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Mathematical models are useful tools for studying and exploring biological conversion processes as well as microbial competition in biological treatment processes. A single‐species biofilm model was used to describe biofilm reactor operation at three different hydraulic retention times (HRT). The single‐species biofilm model was calibrated with sparse experimental data using the Monte Carlo filtering method. This calibrated single‐species biofilm model was then extended to a multi‐species model considering 10 different heterotrophic bacteria. The aim was to study microbial diversity in bulk phase biomass and biofilm, as well as the competition between suspended and attached biomass. At steady state and independently of the HRT, Monte Carlo simulations resulted only in one unique dominating bacterial species for suspended and attached biomass. The dominating bacterial species was determined by the highest specific substrate affinity (ratio of µ/KS). At a short HRT of 20 min, the structure of the microbial community in the bulk liquid was determined by biomass detached from the biofilm. At a long HRT of 8 h, both biofilm detachment and microbial growth in the bulk liquid influenced the microbial community distribution. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 1323–1332. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Forest cover change directly affects biodiversity, the global carbon budget, and ecosystem function. Within Latin American and the Caribbean region (LAC), many studies have documented extensive deforestation, but there are also many local studies reporting forest recovery. These contrasting dynamics have been largely attributed to demographic and socio‐economic change. For example, local population change due to migration can stimulate forest recovery, while the increasing global demand for food can drive agriculture expansion. However, as no analysis has simultaneously evaluated deforestation and reforestation from the municipal to continental scale, we lack a comprehensive assessment of the spatial distribution of these processes. We overcame this limitation by producing wall‐to‐wall, annual maps of change in woody vegetation and other land‐cover classes between 2001 and 2010 for each of the 16,050 municipalities in LAC, and we used nonparametric Random Forest regression analyses to determine which environmental or population variables best explained the variation in woody vegetation change. Woody vegetation change was dominated by deforestation (?541,835 km2), particularly in the moist forest, dry forest, and savannas/shrublands biomes in South America. Extensive areas also recovered woody vegetation (+362,430 km2), particularly in regions too dry or too steep for modern agriculture. Deforestation in moist forests tended to occur in lowland areas with low population density, but woody cover change was not related to municipality‐scale population change. These results emphasize the importance of quantitating deforestation and reforestation at multiple spatial scales and linking these changes with global drivers such as the global demand for food.  相似文献   
Resource availability can influence animal movement causing changes in home‐range size and arrangement between seasons. We investigated the influence of acuri palm (Attalea phalerata) on the occupancy of agouti Dasyprocta azare during both the dry and rainy seasons, as well as the abandonment probabilities in the transition between seasons in the Brazilian Pantanal. The agoutis occupied a high proportion of the forested areas in the rainy season (0.83), but the occupancy decreased in the dry season (0.39). In the rainy season, occupancy by agoutis was not correlated with acuri palm availability, while in the dry season, it was positively correlated with the palm's availability. The acuri palm availability also drove the agoutis' probability of site abandonment from the rainy to the dry season, with higher abandonment probability in sites with low acuri palm availability. These findings show that this large‐seeded palm can be an important resource for the agoutis' populations during the fruit‐scarcity period. The acuri palm seeds may be particularly important for agoutis using fragmented forests, given that the large‐seeded palms are able to persist even in small fragments, which is untrue for other important resource.  相似文献   
The growing importance of biocatalysis in the syntheses of enantiopure molecules results from the benefits of enzymes regarding selectivity and specificity of the reaction and ecological issues of the process. Ene‐reductases (ERs) from the old yellow enzyme family have received much attention in the last years. These flavo‐enzymes catalyze the trans‐specific reduction of activated C?C bonds, which is an important reaction in asymmetric synthesis, because up to two stereogenic centers can be created in one reaction. However, limitations of ERs described in the literature such as their moderate catalytic activity and their strong preference for NADPH promote the search for novel ERs with improved properties. In this study, we characterized nine novel ERs from cyanobacterial strains belonging to different taxonomic orders and habitats. ERs were identified with activities towards a broad spectrum of alkenes. The reduction of maleimide was catalyzed with activities of up to 35.5 U mg?1 using NADPH. Ketoisophorone and (R)‐carvone, which were converted to the highly valuable compounds (R)‐levodione and (2R,5R)‐dihydrocarvone, were reduced with reaction rates of up to 2.2 U mg?1 with NADPH. In contrast to other homologous ERs from the literature, NADH was accepted at moderate to high rates as well: Enzyme activities of up to 16.7 U mg?1 were obtained for maleimide and up to 1.3 U mg?1 for ketoisophorone and (R)‐carvone. Additionally, excellent stereoselectivities were achieved in the reduction of (R)‐carvone (97–99% de). In particular, AnabaenaER3 from Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413 and AcaryoER1 from Acaryochloris marina MBIC 11017 were identified as useful biocatalysts. Therefore, novel ERs from cyanobacteria with high catalytic efficiency were added to the toolbox for the asymmetric reduction of alkenes. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 1293–1301. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Biological control of bruchid beetles, Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), infesting cowpea seeds, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers (Fabaceae), can be performed via augmentative releases of Dinarmus basalis Rondani (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) parasitoid wasps. Females of the latter species are therefore likely to experience intense intraspecific competition: they should encounter numerous previously parasitized hosts but also conspecific competitors, with which they may fight to secure hosts on which to lay their eggs. Such contests might therefore disrupt biological control programs. Here, we studied aggressive behavior that D. basalis females show toward conspecific competitors and subsequent host exploitation strategies. We further investigated factors that classically affect contest intensity and outcomes in animals, such as the effect of ownership status, by manipulating the residency period before the intruder's arrival. In addition, we tested the effect of the size of female reproductive tissue (measured in terms of egg load) and the quality of the habitat previously experienced by females (either rich or poor in hosts). These two factors are expected to influence the value that females place on the host and therefore the costs they are willing to pay to win it. Finally, we discussed the consequences of agonistic behaviors on females' host exploitation strategies. Our results suggest that contest competition may actually enhance host control by favoring parasitoid dispersion, rather than disrupting it.  相似文献   
Differences in rhythmicity (relative variance in cycle period) among mammal, fish, and lizard feeding systems have been hypothesized to be associated with differences in their sensorimotor control systems. We tested this hypothesis by examining whether the locomotion of tachymetabolic tetrapods (birds and mammals) is more rhythmic than that of bradymetabolic tetrapods (lizards, alligators, turtles, salamanders). Species averages of intraindividual coefficients of variation in cycle period were compared while controlling for gait and substrate. Variance in locomotor cycle periods is significantly lower in tachymetabolic than in bradymetabolic animals for datasets that include treadmill locomotion, non‐treadmill locomotion, or both. When phylogenetic relationships are taken into account the pooled analyses remain significant, whereas the non‐treadmill and the treadmill analyses become nonsignificant. The co‐occurrence of relatively high rhythmicity in both feeding and locomotor systems of tachymetabolic tetrapods suggests that the anatomical substrate of rhythmicity is in the motor control system, not in the musculoskeletal components.  相似文献   
In the 1990s during wet seasons a new disease causing brown leaf spots on lettuce (Lactuca sativa) was found for the first time in many lettuce‐growing areas of Austria and Germany. The causal agent, a new pathogenic species called Septoria birgitae, may be responsible for total crop loss. To study how temperature, inoculum density and leaf wetness period influence disease incidence and severity of leaf spot on lettuce caused by S. birgitae, we carried out in vivo experiments in growth chambers and in the field. Additionally, we evaluated the relevance of infected plant debris acting as a primary inoculum source in soil for subsequent crops. S. birgitae produces spores over a wide temperature range between 5°C and 30°C, and can infect plants at temperatures between 10°C and 30°C, with an optimum between 20°C and 30°C. Spores of S. birgitae at a density of at least 103 conidia mL–1 are essential for disease outbreak on lettuce. Because leaf wetness is crucial for releasing conidia from pycnidia, we studied the impact of leaf wetness duration on disease development under various temperature conditions. For relevant leaf spot disease development on lettuce in vivo, a leaf wetness duration of at least 24 h and temperatures higher than 10°C were necessary. Leaf spot disease development in the field required several leaf wetness periods longer than 20 h at approximately 15°C at the beginning of crop cultivation. Incorporating S. birgitae infected plant debris in soil as a primary inoculum was not relevant for leaf spot disease outbreak in the next year. However, in cases of continuous cropping of lettuce on the same field and in the same season, Septoria‐infected lettuce debris may become more relevant.  相似文献   
In addition to their impact on natural habitats, invasive alien plants can have a significant negative effect on agricultural systems and cause economic losses. Flood‐irrigated orchards in the Mediterranean Basin are vulnerable to the invasion of alien weeds, primarily because of the traditional management practices used in the orchards, which are characterized by high soil moisture during the dry summer period, nutrient availability and high levels of disturbance. This study sought to determine whether their biological traits can explain the success of alien weed species. To answer this question, 408 floristic relevés were conducted in 136 flood‐irrigated orchards on the Plains of Lleida (Catalonia, NE of Spain). Richness and cover of native and alien weeds were compared. Furthermore, a set of biological traits were compared between successful and non‐successful weeds for the whole data and separately between native and alien weeds using logistic regression and classification trees. In flood‐irrigated orchards, alien species covered most of their area, even though the richness of alien species was lower than that of the native species. The most important species were C4 species with seeds dispersed by water, and on the other hand, rosulate and caespitose‐reptant hemicryptophytes with long flowering period. Most of these traits fitted with those of the invasive alien weeds, which were mostly C4 species with seeds dispersed by water. Perennial life form characterized successful native weeds. In this study, we discuss how the traditional management of flood irrigation in fruit‐tree orchards favours invasive alien weeds that have specific traits, acting as a reservoir for the spread of alien weeds into other crops and surrounding riparian habitats. We also propose changing management practices in order to avoid the selection of alien weeds and to promote native species.  相似文献   
Phytoplasmas are phloem‐inhabiting, cell wall‐less bacteria that cause numerous plant diseases worldwide. Plants infected by phytoplasmas often exhibit various symptoms indicative of hormonal imbalance. In this study, we investigated the effects of potato purple top (PPT) phytoplasma infection on gibberellin homeostasis in tomato plants. We found that PPT phytoplasma infection caused a significant reduction in endogenous levels of gibberellic acid (GA3). The decrease in GA3 content in diseased plants was correlated with down regulation of genes responsible for biosynthesis of bioactive GAs ( GA20ox1 and GA3ox1) and genes involved in formation of GA precursors [geranyl diphosphate synthase (GPS) and copalyldiphosphate synthase (CPS)]. Exogenous application of GA3 at 200 µmol L?1 was able to restore the GA content in infected plants to levels comparable to those in healthy controls, and to attenuate the characteristic ‘big bud’ symptoms induced by the phytoplasma. The interesting observation that PPT phytoplasma‐infected plants had prolonged low expression of key GA biosynthesis genes GA20ox1 and GA3ox1 under GA deficiency conditions led us to hypothesise that there was a diminished sensitivity of the GA metabolism feedback regulation, especially GA biosynthesis negative feedback regulation, in those affected plants, and such diminished sensitization in early stages of infection may represent a central element of the phytoplasma‐induced disruption of GA homeostasis and pathogenesis.  相似文献   
Metagenomic resources representing ruminal bacteria were screened for novel exocellulases using a robotic, high-throughput screening system, the novel CelEx-BR12 gene was identified and the predicted CelEx-BR12 protein was characterized. The CelEx-BR12 gene had an open reading frame (ORF) of 1140 base pairs that encoded a 380-amino-acid-protein with a predicted molecular mass of 41.8 kDa. The amino acid sequence was 83% identical to that of a family 5 glycosyl hydrolase from Prevotella ruminicola 23. Codon-optimized CelEx-BR12 was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified using Ni–NTA affinity chromatography. The Michaelis–Menten constant (Km value) and maximal reaction velocity (Vmax values) for exocellulase activity were 12.92 μM and 1.55 × 104 μmol min−1, respectively, and the enzyme was optimally active at pH 5.0 and 37 °C. Multifunctional activities were observed against fluorogenic and natural glycosides, such as 4-methylumbelliferyl-β-d-cellobioside (0.3 U mg−1), CMC (105.9 U mg−1), birch wood xylan (132.3 U mg−1), oat spelt xylan (67.9 U mg−1), and 2-hydroxyethyl-cellulose (26.3 U mg−1). Based on these findings, we believe that CelEx-BR12 is an efficient multifunctional enzyme as endocellulase/exocellulase/xylanase activities that may prove useful for biotechnological applications.  相似文献   
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