavy chain of human IgM. The oligosaccharides are of two kinds, simple and complex and affect the conformation and properties of macroglobulins.  相似文献   
Flapping as a means of locomotion is shared by divergent groupsranging from pteropod molluscs to birds. The pteropod, Clionelimacina, exhibits two modes of locomotion, slow and fast swimming.The motor units which control swimming consist of small motoneuronsand relatively nonfatigable muscle fibers, while those involvedin fast swimming consistof large motoneurons and relativelyfatigable fibers (Satterlie et al., 1990).The pectoralis muscleof the pigeon, Columba livia, consists of two populations ofmuscle fibers distinguished by histochemistry and size. Cinematographicand electromyographic experiments suggest that the large fibersare used for takeoff and landing and the small fibers for levelflight (Dial et al., 1988). We have employed a suite of experimentaltechniques similar to those used for studies of the neuromuscularsystem of Clione to analyze a limited sample of motor unitsfrom the pectoralis of Columba. The peak tetanic tension andcontractile fatigue resistance during electrical stimulationof single alpha axons, functionally isolated from nerve filaments,was studied in 30 motor units. All units but one generated peaktetanic tensions which were less than 0.22% of whole muscletension. A high proportion (75%) of units demonstrated fatigueresistance, reflective of the demands of sustained flappingflight. These preliminary data suggest that the peripheral neuromuscularsystems of Clione and Columba share some common components forthe execution of at least two distinct modes of flapping locomotion.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Adequate stores of body fat are essential for survival and reproduction of polar bears (Ursus maritimus). However, polar bear body fat levels can be difficult to quantify in the field. For >30 years, biologists have subjectively estimated relative fatness of immobilized polar bears by assigning individuals a rating from 1 to 5, with 1 being leanest and 5 most obese. Although previous studies suggested this fatness index (FI) rating accurately reflects large-scale differences in body condition, its relationship to more quantitative measures of condition has not been explored. We compared the FI rating of individual polar bears in western Hudson Bay and the Beaufort Sea to 2 quantitative measures of body condition: the Quetelet Index (ratio of mass to length2) and the relative lipid content of adipose tissue. We found a significant relationship between FI rating and both Quetelet Index values and adipose lipid content. Our data demonstrate that the FI rating accurately reflects overall body condition, regardless of polar bear age, sex, or nutritional phase. We suggest that continued field use of the FI rating could provide valuable information on ecological effects of large-scale environmental change on polar bear populations.  相似文献   
Chapin, F. S. Ill and Wardlaw, I. F. 1988. Effect of phosphorusdeficiency on source-sink interactions between the flag leafand developing grain in barley.—J. exp. Bot. 39: 165-177. Photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance of P-deficientbarley plants were increased by manipulations that increasedplant demand for carbohydrates (shading of the ear or removalof other leaves). This was associated with retarded senescenceof the flag leaf. Similarly, small flag leaves (i.e. those havinglarge sinks relative to their own size) had high rates of photosynthesis.These relationships were most pronounced under conditions ofP deficiency. Distribution of 32P and 14C from the flag leafwas determined by the carbohydrate demand of a plant part andwas unaffected by altering the sink strength for P. Thus, earshading increased accumulation by developing grains of 32P and14C applied to the flag leaf, grain removal reduced accumulationby grain of both radioisotopes, and removal of lower leavesincreased movement of both radioisotopes to vegetative plantparts; in contrast, P addition to the ear had no effect upon32P or 14C distribution. P deficiency reduced the amount oftillering and, therefore, the movement of 32P and 14C to developingtillers and increased retention of 14C and 32P in the sheathof the flag leaf but otherwise had no major effect on patternsof carbon and phosphorus distribution. We conclude that themajor effects of P deficiency upon source-sink interactionsare (1) to reduce the number or activity of sinks in the shoot(grains and daughter tillers) and (2) to increase the sensitivitywith which photosynthesis responds to demand for carbohydrate.The strengthened source-sink interaction under conditions ofP deficiency provides a regulatory mechanism for reducing carbohydrateaccumulation under conditions where carbohydrates do not stronglylimit growth. Key words: Source-sink, phosphorus, photosynthesis  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Insect predators often aggregrate to patches of high prey density and use prey chemicals as cues for oviposition. If prey have mutualistic guardians such as ants, however, then these patches may be less suitable for predators.
2. Ants often tend aphids and defend them against predators such as ladybirds. Here, we show that ants can reduce ladybird performance by destroying eggs and physically attacking larvae and adults.
3. Unless ladybirds are able to defend against ant attacks they are likely to have adaptations to avoid ants. We show that Adalia bipunctata ladybirds not only move away from patches with Lasius niger ants, but also avoid laying eggs in these patches. Furthermore, ladybirds not only respond to ant presence, but also detect ant semiochemicals and alter oviposition strategy accordingly.
4. Ant semiochemicals may signal the extent of ant territories allowing aphid predators to effectively navigate a mosaic landscape of sub-optimal patches in search of less well-defended prey. Such avoidance probably benefits both ants and ladybirds, and the semiochemicals could be regarded as a means of cooperative communication between enemies.
5. Overall, ladybirds respond to a wide range of positive and negative oviposition cues that may trade-off with each other and internal motivation to determine the overall oviposition strategy.  相似文献   
The effective bandwidth of a multitaper spectral estimator   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
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