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养殖美洲鲥的生长特性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对各周年生长阶段的养殖美洲鲥(Alosa sapidissima)体长、体重的测量与分析,研究了工厂化养殖美洲鲥的周年生长特性。养殖美洲鲥雌雄鱼的体长与体重关系均呈幂函数增长相关,其方程分别为,雌:W=0.8062×10~(-5) L~(3.1113)(n=122,R~2=0.997 5,P0.01);雄:W=1.0047×10~(-5) L~(3.0574)(n=125,R~2=0.997 5,P0.01),b均接近于3,呈等速生长;雌雄鱼生长均可分快速生长期(0~+龄)、稳定生长期(1~+龄)、生长衰老期(2~+龄)三个时期,雌鱼生长快于雄鱼。拟合出von Bertallanffy生长方程,雌:Lt=467.92(1﹣e~(-0.5748(t+0.1710))),Wt=1637.72(1﹣e~(-0.5748(t+0.1710)))~(3.1113);雄:Lt=389.21(1﹣e~(-0.7374(t+0.1975))),Wt=834.08(1﹣e~(-0.7374(t+0.7189)))~(3.0574)。雌雄鱼体重生长拐点分别位于1.517 8 a和1.224 7 a,属性成熟拐点,拐点前生长较快;拐点后,特别是性成熟后(2龄),2~+龄鱼的生长速度明显降低;同时,2龄鱼繁殖季节过后会出现大量死亡。建议商业化工厂化养殖美洲鲥以2龄前上市为宜。  相似文献   
摘要:【目的】结合纳米技术建立检测大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)O157︰H7高灵敏检测技术。【方法】采用化学共沉淀法制备出核心粒径约为10 nm的免疫纳米磁颗粒,柠檬酸钠还原法制备粒径约为20 nm的免疫胶体金。压电免疫传感器通过金黄色葡萄球菌蛋白A(Protein A from Staphylococcus aureus SPA)法将抗体固定于石英晶振上,两种免疫纳米颗粒借助不同的抗体连接于传感器上对检测频率信号进行放大。【结果】SPA在石英晶振上的最佳固定浓度和时间为1.2 mg/mL和40 min,抗体的最佳固定浓度和时间为1.0 mg/mL和60 min。压电免疫传感器通过两种免疫纳米颗粒的放大作用,使其对大肠杆菌O157︰H7的检测限从104 cfu/mL提高到101 cfu/mL。【结论】免疫纳米颗粒强化对压电免疫传感器的检测频率信号具有很好的放大效应,可以明显提高其检测灵敏度。  相似文献   
利用随机扩增多态性DNA技术对广东省2000年度稻瘟病菌群体的遗传结构进行了分析。以相似性系数为0.62阀值时,可将采集于广东省三大生态稻作区、早稻和晚稻生长季节的104个菌株划分为14个遗传宗谱;其中宗谱5和宗谱8的菌株数各占总数的25%,为优势宗谱;宗谱4和12的菌株数各占总数的14.4%和9.6%,为亚优势宗谱;其余的29个菌株,分别归属于其它10个宗谱,其中有5个宗谱是单菌株宗谱。本年度稻瘟病菌群体的遗传结构呈现明显的区域性特性:遗传结构呈由北向南多样化的趋势;各个稻作区甚或亚区有其特异性的宗谱。本年度稻瘟病菌群体的遗传结构也显示分明的生长季节特性:来源于早稻和晚稻生长季节的菌株完全分属于宗谱图的上下两个半区,彼此之间不存在共同的宗谱;而且后者的遗传宗谱要比前者的复杂、多样。研究还表明,虽然稻瘟病菌群体的遗传结构2000年度与1998-1999年度的比较存在较大的差异,但是两者仍然具有良好的相承性和可比性。如何进一步验证和把握稻瘟病菌群体的遗传结构所表现出的时空特性是值得我们进一步探讨的重要课题。  相似文献   
甜荞是异花授粉作物,自然界中的甜荞种质资源多存在生物学混杂现象。每份甜荞种质资源可以分化出若干份新的遗传资源类型,其遗传背景复杂。简化甜荞种质资源的遗传背景,准确描述新品种的亲子代关系和遗传背景一直是世界荞麦工作者面对的技术难题。甜荞种质资源的繁育需要采取隔离措施,实施过程中需要考虑甜荞花粉粒大小、甜荞授粉机制、访问昆虫种类以及种子量多少等。为解决上述问题,本研究建立了以隔离杂交圃、隔离单繁圃、隔离扩繁圃、隔离比较圃和田间试验圃的荞麦繁育新方法——"五圃法",以期开发出不同类型的新的荞麦资源,在育种中可针对性的配制强优势组合,为新品种选育提供种质材料。  相似文献   
Jin XiaoHua  Li Heng 《Brittonia》2007,59(3):243-244
Listera fugongensis, a new species from Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is probably related to Listera nipponica, but differs from it by having green flowers, petals slightly wider than lateral sepals, and a toothed lip with ciliate margins.  相似文献   
The underlying ionic mechanisms of ischemic-induced arrhythmia were studied by the computer simulation method. To approximate the real situation, ischemic cells were simulated by considering the three major component conditions of acute ischemia (elevated extracellular K(+) concentration, acidosis and anoxia) at the level of ionic currents and ionic concentrations, and a round ischemic zone was introduced into a homogeneous healthy sheet to avoid sharp angle of the ischemic tissue. The constructed models were solved using the operator splitting and adaptive time step methods, and the perturbation finite difference (PFD) scheme was first used to integrate the partial differential equations (PDEs) in the model. The numerical experiments showed that the action potential durations (APDs) of ischemic cells did not exhibited rate adaptation characteristic, resulting in flattening of the APD restitution curve. With reduction of sodium channel availability and long recovery of excitability, refractory period of the ischemic tissue was significantly prolonged, and could no longer be considered as same as APD. Slope of the conduction velocity (CV) restitution curve increased both in normal and ischemic region when pacing cycle length (PCL) was short, and refractory period dispersion increased with shortening of PCL as well. Therefore, dynamic changes of CV and dispersion of refractory period rather than APD were suggested to be the fundamental mechanisms of arrhythmia in regional ischemic myocardium.  相似文献   
A novel amperometric immunosensor for determination of human serum chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) was constructed by immobilization of HCG with titania sol-gel on a glassy carbon electrode and the direct electrochemistry of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) labeled to HCG antibody (HRP-anti-HCG). The morphologies of the HCG membrane were characterized to be chemically clean, porous and homogeneous. HRP-anti-HCG was functionally conjugated with the immobilized HCG after incubation in phosphate buffer (PBS) containing HRP-anti-HCG. A direct electron transfer of HRP with a rate constant of 1.35+/-0.40 s(-1) was observed at the HRP-anti-HCG-HCG/titania sol-gel membrane modified electrode in 0.1 M PBS pH 7.0. With a competitive mechanism the differential pulse voltammetric peak current of the immobilized HRP decreased linearly with an increasing HCG concentration from 2.5 to 12.5 mIU/ml in the incubation solution. The HCG immunosensor showed a detection limit of 1.4 mIU/ml, a good accuracy and acceptable precision and reproducibility with an intra-assay CV of 4.7% at 5.0 mIU/ml and an inter-assay precision of 8.1% obtained at 10 mIU/ml. The biosensor displayed a good stability in a storage period of 30 days.  相似文献   
人羊膜间充质干细胞(h AMSCs)具有自我增殖和多向分化潜能,有望为干细胞移植性治疗提供新来源,是病变组织器官损伤修复的理想种子细胞.但目前关于h AMSCs对肝损伤的修复机制仍不十分清楚.本研究采用胰蛋白酶-胶原酶消化法从羊膜组织中分离、纯化了间充质干细胞.免疫荧光检测表面标记波形丝蛋白(vimentin)和阶段特异表达抗原4(SSEA-4)均呈阳性.h AMSCs表达CD29、CD49d、CD73表面抗原,但不表达骨髓间充质表面抗原CD34、CD45和人类白细胞抗原DR位点(HLA-DR).实时定量PCR和Western印迹检测揭示,h AMSCs移植后可提高受损肝组织中肝细胞生长因子(HGF)和沉默信息调节因子1(SIRT-1)的表达,抑制α-平滑肌肌动蛋白(α-SMA)和周期性蛋白依赖性激酶抑制因子(P27kip1)的表达.因为上述蛋白质分子涉及肝细胞增殖、再生、凋亡调节,抑或肝纤维化过程,因此h AMSCs移植后所引起的上述分子表达变化可改善四氯化碳(CCL4)诱导的肝损伤,抑制肝细胞凋亡,促进肝细胞有丝分裂,对肝损伤有一定的修复作用.该研究为进一步探索调控肝再生、损伤修复信号通路(机制)及预防肝纤维化提供了新启示.  相似文献   
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