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本文论述了植物雄性不育的类型、原因、诱导和应用,总结了国内外在这方面的研究成果。重点对植物雄性不育的类型给以分析,从而丰富了遗传多样性的内容,展示了雄性不育理论和应用研究的光明前景。  相似文献   
本文研究探讨了进化地位不同的三种动物的短时空间记忆功能及其与前额叶背侧部进化水平的相关性。结果表明,在延缓反应作业中,经1000次训练后,7只恒河猴对空间位置的记忆时间平均为7.7±3.2min,懒猴为3.8±0.44min,而树鼩即使在延缓时间几乎为零秒的延缓反应中,其正确反应率也未达到90%标准。一种延缓时间仅测试一个单元,即不经训练的实验表明,恒河猴在延缓期为“0”—5min的各测试单元中,正确反应率稳定在80%以上;懒猴在延缓时间为“0”—4min的各测试单元中,平均正确反应率与恒河猴无明显差异,而当延缓时间增加到5min时,在延缓反应作业中取得的成绩显著下降;树鼩在延缓时间为1—5min的作业中取得的正确反应率在70%以下。3种动物在视觉辨别学习作业中却无明显差异。形态学研究表明,灵长类大脑前额叶的面积和结构的复杂性在进化过程中逐渐增大,如恒河猴大脑前额叶的表面积占大脑半球表面积的11.5%(Brodmann,1929),其内颗粒层发达,背侧部明显凸起,主沟区发达;懒猴的前额叶表面积占其大脑半球表面积的8.3%,背侧部凸起不显著,主沟未形成,额极内颗粒层分化明显,背侧部的内颗粒层较内侧部的发达程度差(Sanides,1967);树鼩的前额叶表面积占7.5%,额极的内颗粒层分化不明显,为非颗粒化区,此区之后为颗粒区  相似文献   
本文用ABC—GDN免疫组织化学方法,研究了γ-氨基丁酸(Gamma—Aminobutyric Acid,GABA)在大鼠胰腺的定位和分布,并用相邻切片法,观察它与胰岛素的共存关系。结果发现GABA免疫反应阳性细胞主要分布于胰腺内分泌部(胰岛)。在外分泌部亦有少许分布。大部分胰岛细胞呈GABA免疫反应阳性,集中位于胰岛的中央部。相邻连续切片免疫染色证实GABA与胰岛素共存于胰岛B细胞中。外分泌部胰腺GABA免疫反应阳性细胞,呈零散分布于腺泡和导管上皮间。本文为进一步探讨GABA在胰腺的生理作用提供了形态学依据。  相似文献   
Using cytochemical method,microspectrophotometry and image analysis,effects of va-soactive intestinal peptide(VIP)on activities of succinic dehydrogenase(SDH)and alkalinephosphatase(ALP)in rat hepatoma cells were studied in vitro.The results showed that thehepatoma cell expressed potent positive reactions of SDH and ALP,the positive positionswere located at the cell membranes and/or cytoplasm.Having been treated with VIP,ALPdecreased obviously in activity(P<0. 01,compared with hepatoma cells untreated by VIP).The sites of ALP activty were chiefly located at the cell membranes,particularly at the cell-cell contacts.Cultured rat hepatoma cells had intensive SDH activity in their cytoplasm.Compared with untreated eclls,there was no marked difference in the intensity of SDH activ-ity in VIP-treated hepatoma cells(P>0.05).  相似文献   
A novel operation strategy employing self-generated oscillation to imrpove the performances of bioreactors is proposed and applied to a model system consisting of two continuous stirredtank bioreators (CSTBs) connected in series. It is demonstrated via computation that the performance of the system (in terms of timeaveraged cell concentration) can be greatly enhanced by adopting the proposed strategy. The process concept presented and the results obtained in this paper are expected to have significant implications beyond the bioprocessing industry.  相似文献   
Summary Xanthan fermentations in W/O dispersions performed better than the control in both small flasks and a 6.6-L fermentor. The better bulk mixing and oxygen transfer achieved in the dispersion resulted in a still rising xanthan concentration of 65 g/L, compared with 26 g/L in the control. A phase inversion phenomenon was observed when n-hexadecane recovered from previous runs was used as the oil.  相似文献   
乌云伞的解剖学及花粉形态学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
八角莲属(Dysosma)是小檗科(Berberidaceae)一个重要属,全国共有7个种,大约分布于北纬23—32°,东经94—122°之间。湖北八角莲属有4个种,其中乌云伞(Dysosma lichuanensis Z. Cheng, sp. nev., ined.)为内定种,是多年生草本,它的形态特征与八角莲(Dysosma  相似文献   
研究了伴刀豆球蛋白A(ConA)和层粘连蛋白(LN)与巨噬细胞膜受体竞争结合,初步推测两个配体与同一膜受体结合的可能性.结果表明,LN可以竞争抑制FTTC-ConA与巨噬细胞膜受体的结合,说明ConA和LN两种配体各自的巨噬细胞膜受体中有部分可能是共同的,而加入ConA反而增加巨噬细胞膜上结合的FITC-LN量,这可能是因为ConA和LN的分子特性导致的.  相似文献   
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