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Coelenterate Neuropeptides: Structure, Action and Biosynthesis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Evolutionary "old" nervous systems such as those of coelenteratesare peptidergic: Using various radioimmunoassays we have nowisolated 13 novel neuropeptides from sea anemones and severalothers from hydrozoan polyps and medusae. These peptides areall structurally related and contain the C-terminal sequenceArg-X-NH2 or Lys-X-NH2, where X is Ala, Asn, Ile, Phe, Pro orTrp. Three neuropeptides have a novel N-terminal L-3-phenyllactylresidue, which protects against degradation by nonspecific aminopeptidases.The neuropeptides from sea anemones are produced by differentsets of neurones and have excitatory or inhibitory actions onisolated muscle preparations, suggesting that they are neurotransmittersor neuromodulators. We have also cloned the precursor proteinfor the sea-anemone neuropeptide Antho-RFamide (<Glu-Gly-Arg-Phe-NH2).In Calliactis parasitica this precursor harbours 19 copies ofimmature Antho-RFamide (Gln-Gly-Arg-Phe-Gly) together with 7other, putative neuropeptide sequences. The precursor of Anthopleuraelegantissima contains 14 copies of Antho-RFamide and 19 other,putative neuropeptides. This shows that the biosynthetic machineryfor neuropeptides in coelenterates, the lowest animal grouphaving a nervous system, is already very efficient and similarto that of higher invertebrates, such as molluscs and insects,and vertebrates.  相似文献   
The Light mutation (Blt) is a dominant allele of the b-locus on mouse chromosome 4 which causes progressive dilution of coat colour. Melanocytes within the hair follicles of mutant mice develop normally but later degenerate, due to the accumulation of a toxic product, so that the hair becomes lighter with age. Previous studies on W-locus spotting mutants, from which melanocytes are absent, have shown that melanocytes in the stria vascularis of the inner ear are essential for the development and/or maintenance of the endocochlear potential (EP) which is normally around 100 mV. In this study, physiological recordings from the ears of Light mutants were correlated with strial ultrastructure. EPs recorded from all b/b controls and young homozygous and heterozygous mutants (20–22 days old) were normal (77 to 113 mV), but were reduced (19 to 59 mV) in about 30% of ears from older mutants (Blt/Blt and Blt/b). Strial function therefore appears to develop normally but later degenerates in some mutants. This suggests that strial melanocytes are affected by the Light allele and that the continued presence of melanocytes is necessary for strial function. There was no obvious association between the recorded EP value and the ultrastructural appearance of the stria. No structural abnormalities of the stria were noted in control or mutant mice aged 20 days to 4 months including those which had a reduced EP. Strial atrophy was common in old controls and mutants (1–2 years), and appeared to be an age-related process rather than an effect of the Light mutation. Similarly, pigment build-up was common in all strial cells of old mice. However, the accumulations of lipofuscin-like pigment were much larger and more abundant in aged brown non-agouti mice than those observed in old agouti mice, which suggests that this age-related process also has a genetic component.  相似文献   
Specimens of Gahnia sieberiana from Brisbane, Queensland, andof Gahnia clarkei from near Orbost, Victoria, were collectedand examined both morphologically and anatomically. The speciesgrow in wet areas and are of interest because they representthe largest arborescent species known in the Cyperaceae. Stemdiameters up to 120 mm and stems up to 10 m long have been observed.Such long stems tend to be supported by nearby vegetation. Althoughfresh stems are tough and woody, they are brittle. Branchingof the stems is sympodial, and numerous branches are producedby plants growing in exposed habitats. There is less branchingin plants from shaded habitats. Basal shoots may also occur.Adventitious roots develop basally on most plants, but withG. sieberiana, some adventitious roots form near the shoot apexand grow in and around leaf bases. Anatomical features of interestare an endodermoid layer composed of sclereids with elongate,undulated, outer tangential walls that are lignified and suberized,short vessel elements with horizontal to oblique simple perforationplates, and relatively short sclereids surrounding vessel elementsin the vascular bundles. Some vascular bundles are bipolar.The presence of short vessel elements here is in marked contrastto the longer tracheary elements in other arborescent monocotyledons. Arborescence, stem anatomy, Cyperaceae, Gahnia, saw sedge, Monocotyledon, bipolar bundles, morphology, endodermoid layer  相似文献   
1. The epiphytic flora of a characean meadow in Lake Coleridge, a deep, oligotrophic lake on the South Island of New Zealand, was dominated by diatoms, particularly Eunotia pectinalis and Achnanthes minutissima. The meadows occupied a depth range from 5 to 30 m. Adnate taxa predominated at all depths below 5 m, while increased taxonomic diversity at 5 m resulted from an increased abundance of erect taxa, including chlorophytes and stalked diatoms. 2. Seasonal changes in epiphyte biomass were followed using artificial substrata and by estimating epiphyte chlorophyll a concentration on host plants. The latter required development of a novel technique utilizing the consistent relationship between fucoxanthin and chlorophyll a concentrations in the epiphyton. Epiphyte chlorophyll a on host plants varied with depth and host species between 0.1 and 0.3 mg g–1 dry weight. Maximum epiphyte biomass was at 10–15 m depth. At depths of 15 m and less, epiphyte chlorophyll a reached a maximum of ≈ 200–300 mg m–2 in mid-summer, while at greater depths maximum biomass was less and coincided with a period of clear water in spring. 3. Photosynthetic carbon fixation was estimated from photosynthesis–radiation curves and estimates of radiation flux at sampling depths. At depths greater than 10 m, variability of the vertical extinction coefficient of lake water rather than seasonal fluctuations in incident radiation were responsible for determining the temporal pattern of production. Chlorophyll a-specific photosynthesis was estimated to peak in summer at 5 m (8 mg mg–1 day–1), and in spring at all other depths. 4. Annual epiphyte production was estimated as 27 g C m–2 year–1 at 5 m depth, falling to 15 g C m–2 year–1 at 15 m and 1 g C m–2 year–1 at 30 m. Areal biomass changes tended to be temporally but not quantitatively coupled to estimated in situ photosynthesis, and we hypothesize that epiphyte biomass may have been controlled by grazing gastropod snails.  相似文献   
The role of nitric oxide in cancer   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Nitric oxide (NO) is a pleiotropic regulator, critical to numerous biological processes, including va-sodilatation, neurotransmission and macrophage-mediated immunity. The family of nitric oxide synthases (NOS) comprises inducible NOS (iNOS), endothelial NOS (eNOS), and neuronal NOS (nNOS). Interestingly, various studies have shown that all three isoforms can be involved in promoting or inhibiting the etiology of cancer. NOS activity has been detected in tumour cells of various histogenetic origins and has been associated with tumour grade, proliferation rate and expression of important signaling components associated with cancer development such as the oestrogen receptor. It appears that high levels of NOS expression (for example, generated by activated macrophages) may be cytostatic or cytotoxic for tumor cells, whereas low level activity can have the opposite effect and promote tumour growth. Paradoxically therefore, NO (and related reactive nitrogen species) may have both genotoxic and angiogenic pro  相似文献   
On two occasions, on opposite sides of the African continent (Cape Coast, Ghana, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania), high adult population densities in the polymorphic butterfly Hypolimnas misippus (a presumed mimic of Danaus chrysippus) were followed by linkage disequilibrium in combinations of fore‐ and hindwing colour patterns. On both occasions, disequilibrium was caused by significant changes in morph frequencies favouring rarer and more mimetic forms. Recaptures were too few for analysis at Dar, although the changes there took place within a single generation and must have been the result of differential survival. Recapture rate data and survival rate estimates at Cape Coast support the hypothesis that selective predation was responsible, as does the observation of synchronous linkage disequilibrium at Dar in the model D. chrysippus, indicating parasitic mimicry. There was clear selection for the perfection of mimicry for forewings at Dar and for hindwings at Cape Coast. Disequilibrium is also reported for two other sites, Legon (Ghana) and Boksburg (South Africa) and, in all four sites, it was associated with an increase in the most mimetic forms. New chemical evidence is presented to support the contention that D. chrysippus is a defended model. Although all the evidence leads to the conclusion that H. misippus is a Batesian mimic of D. chrysippus, many questions remain, particularly with regard to the identity of predators, the episodic nature of selective predation events, and their apparent lack of lasting and significant impact on overall gene frequencies. We conclude that H. misippus presents both challenges and opportunities for studies on mimicry, and we suggest that linkage disequilibrium can be a useful generic indicator for Gestalt predation on polymorphic prey. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 180–194.  相似文献   
  • 1 The influence of fluctuating asymmetry on lifetime mating success of males of the damselfly Coenagrion puella (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) was investigated. Fluctuating asymmetry was measured as the difference in length of left and right fore and hind wings.
  • 2 Males with more symmetrical wings enjoyed higher lifetime mating success.
  • 3 Larger males, in contrast to a previous study of this species, also had higher mating success. This may be attributed to differences in the weather conditions prevailing at the time of the studies.
Abstract Biodiversity estimates are typically a function of sampling effort and in this regard it is important to develop an understanding of taxon‐specific sampling requirements. Northern hemisphere studies have shown that estimates of riverine fish diversity are related to sampling effort, but such studies are lacking in the southern hemisphere. We used a dataset obtained from boat electro‐fishing the fish community along an essentially continuous 13‐km reach of the Murrumbidgee River, Australia, to investigate sampling effort effects on fish diversity estimates. This represents the first attempt to investigate relationships between sampling effort and the detection of fish species in a large lowland river in Australia. Seven species were recorded. Species‐specific patterns in catch per unit effort were evident and are discussed in terms of solitary and gregarious species, recreational fishing and the monitoring of rare and threatened species. There was a requirement to sample substantial lengths of river to describe total species richness of the fish community in this river reach. To this end, randomly allocated sampling effort and use of species richness estimators produced accurate estimates of species richness without the requirement for excessive levels of effort. Twenty operations were required to estimate species richness at this site, highlighting the need for comparable studies of river fish communities in lowland rivers elsewhere in Australia and the southern hemisphere.  相似文献   
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